Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 925: Exploring the pothole

Moving slightly, Sakiya got up from the captain's seat.

He said at the same time: "Send Commander Xinye to suspend his actions, I want to see it myself."


Looking back at Yamada Jiro on his side, Sakiya said: "You will stay to preside over the overall situation. If I didn't guess, the mine might have a lot to do with the abnormality in the small town of Moigo."

Seeing that General Sakiya was about to commit the danger himself again, Yamada Jiro quickly said: "The general wants to know the situation in the cave. It is enough for the soldiers to investigate, so why take the risk and go to the filthy place?"

With a wave of his hand, Sakuya said coldly: "No need to say more, it's about the devil. I can rest assured by seeing it with my own eyes."

After speaking, Sakiya turned and walked to the command room.

Leaving from the flagship, landing at the dock, and escorted by a team of imperial warriors, Sakiya took an armored command vehicle into the small town of Moigo.

The fog covered everything, and the convoy was driving on the narrow streets, with nothing else except the dim and low buildings on both sides.

There is no danger. In this town, the First Army has already digged three feet, and apart from buildings and fog, there is no other dangerous things.

The road was unimpeded, and when the convoy drove through the low city cave again, a few minutes later, the destination arrived.

When Sakiya left the armored command vehicle, everything he saw in his eyes was the fog and many surging figures.

There is still a road ahead of the armored command vehicle, but the narrow road is blocked by armored vehicles and tsunami tanks. Of course, there are many surging white figures.


When Sakiya walked forward with a group of imperial warriors, the imperial warriors who had passed by on the side of the road quickly raised their military salute.

As I walked, the road under my feet became unknowingly messy, full of large and small rocks.

Looking ahead, you can already see the outline of the forest.

The mine was in the forest, and it was for the soldiers to find it.

When entering the forest, a figure ran over from the fog in front.

In front of Sakuya, he stopped, holding the military salute and hurriedly said: "General! The fourth-level sergeant "Xinye" will report to you."

"Talk as you walk!"


Turning around, Xinye led the way ahead.

"Are there any changes in the mine?"

Sakiya asked while walking.

Faced with General Sakiya’s question, Xinye immediately said, “No, there are too many corpses. Now only the mine has been cleaned out, but there are still countless corpses in the cave.”

Sakuya: "Can't enter?"

"Yes, but stepping on the corpse to enter the mine will affect your actions. Once a battle occurs, it will be inconvenient. If the general wants to explore the situation in the mine, it is best to clean the corpse first."

Sakiya understands Xinye's concerns.

The corpse is no better than the ground. In addition to physical reasons, there are also psychological factors.

After all, stepping on a corpse in a pile of corpses, anyone will feel "discomfort".

Entering the forest, there is a rocky road at your feet. Although the road is not very obvious, you can still see a trace.

Along the way, everyone was not alone, because there were soldiers not in the forest or on the road outside the forest.

Those war machines are enough to make people feel at ease.

I don't know how long it has been, but under the leadership of Xinye, a group of people came to an empty place, and the end of the road had been reached.

This is a clearing in the forest. The troops on the clearing are not to mention it. At the end of the road, it is a mine.

The entrance of the mine was excavated in a straight mountain wall, not big, and could only accommodate three people to enter side by side.

At this time, at the entrance of the mine, a large number of imperial warriors were busy, and they were in groups of two, lifting all kinds of corpses from the mine.

And in the open space on one side, the piled corpses had formed a small hill, the scene was unspeakably hideous and terrifying.

In front of the mine, watching the busy soldiers at the entrance of the mine, the group stopped.

At this time, Xinye said: "General! This mine should be used to mine sulfur, and it should have been abandoned for a long time. It can be seen from the rock at the entrance of the mine. According to the rock survey in the mine, this mine The hole is already very unstable and may collapse at any time."


In the hood, Sakiya was lost in thought.

The mine may collapse at any time. If there is a devil in the mine, then this devil is really stupid.

Because of the fragile mine, for everyone, it is a coffin.

Once the cave entrance is destroyed, no matter how powerful it is, I am afraid that it will only be trapped in the cave.

Is the devil so stupid?

Although the demons previously encountered in the two towns were only inferior, with "strength" but no "wisdom", but in such a small place, no matter how stupid the devil was, it was impossible to stay in such a place.

After thinking about it, Sakiya had an idea in her mind.

Looking at the busy soldiers at the entrance of the cave, Sakuya said to Xinye beside him: "Let them stop for a while and send a small group of soldiers to follow me into the cave."

Sakiya’s words shocked Xinye, and he quickly said: "General! This is too dangerous. If the mine collapses, even the general may be trapped in it, General! For your safety, leave it to us. ."

"I'm not so delicate yet, just follow the orders."

Sakiya's voice is full of no doubt.

Seeing General Sakiya so determined, Xinye could only obey.

With a slight expression on his face, Xin Ye said solemnly: "If this is the case, let your subordinates go with a general to walk around."

"Very good!"

While speaking, Sakiya stepped forward.

And Xin Ye behind him gave orders while following.

"Everyone withdrew from the pothole, waiting for orders outside, the third team, follow me into the hole."

With an order, the soldiers busy in the pothole quickly stopped their movements and left the pothole.

Outside, a small group of soldiers also came behind Xinye.

In the mist, everything is hazy.

Facing the deep hole, Sakiya did not hesitate, and the group of people entered the hole one after another.

The light disappeared, and the darkness fell immediately.

Amid a slight sound of "mechanical" operation, a little blue light appeared on the soldiers' helmets.

Facing the darkness, the soldiers turned on the night vision function of the helmet.

In the blue world, the fog seems thicker.

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