Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 948: Crazy Sakuya

Sakiya's sudden move made Li Meng unresponsive for a while, and under his strength, Sakiya was pressed on the sofa.

And Sakiya took advantage of the situation, straddling him, pressing him on the sofa and unable to move.

"Sakuya! You are..."

The strength on his shoulders was great, and the voice stopped abruptly when the doubtful words on his mouth were not finished.

Because he saw the crazy color on Sakuya's face, the coldness in his eyes was something he had never seen before.

Although her eyes were cold, she was in tears.

The warm tears fell on his chest drop by drop.

She stared at Li Meng in a daze, and in tears, she muttered to herself: "Obviously, I am the first one to appear next to you. Why? Why is I alone? This is unfair and unfair. "

Sakuya's face suddenly showed a crazy look, she stared at Li Meng firmly, the "desire" in her eyes, even Li Meng could not help but feel her heart trembling.

Sakuya at this time was something Li Meng had never seen before.

It's like a hungry wolf, longing for food, and this food is him.

"You are mine, your Highness is mine, and the master can only be mine."

She murmured to herself, uttering word by word.


While talking, she began to tear Li Meng's clothes.

The thin black clothes on Li Meng's body were torn into a pile of tatters after only a few seconds.

Li Meng's body was no longer obstructed, and Sakuya became even more crazy.

His eyes seemed to be congested, becoming extremely crazy and excited.

Li Meng abnormally did not respond to Sakuya's abnormality.

It seemed that he was really bound by Sakuya, unable to move.

He just stared blankly at the crazy Sakiya on him, it seemed that Sakiya's unusual expression was frightened.


There was a harsh tearing sound.

Sakuya tore the yukata on her body.

The plump twin peaks and the white body were exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

The scenery in front of him immediately made Li Meng react.

This kind of "reaction" was a stimulus for Sakuya after the madness.

She seemed to have found the target and pressed down heavily.


The touch at that moment made Li Meng take a breath.

After the air-conditioning, I enjoyed it.

Seeing the crazy Sakuya on him, Li Meng felt helpless and sighed deeply.

He knew that Sakuya had a grievance in his heart.

The resentment in her heart caused her mental abnormality.

In the past, the main brain always said that the superpower troops of the Rising Sun Empire were not normal guys. Although they were strong, they were not easy to control.

But Sakuya's always-behaved behavior made Li Meng ignore this.

He originally wanted to treat Sakiya in a better way, but he didn't know it, but Sakiya misunderstood.

Think about it too, this one of the faults, Li Meng has to bear most of the responsibility.

This woman's grievances are not easy to calm down.

Tonight is destined to be long.

Li Meng has forgotten how long it lasted.

He only knew that at the end, he was aroused by Sakiya's madness, and he was venting frantically against the guest and Sakiya.

In the hall, bedroom, bathroom, there were traces of the two men's madness.

At first, Sakuya was full of energy and focused on Li Meng, but during Li Meng's attack, she woke up from madness, and then she stubbornly resisted Li Meng's attack.

It was not until the end that Li Meng broke through Sakuya's last line of defense and fell asleep in the bedroom.

In the next few days, Li Meng and Sakuya lived such ridiculous lives.

A new day has come.

The long night is gone, and a new day has ushered in the recovery of everything.

In the early morning, the mist shrouded everything, making the forest hazy, like a fairyland.

At this moment of recovery, most people in Qingcheng are still asleep.

At this time, the huge temple was also in seclusion.

In the inner hall, in front of the master's bedroom, Wendy in a black dress gently pushed open the door.

She stepped in, walked across the hall, and came to the bedroom.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, on the large bed, all she saw were the two embracing.

General Sakiya wears a thin silk pajamas, and the perfect curve and white figure are perfectly displayed.

Especially the round buttocks exudes infinite scenery.

She just pressed her master sideways and fell asleep in her master's arms.

Wendy's face was calm for everything she saw.

She just whispered softly: "Master!"

The sound of the sound awakened Sakuya in Li Meng's arms.

The closed eyes opened.

The dazed color in the black pupil passed by in a flash.

Leaving from the nostalgic embrace, Sakiya sat up lazily on the soft bed.

Although it has a disheveled hair, the silky hair flows down with the trend, set off by the perfect curve, so that Sakuya at this moment shows a kind of lazy beauty.

Seeing Sakuya who is full of style on the bed, even Wendy feels jealous at this moment.

I am jealous of General Sakiya's beauty, and I am also jealous of General Sakiya's love of his master.

Speaking slightly, looking at Wendy blankly, Sakiya said lazily: "What's the matter?"

Although the master did not wake up, General Sakiya asked, Wendy could only truthfully say: "It's about the "Swamp Ruins" Resistance Army."

Rebels in the ruins of the swamp?

After thinking about it, Sakiya knew who Wendy was talking about.

The Rebel in the ruins of the swamp had a lot of relationship with the First Army.

Their "instructor" is still his fiancee.

After the first arms trade with the "Resistance Army", there has been no news of them in the past few months.

Unexpectedly, they appeared again today.

"Why do ordinary arms deals need to alarm the owner? Just ask a sergeant to deal with it."

Sakiya didn't care about the resistance army in the ruins of the swamp.

If the First Army still cared about the benefits in the ruins of the swamp, it was also very optimistic about the future of the resistance army.

But the First Army is developing too fast, and the rebel army is still standing in place. How can the current First Army see it?

Wendy was a little embarrassed, so she could only continue: "Their instructor is the master's fiancée after all, and they came to Nanlin Island this time for a big picture, and they specified to see the "master"."

"Will that "instructor" come?"

Sakuya asked.

Wendy shook her head slightly and said, "No."


With a cold snort, Sakuya said in a very displeased manner: "His Royal Highness can't be seen by everyone, don't you have any sense of this matter?"

At the end, Sakuya began to teach Wendy.

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