Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 937: New barracks

Knowing that Harandy, who is in charge of the country's affairs, is busy with political affairs, Karina did not keep too much, and gestured to Catherine.

Catherine said softly, knowingly, "Uncle Harandy! Go slowly."

After clutching his chest and bowing to Catherine, Harandy retreated, turned and left the pavilion.

When Harandi's figure disappeared in the courtyard, Catherine looked up at Karina and asked curiously: "Sister Karina! Why did Uncle Harandi start a war? Isn't that killing many people? "

Catherine's words made Karina sigh slightly: "Yes! Many people will die."

Looking down at Catherine next to him, Karina said softly: "But the war between nations cannot tolerate mercy, and there is no need for too many reasons. In this era, weak nations will only become cannon fodder in the long river of history. To change the current situation of the Danlan Kingdom, you can’t just rely on the First Legion and learn to be self-reliant. Only in this way can you be recognized by the First Legion. If you don’t make progress, how can the First Legion value my Danlan Kingdom?"

After her words paused, Karina sighed: "So, we have to fight this war. This is for the future and for the Danlan Kingdom to have an indestructible foundation."


Catherine nodded seemingly.

Whether Catherine really understands the truth, this is what Karina doesn't know.

Her Majesty is still very young, and many things need to be learned and exercised one by one.

The road ahead is still long.

The clock is ticking……

One day passed again.

When the night fades and the light falls again, a new day has arrived.

In the early morning, before the morning fog had cleared, the bell in the palace had already rang.

On the throne of the king's hall, Catherine personally announced her decision to the ministers.

"Regarding the "War of Unification" decision, after I discussed with Prime Minister Harandi, the matter has come to an end."

After her words were paused, looking at the ministers of her Royal Highness, Catherine said in her childish voice: "In order for the Danlan Kingdom to have a better future, the unification war outside Austria must be done by Danlan. The kingdom starts. I announce that the Danlan Kingdom will immediately enter the pre-war general mobilization. The vassals of various regions are responsible for recruiting new soldiers, establishing new barracks, strengthening training, and reserve for the source of troops. The number of recruits in each city shall not be less than 10,000."

The naive words on the throne are a huge responsibility for the ministers.

Among the ministers of your Highness, there are happy and worried.

Especially the vassals who opposed the war, the expression is quite ugly.

Ten thousand recruits?

This is not an easy task. Recruiting 10,000 new recruits, except for the city of Melorca, can be said to be painful to any city.

"Dear Count! The recruits are up to you. Please be sure to complete the order given by Her Majesty the Queen. This war is about the "national destiny" of the Danlan Kingdom. If anyone delays the retreat, don't blame the "national law" for ruthlessness. ."

Turning to look at the line of vassals, Harandi in the palace said loudly.

This is a warning and a reminder.

Harandi’s words made all the vassals look at each other, and they had to bow their chests to Queen Catherine on the throne, and said in unison: "Please rest assured, your majesty, I will do my duty."

With a slight smile, Catherine was amused.

She waved her hand and said briskly: "Then you will work hard, counts."

What else can they say?

Can only stand on one side and remain silent.

Withdrawing her gaze from the vassals, Catherine looked at Harandi.

Speaking slightly, Catherine said, "Prince Harlandi, it's up to you to explain to the ministers."


Harandi responded with a breast-covering to Catherine on the throne.

Turning around, Harandi said to the ministers: "Dear ministers, the recruitment of recruits is just a pre-war preparation. In this united battle, our Danlan Kingdom is not alone because we have the support of the First Army behind us. , The First Army has promised to "assis" us and provide powerful weapons and equipment."

The words were paused, and Harandi said straightly: "So, we need the support of the people of the kingdom in this war, and the ministers should know what to do."

"My Prime Minister, please rest assured, let us leave the things to comfort the people."

A minister stood up and responded to Harandi.

"Yes! Please rest assured, Lord Prime Minister."

The ministers expressed their opinions.

Seeing this, Harandi nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very well, with the assistance of the ministers, I can also focus on the negotiation with the First Army."

Turning around, Harandi looked at the throne under the gaze of the ministers.

He bowed his chest to Catherine on the throne and said: "Your Majesty, the minister has finished talking."

"The prime minister has worked hard!"

With a slight expression, Catherine glanced around at His Royal Highness and his ministers, and said in a straightforward voice: "In matters of national affairs, ministers should not be careful. Those who have merit will not be treated badly by the royal family. The guilty will not be spared by the royal family. It's a good opportunity to make contributions, and whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your own efforts."

Of course Catherine couldn't speak these words.

However, as taught, Catherine would not be stage fright.

Although the voice is extremely naive, without a trace of majesty, the content of the words themselves can already make the ministers feel nervous.

"Well, let's end the meeting!"

The silence of the hall made Catherine waved boringly, and said at the same time.

Jumped off the throne, took Karina's hand, and walked to the dedicated corridor.

Karina had no choice but to nod to Harandi in the temple.

Harandi nodded clearly in response.

The court was over, and the officials left the king's hall with whispers.

Especially the vassals, after the council dispersed, they disappeared without saying a word.

The end of today's court meeting is also when they return to the fief.

However, this should have been a happy day, but the vassals were not happy.

Ten thousand recruits are too much pressure for a city with a population of less than one hundred thousand.

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