Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 930: Into town

In front of Tan Ya, they gasped and stopped.

Looking at the strangely-dressed general in front of him, one person said: "General! Although there are soldiers from the kingdom who are maintaining law and order on the way to the palace, there is no guarantee that some unsophisticated people will show up and do things that are uncomfortable. Please also ask the army to restrain your subordinates. Do not react too violently. I promise that if this happens, our soldiers will deal with it immediately."

The chief officers looked at Tan Ya expectantly.

Facing the gazes of the chief officials, Tan Ya calmly said to the chief officials’ request: “Everything is done according to the plan made before, and the first legion doesn’t care about some trivial matters. The First Army will perform its duties as the "Suzerain State."

Tan Ya's words made the chief officials show cold sweat, but at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said: "It should be, it should be, please rest assured, it will never happen."

"There is no best!"

With a cold snort, Tan Ya stepped forward and boarded the armored command vehicle.

When Tan Ya's body disappeared, the door of the command car was closed.

Looking at the beautiful big guy full of streamlined metal in front of them, the chief officials looked envious.

I don’t know what it feels like to sit in it, and I think of their cars. Those bloated and ugly cars parked not far away have a wave of disgust on their faces.

There are too many gaps, beauty is only one, the biggest is the industrial level.

A chief officer reminded: "Go! Time is almost up."

"Yes, yes, hurry up."

Several chief officers hurried to their army.

"Okay, stand up straight for me, and be more energetic, but I can't let others underestimate it."

Under the scolding of the chief officials, the soldiers of the Danlan Kingdom stood up straight, their expressions becoming serious.

The soldiers' response satisfied the chief officers.

A chief officer said loudly: "Go!"

After speaking, the chief officers ran to their respective cars.

The soldiers of the Danlan Kingdom that had formed a square group also started to set off, forming a column with seven people in a row, and walking in chaotic steps toward the city gate.

"set off!"

With an order, the ten thousand troops of the First Army also set off.

The engine was "roaring" and the footsteps were "crimping", thousands of figures stepped neatly, eight people in a row, imposingly following the Danlan Kingdom soldiers.

The sound of neat footsteps, every step of the foot, the earth seems to be trembling, and the sound of its footsteps makes people listen, and the heart is trembling.

The "unusual sound" behind them made the soldiers of the Danlan Kingdom in front of them couldn't help but look back.

When he saw the army behind him, the uniform pace, the sound of "clank" footsteps, the silent aura was like a mountain pressing against them, which made the soldiers of the Danlan Kingdom suddenly pale.

At the same time there is shame.

They quickly withdrew their sights, their chaotic footsteps seemed a lot more tidy.

Today's Melorca City is destined not to be an ordinary day.

The army entered through the north gate and moved towards the city as a long dragon.

Under the tall giant tree, on the street shrouded in the shadow of the canopy, the army of the First Legion marched forward neatly.

The "roaring" machinery, the uniform metal figure, the deafening footsteps, everything is shocking the hearts of the onlookers.

Looking at the army passing by on the street, the people watching on both sides of the road have long been silent.

The gigantic war machine, the neatly stepped metal figure, exuding aura, had already shocked the malicious people.

Regardless of whether there are other purposes in their minds, at this moment, the people on both sides of the street can only stare blankly at the army marching on the street, their eyes full of horror.

This is the first legion?

Just a march, exuding such great power, no wonder the royal family will compromise.

When horrified by the strength of the First Army, the people also slightly understood the royal family's "difficulties".

Although the distance from the north of the city to the palace in the center of the city is not long, it is nearly ten kilometers away.

On the main road, the long army is approaching the "Royal Palace" bit by bit.

In the front of the army, the huge armored command vehicle is guarded by four guardian tanks. One after the other, its huge metal body, coupled with the front row, is quite conspicuous.

In Tan Ya's army, there are four main types of armored units. The light armor is the "Bison" armed assault vehicle, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle, and the heavy armor is the Calamity self-propelled artillery and the Guardian tank.

In the army, although infantry is still the main force, in order to improve the mobility of the army, the vehicles are equipped with a lot of equipment.

However, today’s army’s entry into the city is mainly used for “performance”. Only heavy-armored units of the Calder self-propelled artillery and Guardian tanks were brought, and the lightly armored vehicles were only brought with a small number of “Bison” armed assault vehicles. It is used to transport senior sergeants.

The most prominent and conspicuous in the army is undoubtedly the Calamity self-propelled artillery located in the middle of the army. It is large enough to be the largest armored unit in the army under Tan Ya's command. The second is its power mode, the suspension mode of action. , The levitation engine jetting blue flames is undoubtedly the most peculiar existence for people in this world.

When they saw the Calamity self-propelled artillery, the civilians on both sides of the street were all amazed.

The outside scenery swept back slowly.

The soldiers maintaining law and order, the civilians with different faces, and Tan Ya sitting by the window saw them all.

However, although Tan Ya in the car looked outside, what Tan Ya was looking at was not the people on both sides of the street, but the towering trees in the city.

The noisy city, but the verdant forest, the two blended together perfectly.

This is rare and unexpected.

For the planners of this city, Tan Ya admired her in her heart.

"A beautiful city."

For the city of Melorka, Tan Ya gave out a voice of praise without hesitation.

This is what it deserves, what the city "Meloca" deserves.

Davis on the side could not deny what General Tanya said.

He just said indifferently: "It is indeed beautiful, but the extraordinary city is not as "prosperous" as it is on the surface. Under the beautiful surface is "poverty". In a sense, this country has already Fallen."

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