Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 988: Invincible?

The master has spent quite a few days on Banshee Island. Although the time is short, they are used to the days when the master is around.

Looking at the silent sisters, Ai Moore let out a sigh of relief.

Getting up, Aimore left the throne.

Coming to the hall, Ai Moore walked outside and said to his sisters: "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

Ai Moore's words stunned the banshees, and Golan asked inexplicably.

Without saying much, Ai Moore only said two words.



Although doubtful, the banshees can only follow.

In the palace, thirteen golden figures rose into the sky, turned into golden lights and disappeared in the northern sea.

Regarding the departure of the "Holy Envoys", the people of Golden Wings on Banshee Island cast doubtful glances.

At this time, what did the queen do with the "Holy Envoys" going to the dangerous north?


There is no wind, no sound, and the world of the underground sea is full of tranquility.

The calm and vast sea is like a mirror, without a trace of ripples.

In the water, the brilliance of the mixed color is transmitted little by little, so that the underground sea will not fall into complete darkness.

At a glance, the colors in the water are like stars in the night sky, giving people the illusion of being in a chaotic universe.

Suddenly, a "unusual sound" from the north broke the calm of the underground sea.

There were more and more strange sounds, and the calm sea seemed to surging, ripples rippling little by little.

In the north, a little golden dot appeared at some point.

The golden dots stretched across a large area of ​​the sea, looking from a distance, like golden stars in the night sky.

When the line of sight is drawn closer, where are the golden stars.

But a huge golden battleship.

The sea was surging, and in the water, large and small shadows flashed by.

On the surface of the water, countless huge golden warships pierced the calm sea, causing waves.

At a glance, there are hundreds of huge golden warships spread over a radius of more than ten miles.

The golden warships are large and small, the large ones are more than four hundred in length, and the small ones are no less than two hundred. The warships have no sails or paddles, and the power comes from the sea at the bow.

On the bow of the huge golden battleship, two huge golden ropes stretched out and sank into the sea.

In the sea at the bow of the ship, there is a huge shadow, judging from Luo's outline, a huge golden rope is tied to the body of the huge creature in the sea.

The huge golden battleship is powered by giant beasts in the sea.

The behemoth is so big that the shadows swimming in the water are no less than fifty meters in length.

In addition to the giant beasts on the bow, in the water on both sides of the huge golden battleship, there are countless huge shadows moving along.

The shadows are large and small, the small ones are only ten meters away, and the large ones are even close to one hundred meters.

But the biggest one is the huge golden battleship.

The golden battleship is very wide and very long. The height of the hull exposed to the water is 50 meters, and the length is no less than 400 meters.

The golden warships sailing on the sea are like moving hills. At a glance, a large area of ​​the sea has been shrouded in gold.

The hull hit the water splashes, and the crashing sound was the biggest culprit breaking the tranquility of the underground sea.

However, the sound of water was only one of the culprits, and the second culprit was the golden figures on the deck of the golden battleship.

On the hierarchical decks of the golden battleships, there were full of golden silhouettes. At first glance, there were countless golden silhouettes on each battleship.

They chatted and communicated, and their voices were "messy" and noisy.

Over the years of expedition, they have won countless victories.

In their eyes, the tribe is invincible, and the small Banshee Island will become their trophy.

This huge fleet is the expeditionary army of the Golden Wing Saint King. This is an invincible division and an army that cannot be defeated.

At least in their opinion, it is so.

More than 300 warships, 200,000 warriors, endless "skeletons", who will be their opponents?

Are the remnants of the defeated Banshee wing human race?

They consider themselves "invincible", but for some people, that's not the case.

Just in front of the golden fleet, a few kilometers away over the sea, a huge "black robe" was suspended quietly, facing the direction of the distant piece of gold.

After a day of searching, Li Meng finally found them.

The distance between the fleet and Banshee Island was farther than Li Meng had imagined.

About three hundred nautical miles or so, after searching for a long time, Li Meng even thought that he had missed them.

Fortunately, Li Meng did not give up and kept searching the north until now, Li Meng finally found them.

In the distance, a golden area, countless large and small warships, and countless bones in the sea, appearing menacing, extremely mighty and spectacular.

Li Meng's opponent is an army, a large army.

But Li Meng had no fear in his heart. Ants are always ants. Although large-scale ants can swallow everything, there are not enough, strong, or perfect ants in front of him.

A pale bone hand stretched out from the black robe, the black death force was disturbed, and a huge death sickle was formed in the bone hand.

The black robe was originally big, five meters tall, but the death sickle was bigger, and the exaggerated crescent-shaped curved blade exuded bursts of cold light.

"let's start!"

A sigh came from the black cannon.

The huge black robe fell into the sea like a free fall.

When it was about to touch the sea surface, the huge black robe turned around, and its speed suddenly climbed. It pressed against the sea surface and turned into a black glow, attacking the fleet ahead.

The strong wind was disturbing and howling, and the sea surface leaped up a column of water, quickly approaching the fleet.

When the Golden Fleet discovered something "abnormal" in the sea ahead.

It was too late. In the harsh whistling sound, Heimang rushed into the fleet, accompanied by the rising water column.


Li Meng waved the death sickle in his hand as he was blocked by the huge golden battleship.

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