Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 972: Golan's anger

found it!

On a branch, Ai Moore finally saw the black figure.

The golden wings fluttered slightly, and the golden figure turned around and moved towards the target.

On the branch where Li Meng was, Ai Moore fell down.

The wind was turbulent, and when it subsided, Ai Moore also put away the pair of flamboyant golden wings.

When she arrived, he still closed his eyes, as if falling asleep.

Looking at him lying on the branch, Ai Moore became nervous.

Her eyes were timid, as if she was afraid to startle him in his sleep.

Just as Ai Moore was hesitant to wake him up, a voice floated into Ai Moore's ears.

"Think about it?"

The appearance of the voice shocked Ai Moore.

The timid gaze stared at the opened eyes in amazement.

Dark pupils and deep gaze, this is the only thing Ai Moore can see.

Under the gaze of that pair of eyes, Ai Moore didn't dare to look at him at all, lowered his head, and whispered, "Yes! I've thought it over."

Sitting up from the ground, looking at Ai Moore, whose attitude has changed drastically, Li Meng said with a smile but not a smile: "Can you think about it? Once you decide, you will be tied to me in your life."

In Li Meng's gaze, Ai Moore raised his head, his timid gaze disappeared, and his expression became firm.

"As long as I can help our family through this crisis, I am yours."

After speaking, Aimore's nearly three-meter-high body knelt down, half-kneeling on the branch not far in front of Li Meng.

He said at the same time: "Master!"

This should be the meaning of the language translation.

Seeing Ai Moore's kneeling gesture, Li Meng smiled faintly.

In any case, Li Meng has achieved his goal, which is worthy of joy.

Before the smile fell, Li Meng's expression moved slightly, and he glanced down slightly.

Aimore brought some tails...

"Queen! What are you doing?"

With an exclamation, a figure struck from below. She stayed in the sky and couldn't believe it. She looked at "Love Moore" who was half kneeling on the branch.

It's "Goran", she wears a golden dance dress, but she holds a bow and arrow and a spear on her back.


Ai Moore was undoubtedly surprised by the appearance of Golan. She looked at the surprised Golan with a complicated expression, but did not stand up.


From around the branches, more than a dozen golden figures appeared. They stayed in the air, looking at the queen's half-kneeling posture, staring at each other with a little disbelief.

Their noble queen actually knelt down to a small foreigner.

Facing the menacing, seemingly angry Banshee Wing people around him, Li Meng gave Ai Moore a faint look.

"It looks like you have caused some trouble."

"Master! I..."

Ai Moore's expression was very flustered, somewhat knowing what was wrong.

the host?

Ai Moore's name to Li Meng stunned the surrounding Banshee Wings and then furious.

Golan even yelled, "Damn foreigner, die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Golan drew his bowstring angrily and aimed at Li Meng.

"call out!"

In the whistling sound, the golden arrow turned into a golden streamer and attacked Li Meng.

The distance of tens of meters is almost here.

Facing the violent arrow loss, Li Meng raised his hand and grabbed it when the huge arrow was about to pierce his head.

The fluttering movement was as if an arrow fell weakly in his hand.

This scene stunned the surrounding Banshee Wings.

That dwarf clown and humble foreigner actually caught the arrow with his bare hands?

"kill him!"

Golan let out a roar again.

This roar caused the surrounding Banshee Wingers to draw their bowstrings and aim them at Li Meng.

Faced with such a situation, Li Meng had a headache.

How could he be injured by the arrows shot by the bow alone?

But he couldn't make heavy moves on the banshee wing people around him.

As for Ai Moore, she had already panicked. Seeing her incomprehensible expression, Li Meng knew she couldn't count on her.

And her words, the angry Banshee Wing people around might not listen.

Forget it, let's use the simplest method.

It wouldn't be good to keep them from making trouble, to attract the attention of the Gold Wing people below.

By then, Ai Moore may be in trouble.

With a movement of his mind, the surging mental power swept out.

Wherever he went, the air was twisting.

In an instant, the mental power touched those banshee winged people.

This is not an attack, but a bondage.

The sudden appearance of the **** caused the Banshee Wing people's complexion to change greatly, and their wings were instigated crazily.

But it was useless, as if an invisible hand grabbed them, making them unable to move their hands and feet.

"Huh, huh!" The wings stirred up, echoing in the canopy of the tree.

That powerful incitement raised strong winds.

"Damn...Foreign! Kill you!"

Golan was struggling, the restraint on her body was so powerful, she was struggling desperately.

The face was flushed red, and the golden pupils were full of hideous anger.


With a sound of bone breaking, Golan's arm drooped weakly.


The faces of the surrounding Banshee Wings changed and exclaimed.

"No, Golan, don't struggle."


The twittering exclamation suddenly filled Li Meng's ears.

She is desperate.

Seeing the crazy "Golan", Li Meng was surprised and a little admired.

This choice is not something everyone can have.

What made her have such courage?

Is it anger at him, or disappointment at Ai Moore?

With a thought, Golan, who was struggling in the air, was pulled over by Li Meng and fell heavily in front of him.

Looking at Golan, who fell on the ground and stared at him, Li Meng praised: "The courage is commendable, but it's just that the brain is a little awkward."

Ignoring the hatred gaze, Li Meng smiled indifferently and continued mocking: "What's the point of doing this? Even if you break the bones of your whole body, you still can't hurt me, but you will become a burden to your sisters."

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