Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 973: Golan's fear

Reaching out, Li Meng picked up a bunch of Golan's forehead hair and whispered: "You are too weak and you can't do anything in front of me. You can't help your queen, nor can you help the sisters who are struggling in the air. At a thought, you and your sisters will be "killed" by me, torn apart by me, **** corpses will fall to the ground, and your miserable death will be seen by your people. ."

Looking at Golan, Li Meng smiled cruelly and said softly: "You say! What will happen then?"

What will happened?

Thinking of that kind of scene, Golan's hatred eyes finally changed, becoming a little frightened, fear of Li Meng.

Li Meng lightly stroked Golan's face, and Li Meng chuckled lightly: "Fear is right. You have a hundred reasons to be afraid of me, because your sisters and your queen are all in my hands. God, if I'm upset, they won't survive."

"No! Don't hurt them."

She flinched, not only fear, but also pleading in her eyes.

Li Meng was very satisfied with the changes in Golan.

No matter any intelligent creature cares too much, its shortcomings are also obvious.

What Golan cares most about is her sisters and the queen.

As long as this shortcoming is grasped, the fierce Golan is the easiest to collapse.

Moving his hand away from the beautiful face, Li Meng grabbed Golan's weak arm with both hands and twisted it vigorously.

Just hearing a "click", Golan's brows opened slightly, his eyes showed pain, but he quickly relaxed.

With a movement of his mind, Li Meng let go of Golan.

No more restraints on his body, Golan was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at Li Meng in front of him.

There is no hatred in the pupils, only fear.

Looking at the dumb Golan, Li Meng smiled softly, combed the hair on her forehead very gently, put it behind her shoulders, and said: "Without strong "power", no one can do anything. Protect, you are very anxious, and you are also very afraid of the coming of war, because once the war starts, your sisters will be killed one by one. Do you want strength?"

Taking a step back slightly, Li Meng stretched out his hand to Golan and said, "I can give it to you!"

When he said this, Li Meng smiled.

The smile is evil, like a seductive devil.


Looking at that little hand, Golan's heart moved.

She wants power, she wants power as powerful as him, and only with powerful power can she protect everything she cares about.

She stretched out her hand blankly and looked at Li Meng with longing eyes, and her slender fingers were gently placed in Li Meng's palm.

The Banshee Wings are very different from the Golden Wings.

Even if the Golden Wings are not wearing clothes, they look like beasts.

The Banshee Wing is very human.

The hands and hair of the banshee wing are the same as humans, except that they have long legs and claws.

The body only has golden feathers on the back, arms and legs. The rest of the body is just like a human being, all with white and fragile skin.

With a satisfied smile, looking at Golan, Li Meng said softly: "Very good! I will give you the power you want, but now your task is to convince your sisters."


Golan looked at the sisters who were still struggling around.

"Yes, master!"

Goran whispered.

The master of this sound represents Golan's obedience and also the beginning of Golan's new life.

The master not only complicated the expression of Ai Moore behind, but even the banshee wingmen in the air stopped struggling, staring at Yago in a daze.


Opened his golden wings openly, Golan spread his wings and flew high, leaving Li Meng, and flying towards the banshee wing people in the sky.

After Golan left, Li Meng took a few steps forward and came to Ai Moore.

Looking at Ai Moore who was still half-kneeling on the ground, Li Meng said calmly: "For you, this is also a good thing. It is the heavy responsibility of protecting the ethnic group. They can also share some responsibilities for you, and you can relax."


Ai Moore didn't say much, but responded softly.

With a light jump, Li Meng sat on Ai Moore's left shoulder.

The difference in body shape makes Ai Moore's shoulders very wide, and sitting Li Meng is more than enough.

With this one, Li Meng's body size seemed to be getting smaller.

In the eyes of humans, the three-meter banshee wing is undoubtedly the size of a giant.

Ai Moore only briefly froze for Li Meng's move, and then returned to normal.

From the branch, Ai Moore stood up.

The touch in the ear made Ai Moore a little uncomfortable, but she could only adapt to this discomfort.

However, the owner is really light.

Although the owner was sitting on her shoulders, she could not feel the slightest weight. If it weren't for the clear touch on her shoulders, she even thought her shoulders were empty.

In the sky, Golan was communicating with a group of Banshee Wings.

In Ai Moore's ear, Li Meng whispered: "Go to the camp! Bring them, there are things I need to know, so that I can know how to help you."

The result is already out.

Both Golan and Ai Moore have made a choice, do those Banshee Wings still have a choice?

Li Meng did not wait long.

Not long after, Golan took a group of sisters and fell on the branch.

They looked at Li Meng on the shoulders of the queen and shouted in unison, "Master!"

The master made Ai Moore's expression loose.

With a slight expression, Ai Moore said: "Follow me back to the camp narrative!"


Under the leadership of Ai Moore, a group of Banshee Wings flew down from the canopy.

Those golden figures attracted a lot of attention from below.

At this time, Li Meng temporarily entered the emptiness in order to hide his own existence.

In the golden camp, thirteen golden figures slowly fell.

The inflamed wings made a gust of wind and sand.

With his sisters, Ai Moore entered the large camp.

In the main seat, Ai Moore sat on the ground.

Looking at the standing sisters in the camp, Ai Moor said softly: "Sisters! Sit down."

In silence, twelve golden figures sat down on the carpets on both sides.

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