Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 947: Heart disease

Seeing the person on the bed, Li Meng smiled helplessly, so he stretched out his hand and took the little person into his arms and placed it on his lap.

To Mu Ling in his arms, Li Meng lifted his hands, unbuttoned his dress, and took off the tight stockings.

When the white dress was taken off by Li Meng from Mu Ling, the little white body was revealed in Li Meng's eyes.

For this small body, Li Meng could say that he knew better than Mu Ling himself.

Looking at the white body in his arms, Li Meng had only "caring" in his eyes.

The movement in his hands did not stop, until Li Meng stopped when his delicate body was invisible.

Holding the bare body in his arms, Li Meng put Mu Ling back on the bed again.

Pulled over the thin silk blanket, covered the white body.

After finishing all this, he reached out and stroked the white face, Li Meng got up and left.

Li Muling, this is Li Meng’s name for her. The encounter with her, although there is compassion, is more of fate. This fate is not just because of the "face", maybe there is, but By now, everything is not important anymore.

The only important thing is that she is his "sister", just these two words are enough to make him give everything.

"After the First Army stabilizes, let's go to Leo Island."

Leaving from the side hall and walking in the corridor, Li Meng thought secretly.

Mu Ling's illness has always been a "heart disease" for Li Meng. If it is not resolved, Li Meng is always worried.

Although Li Meng had cast a sleeping spell on Mu Ling, the power of magic was not omnipotent. Sooner or later, the power of the sleeping spell would slowly weaken.

At that time, Mu Ling would wake up again.

Moreover, Li Meng is also skeptical of the effect of the Sleeping Curse.

Observing Mu Ling for a long time, Li Meng found that although the Sleeping Curse could indeed plunge Mu Ling’s consciousness into a deep sleep, this deep sleep was not stable. Occasionally, Mu Ling’s soul would fluctuate sharply, although it continued. There was only a moment, but the fluctuation in this moment was enough to show that the power of Maleficent had not reached the level that satisfied Li Meng.

Li Meng knew very well that Mu Ling's soul was extraordinary, tough and powerful, and there seemed to be something hidden, even Li Meng, who knew very well about the soul, could not analyze it.

This world is too mysterious, even today's "Li Meng" dare not say that he is already at the top in terms of soul.

Walking, walking, along the corridor, Li Meng came to the door of the bedroom.

When Li Meng was about to push the door in, he found that the door was open, leaving a small gap.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Meng understood that Sakuya must have come.

It seems that he stayed in the partial hall for a long time.

Gently pushing the door open, Li Meng entered the bedroom.

There was no one in the hall.

However, Li Meng heard the sound of water.

The sound of water came from the direction of the bathroom.

Then again, Sakuya seems to have a habit of cleanliness and is quite diligent in taking a bath.

Even if he became a corpse girl, this has not changed.

Although Sakuya was with him tonight, Li Meng had no extra thoughts in his mind.

However, Li Meng was also happy to see Sakuya's initiative.

On the sofa in the hall, Li Meng sat down and waited quietly.

The sound of water in his ear made Li Meng feel uneasy, and he unconsciously thought of the beauty of Sakuya in the bathroom.

With a slight stunned expression, Li Meng laughed blankly.

Unexpectedly, he still has such an "impulsion" now.

However, Li Meng is not ashamed of the thoughts in his heart.

After all, in the life he remembered, he was only a teenager in his twenties.

Not to mention the body, the mind is equally upright and youthful. This kind of instinctive impulse cannot be dispelled by the strength of the soul.

Therefore, Li Meng took it lightly and didn't think that was anything wrong.

This is just the commotion of youth.

"Your Highness!"

Sakuya didn't make Li Meng wait long.

When Sakuya walked out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel, the "His Royal Highness" made Li Meng look for his reputation.

At this look, Li Meng was suddenly surprised.

Wrapped in the white bath towel, Sakiya's full body can't be concealed at all, and the pure whiteness just exposed is a feast for the eyes.

Her silver hair is naturally draped behind her shoulders. When it is tied up, Sakiya’s hair looks very short, reaching only the shoulders, but when put down, Sakiya’s hair is not short, although it is not as short as the waist, but Not much difference.

She walked out of the bathroom just now, her silvery head was crystal clear, with water drops on it, which was simply a picture of a lotus in the water.

As she walked into the hall, while wiping the water stains on her hair with a towel, she looked at His Royal Highness on the sofa.

Seeing the petite Sakuya, Li Meng's heart moved.

With a slight smile, Li Meng patted his leg and said softly: "Come here!"

His Highness's motion, how could Sakuya not understand?

How can she refuse.

I had to step slowly and came to the front of His Royal Highness, and her petite figure naturally fell into Li Meng's arms.

With a tender body, Li Meng took a big breath in the wet hair.

After grabbing the towel in Sakuya's hand, Li Meng gently wiped Sakuya's wet silver hair.

Sitting quietly on His Royal Highness's lap, enjoying His Royal Highness's "service", Sakuya's expression was dazed, dumbfounded, a little shyness appeared on that face, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

Speaking slightly, she murmured: "Your Highness!"

Although the voice was small, it was still heard by Li Meng.


Li Meng responded to Sakuya, the movement in his hand continued.

On the large sofa, the two close together looked very warm at this moment.

But at this moment, under the silver hair, that beautiful face showed a strange color.

There are hesitations and doubts, but more resolute.

She raised her head, her beautiful face facing the person in front of her.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing the beautiful face close at hand, Li Meng smiled lightly, his face full of doting.

Sakiya's heart trembled even more with that petting look.

Her expression became cold, and suddenly she stretched out her white hands and pressed Li Meng's shoulders.

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