Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 967: Edge of destruction

Because the number of Banshee Wing Human Races is too small, only this "sacred tree" on the plain has the bloodline that gave birth to the Banshee Wing Human Race. Over the past few hundred years, the total number of Banshee Wing Human Races has only been more than fifty.

Minus those who die naturally, there are now less than twenty people left in the world.

All of them are in this golden-winged human race on the plain.

In the outside world, especially the "Golden Wing Saint King", the king of the Underground Sea, in order to maintain his rule, he has always longed for the Banshee Wing Human Race, and he has great ambition for the "Holy Tree" that can give birth to the Banshee Wing Human Race. .

However, because the Banshee Wing Human Race is located in the south, and the power of the Golden Wing Saint King is in the north, in the previous hundreds of years, the Golden Wing Saint King did not show much ambition. The demon wing human race gave gifts to express cordial greetings.

Until three years ago, this situation finally changed.

After hundreds of years of expansion, the power of the Golden Wing Saint King finally expanded to the south, to the edge of the territory ruled by the Banshee Wing Human Race.

The once ambition is already within reach, the Golden Wing Saint King also tore his face, and began to invade the territory controlled by the Banshee Wing Human Race.

In the first two years, the two sides fought indifferently. There were victories and losses, and no one could do anything about it.

But a year ago, the stalemate changed.

It was just an accident.

In the Underground Sea, the most terrifying pollution beast "skeleton" is just a battle pet domesticated by the Golden Wing human race.

The bones are fierce and cruel, but they are the companion creatures of the Golden Wing human race.

Although the bones are not conceived by the "sacred tree", the roots of the sacred tree are used to breed offspring.

The same breath urged the bones to get close to the Golden Wing human race.

A few years ago, this plain was not only a sacred place for the Golden Wings, but also a paradise for the reproduction of bones.

A year ago, the "corpse mother beast" of the Banshee Wing human race, for some reason, went crazy and devoured its offspring. Overnight, bones and skeletons scattered all over, disappeared into the deep sea and became The beast without an owner.

Facing the frenzied "mother beast", for the safety of the "sacred tree", the banshee-wing human race had to clear the "mother beast".

After paying thousands of soldiers from the Golden Wing Human Race, the Bone Mother Beast was finally wiped out.

Without the help of the bones, the Banshee Wing human race retreats steadily in the battle with the Golden Wing Saint King.

In less than a year, all the islands were lost, leaving only the base camp "Golden City", which is the Banshee Island underneath.

Faced with the ferocious "skeletons", only bones can make enemies with them. Without the bones, the defeat of the Banshee Wing Human Race is inevitable.

Till now, the army of the Golden Wing Saint King has come to the city, and the Banshee Wing Human Race is also facing the brink of extinction.

"Get out! Get ready for battle."

She waved her hand and ended the "tweeting" in the camp.

Fighting is inevitable, and no one of the Golden Wings here will retreat without a fight.

And they have no room to retreat.

Because this is the "Holy Land", once they retreat, they will lose the "Holy Tree", and once they lose the "Holy Tree", they have no meaning to live.

At the Queen's signal, the Golden Wings could only retreat.

Not long after, only the "Queen" was left in the huge camp.

In the corner of the camp, Li Meng has been watching quietly.

Observing the "Queen", also observing the Golden Wings.

Compared with the Golden Wings, the queen's body is undoubtedly much larger.

An ordinary gold wing human body is about two meters to five to three meters, and "she" is about three meters in height.

Compared with her, humans are much shorter.

In front of the "Queen", Li Meng's 175-meter tall looked so short.

At this time, the curtain was lifted up.

A banshee wingman in golden leather armor walked in.

Her physique is a bit smaller than the "Queen", but she looks very vigorous with a spear and a bow and arrow on her back.

At first glance, people know that she is a combat type.

She walked into the camp and said to the "Queen" on the main seat: "Queen! Although the elders are courageous, the current situation requires the Queen to figure out a way out. The "Holy Tree" has not bred any new sisters for a hundred years. The sacred tree can be gone, but there can be no queen."

A faint glance at her in the camp, the queen on the main seat looked calm and whispered: "Goran! The "sacred tree" is our "root". If the root is gone, even if we linger, we will be extinct sooner or later, girl The blood of the Demon Wing Human Race is not in my body, but in the body of the "sacred tree". The purpose of the golden winged holy king is to be the "sacred tree" from beginning to end, for the purpose of his rule and for the sake of exterminating future troubles. , He will kill us all."

In the Underground Sea, there are many "sacred trees", and there are almost all "sacred trees" on every island.

With the "sacred tree", there will be tribes of the Golden Wings.

The war of the Golden Wing human race is cruel. The "target" of the war is the "sacred tree", and the Golden Wings that are multiplied by the "sacred tree" will be driven to extinction.

Before the birth of the new Golden Winged man, the winning Golden Winged man will blend in with the plundered trophy "Holy Tree". This blending will make the "Holy Tree" assimilated, and the newly born Golden Winged man will have the same winner. In this way, the robbed "sacred tree" will become the "source of troops" for the victors.

In the underground sea, there is a set of cruel rules.

The strong will become stronger and stronger, while the weak will eventually perish.

The tribe where the Golden Wing Saint King belongs has ruled hundreds of islands, with more than ten million members.

It can be said that the world of the Underground Sea has basically been ruled by the Golden Wing Saint King.

Banshee Island may not be the last island captured by the army of the Golden Wing Saint King, but sooner or later, the Golden Wing Saint King will become the only king of the Underground Sea.

Golan looked dark and said in a low voice: "Queen! Are you really going to fight to the death? In that battle, we will be completely extinct, and the "sacred tree" will be taken by the enemy."


To this result, as the "Queen" she is used to it.

In the expansion war of the Banshee Wing Human Race, how could they not do it like this.

Kill the enemy's tribe and rob the "sacred tree".

Now that they have failed, what can they do to face the result of destruction?

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