Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 936: debate

It was late at night.

Time passed quickly, unknowingly, another week passed.

During this week, the Danlan Kingdom was quite unstable.

For the "war of unity", two different voices appeared in the Danlan Kingdom.

One is the conservatives, who think it is too reluctant to start the war of reunification with the power of the Danlan Kingdom alone, and the other is the radicals, who think this is an opportunity.

The conservatives are mostly vassals outside, while the radicals are a group of civil servants represented by the "Prime Minister Harandy".

The royal family remained on the sidelines.

The ten days set by the First Legion were already very close, and the contradictions between the two different voices became more and more intense, and the quarrel became more intense.

When the Danlan Kingdom was arguing fiercely for the battle of unification, the First Army was not idle.

According to the treaty, the First Army sent a large number of technicians to detect the terrain of the cities of the Danlan Kingdom in order to prepare for the future infrastructure.

At the same time, the First Army also sent economists to understand the overall economic operation mode of the Danlan Kingdom.

With enough understanding, the First Army can better start to change the status quo of this country.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the port of Melorka, the flagship bridge command room.

In the large captain's seat, Tan Ya was focusing on the information on the screen in front of her.

In recent data terminals, data updates are getting faster and faster.

Tan Ya knows why.

The quantum signal tower in Qingcheng has already begun to operate. Although the Danlan Kingdom is far away from the signal range, it can still receive weak signals, but it is intermittent and cannot be used effectively.

Moreover, the Danlan Kingdom is not far from the signal coverage, only about 2,000 kilometers.

The closer you are to the signal range, the stronger the signal. Compared with the communication that took a lot of time before, everything is much simpler now.

"Is the location of the base determined?"

While looking at the screen in front of him, Tan Ya asked Davis who was not far away.

Hearing General Tanya’s question, Davis said: “No, there are two plans now. This requires the general’s attention.”

"Two? Tell me!"


Replied, Davis said: "First, the location of the base is chosen in the city. However, the buildings in Melorka are already dense enough. Since the base needs to include a large quantum signal tower, the area needs It is very large. If the site is located in the city, many buildings need to be demolished. The second plan is outside the city. There is a bay three kilometers east of Melorca City. The depth of the bay is about 30 meters. It is the site of a good port, and the First Army can build a military port here."

One is outside the city and the other is inside.

How to choose is not difficult, because both options are available, just to see who is more convenient.

"What do you think?"

Tanya passed the question to Davis.

Without thinking about it, Davis said, "The inside and outside of the city are the same, but the most important thing is the military port. Although the port of Melorca City is large enough, it is not a good place for warships to dock. Affecting the berthing of civilian ships, in the long run, building a military port outside the city can be done once and for all."

In this case, there is no need to think too much.

Speaking slightly, Tan Ya said: "Just as you said, just build a military port in that bay."


Davis responded.

"By the way, can their argument come to fruition?"

Tan Ya thought of the ministers of the Danlan Kingdom, especially the prime minister.

The plan given by the First Legion plunged the group into a quarrel.

I don't know if it's over now.

Davis said: "It's still arguing. I think the "little queen" needs to pay attention to this matter. The ten-day limit is already fast, and the prime minister's play should be over."

Of course it was acting. In the Danlan Kingdom, the prime minister was the one who "held the power", and more importantly, he was trusted by the royal family.

As the "leader" of the radicals, the final answer has actually appeared.

The reason for the "argument" is to show others.

This other person is the people of the Danlan Kingdom and also the vassals.

I was telling them that although the prime minister had great power, he did not cover the sky with one hand, because there was a "queen" above the prime minister.

With an indifferent expression, Tan Ya said coldly: "Let them act! The results come out, you will be responsible for the "assistance" matters, and see what they need."

Nodding lightly, Davis said: "Yes, I understand."

The result of the argument is beyond doubt, it is just a matter of time.

The ten-day limit is almost there, one day soon, or two days late, and the final answer will appear.


Melorka, in the courtyard of the back hill of the palace.

After noon, the busy Harandi hurried into the palace to meet with Queen Catherine.

In a secluded pavilion in the courtyard, three figures are looming.

"It's almost done. It's up to Her Majesty to end this argument. At the meeting tomorrow, Her Majesty will end this argument."

Looking at Catherine sitting on the wooden chair, Harandy said softly.

Catherine didn't speak, it was Karina beside her.

Looking at Harandi standing straight in the pavilion, Karina said straightly: "Prime Minister Harandi! Are you sure? Once Her Majesty the Queen has issued a general mobilization order, you can’t regret it.

Under the gaze of Karina and Catherine, Harandi nodded solemnly, and said solemnly: "This is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must grasp this opportunity."

With a light sigh, Karina said with worry: "I have limited knowledge of national issues, but the "decision" of the war worries me. Since the Prime Minister said this is a golden opportunity, the royal family only I can give it a go, everything is up to the Prime Minister."

Nodding solemnly, Harandi said straightly: "Leave it to me."

After speaking, Harandi said again: "I am relieved when I get the answer. The government is busy, so I will leave first."

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