Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 986: cheer

But in this scene, Ai Moore must do it seriously.

She must convince the members of the clan that the power they gained was bestowed by the "sacred tree".

"Are you ready?"

Ai Moore asked the sisters beside him softly.

"Queen! Do you really want to take it? The master said that it is dangerous."

Golan on the side was still a little worried, and said very worried.

He opened his right hand and looked at the ring in his hand, Ai Moore smiled faintly.

Said without fear: "Since the master gave me "it", it means that the master believes in me, and I also believe in the master."

After finishing speaking, Aimore did not hesitate to put the crystal ring on the **** of his left hand.

When the crystal ring touched the middle finger, at that moment, time seemed to stop.

On the altar, I saw a sudden burst of white light.

A pair of huge light wings suddenly spread their wings, almost covering the entire altar.

In the light wing, Ai Moore's entire body is shrouded in white brilliance, and the momentum is very compelling.

On the altar, the huge wings of light were fifty meters long, gently swaying, and little white light rose up, dancing in the air like elves, and then dissipated.

The scene that took place on the altar caused the audience to exclaim again and again, with an incredible expression and excitement on their faces.

The elders on the stairs are also incredulous. Has the holy tree really responded to the prayers of the "holy envoys"?

At this moment, another golden light burst out on the altar.

Pairs of huge golden wings stretched out one by one, occupying a place on the altar.

On the altar, the bodies of the banshees were shrouded in golden brilliance, and their aura was amazing.

The changes on the altar aroused the admiration of the Golden Wing people in the audience.

In the eyes of everyone, Ai Moore stood up.

The huge wings of light fluttered lightly, and the figure shrouded in white light rose into the sky, hovering above the altar.

"This is "Holy Flame"?"

Feeling the "power" flowing in the body, facing the fiery eyes of the altar, at this moment, Ai Moore has the confidence that he has never had before.

Below her, the banshees also incited the golden wings to fly into the sky, hovering under Ai Moore.

Looking at the thirteen figures on the altar exuding soft brilliance, cheers suddenly broke out under the altar.

That was the joyous roar of the Golden Wing Human Race. When tens of thousands of cheers gathered together, its momentum was mighty, shaking the entire "Holy Land."

Facing the cheers of the people, Ai Moore raised his right hand.

I saw that the white brilliance in Ai Moore's right hand gathered together to form a huge "light gun" nearly five meters long.

Looking north, Ai Moore's gaze condensed, and the posture in the air made a projectile motion.

With a strong hold, the white light flashed, and the huge light gun flew out.

The huge light gun passed through the sky like a bolt of lightning, and plunged one end above the golden gate.


There was only a dull sound of thunder and thunder, dust was flying, and rubble rolled.

The huge "light gun" directly penetrated the mountain wall tens of meters thick and disappeared over Banshee Island.

The rolling rubble fell, and when the dust subsided, a hole with a diameter of half a hundred appeared on the rock wall 100 meters above the golden gate.

The huge hole seemed to be melted, and the rock wall inside the cave was a fiery red color, like magma.

Looking out from the inside, you can see the sky outside.

Ai Moore was very satisfied with this blow. Although it was a temporary impulse, the result did not disappoint Ai Moore.

Strength, she has gained great power.

This is not only the blessing of her alone, but also the blessing of the entire tribe.

The Holy Land is broken?

Looking at the huge hole above the golden gate in a daze, the Golden Wing Human Race under the altar had already been dumbfounded.

Is this the power that the "Holy Tree" bestows on the "Holy Envoys"?

Strong, too strong.

With this "power", they will surely be able to repel the incoming enemy.

A moment of silence, in exchange for overwhelming cheers.

On the plain, all the Golden Wing human races were shouting loudly, they were cheering, their expressions excited.

Ai Moore heard the cries of the people.

In the sky, she publicly incited a huge "wing of light", and her "holy" posture was attracting attention.

Looking at the golden figure below, Ai Moore's voice rang.

"Return to the "king court" and prepare to meet the enemy!"

The voice was loud and continuous, almost covering up the cheers on the plain.

As soon as the words fell, in the sky above the altar, thirteen figures turned into a white light and twelve golden lights and went north, disappearing into a huge hole in the blink of an eye.

With the departure of the queen and the envoys, the gold-winged people on the plain also boiled.

Countless gold-winged people spread their wings and flew high, and their inflamed wings almost enveloped the entire sky.

Numerous golden figures formed a huge golden torrent and poured into the cave.

The momentum is so great that it can no longer be described in words.

It took a full hour before the commotion on the plain subsided.

On the plain, not all the Golden Wings have left.

The old and weak Jin Wing people stayed.

They are old and can no longer follow in the footsteps of the Queen. The only thing they can do is to do something they can do in the back.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the tribe, their eyes can only envy.

With the people, Ai Moore returned to the royal court.

This is her self-confidence and the self-confidence of the entire tribe.

The response from the "sacred tree" is "for the tribe" the greatest courage.

They believe that under the leadership of Queen Ai Moore, they can defeat the enemy.

Ai Moore will naturally not let the people down.

Back to the "king court" and back to the familiar "home", whether it was the banshees or the Golden Wings, they quickly entered the state.

The commotion upon return soon subsided.

In the parliament hall of the royal court, a group of banshees gathered together.

On the throne, Ai Moore sat with a huge figure.

The white brilliance on his body is gone, and Ai Moore has returned to normal at this time.

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