Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 965: altar

Soon, the strange group of creatures came under the giant tree.

To the giant tree overhead, they seem to be very religious.

The noisy sound disappeared at some time, and all the strange creatures remained quiet and silent.

Most of the strange creatures stopped at the edge of the giant tree, and they began to use what they carried to build a camp.

And a few peculiar creatures with luxurious clothes approached the trunk of the big tree surrounded by many peculiar creatures holding weapons.

At the root of the giant tree, there is a large altar, which has a triangular rhombus shape and is far above the ground.

The altar is large and magnificent, obviously well-built.

The strange creatures that came to the altar seemed to be holding a ceremony.

More than a dozen seemingly slim figures wearing gorgeous dance skirts began to dance on the high platform of the altar.

He sang softly while jumping.

On the edge of the altar, there is a group of strange creatures holding unique musical instruments. The musical instruments in their hands emit bursts of beautiful rhythms.

On the altar platform, although they have sharp claws on their hands and feet, and a pair of golden wings on the back, the soft curves of their bodies make their dance look quite extraordinary.

They have a light voice, dancing with their bodies accompanied by rhythm.

This lively scene also awakened Li Meng who was sleeping.

Li Meng between the branches, his eyelids moved slightly, opened his eyes, revealing his dark pupils.

The voice from below made Li Meng's expression slightly startled, and he sat up and looked at the plain below.

At this look, Li Meng's eyes were surprised.

Because on the plain, Li Meng saw the target he was looking for on this trip.

That kind of strange creature with wings.

On the plains, they are everywhere. There are so many of them. At first glance, there are probably no fewer than tens of thousands.

The bursts of sweet rhythm in the ear made Li Meng's gaze continue to look down, looking down vertically.

An altar, numerous golden figures, and lively scenes caught Li Meng's eyes.

Looking at the sacrificial ceremony on the altar, Li Meng aloft was very interested.

At a glance, Li Meng saw more than just the strange creatures.

There is also the knowledge of this strange creature.

Gorgeous costumes, spears and bows and arrows, singing and melody, which suffice to show that this kind of underground space creatures are not backward primitive creatures, they have their own society.

And the social class is very strict.

It's so unintentional, Li Meng didn't expect to find them so soon.

However, considering the time it took to come all the way, here should be under ten thousand meters.

"How to do?"

The goal is to find it, but Li Meng hasn't figured out what to do next.

Just go out like this?

This is obviously a very unwise approach. Non-self races must have different hearts. Seeing Li Meng, a foreign race, Li Meng would not think they would have any good response.

At this moment, there was a new "extraordinary movement" on the altar.

The singing is still singing, and the dancing figures on the platform are still dancing.

But below the altar, more than a hundred golden figures incited huge golden wings to fly.

These more than a hundred golden figures held a basket in their arms, and they rushed straight into the sky and approached the tree crown.

In order to hide his own existence, Li Meng entered the emptiness.

The black figure in Branch Mountain slowly disappeared.

In the void, Li Meng observes the strange creatures flying in the air.

They are very fast, around the backbone, flying upwards in levels.

When flying from the height of Li Meng, they flew between the canopies.

They flew into the canopy, grabbed some golden scattered objects from the basket, and waved them at the branches and leaves of the giant tree.

It seems to be an illusion. Whenever the golden scattered objects touch the branches and leaves, the shining spikes seem to become a lot brighter at once, and the brilliance they emit is stronger.

Soon, the strange creatures in the sky completed their mission and started flying downwards.

At this moment, on the altar below, the singing disappeared somehow, and the dancing figures also disappeared.

From under the altar, a strange creature in a gorgeous robe walked up the stairs slowly.

She wears a golden robe and a golden crown on her head. She is exquisite and slender.

The softness of the face and the double peaks on the chest can prove its gender.

When she came to the altar, she knelt down and bowed to the giant tree three times.

Then he stood up and whispered to the giant tree.

The voice was very soft and light, Li Meng didn't know what he said, but he could guess the general meaning.

It's nothing more than a "praise".

Obviously, this big tree should be a sacred object in their eyes.

After that, the ceremony ended, and the strange creatures on the altar began to disperse.

At this moment, the strange creatures arranged in a swarm under the altar seemed to have been ordered, and swarmed to the plain.

They all hold various digging tools in their hands.

After they were scattered, they began to be dug organized on the plain.

Part of the excavation, part of the establishment of large and small camps, appeared to be very orderly.

What are they doing?

Seeing the strange creatures digging wildly on the plain, Li Meng was puzzled.

They seem to be looking for something underground.

"Meatball? This is..."

When Li Meng was under the big tree, he saw a group of strange creatures dug out a meat ball from the ground.

The meat ball was torn apart, and suddenly something rolled out of it.

That thing turned out to be a strange creature with a slimy liquid all over it.

Although the whole body is slightly gray, a hint of gold can be seen.

The strange creatures that rolled out of the meatball screamed like a newborn baby.

But its individual is not small, no different from those golden strange creatures.

A detailed examination of the newborn "it" by the golden strange creature.

Seemingly satisfied, the two peculiar golden creatures savagely dragged "it" to the nearby camp.

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