Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 959: Wang Yuanmei

Came to the operating table and looked at the peaceful faces of mother and son on the bed, Chen Nannan let out a sigh of relief.

"Sister! My sister is really useless and can't protect you."

Chen Nannan said apologetically.

Thinking of her weakness just now, Chen Nannan felt a little uncomfortable.

Shaking her head lightly, Wang Weiwei comforted: "My sister has done her best. He is not an "ordinary" person, and he can't solve it with force."

Chen Nannan feels the same about this.

Although the two had a brief encounter.

But he felt as if he didn't care about her at all and didn't take her seriously.

This makes Chen Nannan very unwilling.

She is a martial artist, since she was little, she has never been so neglected.

With a slight smile, Wang Weiwei said softly, looking at the baby daughter, "Look, sister, this is my daughter."

Because of Wang Weiwei's words, Chen Nannan quickly looked at the baby boy.

Looking at it, Chen Nannan said with joy: "It's a daughter, she is really cute, congratulations to my sister."

"By the way, what is her name?"

first name?

Chen Nannan's question caused Wang Weiwei to be stunned.

She smiled bitterly: "I forgot, he didn't explain, yeah, what is the name for his daughter?"


Chen Nannan said with a weird look: "I said my sister, my "niece" is really you and his child, right?"


Wang Weiwei was taken aback, and her face turned blushing with a sigh.

She hurriedly said: "It's not like that. This matter is a bit complicated. It will be unclear for a while. He has a great relationship with my daughter. He named her. Apart from me, he is the most qualified. "

Don't understand...

Chen Nannan became more complicated as he listened.

Since he is not a father, how can he be qualified to be named?

Chen Nannan asked, "My sister always knows who he is."

Facing Chen Nannan’s curious gaze, Wang Weiwei shook her head and said, “I don’t know, he should be a high-level member of the First Army. I just learned about this. The doctor in charge called him the “commander”. I respect him very much."


Chen Nannan was stunned, she knew this name.

When the Broken Sword Pirate Group was in good condition, they ran into trouble on their way to Nanlin Island.

When they came across a large sea-going ship belonging to the First Army, that sea-going ship gave them some help, and the owner of that sea-going ship was a "commander."

I don’t know how many commanders there are in the First Army. Could the one just now be the one helping them at sea?

In her heart, Chen Nannan couldn't help but think so.

If so, what she did just now was really impulsive.

In a sense, if he is really the "commander", he can be said to be her benefactor.

Knocked his head, Chen Nannan smiled bitterly: "Don't think about him anymore. The most important thing now is to choose a name for your "niece". He is a shrewd man. Since he didn't say anything, he just gave the naming rights to his sister, sister Let’s think about a "good-sounding" name."

What Chen Nannan said was reasonable, and Wang Weiwei did not deny this.

The arrival of the newborn, the name is the most important thing, can not be delayed.

But what is the name?

Looking at the baby daughter, Wang Weiwei was lost in thought.

After a long time, Wang Weiwei smiled suddenly, looked at her infant daughter, and said lovingly: "Just call "Wang Yuanmei"."

Wang Yuanmei?

What a good name.

Looking at the "child" who had become quiet in the infant, Chen Nannan was a little envious for some reason.

Perhaps this is the nature of women.

Even as a martial artist, this kind of nature cannot be changed.

The most insurmountable obstacle has disappeared, and for the two of them, things have come to an end.

Back in the temple, Li Meng's figure appeared again in the courtyard.

After going back and forth, unconsciously, the early morning has already left, and noon is about to arrive.

In the pavilion, Wendy's figure is lingering, even Sakiya did not know when she came.

The appearance of Li Meng has aroused the attention of many eyes.

Especially Sakuya who was sitting on the stone bench, his eyes lit up slightly.

Entering the pavilion, as soon as I sat down, Sakiya's voice rang next to him.

"His Royal Highness! Where did you go? It's fine if you have something to leave to Sakiya."

The time for your Highness to leave was not short, more than two hours.

These two hours are enough to accomplish something.

Sakiya wondered what the purpose of His Highness who hurriedly left.

Lie down and put a comfortable posture on the seat, Li Meng said calmly: "You can't do this, and it's nothing. It's not too bad, don't care."

After speaking, Li Meng looked at the beautiful Sakuya in a black dress.

With such a beautiful person beside him, Li Meng is quite pleasing to the eye.

Perceiving the heat in His Royal Highness's eyes, Sakuya's face became slightly softer, and she stood up from the stone bench, her slender posture naturally fell into Li Meng's embrace.

How could Li Meng refuse the beauty in his arms.

Instinctively wrapped Sakuya's small waist, and hugged the petite body into his arms.

Looking at the face that was close at hand, Li Meng lightly kissed the white forehead, and said dozingly: "You little fairy..."

With a soft smile, Sakiya whispered softly: "Doesn't your highness like it?"


How could it be.

With his head buried in the silky silver hair, Li Meng gasped and said, "I like it!"

Sakiya was very obedient to the small movements of His Highness between her neck.

Those little hands had wrapped around Li Meng's neck for some time.

Sakuya in Li Meng's arms, he looked like Renjun tasted.

Leaving from the silver hair, Li Meng patted the seductive buttocks fiercely.

"Okay! You little girl, don't seduce me, your highness."

Sakiya's body trembled slightly after being attacked on sensitive parts, and a trace of ruddy appeared on her face.

This shy appearance made Li Meng's heart just about to move.

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