Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 946: Sakuya

Sakiya didn't know Chen Yan.

Sakiya was very concerned about this woman who suddenly appeared next to her master.

Although she could clearly feel the breath of the power of death in her body, Sakiya didn't know her identity.

At least it's not Shi Ji, Shi Ji's breath is very unique.

As Shihime, Sakuya couldn't tell how she was of her kind.

That woman?

After a little thought, Li Meng understood.

Retracting his gaze from the mountain, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "You said she, she is Chen Qi's daughter, she is a second-generation ghoul, how to put it, this little girl is capable of doing things, and she is beautiful. , Very likable, and has a very peculiar charm, which is fatal to men."

So, is it another romantic debt of your Highness?

With that said, Sakiya remembered it.

I remembered one point she had overlooked.

From that woman, there was indeed a breath of master, but it was very weak.

Thinking of this, Sakuya felt a little sad.

Tanya, Natasha, and even the new lady were willing to touch her, but she was the only one who hadn't touched her yet. Although Sakiya did not insist on this matter, she still cared a little.

I care about the thoughts in His Highness's heart, and care about her position in His Highness's mind.

Sakuya's silence, how Li Meng, as a person who came by, could not think.

Without saying much, Li Meng just used his forehead to face him with that beautiful face.

Rudely demanded from the rosy lips with his mouth.

In Sakuya's soft gaze, her eyes met and spoke.

The two embraced each other tighter, and they were able to clearly feel each other's existence.

After a long time, Li Meng let Sakiya go, and left from the ruddy lips.

Under Li Meng's gaze, Sakuya's face was flushed after a long time, and her eyes were shy.

This scene made Li Meng smile slightly, and once again bowed his head and dipped on the ruddy lips.

There was no explanation, no more words, Li Meng did not continue, but quietly hugged Sakiya, together with him, watching the beautiful scenery.

And Sakiya didn't say much, some things didn't need to be explained by words, and the actions could be made clear.

She has felt the heart of her Highness, and knowing this is enough for Sakuya.

She no longer wants to think about unnecessary things.

For a long time, Sakuya in Li Meng’s arms said softly: "Your Highness! The statue of the devil found in the small town of Moygo needs to be sealed by His Highness himself. Although our dead clan will not be affected, we can only enter the temple if human It's dangerous."

After speaking, Sakiya did not know where she was from, and took out the devil statue she put on her body.

Looking at the devil statue in Sakuya's hands in his arms, Li Meng's thoughts moved, and a pure spiritual force covered the devil statue.

Li Meng shook his head lightly, and Li Meng sighed, "This devil statue is really related to us. Some people want to get it but can't get it. We who didn't want it, but we got four statues inadvertently."

This fate is really interesting.

The process of obtaining these four statues by the First Legion was too simple.

Except for the devil statue in Sakuya's hand, the other three devil statues can be said to have been picked up without any difficulty in the process.

"Take it away! I will put it together with the other three statues later."


While responding softly, Sakiya put up the devil statue again.

After putting away the devil statue, Sakuya said softly: "Your Majesty! Humans seem to be very interested in the devil statue. They call it the "devil statue". In this mission, the heroes who are with us can pay for it. It’s not a small price."

Speaking of heroes, Li Meng thought of something.

In the previous mission information report, Sakiya's fleet rescued two heroes.

Before, the messenger of the Heroes Association had asked about this.

Although Li Meng did not receive the messenger, Wendy, who received the messenger of the Heroes Association, told Li Meng everything.

"By the way, how did you arrange the two heroes? Now that the Heroes’ Association and the First Army have no conflicts, the Heroes’ Association owes a favor, which is also a benefit to our First Army. "thing."

His Royal Highness's inquiry reminded Sakuya of the two daughters, Arran and Clive.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya said softly: "When I left the port, I had ordered someone to send them to the medical center in Qingcheng. By now, they should have arrived in Qingcheng."

Hearing this, Li Meng felt relieved.

Speaking of those two heroes, Li Meng knew him.

The Heroes' Association made its first mission to the First Army, and it was the two of them who served as the envoys.

Today, they have returned to "Qingcheng" due to injuries.

Isn't this a kind of fate?

On top of the statue, the two embraced quietly.

It wasn't until the sunset that the two embracing figures disappeared.

With Sakuya, Li Meng descended from the sky and fluttered into the courtyard.

As they were when they left, many members of the guards waited in place in the courtyard.

Released his hand from the waist that was squeezed, Li Meng said softly: "Go! Put the devil statue away, and then go to the sleeping hall to find me."


Sakiya replied softly and walked away lightly.

And Li Meng, then left the courtyard.

The temple is divided into outer hall and inner hall, and of course Li Meng is very familiar with this "home".

Back to the inner hall, before entering the sleeping hall, Li Meng first went to the side hall.

In the bedroom of the side hall, that little figure is still asleep.

There was no sound, everything in the room seemed to fall into stillness.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Li Meng quietly looked at the little man on the bed, and couldn't help but caress the white face with his right hand.

It seems to be an illusion. The little person on the bed seems to have grown a lot, the black hair is longer, and the pair of small buns on her chest are also bigger. The white dress on her body also grows up. , Become very tight.

"Really grown up."

When I shifted my sight, I looked at her leg.

There was a hole in the white stockings on that little foot.

Mu Ling was already thirteen years old, and when she was growing up, her dress no longer suited her.

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