Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 957: The human heart is not a stone

Martial artist?

This is the middle-aged doctor, the first thought in his mind.

For martial artists, the First Army is no stranger.

In Qingcheng, there is one martial artist.

Isn't that one "she"?

As the attending doctor of the medical center, he also has authority in the data terminal of the First Army.

When he is idle, he will enter the data terminal and stroll around to see some interesting things.

The middle-aged doctor knew about the only martial artist in Qingcheng.

"This is troublesome."

Seeing this, the middle-aged doctor muttered to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Weiwei, who stopped the nurse from leaving the door, shifted the target to him.

When I asked the nurses, I was hesitant and couldn't ask anything.

Chen Nannan, who is nervous about Wang Weiwei's situation in the operating room, is quite angry.

Seeing the attending doctor came out, he stopped in front of him without saying a word.

"Say! What's going on inside? Why are your nurses staggering? What accident happened?"

When it came to the final guess, Chen Nannan looked nervous.

The road ahead was blocked, and the middle-aged doctor was not angry, but comforted: "Mother and daughter are very safe, but some things are being resolved. If you want to go in, I won't stop you, but you'd better wait a while before going in."

After speaking, ignoring Chen Nannan who was in a daze, the middle-aged doctor walked around Chen Nannan and left.

Although he sympathized with the mother, he was no longer able to intervene in this matter.

If someone else wanted to take away the mother's child, he might not even be able to get out of the door of the operating room.

But if this "other" is the commander, there is no way.

What happened?

Looking back at the doctor's back, Chen Nannan was very puzzled.

Something seems to be wrong...

At this time, in the operating room, in front of the operating table, Li Meng stood quietly.

He seems to be waiting, and is also giving Wang Weiwei more time.

a long time!

Looking at Wang Weiwei in tears, Li Meng said, "You have also seen that she is not an ordinary child, nor is she suitable for living in ordinary people's homes. Leaving her behind is just a kind of "bad luck" for you. It will hurt you and it will hurt her."

She was indifferent to Li Meng's words.

She just hugged the child in her hand tightly, and said with tears and weakness: "No matter what she is, she is my child, my lord! I beg you, just let us mother and daughter go, what do you want? I will give it to you."

Seeing Wang Weiwei who still refused to give up, Li Meng sighed inwardly.

What he said just now is not a lie. Wang Weiwei is just an ordinary person, but her child is not ordinary.

In that child's body, not only human blood, but also the blood of the dead, and a third thing.

Of these three, apart from human blood, the other two are the root of the dark side of evil.

As an ordinary person, "Wang Weiwei" can't bear this responsibility.

Too reluctant, it will only invite death.

But she didn't know this, and Li Meng couldn't say it clearly.

To be honest, with Wang Weiwei's heartbroken appearance, Li Meng was indeed softened.

His heart is not made of stone, and he will deal with certain things emotionally.

But in this matter, Li Meng did not intend to deal with it emotionally.

Because once she does this, the mother can't see her child grow up.

Looking at her bad baby, Li Meng said calmly: "A few months of pregnancy, during these months, you should have felt the changes in your body. That drop of blood has changed more than just your belly. The daughter in China, and you, there are some things that, as an ordinary person, you don’t understand and it is difficult to believe."

After the words paused slightly, Li Meng continued: "That power is not something you can bear. It can make you feel healthy and powerful. In fact, it is eroding your body for up to fifteen years. Under the erosion of that power, Your body will be completely rigid, your consciousness will be erased, and you will become a zombie-like existence. If you are by her side, this time will be shortened to five years. Even if I am willing to leave, you will still leave her in five years. ."

Five years?

How can it be so short?

Because of Li Meng's words, the tearful face finally changed.

Tears were still streaming, and my heartbroken even more.

She knew that he did not lie to her.

Because in the past few months, the physical changes are very clear.

The weak body in the past has also become much stronger, and the symptoms of minor illnesses and pains have disappeared.

Five years?

How can five years be enough?

Too short, too short.

Looking at Wang Weiwei in sorrow, Li Meng said calmly: "Choose! Whether to watch her grow up or stay with her for five years, my identity, you should have guessed that she is your daughter and my daughter. Living by my side, I don’t care about letting her know that there is a "mother" like you."

This is Li Meng's biggest concession.

If you use strong, who can stop him here?

Such a concession is Li Meng's respect for Wang Weiwei as a mother.

Who is he?

Although Wang Weiwei didn't know it, the "commander" mentioned by the doctor just now knew his identity.

It is the ruler of Qingcheng, a certain high-level adult in the First Army.

"Sister, don't be afraid!"

At this time, a scream suddenly appeared, and the door of the operating room was knocked open.

Chen Nannan rushed in angrily.

When she saw Li Meng in the operating room, her face changed, without saying anything, as if Li Meng rushed away.

Her vigorous posture turned into a black shadow, she crossed the operating table, kicking Li Meng with her long white legs.

The strong wind has arrived before the feet.

Chen Nannan was not merciful with this kick.

"Sister, don't..."

Seeing Chen Nannan's fierce reaction, the crying Wang Weiwei exclaimed.

But it was too late.

As for Li Meng, seeing the woman rushing into the operating room so aggressively, she attacked him without saying a word.

Li Meng is not welcome.

Seeing the long white legs attacking, Li Meng turned sideways, letting her attack miss.

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