Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 932: Big gift

When Harandi led a group of ministers down the tower, the army on the main road also began to step into the square in front of the city gate.

The first to enter is of course the "leading" troops of the Danlan Kingdom, followed by the troops of the First Legion.

As the army entered, for a time, the huge square was suddenly filled with the sound of mechanical "roars" and the sound of uniform footsteps.

Thousands of steps cried together, and the earth seemed to be shaking.

The heroic posture of the soldiers of the First Corps has long looked at the people around the square.

They had to stay, because many things that the First Legion had had never seen them before.

For the unknown, they can only distinguish from the appearance.

But in terms of appearance, no weapons of any size in the First Army could be underestimated.

It took half an hour before the army on the main road completely entered the square.

On the huge square, the 10,000 troops of the First Corps lined up neatly into five squares.

When the soldiers are neatly lined up, when all the war machines are neatly arranged, when the silver-gray metal texture appears on the square, the army at this moment can be said to have gathered to the extreme.

At a glance, the densely packed figure standing straight, the huge and mighty war machine, just looking at it makes people feel insignificant.

Such a big scene, the square has long become silent.

Quiet, deadly quiet, the only sound is the rough sound from the people around the square.

In the square in front of the city gate, Harandi and the ministers had been waiting for a long time.

Facing the army on the square, the ministers' breathing had already become rapid, even Harandi was not surprised.

Sweeping across the huge square, looking at the silver-gray figure and the huge war machine.

In his heart, Harandi sighed slightly.

No wonder Karina is so keen to sign an agreement with the First Legion, presumably Karinan has seen the strength of the First Legion before that.

The powerful "engine" was roaring, and in the square, the huge armored command vehicle, under the guard of four Guardian tanks, circled the army.

When the circle was over, the five huge metal monsters stopped in front of the city gate under the gaze of the ministers of the Danlan Kingdom.

"The roar of the engine" is still roaring.


With the sound of metal spinning.

The door of the command car was opened.

A delicate black "iron shoe" stepped on the ground first.

She wears a black blood-stripe armor, a black cloak on her shoulders, and a black hood on her head. Her peculiar appearance makes everyone look at her.

Compared to her peculiarities, the five people behind her are much more normal.

It is no different from the soldiers on the square, a full-cover silver-gray armor.

This strange person is of course no one else, but Tanya.

With the five senior sergeants, Tan Ya got out of the car and walked towards the city gate.

How could the crowd in front of the city gate be ignored by Tan Ya.

Seeing the familiar figure approaching, Karina lowered her head slightly and said to Catherine on her side: "Your Majesty! Go."

The words of the person in the ear made Catherine's little face look straight.

He opened his mouth slightly, and spit out from that little mouth.

Immediately, she took a small step and headed toward the person who seemed terrible to her.

Looking at the brave little figure, Karina moved slightly to stand on the side.

Immediately, she clutched her chest and knelt on one knee.

On the other side, Harandi made the same move almost at the same time, holding his chest and knelt on one knee.

In front of the city gate, the ministers standing on both sides knelt down following the two figures in front of them.

This move was seen by the people around the square, and their expressions were complicated.

More eyes were on the little figure. She is their "king", the "king" of this kingdom, what will happen to her.

In that small figure, the people seemed to be expecting something.

But they will be disappointed.

In the eyes of everyone, Catherine's little figure knelt down in front of Tan Ya.

She clutched her chest, pressed her head, and knelt on one knee and a half, the crown on her head glowing brightly under the reflection of the sun.

She said in a slightly naive voice: "I, Catherine Regodas, the "queen" of the Danlan Kingdom, express my highest respect to the "king" of the First Legion."

This is the "king" of this country?

Looking at the tiny figure under her body, Tan Ya was surprised.

Although she had a little understanding of the situation in this country before this, and also knew that the "king" of the Danlan Kingdom is very young now, Tan Ya was still surprised when she saw "her" in person.

Looking at "she" on the ground, Tan Ya hesitated.

She is not the one who respects such a great salute. Although the First Army has no so-called "king", this "king" is undoubtedly the "master" as the highest commander.

In this case……

In the eyes of everyone, Tan Ya stretched out his right hand.

With a movement of his mind, the black power of death emerged from Tan Ya's body and gathered in his hands.

A black bloodmarked sword slowly formed in Tan Ya's hands.

It seems slow, but it's fast.

In just one breath, the big sword had been formed and was held back by Tan Ya.

The appearance of the weapon surprised those tens of thousands of eyes, and I don't know how it appeared.

When the surprise weapon appeared, more people were shocked.

This also includes Karina.

When Karina was ready to respond, Tan Ya held the big sword in both hands, the tip of the sword pointed to the ground, and pierced forcefully.


In the crack of the gravel, the big sword pierced into the ground and almost sank into most of the blade.

With both hands on the hilt, looking at Catherine who was kneeling on the ground, Tan Ya said coldly: "I, "Tan Ya", the general of the First Legion, on behalf of my master, accept your great gift, please!"

Tan Ya's actions were already spoken, and Karina in the rear was greatly relieved.

As soon as he finished speaking, the big sword in Tan Ya's hand instantly turned into a black death force and poured into his hand.

This peculiar scene happened to be seen by Catherine who was getting up.

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