Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 949: letter

"Yes! I know what to do."

With her head down, Wendy responded softly.

Wendy dared not be dissatisfied with Sakuya's lesson.

She hesitated, but in the end she couldn't make up her mind and had to report to the master.

Since General Sakiya said so, she could only follow the order.

With a light wave of his hand, Sakuya said: "Go! I will tell your Royal Highness about this."


With a soft response, Wendy stepped back gently.

When Wendy left, Sakiya turned her head and looked at His Royal Highness beside her.

At this look, Sakuya realized that His Highness was awake and was looking at her with his eyes open.

Speaking slightly, Sakiya whispered: "Your Highness! You heard Wendy's words just now, right?"

"heard it!"

There was no denial, but Li Meng admitted honestly.

Sakiya asked, "Did Sakiya do the right thing?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng shook his head and said, "This question is not important now."


Sakuya was puzzled and puzzled.

Without saying much, Li Meng grabbed Sakuya, pressed her onto the bed again, and pressed her on the snow-white soft body.

Looking at Sakuya below him, Li Mengxie smiled and said cheerfully: "Let's take care of your Royal Highness's private affairs first."

After speaking, Li Meng printed on the rosy lips.

Let alone the next thing, the huge bedroom exudes a warm breath, accompanied by that Ruoyouruuowu moan.

After some passion, Li Meng left the bedroom with Sakiya contentedly.

In the past few days, Li Meng has been staying in the temple and mingling with Sakuya, the two can be said to be inseparable.

Life was a little ridiculous, but Li Meng didn't care.

There are not many such days, and Li Meng will not refuse to enjoy it.

Some people often say that life is alive, but a hundred years, why not enjoy it when you can enjoy it.

For Li Meng, his life is more than a hundred years. In this case, he needs to enjoy it even more.

Of course, enjoyment is enjoyment, and you can't forget the business.

Absurdity is okay for a while, but not absurd.

The First Legion has a lot of business, and can't leave his parent.

The relaxation of these few days not only calmed Sakuya's resentment, but also let Li Meng release his body and mind.

Although it is a ridiculous day, it is not useless. The effect is still very obvious and great.

As usual, Li Meng came to his office, in that courtyard, in that pavilion.

Sitting on the large seat, Li Meng picked up the palm computer on the stone table and scanned the information of the past few days.

During these few days of being together with Sakuya, Li Meng let go of everything in his hands.

After all, Sakiya is too tempting.

That kind of youthfulness, that kind of charm, that kind of impulse from deep in his heart, can make Li Meng have endless aftertaste.

If Chen Yan's charm comes from her wildness and tricks.

Sakiya's charm comes purely from the fusion between the bodies.

In Sakuya's body, Li Meng can be said to have enjoyed an extraordinary experience. The feeling is unexplainable, not only from physical pleasure, but also from the throbbing deep in the soul.

While Li Meng was busy reading the new information in the data terminal, Sakuya sat down on the stone bench beside her. She sat quietly, watching her busy Highness quietly.

The time in the gazebo passed little by little in the silence.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a quarter of an hour, or maybe an hour. With the sound of slight footsteps, Wendy in a black dress entered the pavilion.

Wendy's arrival made Li Meng slightly away from his palm computer.

However, he only glanced at the slender figure, and Li Meng continued to look at the palm computer.

Wendy naturally stood by Li Meng's side, keeping quiet.

While looking at the updated data in the data terminal in the last few days, Li Meng said: "In the past few months, the First Army has not paid much attention to the situation of the marsh ruins, and I don't know how the girl's resistance has developed. Who are they?"

In response to the owner's question, Wendy replied softly: "There are three people, Ma Donglin, Shu Dongdong, and Zhou Yibao. They are all important members of the resistance army. As for the development..., it seems that there is not much change."

no change?

Although Li Meng was a little surprised by the slow development of the Resistance, he was also expected.

The Resistance Army is not the First Army, and the inherent conditions are far too poor.

For the First Army, half a year is long enough, but for the Resistance Army, this time will not allow them to do anything.

Sakiya continued: "Although I don't know the specific situation, according to our understanding, the recent behavior of the Kyoto rebels is somewhat abnormal, maybe there is some big action."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wendy took out a letter from nowhere.

"Master! This is a letter from "Kyoto", brought by the rebels."

Letter from Kyoto?

Putting down the palm computer in his hand, Li Meng accepted the letter in Wendy's hand.

who can that be?

Looking at the letter in his hand, Li Meng thought to himself.

In Kyoto, there are only so few people who have a relationship with the First Army and him.

I can't think of a reason, Li Meng opened the letter.

So it was him...

The content of the letter made Li Meng clear.

"His Royal Highness! What did the letter say?"

Sakuya who was on the side leaned over and asked very curiously.

The changing look on His Royal Highness's face made Sakiya very curious.

Putting the letter back into the envelope, Li Meng shook his head lightly, and said with a wry smile: "It's a debt owed, someone urged me to pay it back."


Sakuya became more confused.

Faced with that curious gaze, Li Meng explained, "This is the debt I owed in Dirty Valley. At that time, you had not yet come to me. When the power of mind was awakened, there was a girl. It was unexpectedly affected, causing a shock to the spirit and a major change in temperament."

Speaking of this, Li Meng sighed slightly: "I owe her this debt, so I should pay it back."

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