Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 941: Limited capacity

"Charge! Attack and take the ground."

Amidst the roars, the soldiers on the southern forward position seized the opportunity. They rushed out of the position, crossed the crossroads, and rushed towards the northern forward position.

For a time, figures surging on the street, along with the charging soldiers, a series of "guards" marched heavily.


The muzzle of the black hole burst into flames from time to time, and artillery shells roared over the street and attacked the enemy's front.

The enemy's charge, the soldiers on the northern front line could not resist.

Before they recovered from the death of the "Guardian", the enemy had already rushed into the front.

After a brief confrontation, the northern forward position fell.

Today, the revolutionaries in Marani are one step closer to victory.

But it is not enough to win.

In the west of the city, the main building of the Ministry of Communications.

As the main control center of the communication line, the importance of the communication department is self-evident.

It can be said that once you control here.

All wired calls in the city can be monitored.

In wartime, this place is a must.

It is precisely because of this that the revolutionaries of Marani City chose to establish a temporary command center here.

In addition to monitoring the actions of the military government, it can also command the troops outside at any time.

"It failed. The revolutionaries in Voda City have failed. They didn't even have a chance to evacuate, so the troops have been wiped out. Only a few surviving people are fleeing from the "hunt."

In a temporary office, looking at Fierd behind the desk, he said with a gloomy expression on his face.

He sighed lightly and shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep voice: "This is my fault. I knew that their strength was not enough to make it happen, but I still agreed to their request."

He didn't think so for the self-blame of Lide.

With a slightly upright expression, he emphasized: "My lord! You are not at fault. They are too arrogant. Even if the adults do not agree, they will probably make their own decisions."

He waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "The matter is here, the dead are gone, don't say anything more, they have the "courage" to do what they should do, and it is enough to do this. ."


When it comes to these two words, his expression is a bit self-deprecating.

There are too few people with courage in the huge Bentley country.

If the entire Bentley country had one percent of people with courage, Bentley would not be what it is now.

After being silent for a while, Fei Lide looked at him behind the table and said: "Ricky! Is there any news from Captain Tyrgevan?"

Ricky shook his head and said: "No, since Tierge led his men to attack the mountain, the military government has been empty, and the enemy camp is deep. To avoid being encircled and annihilated, Tierge is now We should deal with the military government in the outskirts of the northwest."

He nodded lightly, and said with great effort: "I believe in Tirger's ability. There should be no problem breaking through. It has been a month. In my opinion, Tirger has no plans to break through."

"I think so too."

Ricky attached a channel.

One month is too long.

Marani City said it was big and not big, and it said it was not small.

The outskirts of the northwest are no more than ten miles away, and no one can be hidden in a palm-sized area.

Can't hide, and don't break through, there is only one possibility.

That is, a position was built on a ground in the suburbs to block the enemy behind the enemy.

"Let him go, if he makes trouble behind the enemy, the battle ahead will be easier."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fei Lid thought thoughtfully, as if thinking about something.

For a long time, I looked up at Ricky behind the table and said with great effort: "Now I care about Captain Messeger. Where can he go if he is not in the captain's mansion? As an army captain, if he can be caught, then Everything is easy."

Fei Lide understood that the desperate resistance of the military government in the city was due to Messeg.

If Captain Masegh can compromise, the soldiers of the military government in the city will surrender without hesitation.

For the soldiers, they only listen to the generals, and the generals only listen to the leaders of higher levels.

With a word from Captain Messag, the battle in Marani City can be quelled.

As if he could see what was in his mind, Ricky reminded: "My lord, don't think too much. Who is unclear about the situation in Bentley? The rebels, revolutionaries, plus the First Army, the military government does not have any Opportunity, adults understand this, and I understand, don’t the three commanders understand?"

With a cold expression, Ricky continued with a gloomy face: "No, they understand very well, but even if they understand, they will make the last dying struggle, leaving the last drop of blood they have. This is human nature, even if it fails. , Won’t make the winner feel better.”

The words are right, what Ricky understands, why didn't he understand it hard.

Fei Lide wanted to catch Messeg, not to make him compromise, but to put the knife on his neck and let him order his men to surrender. Only in this way could the casualties in this battle be reduced.

Rubbing his forehead, Lide was a little sad.

Captain Messegh didn't want to catch it, it could only be a luxury.

Instead of thinking about the things you wish for, it is better to focus on the things that are most worthy of attention right now.

Putting down his hand from his forehead, Lilid asked: "How is the situation in the city?"

Ricky replied: "Although the situation seems to be at a stalemate now! But our side has already gained the upper hand. As time goes by, our advantage will be greater. It has been a month since the enemy has not received ammunition supplies. The inventory in the barracks alone will not be able to support them for too long. Please rest assured, adults, three months is more than enough."

He shook his head and said in a solemn voice: "I am not worried about time. What I am most worried about now is Voda City. The revolutionary movement in Voda City has failed. The First Army should also know this. The Legion probably also knows that the revolutionary forces alone are not enough to capture Voda City. Therefore, the First Legion will definitely send heavy troops to attack Voda City. In the final war, I don’t know how many people will die."

Ricky fell silent when he heard the words of the hard work.

What Filid is worried about is exactly what he cares about.

The First Army is no better than the revolutionaries, and will not show mercy in every battle, and try to avoid unnecessary casualties.

In the battle against Voda City, the First Legion will surely tear down the walls of Voda City with powerful artillery.

And the battle in the city will also be bloody, because Commander Genov has an enmity with the First Legion, and has the cruelty of losing children.

Under the hatred, Voda City will be cast by Genov into a coffin full of dead bodies.

Thinking of that scene makes people feel shuddering.

But what can they do?

They can't do anything, the only thing they can do is to make Marani City bleed less.

For the two of them, this is the only thing they can do.

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