Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1119: News of victory

"We won~!"

With the grand prince's loud announcement, all the peacekeeping forces in the city of Khaligard all cheered.

Whether it was a guard standing guard on duty, a guard patrolling around, a guard watching a prisoner, or a soldier still sweeping away the enemy in the city, they raised their weapons and shouted in excitement.


"Long live~!"

At this moment, the city is filled with only these two cheering sounds.

The cheering roared like spring thunder in the heavens and the earth, and then spread quickly.

Hearing the shaking cheers, the soldiers who stayed in the base camp did not know for a while, so they stood on their toes and looked in the direction of the city in confusion.

One of the soldiers on the night shift even yawned, draped in sheets, with hen-coop-like hair, and with ignorant sleepy eyes, he got out of the camp. In the decisive battle just now, many people including him were included. I'm so tired.

He wanted to see what happened. But then, before he could react, the same enthusiastic cheers came from the base camp.

Immediately afterwards, the soldier who had just woke up found himself in the midst of a huge wave of shouts, surrounded by his throats and shouting companions. The huge shouts shook him and he could hardly hear his own voice.

He hesitated for a moment, then pulled a person, pressed to the other's ear, shouted, and asked the other person: "Hi, man, what happened?"

The man looked at him contemptuously, and said in his heart: At this time, he is still asleep, this guy is definitely an idiot, he must have missed the last opportunity to grab good things.

Then raised his fist. After the crowd shouted twice, they shouted back loudly and shouted, "Hadu is dead~!"

But his voice was suddenly drowned in the cheers and shouts from the crowd.

Although the waking soldier looked at the opponent's mouth moving, but because of the loud noises around, he could not hear what he was saying at all, so he shouted desperately, "What are you talking about..."

The man grinned. Then he put his hands in the other's ears and shouted: "Hadu is dead~! We have won~! You can go home~!"

The eardrum of the soldier who had just woke up was painful, and his whole body was shocked. Then, he also raised his fist high. I tried my best and shouted loudly: "We have won, we have won~!"

All the soldiers gathered together, jumping, shouting loudly, cheering for victory. Many people even took out the inferior wine in private possession very generously. Celebrate with everyone.

For soldiers. There is nothing more to be happy about than victory.

Victory, which means that you can go home.

Victory, that is, there will be no more wars. I will not die in a foreign land, or leave a lifelong disability in the struggle.

Victory. Finally won~!

Hadu, once known as the invincible in the world, also fell into their hands.

at this time. In the base camp, there is still a group of people who can't help celebrating. Still working desperately.

Those are the telegraphers from the Flying Eagle Company.

At this moment, they were sitting in the telegraph machine room of the base camp, desperately pressing the buttons in their hands, and in the series of'didididi' sounds, through the intermittent current at that time, the news was transferred to Passed out as quickly as possible.

Although it was cold and windy outside, these telegraphers took off their coats and wore a thin shirt.

Sweat was dripping down on this forehead, and they didn't care about sticking up, their fingers vibrated desperately, working with the greatest enthusiasm.

The Grand Duke solemnly issued a declaration of victory in Khaligard City, which marked that the peacekeeping force successfully completed the established strategic tasks.

Keep the Almohad empire headed by Queen Isabella, recover the south of Almohad, defeat the military cliques in the separatist areas, reunify the entire Almohad, and add to the upcoming war that will test all mankind. A pillar of power.

More importantly, the peacekeeping force headed by the Ruman Empire wiped out its number one enemy, the world-famous general and military strongman General Hadu.

The clouds that had been pressing on Ruman's head for twenty years disappeared.

From now on, Ruman people can proudly say that we Ruman are still invincible in the world. Those who violate Ruman's power will be punishable even if they are far away.

The significance is like the American devils who killed Brother Deng. It is a major event that shakes the world.

As soon as it came out, the approval rate could be increased by hundreds of percent. The national flag was hung at the door of the common people's home, and they were loyal to the flag, singing the song of stars and red and white stripes.

This kind of news of ‘reputation’ is instantly brushed to ‘worship’, so it must be released as soon as possible.

According to official rules, since this matter is extremely important, and as the news of victory, there is no need to hide it from the common people. If you run first, you must hide it.).

Therefore, this message was directly used in a clear telegram, and it was also indicated on the head of the telegram, copied to local officials and released publicly.

After receiving the news, the relay telegraph stations in various places did not dare to neglect when they were excited, and they relayed the news again as quickly as possible.

With the beeping of the telegraph, the news seemed to grow wings, following the erected wires, through the windy countryside, over the rushing river, over the yellow hills, and over A ruined city...passed it towards Siye.

On the side of the West Gate Road of Abdwad, the capital of Almohad, if you stand above the city and look up, you can clearly see the electric poles extending in all directions along different roads. Drive until the end of the line of sight.

And under that city, at the intersection of electrical wires like spider webs, there was a three-in-one yard guarded by heavy soldiers. The front of the yard was a huge hall.

Occasionally. There is a child wearing a red vest carrying a brightly colored postal bag of the same color, passing through a huge glass door which is called extremely luxurious, rushing out from the inside, or rushing in with sweat.

The hall was crowded with people coming and going, and the whole hall was full.

