Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 942: The so-called popular support

Time is passing, one day has passed, two days have passed.

Bentley is also changing little by little.

The struggle of civil strife and the peeping of foreign enemies have plunged Bentley into conflict.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, and the cruel policy of the military government has already aroused popular anger.

The rebels, revolutionaries, their appearance is not without reason.

When a powerful enemy invades, the military government that loses popular support has already lost its greatest "capital."

Water can carry and overturn the boat. Everyone understands this truth, but not everyone cares about the so-called "people's mind".

People's hearts are changeable. Not everyone will follow the "rules". There are always some people who will do whatever they want without being "constrained" by anything.

Of course, such willful results often end in tragedy.


Nanlin Island, Qingcheng.

Unconsciously, time passed by quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the old year is about to pass, and in half a month, 348 years will usher in the new calendar.

Today, Qingcheng is as calm as ever, and changes little by little as usual.

Of course, there are also unusual things happening.

When the sun is high in the sky, just after noon, and the cold wind is blowing on the sea.

In the sea area southeast of Nanlin Island, a huge fleet appeared quietly, approaching Nanlin Island at high speed.

The sea is vast and boundless.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, the sea was rough and waves of several meters were rolled up.

On the turbulent sea, a white fleet is riding the wind and waves, undulating with the sea.

The huge steel body, like a large moving mountain, could not be shaken even by the waves.

On the towering bridge mast, a black flag fluttered in the wind.

The black flag is the flag of the First Army.

With white paint and black flags, this fleet is the one that completed the task of returning from the Nansha Islands to Sakiya.

Several days ago, as the devil statue was found, the cleaning of the last city became much easier.

It only took more than half a month to complete the task.

In the flagship's bridge command room, Sakiya was sitting in the wide captain's seat with her small figure.

She put her hands on the guards on both sides of the seat, her eyes from the hood looked out the window.

At the end of the sea horizon outside the window, a black line appeared.

That is Nanlin Island, that is a long and narrow coastline.

"finally come back!"

Sakiya sighed in her heart by everything she saw before her eyes.

Two months ago, she led a fleet to set off to the Nansha Islands to eliminate "pirates".

The sudden change of the situation and the appearance of the devil changed the mission.

During these two months, many things have happened.

But in the end, she completed the task.

It's just that the time spent makes her very dissatisfied.

The little Nansha Islands, the little devil's defective product, took her so long.

"General! After returning to the port, how will the two women arrange? Their injuries still need to be recuperated, especially the woman named "Clevville". She is so seriously injured that she has not yet woken up. If she stays in It will be inconvenient to recuperate on board."

In the command room, Yamada Jiro's voice suddenly rang.

Arran and Clive?

Had it not been for Yamada Jiro, Sakiya would have forgotten the two women.

After thinking about it, Sakuya had an idea, and said: "After the fleet enters the port, arrange vehicles to send them to the medical center in Qingcheng, where they can also get better treatment."

"Yes, I understand."

Speaking of this, Sakuya thought of Arran.

Clive's injury was too serious, the bones of her whole body were almost broken, and there was internal trauma. It would take several years for this kind of injury to be completely healed.

In Claver's body, the First Legion didn't want to ask for anything.

Moving slightly, Sakiya got up from the captain's seat.

"Look here."

After giving an exhortation to Yamada Jiro, Sakiya turned and walked towards the hatch that entered the lower deck.

Although Yamada Jiro had some doubts about the departure of General Sakiya, he did not intervene, but naturally took over the command.

After leaving the bridge command room, Sakiya came to the medical room on the ship.

"General! Why are you here?"

As soon as he stepped into the door of the medical room, a medical staff greeted Sakuya.

"Which room is Arran in?"

Sakuya asked.

Hearing Sakuya's question, the medical staff hurriedly said, "In Ward 3."

After getting the answer he wanted, Sakuya stepped forward to Ward 3.

The space in the ship is limited, and of course the infirmary is not too big.

There are fewer than ten wards, of course, there are many beds.

Once there are a large number of wounded in wartime, this small infirmary can also accommodate hundreds of wounded.

When she arrived at Ward No. 3, Sakuya did not go in immediately, but stopped at the inner window.

Looking into the room, there was a figure in the white ward.

She was wearing a white medical gown, sitting on the edge of the bed blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Sakiya couldn't see the look of that face at this time because it was facing her back.

After a short pause, Sakiya continued to walk forward.

Coming to the door of the ward, Sakuya pushed in.

The sound of the door being opened seemed to startle her. When she turned around and looked at the door, what she saw was Sakuya entering the ward.

With a black skirt and a hood, how could Arran not recognize this outfit.

It is the general of the First Army, General Sakiya.

Why is she here?

Yalan was a little puzzled.

In Aran's slightly puzzled gaze, Sakuya stopped at the head of the bed.

Looking at Yalan sitting next to the bed, Sakuya said: "Come with me! There is someone you should meet."

To see people?

Although she didn't know who she wanted to see, Yalan moved slightly to stand up.

Although the injuries on his body were not healed, he was able to move around without hindrance.

Nothing was said between the two. Seeing Yalan stood up, Sakiya led the way in front.

Where to go, Sakiya has a clear direction in her heart.

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