Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 960: Conflict between women

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Li Meng smiled helplessly, and had to pick up the palm computer on the stone table and distract him.

With this, the blue light suddenly flickered in the pavilion.

In front of Li Meng, the wonderful figure of the mastermind appeared.

Although it is only a virtual character, I have to say that the main brain has a good vision.

At least there is no problem in terms of aesthetics.

As soon as "it" appeared, the virtual eyes roundly reminded Sakuya in Li Meng's arms.

The corner of her mouth curled up, and she said in a weird voice: "I said, Master, you have to nod your face, what kind of style is this in the public?"


Glancing around at the pavilion, from Wendy, from the guards.

Li Meng smiled and said, "There are no outsiders here, they are all my women, so why not care too much."

Wendy's expression remained as usual when he said this, but the guards in and outside the pavilion couldn't help but look at the figure on the seat, revealing a strange color in their eyes.

When he didn't know the shame of the master, the master rolled his eyes very humanely.

It said very speechlessly: "I said master! Where did you learn these flowers, I remember that the previous master was not like this."

With a slight smile, Li Meng said calmly: "A new life must of course start again. If there are regrets in this life, isn't this a waste of the opportunity you gave me?"

"You can think about it! That's okay, you have a long time, and you must always have someone by your side."

When he said this, the mastermind's face showed a trace of relief.

With one hand around Sakuya's waist, with the other hand, Li Meng grabbed Sakuya's white right hand and played with it.

While being intimacy with Sakuya, Li Meng said to the main head: "Say it! This time you come out, you won't just come to mock me for a few words."

Seeing the master's such frivolous appearance, the master was too lazy to talk.

He just said angrily: "I came out this time just to remind the master whether you have forgotten something important."

Important matter?

"Is it Tanya or Natasha?" Li Meng asked.

To talk about important things, Li Meng only thought of these two.

One is Bentley and the other is out of Austria.

Only things in these two places can be called important.

The main brain shook his head, and had no choice but to say angrily: "I said, Master, didn't an underground intelligent race appeared in Nanlin Island a month ago? How could you forget them?"

An underground race of wisdom?

Listening to what the master said, Li Meng remembered it.

Stopped playing with Sakiya's small white hands, with both hands around Sakiya's waist, Li Meng said calmly: "How can I forget this? Or I personally communicated with them, but..."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's face became dark.

Indeed, time is too long.

Regarding that subterranean intelligent race, the First Legion did not embarrass them, but put them back underground.

Moreover, through the intelligent creatures escaping from the ground, Li Meng clearly asked them to bring what Li Meng wanted to say to their "king."

In Li Meng's view, as long as they can communicate and have wisdom, the First Army can cooperate with it, regardless of whether the object is "human."

In the eyes of the First Army, the underground space is a huge golden mountain.

But this Jinshan is full of dangers, even if it has advanced technology, it cannot be used in the underground space.

If you can cooperate with a native intelligent creature, it will be different.

Therefore, in Li Meng's plan, this intelligent creature is indispensable for the future development of the underground space by the First Army.

Although I haven't said anything about the cooperation plan, I am afraid that what I want to do will not be completed.

Looking at Li Meng for nothing, the mastermind said seriously: "That kind of creature is very peculiar, has wisdom, and has its own language. With these two foundations, you can cooperate or control it for the purpose of underground space. It’s necessary for the First Army to enlist them under its command."

Control the alien?

How can there be such a simple thing.

It seemed that he had guessed what Li Meng was thinking, and the master said coldly: "Temptation or force control is nothing more than these two. As long as they are also afraid of "death", their concept of survival is no different from that of humans.

This is really cold-blooded, and it makes people shudder.

However, for the mastermind, everyone in the courtyard didn't feel much.

Everyone here is a "dead race", and when it is necessary, there will be no mercy in their hearts.

After a slight pause, the main brain continued: "Master! Go underground! Find them."

Find them?

Li Meng thought, this is a feasible way.


When the mastermind's words fell, Sakuya's expression changed in Li Meng's arms, and she stopped talking.

Looking at the main brain with cold eyes, Sakuya said coldly: "The underground space is under 10,000 meters, and there are many dangers. How can the master take risks alone? I will never allow it."

In response to Sakuya’s retort and collision, the master smiled indifferently, and said sarcastically: “After becoming the master’s waiter, you are a lot more courageous. You are worried about the master, this time I am not like you. Care about."

Sakuya did not flinch, but said coldly: "I was controlled by you during my lifetime, but after my death I belong only to His Royal Highness."

The expression was cold, and the master's head showed a cold light as she watched Sakuya in her master's arms.

"All right!"

At a critical moment, Li Meng waved his hand to interrupt the tense atmosphere between Mastermind and Sakuya.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are full of meat. The two women quarreled, and it was all wrong to help.

He patted the back of Sakuya’s hand, and Li Meng said to the main brain: "As you said, in the First Army, only I can freely enter and exit the underground space. After so long, I also want to know that they are out. whats the matter."

"Your Highness!"

Sakuya's expression changed slightly, and she was very worried.

With a slight smile, looking at the beautiful face close at hand, Li Meng said softly: "Don't worry! In this world, I want to go, no one can stop me, don't worry."

His Highness's words made Sakuya feel uneasy.

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