Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 956: Be a villain

No one can find him, even if someone comes oncoming, they will pass through his body.

Li Meng in the spiritual state is intangible and will not have any connection with the material world.

Although this form is not invincible, energy attacks can cause damage to Li Meng.

However, if the enemy cannot be found, how can it cause damage to the enemy?

The patient in the white medical gown, the nurse in a hurry, holding the palm computer, watching the doctor while muttering, this is what Li Meng saw in the aisle.

In the early morning, the huge hospital has become lively

The hospital is closed, and the air is pure enough. Therefore, the doctors from Al are not wearing protective clothing.

However, although there is no need to worry about being attacked by contaminated substances in the hospital, it is necessary to isolate them when contacting patients.

Along the aisle, Li Meng came to an operating room.

The footsteps did not stop, but when entering the operating room, a woman waiting anxiously at the door made Li Meng glance sideways.

Some are familiar, seem to have seen it somewhere.

But where and who she was, Li Meng did not remember.

It was just a person who seemed to know, Li Meng didn't go into it.

Through the door of the operating room, Li Meng entered the operating room.

As soon as he entered the operating room, Li Meng heard a very frightened female voice.

"Why didn't she cry, why didn't she cry?"

The voice was pale and weak, and seemed to have lost all its power.

On the operating table, Li Meng also saw "she" in weakness.

Wang Weiwei, Li Meng has not forgotten this woman.

When he came to the operating table, Li Meng looked thoughtful when he saw the child in the arms of the doctor.

It stands to reason that a newborn baby is not cute because the skin is still red.

Only after the body adapts to the new world will the skin become soft and tender.

But the "she" in front of her was different. Her skin was white, shiny and smooth. Although her long face was chubby, she gave a very delicate feeling.

The doctor holding her seemed to feel that the baby in her arms was a little abnormal.

However, the instrument's test showed that everything was normal.

He could only comfort Wang Weiwei who was weak on the bed: "Don't worry! She is fine, congratulations, you have given birth to a beautiful and lovely daughter."


Wang Weiwei was relieved, smiled weakly, and her expression seemed very relieved.

"Let me see her!"

How can the doctor refuse the mother's request?

He carefully put the baby in his arms into her mother's arms.

Looking at the "daughter" in his arms, while happy, there was some sadness on that face.

The mother's sorrow, "she" in her arms does not know.

She closed her eyes tightly, and was trying to open her eyes.

The emotional scene between mother and child did not make Li Meng's heart turn around.

An agreement is an agreement, and "she" is not suitable for living in an ordinary family.

Although things were a little beyond his expectations, the "she" in front of him can indeed be called his "daughter".

Because in "her" body, there is the same blood as Li Meng.

"Time is up!"

In this moment of silence, a voice suddenly rang and echoed in the operating room.

On the operating table, Li Meng's figure appeared suddenly.

A person suddenly appeared in the huge operating room, which shocked the doctors and the assistant nurses.


As the only man in the operating room, the blond middle-aged doctor just wanted to yell at him, but seeing the face of the man, the yelling at him stopped abruptly.


Why is the commander here?

At this time, the middle-aged doctor was very surprised.

The commander came too suddenly, unconsciously, and just appeared next to him out of thin air, like a ghost.

Knowing that the person here is the commander, the middle-aged doctor's expression is fairly calm.

As for the assistant nurse in the operating room, her face faded from fright a long time ago. She stared blankly at the black figure that suddenly appeared next to the operating table, feeling a little at a loss.

"Keep it normal, don't cause a commotion, go out!"

Waved to the guards who were in a daze, the middle-aged doctor exhorted.

His words made the three assistant nurses sober up and quickly walked towards the operating room with a pale face.

Who is this person?


At this time, Wang Weiwei had already looked terrified. She held the child in her arms tightly and looked at the person beside the bed in horror.

He came, and really came, she knew that he was not very human and would definitely be back.

"Please! You can't do this, she is my child."

She pleaded to Li Meng, her expression helpless, tears already streaming down her face.

Facing Wang Weiwei's pleading, Li Meng said indifferently: "This is an agreement. You must abide by the agreement between you and me."

"I have lost my husband. I only have "her". She is my last hope."

Tears had dripped from her cheeks, she begged, her pale and weak face was unbearable.

Even the middle-aged doctor on the side could not help but say: "Commander! Although this child is a little special, there is nothing "fancy" about it. How can it be in the eyes of the commander? If the commander wants to adopt a child , There are better options."

The voice of persuasion in his ear made Li Meng smile helplessly.

It seems that he has to be a "wicked man" once today.

Waving his hand, Li Meng said, "Go out."


An apologetic glance at the helpless Wang Weiwei on the operating table, the middle-aged doctor had to leave.

The healer's parents, he didn't want to see mother and daughter scattered.

But the person here is the "commander", even if he wants to help "her" in his heart, he can't do much.

Moreover, he didn't believe that there must be a "reason" for the commander to separate the mother and daughter for no reason.

In random thoughts, the middle-aged doctor left the operating room.

When he pushed open the door of the operating room, the quarrel outside the door suddenly reached his ears.

Looking forward, in front of the gate, his assistant nurse was stopped by a woman.

She was wearing a leather skirt with a sword in her hand, and she looked very heroic.

At a glance, people know that she is not an ordinary person.

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