Looking at the sisters in front of the temple, Ai Moore's expression was very pale.

Talking slightly, Ai Moor whispered: "If we can repel the expeditionary army of the Golden Wing King this time, we will be able to regain most of the lost islands. We will have a few years before the next arrival of the Golden Wing King's army. Time to recover and strengthen our own strength."

The battle between the Golden Wing Saint King and the Banshee Wing Human Race has only been three years since the battle started.

In the past three years, although the Golden Wing Saint King’s army has captured all the islands controlled by the Banshee Wing Human Race, the time is too short. Even if the "Holy Tree" is assimilated, the Holy Tree cannot give birth to a new Golden Wing in a short time. people.

It takes time, a long time.

The "sacred tree" blooms in three years and bears fruit in five years. It takes ten years to give birth to a strong Golden Wing.

In other words, even if the Golden Wing Saint King seized the islands of the Banshee Wing Human Race, it would not be able to increase the strength of his army in a short time. Only ten years later, those islands could truly become the territory of the Golden Wing Saint King.

From the start of the war to the present, although the Golden Wing Saint King’s army has won victory, its own losses are also very large. The terror that can come to Banshee Island is only half of the power in its heyday.

The Golden Wing Saint King’s army comes from the far north. Although it has a clear purpose to develop to the south, in the past few years, the expansion of the territory has not been able to supplement the Golden Wing Saint King’s army.

If you want to replenish the expeditionary force, you must mobilize from the base camp in the north, which undoubtedly requires a lot of time and energy.

As the most powerful tribe in the Underground Sea, the Banshee Wing Human Race in the south is just one of the targets of the Golden Wing Saint King. In other directions, the Golden Wing Saint King's army is also expanding at all times.

Therefore, once the battle against the Banshee Wing Human Race is defeated, the Golden Wing Saint King needs a certain buffer time if he wants to swept back.

During this buffer time, the Banshee Wing Human Race has an opportunity to grow up.

"The master said that although our "power" is strong, it also has limitations. The army of the Golden Wing Saint King is coming fiercely, with 200,000 people and endless "skeletons". Face this power. , Even if it is us, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

It was Golan speaking.

As a fighter, Golan is very aware of his existing "strength."

Although she has self-confidence, she also has self-knowledge.

Although they received the "power" bestowed by their master, they only had twelve, and counted as the queen, but only thirteen.

In the face of the two hundred thousand soldiers of the Golden Wing Saint King, there are endless "skeletons", even they can hardly do anything.

Even if they were able to win victory in the end, Banshee Island and the tribesmen would all be lost and ruined.

What use is it just for them to survive?

When the next army of the Golden Wing Saint King arrived, they still had to fight alone, and by then, even if they were, they would probably be overwhelmed by endless enemies.

Regarding Golan, Ai Moore was not discouraged.

Her expression just suddenly became very sad and worried.

The worry on his face was obvious.

In the suspicious gazes of the banshees, Ai Moore said with concern: "With the power we have today, even if we can't win, it will inflict heavy damage on the army of the Golden Wing Saint King, causing them to temporarily give up on our race. I’m worried about the owner!"

the host?

The Queen's words made the banshees look at each other.

Indeed, the owner had said before clearly that he would arrive later.

But until now, the master has never appeared.

The banshees didn't think too much because the master was always out of sight.

Although they didn't see the master, the master might be somewhere in the holy ground, maybe in the hall, but they couldn't see it.

Golan was also a little puzzled. She asked suspiciously: "Queen! What happened to the master? Why do you worry so much?"

Aimore shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The master said that the ring will be given to me after the war, but now, the master has broken his promise. Although the reason is unknown, the master should not be in Banshee Island now. ."

Not on Banshee Island?

The queen's love for Moore changed the expressions of the banshees.

Golan even said quickly: "Queen! Are you saying that the master has left?"

Looking nervously at the sisters, Ai Moore had to nod his head even though he was unwilling.

This nodded, making the banshees panic.

"Has the master left us?"

"Why, is there something we didn't do right?"

"What to do? The master abandons us, how can we win?"

In the eyes of the banshees, their power is bestowed by the "master".

As long as the master is there, they are not afraid to face no matter how powerful the enemy is, because the master is watching them behind him, so they are fearless.

When they got the news of their master's departure from Ai Moore, they panicked suddenly, as if they had lost their support.

Even if they already have a strong "power", after losing support, they will instinctively become flustered.

"All right!"

Seeing how flustered his sisters looked, Ai Moore yelled.

The Queen's scolding silenced the banshees.

Looking at Ai Moore on the throne together, the panic on his face did not disappear.

Looking at the sisters, Ai Moore's expression was very serious. She was angry and said angrily: "Look at what you look like, how disappointed the master would be if she saw it? The master gave us "power", just wanting We have the unique ability to protect the tribe even if the master is gone."

With a low expression, Ai Moore continued: "The master is a foreigner and cannot stay by our side forever. Sooner or later, he will leave and return to your own tribe. You must get used to the days when the master is away."

Love Moore's words silenced the banshees.

Yes, the owner is a foreigner, and it is impossible to stay on Banshee Island forever. Sooner or later, he will leave, leave them, and return to his own tribe.

They have their lives, and the owners have their own lifestyles.

Although their lives are converging at this moment, the entangled thread will separate one day.

They will also embark on their own lives.

For some reason, the hearts of the banshees suddenly became a little sad.

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