Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 938: Ambition

But they have to complete this task, because they know that war is inevitable.

During the war, when the law was the strictest, no one would want to touch the mold of the royal family.

Although the "king" is just a little girl, this does not prevent the royal family from exercising its rights.

Three days later, the port of Melorca City.

In a large warship docked on the pier, Harandi was negotiating with Davis.

In the past few days, Harandi has been quite busy, having traveled to and from the port no fewer than five times.

In consultation with the First Army, Harandi has made the best effort.

In a meeting room on the warship, Harandi was looking disappointed at the person sitting on the opposite side.

"My lord! Can't it be accommodating? The adults also know that the Danlan Kingdom is not rich, and the money in the treasury has never exceeded eight figures. How can I have enough money to buy a large number of equipment? Please think about it. Is there anything else? The way?"

Looking at Davis pleadingly, Harandi was making his last effort.


Davis seemed very embarrassed.

He understood very well: "I know the situation in your country. It is indeed a bit difficult for you to take cash. If you want to take physical mortgage, there is nothing very good in your country. As for the state-owned industries, according to the treaty , There is also a copy of the First Legion, and it cannot be used as a collateral. Of course, since the First Legion promised to assist the Danlan Kingdom to unify the outland of Austria, this is naturally not an empty talk, um... you let me think about it , See if there are other ways."

Under Harandish's gaze, Davis pretended to fall into thinking.

Davis has talked with this "master" many times.

Although from the first consultation, the First Army was able to come up with a good charter.

But Davis didn't do that, but was spending time with Harandi here.

The reason for this, of course, is because of "interests."

If the Danlan Kingdom starts a war, if it wins, it will definitely issue a war money.

As the Kingdom of Danlan was a vassal state of the First Army, the First Army would not be able to directly ask for money from the Danlan Kingdom for war money.

In this case, it is necessary to obtain "profits" through another method.

"Right! I have a solution."

Davis' sudden words stunned Harandi slightly.

This made Harandi overjoyed and hurriedly said, "My lord, please!"

Davis extended five fingers to Harandy.

In Harandi’s puzzled gaze, Davis said: "Loan! The First Legion can loan 5 billion coins to the Danlan Kingdom. These 5 billion coins are provided to the Danlan Kingdom in a weapon conversion method. Of course Although the Kingdom of Danlan is a vassal of the First Army Corps, it’s not possible to talk about friendship in a fair deal. Since it’s a loan, the interest is of course counted, so it’s calculated at 30% per annum."


This is a good way.

However, the annual interest rate is 30%, which makes Harandi quite distressed.

This is all money.

The larger the number, the more money.

With a bitter face, Harandi said in embarrassment: "My lord! Is this interest rate too high? I'm afraid the Danlan Kingdom can't afford it."

Davis is sympathetic to Harandy's embarrassment.

Although the annual interest rate of 30% is not very high, the pressure is still great for the Danlan Kingdom, which is not rich in its treasury. Even if the Danlan Kingdom can make a war fortune in subsequent wars, How much can you get?

After all, this outlying area of ​​Austria is not a rich place. The other two countries may be better than the Danlan Kingdom, but where can they be better?

After a moment of silence, in the eyes of Harlandi Naxiyi, Davis understood very well: "Well..., I was negligent, so let's do it, as a "subordinate country" of the First Army, this loan Just give your country a little discount, then the annual interest rate is 20%."

Twenty percent?

Hearing, Harandi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although in Harandi's view, 20% is still very high, but he also knows that no matter how low it is, the First Legion will probably not agree.

With a faint smile, Harandi thanked: "Thank you for your understanding. Just do what the adult said."

"Thanks no more, this is just a deal."

Harandi shook his head quickly and said, "No, no, it should be, it should be."

Davis: "Okay, don't say more about this. Since your country has "money", I don't know what equipment is needed? Of course, I can also make a list of weapons for you to choose."

Without thinking about it, Harandi said straightforwardly: "Guards, it is best to be the second-generation "Guards" and rifles. Although the Danlan Kingdom has the ability to make firearms, there are big problems in quality. This problem must not appear on the battlefield. There is a vast forest between Danlan Kingdom and the other two countries. There are no roads connected. Only guards can move freely in the forest. In this war, we need this "weapon". ."


Although there is no such weapon as a "guard" in the armaments of the First Army, it is not a problem to manufacture it under advanced industries.

After thinking for a moment, Davis said: "Both of these weapons can be provided by the First Army. I don't know how much is needed?"

How much is needed?

In his mind, Harandi secretly calculated.

If you want to unify the outland of Austria, Harandi needs no less than 150,000 troops in his budget.

This is still small, this is just the lowest number.

After all, the outland of Austria is vast, and if there are not enough troops, it will be constrained in dispatching.

To Davis, Harandi stretched out **** and said: "200,000, the expansion of the Danlan Kingdom will not be less than 200,000 troops."

Two hundred thousand?

This number surprised Davis slightly.

"Good fellow, the Danlan Kingdom has done its best this time, and it is full of ambition."

In his heart, Davis muttered to himself.

In the helmet, Davis looked downright and said: "Two hundred thousand? If it is this amount, five billion crystal coins can be a bit tight."

Yes, not enough, not enough, even if a few guards are equipped, it is still far away.

The second-generation guards are no more expensive than the first-generation guards.

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