Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 929: Performance

In Li Meng's gaze, the mastermind remained silent.

When the topic comes to this issue, this is something the master doesn't want to face.

Because some things cannot be revealed, they are secrets, a secret that can only be hidden in the heart forever.

Although the master said that he would never ask about the origin of "it", the master knew very well that there was another meaning in the master's words, that is, at this moment, it still has one last chance to tell the "truth".

Silence, the pavilion fell into silence.

For a long time, looking at the silent mastermind, Li Meng waved his hand and said, "Fine! You can withdraw."

Obviously, the mastermind said "unwilling" and Li Meng did not want to persecute.

Although Li Meng wanted to know some things, Li Meng did not want to be too "forced."

"the host……"

Looking at the master, the master was hesitant to speak, but in the end the master still didn't say anything.

The blue light flickered, and the image in front of Li Meng disappeared.

From where the mastermind disappeared, Li Meng withdrew his gaze.

Li Meng lay back slightly, and Li Meng closed his eyes and slumbered.

Behind Li Meng, Wendy's movements continued.

She heard the conversation between the master brain and the master just now, and she heard it very clearly.

Wisdom brain is the main brain. Although not many people know it, Wendy, who often accompanies Li Meng, still knows.

Because the owner did not hide this point deliberately.

Although Wendy didn't hear anything from the words just now.

But Wendy could also feel that the conversation between the master and the master seemed very unpleasant.

Speaking slightly, Wendy whispered: "Master! If you feel too idle, go for a walk. Going to Bentley or Danlan Kingdom is also a relief."


Li Meng opened his eyes, seemingly interested in Wendy's words.

But in the end Li Meng gave up.

"It's not the time yet. Even if you want to go out to relax, you have to wait until the war between the two places is over. Going at this time will only leave them at ease.

This is also true.

Wendy said no more.


Time is passing, and in a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

During this week, a lot of things happened.

Especially in the Danlan Kingdom of the three overseas countries of Austria, a major event is about to happen.

The three overseas countries of Austria, Danlan Kingdom, port.

Early in the morning, amid the loud whistle, the fleet of the First Corps that had been anchored in the open sea slowly sailed into the port.

In the huge port, a spectacular scene also appeared.

With the help of wooden tugboats, huge warships lined up, waiting to enter the port.

For today's signing ceremony, Danlan Kingdom can be said to be fully prepared.

The originally busy port is empty, and all civilian ships have been ordered to go to sea in order to make enough space.

In the port, there is a Danlan Kingdom army waiting in line.

The number of this army is not large, there is only one square team, about a thousand people.

They have tasks and are guides.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the dock, troop carriers and amphibious landing ships have docked.

A large number of soldiers and armored units are continuously pouring from the cabin to the dock and towards the port.

For a time, the roar of the "engine" was deafening, and the dense figures continued.

This spectacular sight on the pier attracted the attention of soldiers from the Danlan Kingdom waiting in line at the port.

Their eyes are undoubtedly novel and shocking.

This time to go to the "Royal Palace" to sign an agreement, Tan Ya does not intend to be alone.

As the overlord country, the First Legion must of course show its powerful military power to its subject countries in order to frighten small hearts.

Of course, Tan Ya will not bring all the troops, only 10,000 people are enough.

The noisy movement lasted more than two hours on the dock.

After more than two hours, the 10,000 troops landed completely, and the dock gradually became quiet.

In the huge port, in a large enough open space, there are ten thousand people, five square formations lined up neatly, the densely packed and neatly straight figures, the huge war machinery, this scene, A glance is enough to shock people's hearts.

Looking at this shocking army beside him, the army of the Danlan Kingdom has long been in chaos.

They looked at each other secretly, peering at the army beside them.

The huge war machine, the soldier in silver-gray armor, all attracted their attention.

The chief officials in the port are even more conscientious, standing still waiting at a loss.


With a loud roar, the soldiers in the square team raised their hands in unison and saluted the walking black figure in front of the square team.

That figure is nothing but Tan Ya.

Without stopping, Tan Ya walked slowly in front of each team.

When the aisle was in midfield, a cold voice rang.

Looking at the huge army in front of him, Tan Ya said indifferently: "This time you are not going to fight, but to perform. It is to put pressure on others and pass my orders, so the weapons are opened for insurance.


With an order from Tan Ya, the soldiers unanimously opened the insurance for the guns in their hands.

In the huge port, there was a sudden sound of metal "collision".

This shocked the Danlan Kingdom army on the side, and the chief officials were even more sweaty and at a loss.

Since Tan Ya just spoke the language of the allies, people in this world could not understand it, and the chief officers did not know what the first legion meant.

Fortunately, there was no change in the army of the First Legion, which made the chief officers slightly relaxed.

Without saying more, Tan Ya said: "Ready to go."

Arriving in front of an armored command vehicle, Tan Ya stopped.

Tan Ya did not immediately enter the armored command vehicle, because she saw several people trotting toward this side.

"General! General! Please wait."

It was no one else who came from the trot, but the chief officials.

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