Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 961: Silent journey

"Hmph, I don't want to be this villain, Master, do you want to go or not!"

I really couldn't understand the greasy and crooked look of the master and Sakiya, and after leaving such a sentence, the master's mind disappeared angrily.

Seeing where the mastermind disappeared, Li Meng shook his head helplessly.

This mastermind, over time, has become more and more human-like in temperament.

If one day the main brain suddenly turned into a person and appeared in front of him, Li Meng would not feel the slightest strange.

"It looks like we really have to go!"

Li Meng thought secretly while lying on the seat with Sakuya in his arms.

Li Meng valued the intelligent race that was discovered.

It was really not easy to discover such a native race in the underground space.

In any case, the First Army should not give up.

I want to go, but the itinerary has to be considered.

Although in the First Army, Li Meng basically had nothing to do.

But some arrangements still need to be made, because this time itinerary, Li Meng does not know how long he will go.

Maybe a few days, maybe a few months.

The underground space can be 10,000 meters underground. Although Li Meng's "spiritual body" can penetrate matter, it does not mean that it can flow unimpeded within the earth.

Matter is also divided into density. Matter with too high density can also block Li Meng's spiritual body and give Li Meng a phenomenon of hitting a wall.

Therefore, Li Meng will also follow the existing passage when going to the underground space.

Looking for a race of wisdom is also a purposeless search.

So, it takes time.

Once the search is far away, you can't come back if you want to.

With a slight expression on his face, Li Meng lowered his head and said to the petite human in his arms: "Sakuya! After I leave, you will sit on Nanlin Island. Don't go anywhere until I come back. Regarding political affairs, you can take care of yourself. Just follow the regulations."

"Master! Do you really want to go?"

Until now, Sakuya still did not give up.

"Whether the result is good or bad, I have to take a trip this trip."

This is Li Meng's answer, very resolute.

"Got it! I'll sit on Nanlin Island well."

Since your Highness has said so, what else can Sakiya say.

She can only compromise and do what His Highness asks her to do, so that His Highness can do what belongs to her with peace of mind.

Once a decision is made, of course it must be done.

After arranging some necessary things, Li Meng set off early the next morning.

This time, Li Meng did not go straight to the destination in a "spiritual" state.

Instead, after leaving the temple, take a special car to the destination.

Sakuya is of course with him.

Without much fanfare, the convoy to the destination this time only had three cars.

One is a black car and two fierce "Bison" armed assault vehicles.

The convoy entered the city from below the mountain, and then proceeded southwest from the three-way intersection outside the pier.

Outside the dock in Qingcheng, when the road extends to the forest, there are three roads leading to different directions.

One is to the port, the other is to the northwest, and the final destination is a small tiankeng in the northwest.

The last one goes to the southeast. It bypasses Qingcheng and heads south, passing by the abandoned farm in Qingcheng, and then to the large tiankeng at the southern end.

To get rich, first build roads. The First Army attaches great importance to such basic measures as roads.

This is still a temporary road used in the road planning of the First Army.

In the future, the First Army will follow the road and build highways and railroad bridges above the roads. Only in this way can it stay away from the ground and avoid the threat of most polluting beasts.

In this world, the polluting beasts in the forest are fascinating, posing a great threat to the vehicles on the road. Once attacked by the polluting beasts, especially the large number of polluting beasts, all car drivers on the roads There is no possibility of escape.

It would be different if an overpass was erected away from the ground.

At altitude, most of the hazards of polluting animals can be avoided.

When the convoy left the pier and entered the dark forest.

The scene outside the window changed suddenly.

Becoming emerald green, the greenery is also mixed with different colors, the colors are colorful, colorful and green, and there is a "bright eye" beauty.

But this beauty is cruel.

Regardless of the quietness of the road, the forests on both sides are silent.

Maybe behind a certain tree, a certain bush, or a certain flower, there is a polluting beast with sharp claws, sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

It is peering into the highway, waiting for an opportunity.

In the forest, everything is possible.

The wind was howling, and Che Lin was crushing the ground, making a slight noise.

It is early in the morning, and there are still very few vehicles on the road.

In the forest, the convoy was driving at high speed, whizzing through the forest.

Although the road is winding, the journey is not long.

In the black car, there were two people in the back seat.

One is Li Meng, his gaze is looking out the window, unconsciously watching the scene that keeps passing backwards.

And beside Li Meng was Sakuya. She sat quietly, looking at the window for a while, and her Royal Highness next to her.

Sakuya didn't like to talk too much. At this time, she didn't know what to say.

His Highness has already explained what he should explain, and Sakiya has no doubts about government affairs.

As for personal matters, Sakiya didn't have much thoughts.

Because she has been staying next to His Royal Highness these days, all the complaints in her heart have long since disappeared.

In this way, in silence, the destination arrived.

At the end of the road is a camp and a construction site.

Although the tiankeng in the northwest is much smaller than the south, it also connects the underground space.

A corrosive gas will also gush to the ground.

Although that kind of gas has no effect on living things, it will erase the vitality of plants and make the surface world desert.

In order to prevent this gas from gushing out of the surface, any outlets connected to the underground space were closed by the First Army.

Leaving the car, in front of Li Meng's eyes is a construction site under construction.

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