Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 924: Mine

As if thinking of something, Catherine chuckled and pointed to Karina's chest.

Karina rolled her eyes when she saw where Catherine's little finger was pointing.

With a helpless expression, she took Catherine's little hand and said, "Let's go! My Queen, I really don't know where your hobby came from. If the princess is still alive, I'm afraid I will have to blame me again."

"Mother concubine?"

Karina's words made Catherine interested.

While being pulled by Karina and walking out of the door, she said: "Sister Karina! Tell me about the mother and concubine."

Karina: "There is nothing to say, the princess's life is very monotonous."

Catherine: "Tell me, I want to know."

"Say yes, but the punishment will be cancelled."

Catherine: "Forget it, huh, I will punish you harder."

"...You witch!"

"It's the queen!"


"Hey! This is fine too."

When two figures, one large and one small, disappeared deep in the corridor, the words gradually disappeared.


Nansha Islands, Moygo Town.

Since the restoration of "communication", the fleet has come out of the "lost" cycle.

The town of Moygo was found, but the battle did not happen.

Because in the small town of Moygo, there are no enemies, no demons, no demons, and nothing. Under the exploration of the "Dragonfly Scouting Robot", the whole town of Moygo is empty.

The fleet has stayed in the small town of Moigo for nearly half a month, so the army has landed, digging three feet in the small town of Moigo, vowing to find the hidden devil.

The mist shrouded everything. In the hazy harbor, several warships docked on the pier.

One of them is the flagship "heavy cruiser" of the fleet.

In the bridge command room, on the wide captain's seat, Sakuya Duan in a black skirt was sitting, looking at a screen extending from the seat in front of him.

What is displayed on the screen is the message in the data terminal.

The restoration of the signal makes many things easier.

It is not just "communication" that benefits, it is a boon for any information-based equipment.

"General! We can't go on like this. We can't find it forever. Perhaps the devil in the small town of Moygo has been wiped out for some reason."

It took too long to find, and Yamada Jiro has run out of patience.

In the past half month, the army in the town had dug the town of Moigo three feet away, but still no trace of the devil was found.


In the hood, Sakuya was expressionless, and said indifferently: "There is no possibility. These tens of thousands of people can't say they will be gone without them. They are in the small town and I can feel them."

When the fleet arrived in the small town of Moigo, Sakiya felt a strong devilish breath in the town, and it gradually faded with time.

Half a month passed, although the devil's breath was close to nothing, Sakiya knew very well that somewhere in the town, the devil must still exist, they were just hidden.

In the helmet, Yamada Jiro was worried. He said with a slight worry: "Now the "communication" problem of the First Army has been solved, and an important step has been taken towards the era of "informatization". The First Army is bound to usher in With rapid development, the war in Bentley has re-started. Under the command of General Natasha, the situation is very good. It may not be much time before the end of the war, but in our south, Ogi, thousands of kilometers away. In the three overseas countries of Leah, General Tanya has already captured a country. Only we are still stuck in this small mire in the Nansha Islands, General! We can’t stay here for too long.”

Withdrawing her gaze from the screen in front of her, Sakiya said indifferently: "If you have done one thing, you can do another thing."

Some things are useless to worry about.

Sakuya knew very well that all she should do now is to complete the task well.

The current task is not completed, and all thinking is redundant.

"I understand! But we still have a city that hasn't been "cleared". In more than a month, the mission has only been half completed. In order to save time and complete the mission faster, should the fleet move on to clear the last town? The devil? In the small town of Moigo, we only need to leave a part of the troops to continue the search. In this way, we can save a lot of time, and the recovery of communication, even if there is a new situation in the small town of Moigo, we can also be timely Know."

Disperse forces?

This is not impossible.

If the task can be completed faster, this is what Sakiya wants to see.

However, there is one thing that Sakiya has to care about.

Sakiya was a little worried about the weird situation in the small town of Moigo.

Once a change occurs, the soldiers in the town will be very dangerous.

After a little hesitation, Sakiya did not make a decision immediately, but said: "We will discuss this matter again."


Now that General Sakiya has made a decision, Jiro Yamada as a subordinate can only obey.

"General! There is a request message from the city."

At this moment, the correspondent in the command room suddenly said.

Message in the city?

With a slightly upright expression, Sakuya said coldly, "What's the matter?"

"In the back mountain of the town, the soldiers found an abandoned mine and found a large number of corpses at the entrance of the mine. Because the corpses were piled up in the cave, it was difficult to clean up effectively. Sergeant Xinye asked for instructions to incinerate the mine. ."


Sakiya confirmed as he thought, "Is it a demonized person or a human corpse?"

"It's human! According to the report of the new sergeant, the corpses are still alive and there is no sign of demonization."

Living human corpses?

How is this possible?

Sakuya was a little confused.

It has been a long time since the devil appeared in the Nansha Islands. In such a long time, if it were a human corpse, it would have rotted long ago.

It is equally impossible to say that those humans "dead" only recently.

Because in the fog, it is impossible for ordinary humans to persist for too long.

A person with a will, it is impossible to hold on for a few months, at most ten days, and the mind will be affected by the devil's breath carried by the mist, thus becoming a "demonized person."

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