Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 966: Banshee Wing Terran

This scene surprised Li Meng.

Could these golden strange creatures grow from the ground?

In order to confirm the guess in his heart, Li Meng released his mental power to the ground.

In an instant, Li Meng's majestic spiritual power covered the entire plain.

During this investigation, Li Meng's face showed a "weird" color.

It really grew out of the "underground".

Under the exploration of spiritual power, Li Meng discovered that there are many life fluctuations in the plain underground.

There are countless densely populated areas, and life fluctuations are weak and strong.

Robe creature?

This evolutionary process is too "special".

Seeing the big tree beside him, Li Meng was filled with endless wonder.

This tree is very large, with roots under the ground all over the plain.

And those fleshy **** grow on the roots.

In other words, those golden peculiar creatures were born from this giant tree.

The "creature" growing out of the soil...

Li Meng never thought that this world really has such strange creatures.

It's incredible.

Why do they do this?

In the next few days, by observing them silently, Li Meng got some answers.

They came here as if they were "fleeing", expanding their clan members as much as possible.

They are also arming their forces.

The strange creatures excavated from the ground are strong and weak.

Strong, after a few days of adaptation, after the golden feathers grew out, they were sent to a camp similar to a "barracks" for training.

The weak ones were also sent to the camp for training.

Li Meng discovered that those strange creatures that were originally weak and seem like civilians had also been sent to camps large and small for training.

The weapons they use are all locally sourced.

On the plains, there are shimmering plants that resemble giant trees. Their branches are very hard, and a single spear can be made. Their bark is also full of flexibility. They are good bowstring materials, even those that radiate. Stabbed with radiant needles, it was also melted by strange creatures and made crystals of various colors.

It is not an ordinary crystal, because in the peeping training camp, the arrow used as an arrow by the crystal has a burst effect, and the power of the explosion is very good.

With abundant resources, in less than five days, the strange creatures on the plain had armed an army of up to 20,000.

This kind of efficiency is not surprising.

Li Meng also discovered the golden gate to the north.

At this time, there was guarded by a five thousand army.

The attitude of being serious and waiting gave a lot of information.

The strange creatures on the plains armed themselves so urgently, obviously to welcome the coming enemy.

Who is the enemy?

Li Meng doesn't know, but today, Li Meng does not intend to go on sneaking.

To bring this peculiar creature under the command of the First Army, not only must we understand it, but also some unusual means.

For foreigners, negotiation is not feasible, and more barbaric methods must be used.

Just as the mastermind said, if you want to rule a "foreign race", you can only use "force", and only absolute "force" can make foreigners surrender.

Otherwise, even if the “foreign race” is subdued for a while, the ruled foreign race will not be at ease.

In the void, Li Meng's figure slowly fell from the sky and entered a slightly luxurious camp.

This camp seems to be the place where the noble and exotic creatures live, and their identities are undoubtedly the highest level among the exotic creatures.

In the camp, Li Meng walked unhurriedly.

Although there were many soldiers patrolling around, no one could find Li Meng's existence.

When he arrived at the largest camp, Li Meng walked in.

When Li Meng passed through the curtain, bursts of "messy" sound came into Li Meng's ears.

At a glance, there are really many strange creatures in the camp.

They sat on both sides of the seats, with more than two dozen figures.

Among these two dozen figures, all are men. Although they are equally slender, they do not have the external characteristics of women. Although their faces are equally white, they carry a hint of madness.

Only one person is female.

She was wearing a golden robe and sitting on the main seat. The wings behind her were much bigger than the strange creatures in the lower position, and she was more beautiful, and the golden color was more pure.

At this time, the strange creatures were discussing "tweeting".

Through these few days, the mental fluctuations when speaking to them, Li Meng has a little understanding of this foreign language.

Of course, it is the mastermind who analyzes this "language", and Li Meng is just sitting back.

"My tribe’s "sacred tree" has a noble bloodline, and it is also the only "sacred tree" that can give birth to the Banshee Wing human race. Even if all the members of the Golden Wing tribe die, we will never let the "Gold Wing Holy King" Capture the "sacred tree" and the banshee wing human race we are waiting to guard."

"Yes, for the past few hundred years, the Golden Wing Saint King has always wanted to beat the "sacred tree" of our clan, and has always wanted the queen to surrender. Now my clan is facing the brink of extinction. The Saint King will never agree to achieve his goal, even if the fish die and the net is broken."

I can't talk about the excitement, but none of the strange creatures here is afraid of death.

Their loyalty does not come from feelings, but from faith.

For them, the Banshee Wing Human Race is their belief.

Probably, that's about it.

This golden wing human race is on the verge of extinction.

The source is the queen in the high position and the "sacred tree" on the plain.

Because she has a unique blood, is a rare female demon wing human race.

The king in the Underground Sea is the Golden Wing Human Race, which controls all the islands in the Underground Sea.

The Banshee Wing Race is the only branch of the Golden Wing Human Race and the only female race.

Although the Golden Wings do not have gender distinctions because they do not need to mate to reproduce their offspring, the obvious gender differentiation of the Banshee Wings is particularly noble in the eyes of the Golden Wings.

In addition, the Banshee Wing Terran loves dance by nature, and has the sound of nature. Therefore, all Banshee Wing Terrans are regarded as the "messengers" dispatched by the "Holy Tree".

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