Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 971: Love Moore's Compromise

Before the stump, Li Meng stopped.

Here, the sense of rejection in the body is stronger.

That kind of strong impulse made Li Meng couldn't help but destroy "it".

Destroy the white gem on the stump.

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Li Meng's face was novel.

Coming along the way, everything he saw gave Li Meng an answer.

This answer is about a new kind of "power."

This power may have appeared long ago, but no creatures can use it.

Even creatures that reproduce with this kind of power don't know this kind of "power".

With a slight change of expression, Li Meng left this strange place.

Back on the branch, Li Meng left the void.

In the place where he had left, Li Meng's figure reappeared.

Sitting on a branch, Li Meng looked at the plain below, but he was thinking.

Li Meng doesn't know much about the "golden" element, but Li Meng has already figured out some things about the use of "it". The only thing missing is "practice".

The use of any element is traceable, one is driving, the other is carrier, and the third is understanding.

Drive refers to the "spirit", and the carrier refers to the body that can withstand and accommodate the power of the element, that is, the container. The third is to understand and understand the characteristics of the elements. Only by understanding the characteristics of the elements can they be used more flexibly.

Right now, Li Meng lacks nothing, the only thing missing is a "guinea pig."

This little white mouse must be a Golden Winged Man or a Banshee Winged Man.

Because their bodies have a strong adaptability to the golden elements, they will not be repelled by this power, as long as they find a way, it should be easy to use.

"Who are you looking for?"

Li Meng patrolled the plain, intending to secretly find a white mouse.

But in the end, Li Meng gave up.

If you find a little white mouse at random, then this little mouse is too lucky.

If under his experiment, he really made an incredible thing.

That "queen" was uncomfortable.

It seemed that he had figured out something, lying lazily on the branch, Li Meng closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It is not difficult to "experiment", if the queen refuses.

Li Meng will wait, and when they are destroyed, he will grab a little white mouse.

If the queen agreed, this little white mouse "she" would do her part.

Compared with Li Meng's leisure, Ai Moore at this time can be described as quite annoying.

She left the camp, fluttering her wings aimlessly in the plain sky.

She saw the clan members who were violently groundbreaking, and also the newly born clan members.

There are also fighters in the camp who are training hard.

On the altar, the twelve golden figures had already taken off their leather armor. They put on dance clothes and danced lightly on it, with their light singing echoes on the plain.

With singing in the ears, the golden figure busy on the plain raised his head from time to time to look at the direction of the altar.

When they saw the dancing figure on the high platform, there was only respect and determination in their eyes.

Whether it is the Golden Wing man who is responsible for digging the ground, or the warrior who is training, they work harder.

"The members of the clan are working hard! What can I do?"

In the thousand-meter sky, Ai Moore was floating quietly, looking at the people below her, her heart was confused.

Behind her, the huge golden wings are beautiful and extraordinary, powerfully inciting.

The golden color contact lenses involuntarily looked at the tree crown above his head.

She knew that the one was waiting for her on it.

But can she really go?

Let go of her honor as a queen and become his servant?

Maybe, this is just a secret between him and her, but can she really bear the glory of the queen while sending someone under the fence and becoming his servant?

This responsibility... is too great.

At this time, a golden figure rose from the altar and flew towards Ai Moore.

It's Golan.

At this time, Golan had taken off his leather armor and put on beautiful and delicate dance clothes.

The golden ribbon drifted in the wind, making Golan like a golden elf.

Beside Ai Moore, Golan stirred his huge golden wings and stopped.

The wind and movement behind him also attracted Ai Moore's attention.


Looking back, what Ai Moore saw was Golan suspended in the air.

Looking at Ai Moore, Golan was silent for a moment.

She was thinking and seemed to be hesitating.

For a moment, she said slightly worried: "Queen! Your heart has been messed up recently, the sisters have felt it, they are very worried."


At Ingoran's words, Imore looked down and at the dancing figure on the altar.

Although they were dancing, Ai Moore could feel her eyes looking at her.

There was worry in his eyes.

Seeing those beautiful dancing figures, Ai Moore was silent.

What greeted the sisters should not be the end of "death".

Ai Moore loves them so much, how can he watch them die before his eyes?


With a sigh of relief, Ai Moore lifted the blonde hair behind her shoulders, and she smiled.

Looking at Golan next to him lovingly, Ai Moore said softly: "Don't worry, don't be afraid, sister will protect you."

Ai Moore's look made Golan worry the most.

Seeing Queen Amore in front of her, she hesitated to speak.

The worry on Golan's face was too obvious, but Ai Moore didn't explain it too much.

She looked at the tree canopy, and when she retracted her gaze, she said to Goran beside her: "Goran! My sisters will leave it to you."

After finishing speaking, the golden wings behind Ai Moore slammed into the sky under the wind, and the golden figure disappeared into the canopy under Golan's gaze.

Looking suspiciously at the place where the queen disappeared, Golan looked puzzled.

The queen's behavior recently is too strange.

Is it because of the impending war?

Calculating the time, the army of the Golden Wing Saint King is almost here.

where is he?

Among the branches and leaves of the canopy, Ai Moore soared dexterously.

The golden figure moves flexibly between the branches and leaves.

In the canopy of trees, she was trying to find it.

Like the Era of the Red Police Disaster, please collect it: ( The literature of the Era of the Red Police has the fastest update speed.

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