Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 939: Seven billion

For an army of 200,000, the number of guards must be more than one thousand, so that the "guards" can exert the greatest effect. Without this number, the guards will not be able to exert their greatest power.

After all, there are 200,000 soldiers, all armed with no problem, but what about the subsequent consumption?

As soon as the artillery fires, the gold is two thousand two, and the battle for the unification of Ogeria's outer land cannot be ended in a short time.

How can five billion crystal coins be enough?

How could Harandi not understand this?

After thinking about it, Harlandi said, "How about seven billion dollars?"

For Davis, the higher the loan amount, the better, how could he refuse it.

"This is a trivial matter, seven billion is seven billion."

Davis's generosity made Harandi a little emotional.

Having confidence is easy to handle. The seven billion loan is given as soon as it is given. When will the Danlan Kingdom have this national strength?

Looking at Harandi, Davis said: "I will list a contract. Prime Minister Harandi will come again tomorrow. There are still some things that need to be explained."

Nodded, Harandi quickly said: "Okay, I must be there."

This concludes today's discussion.

After bidding farewell to Davis, Harandi left the warship.

When I stepped onto the pier and boarded the car waiting on the pier.

Looking at the huge warship from the window, Harandi looked a little dazed.

After many days of deliberation, we finally got a result today.

But Harandi didn't feel happy in his heart, but rather sad.

Seven billion, seven billion crystal coins, the Danlan Kingdom was founded for decades, and the total revenue of the treasury probably did not exceed seven billion, but today, he has left with a huge debt of seven billion. .

The pressure was so great that Harandy almost suffocated.

How can he be happy?

If you tell Karina and Catherine about this, you don't know what the look on the faces of the two will be.

Amid the "roar" of the engine, the bloated car "whoops" left, and gradually disappeared on the dock.

At this moment, Davis returned to the bridge command room after sending off Harandy.

"How are the discussions today?"

When Davis strode into the command room, Tan Ya's cold voice rang.

Standing not far from Tanya, Davis replied: "It's very smooth, with a loan of 7 billion and an annual interest rate of 20%. However, what he needs is a "guard" and guns. I have already agreed. Up."


After thinking about it, Tan Ya said: "It's not difficult to make a guard. You have to ask the "master" about this matter."

"That's true, after all, only the commander on "Al" can contact."

After a little pause, Davis continued: "General! In this war, the Danlan Kingdom can say that the whole country has been exhausted. Two hundred thousand troops, this is not a small capital."

With an indifferent expression, Tan Ya said coldly: "If they don't pay, how can they be rewarded. If they don't want to make progress, they can only become the most humble "subordinate nation" under the First Army. Some people still understand this truth."

At least the prime minister understood.

He is very smart, and he can be seen from a series of things before.

Looking at the empty port outside the window, in his hood, Tan Ya was lost in thought.

Although the First Army had a good start outside of Austria, it will take a long time before the end of the war.

However, in the ensuing war, the First Army could stay out of the way.

Of course, this is not to say that the First Army can leave the Danlan Kingdom alone. It is still necessary for the First Army to sit behind.

Because there is a possibility that once the Danlan Kingdom launches a war outside, the Dengsha Kingdom and the Yasi Kingdom may form an alliance to jointly resist or even counterattack the Danlan Kingdom.

After all, there is a covenant between the three countries, and the Danlan Kingdom has become a "subordinate state" of the First Legion. The covenant naturally does not exist, but the covenant between the Dengsha Kingdom and the Assi Kingdom has not been cancelled.

Under the covenant, the alliance between the two countries is a matter of course.

With the help of the First Legion, although the military strength of the Danlan Kingdom has been greatly increased, many ants can kill the statue. If the difference between the forces of the two sides is too large, the enemy's soldiers will not fear death. At this time, again Advanced and powerful weapons cannot defeat the "human" will.

In war, powerful weapons are only one of the necessary conditions for victory, and the most important thing is "people."

If this happens, it's time for the First Army to play.

For the outland of Austria, the First Army is bound to win, and no external factors can change the ultimate goal of the First Army.


The Outland of Austria in the south, Bentley in the east, surrounding the South China Sea, the First Army can be said to be quite active.

Although "active", the First Army has confidence.

In just over two months, the First Army has opened up the situation outside of Austria.

The "surrender" of the Danlan Kingdom was the top priority in the plan of the First Army.

The situation opened up, and this piece of fat, fragrant meat out of Austria will sooner or later enter the mouth of the First Army.

Now, I can only wait with peace of mind.

In Bentley, the defection of the revolutionaries was undoubtedly the last straw for the military government of Bentley.

Since the revolutionaries "announced" the uprising, in Bentley, the three capitals have been shrouded in war.

In the three capitals, the fighting between the revolutionaries and the military government has been going on for nearly a month.

Where the victorious Libra will fall is still unknown.

Bentley Country, Amway City, City Hall, Office.

"The situation of the three cities is a bit subtle. Of the three cities, only the revolutionaries in Opo Alon City have the absolute upper hand. They have occupied two-thirds of the city. The military government can only defend a corner of the northwestern suburbs. According to my estimation, , The battle in Opo Aron City will end in half a month."

After speaking slightly, looking at General Natasha behind his desk, Jevric continued: "Compared with the situation of the revolutionaries in Opo Alon, the situation in Marani is a bit more complicated. Although the offensive was fierce, there was a stalemate in the battle. In a few streets in the city, the two sides fought hard and no one could move forward."

"As for Voda City..., the battle is over."

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