Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 933: Banquet

She glanced at Tan Ya's hand curiously, and then at the cracks on the ground, her expression was quite surprised.

The suspicion lasted only a moment, and when Catherine got up, her expression had returned to normal.

Looking at the person in front of her, Catherine slightly bowed her chest and said: "General! Welcome you, come in with me."

Tan Ya didn't look back, but took a step forward and responded to Catherine with action.

Are they really cold people?

Glancing secretly in the dark hood, Catherine muttered to herself.

Although she muttered in her heart, Catherine's body was still very honest, and she quickly turned around and led the way.

At this time, as Catherine stood up from the ground, the ministers in front of the city gate also stood up.

They stood on both sides, leaving a passage.

Under the leadership of Catherine, the group entered the cave.

Behind them, the army on the square formed a sharp contrast.

In the city cave, following Harandy's side, Karina couldn't help but put her eyes on the general behind Queen Catherine.

Karina could clearly see the scene just now.

A delicate and sharp sword appeared in her hands out of thin air. What is the black energy and what kind of ability is it?

Doubt, at this moment, there is only doubt in Karina's heart.

As a martial artist, Karina spent a long time at the "Kyoto" Martial Artist Academy.

In the academy’s library, almost all the "abilities" in the world are recorded. As a martial artist, you should have an understanding of all kinds of abilities so that you can know yourself and the enemy. However, Karina does not know the abilities shown by the general Never seen before.

This made Karina had to be suspicious.

Moreover, the emergence of weapons is so incredible that people can't imagine the principle.

As the group entered the tower, they arrived at the meeting venue.

In the tower, a parliament that affects the kingdom's "national movement" is being held.

In this grand event, it was watched by everyone.

The content of the agreement, every item, every detail was broadcast to the entire Danlan Kingdom.

In some respects, Harandi is very thorough.

Knowing that there will be opposition in the kingdom, he held the signing ceremony of the agreement with great fanfare.

One of its purposes, of course, is to "declare" to people across the country.

Tell the people clearly that this is the royal family's choice, and it is also his choice, there is no room for maneuver.

From early in the morning until about three in the afternoon, the event came to an end.

At the negotiating table, each of the terms of the agreement has been made clear. In that agreement, Queen Catherine also signed her own name.

When the last stroke fell, the Danlan Kingdom became a subject of the "First Army" ever since.

The event is over.

Under the military order, the army on the square began to withdraw, returning from the original road and heading towards the port.

In Danlan Kingdom, in Melorka City, the First Army will build a military base.

However, the construction of the base takes time. After the construction of the military base is completed, it is the time for the First Army to formally station troops in the Danlan Kingdom.

Now, only under the impetus of time, a series of things can be completed.

After the event, amidst the "complex" sounds, the huge square gradually returned to calm.

What happened today is undoubtedly a day worthy of "memorial" for the civilians who have scattered.

This "commemoration", in the hearts of everyone, may be "good" or "bad".

But in any case, what happened today is of great significance to the entire Danlan Kingdom.

Night fell gradually.

In the darkness, the palace was brightly lit.

In the "Royal Palace", a grand banquet is going on.

In the huge hall of the king, a scene of singing and dancing.

The singing was echoing, and the dancers danced on the dance floor, twisting their beautiful postures.

The ministers gathered in twos and threes, talking and laughing while holding their glasses.

Only busy messengers were running around in the hall, sending "delicious" wines to the guests at the banquet.

In front of the throne on the stairs, there is a long and delicate table.

There were many places on the long table, but only four people were present at this time.

One is the queen of the Danlan Kingdom, the young Catherine, the other is the prime minister of the Danlan Kingdom "Harandi", and the royal clerk "Karina, the last of course is the general of the First Army" Tan elegant".

The table is steaming hot, the meat is fragrant, there are countless dishes, and there are dozens of dishes.

"Several adults! Please take a seat, today's banquet, the adults are the protagonists."

With a slight smile, Harandi invited as he looked at the five figures standing straight behind Tan Ya.

"Don't "control" them!"

Tan Yana's cold voice responded to Harandi's invitation.

At the deputy seat of the square table, Tan Ya sat upright, still in the "armor", and did not even take off the hood on her head.

Tan Ya's response made Harandi smile again, and said indifferently: "General! These dishes are not in the general's taste?"

Since she was on the table, Tan Ya hadn't moved the tableware in front of her, which was seen by the people on the table.

This makes them "guess" in their hearts.

What did they do wrong?

As if seeing what the three people were thinking on the table, the cold voice came from the hood again.

"Don't worry, our First Army has its own eating habits. Since I am here, there are some things that don't need to be explained."

If it is a normal banquet, Tan Ya will not attend, and invitations to others will be rejected as soon as possible.

But today is different. She should attend the invitation of King Danlan's royal family.

Now that she is here, it can be said that she has given enough face to the royal family.

Tanya's words undoubtedly made Harandi and Karina breathe a sigh of relief.

This can at least show that they have done nothing wrong.

Compared to the tension between the two, Catherine is heartless. She at the table has been eating her favorite food.

Although the food is considered "elegant", she is probably the only one who ate for the entire table.

However, after all, Catherine was still young, no one would care about it.

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