Although it is winter. The cold wind screamed outside Abdwad, but the heat wave rushing from the entrance of the hall was enough to rush people.

Inside, he had to take out his handkerchief frequently and wipe the sweat off his face.

A gorgeously dressed gentleman, or a man in a servant costume, or a sweaty dock worker. Either an elegant lady...

These people of different classes and different statuses who shouldn't have appeared on the same occasion all gathered in the hall, and they were all in peace, some even got together to talk and laugh loudly.

Those who are literate or fill out the form. Or consider the words. Either count the coins in your hand, and then sadly cross out a few words from the telegram draft in your hand, fill in it after thinking for a moment, and then cross it out again, and so on...

And more people gathered around those few telegraph writers, yelling. Ask the other party to help me write the first draft.

The drafters had to talk to them in a louder voice to determine what they wanted to write.

The whole hall was noisy. It was a hustle and bustle, like five thousand ducks croaking at the same time.

This is the business hall of Feiying Tietong Telegraph Company in Abdwad.

With the temper of Lord Luo Jue. Since the telegraph system was built with huge sums of money, it is natural to find a way to get it back.

Telegraph lines pulled out by hand are not generally expensive. Only the rich and powerful Flying Eagle Company made up for the construction cost in millions. The money reminded Lord Lord Lorraine that he would be in pain for a long time.

Therefore, he opened the civil system of cable telegraph in the first time.

Others do not agree with the liberalization of civilian use. Even if a telegram earns a gold coin, it will take millions of telegrams to recoup the cost. This will not pay off until the next century.

But the elderly Lorraine knows very well that the communications industry is not making money, it is simply stealing money.

Moreover, in view of the unscientific nature of later generations of telegrams, Lord Luo made a great improvement. His telegrams were not charged by words, but by letters.

Moreover, in order to make the most profit, his system charges are not too expensive. Unlike the previous life of China Mobile Unicom, the roaming fee is collected as a two-way fee.

Lord Lorraine’s charges were extremely accurate in reference to the local price levels, and each letter only required one silver coin, which was equivalent to the price of a meal for ordinary people.

But Sir Alex was surprised to find that he felt so dark-hearted that even he himself was a little embarrassed. If anyone and Sir Lorraine charge every minute, er, to be precise, it’s five yuan per second for mobile phones, Sir Lorraine. The master must copy the bricks to lift his front face.

But as soon as it opened, it was greeted with praise from many people.

Many people even boasted that Lord Luo's charge was cheap, and he called him a great kind person, and he was completely sorry for the honorable title of his neighbor to the Pluto. It was only a matter of not shaping a golden body for his old man.

Everyone was sighing, Lord Lorraine might also feel that there were too many Almohad people scraping them, and suddenly his conscience discovered it.

Later, Sir Alex wanted to understand that anyone who spent the money to shoot a telegram didn't care about the money. Just like those who can afford a Lamborghini, they don't care about the parking fee.

And more importantly, the ordinary people don’t understand the new thing about telegraph. They all think that the telegraph room is not made by technological means, but by the great wizards, even the great wizards, who use magic to transmit messages. .

Because each telegraph station is in charge of management and daily maintenance, it is indeed a master.

Everyone knows that the mages are not only cruel, but also priceless.

Even if you have money, you may not be able to let them help. People's work depends on the mood.

Now Lord Luo actually invited them, and only one silver coin and one letter.

This is simply the best in the world. Don't fool around quickly, let him continue to stick money to everyone, and wait until he understands it later, but there is no such advantage. Naturally, I complimented him.

Due to the large gap in the number of telegraph operators required, Luo Jueye adopted a pure streamlined operation in the telecom company in order to save time and let the employees start work as soon as possible. A large number of manuals were distributed to the employees below.

People are writing their telegrams and after paying the money. Those telegram drafts were accepted and handed over to the translator behind.

They sat in front of the table and converted the telegrams into code symbols. Then divide them into categories and submit them to the next report. Because they are not very skilled, many people even look through the code dictionary in their hands during the translation process.

In the telegraph room behind. All the telegraphers sat in front of the machine, stared at the telegram, and pressed the telegram button in their hands.

Many of them only know how to press the button of the message, but do not understand the content of the message. It just sends out the documents mechanically.

On the other side, the receivers just looked at the machine in front of them. Then, according to the signal sent from the opposite side, mark one by one on the notebook.

After waiting, he tore the piece of paper and threw it into the small basket next to it. Those old guys who can easily translate after reading them are all in the military system.

Every once in a while. Someone took away the small baskets full of paper. Give it to the translator in the other room. They just retranslated those electrical symbols into letters.

Finally, these manuscripts will be handed over to the messengers in different categories, and they will carry the postal parcels on their backs, then walk the streets and alleys, and send out the telegrams according to the address.

It is completely modern. Corporate management.

Eleven o'clock in the morning is their busiest time.

Just now. The telegraphers were surprised to find that the machine in front of them seemed to be congested, and the telegraph lines could not be sent.

And on the other side. The receptionists also looked at the machine in front of them in surprise, ticking crazy all the time. It seems to be burnt.

"What's the matter?" There was a commotion in the crowd.

An inexplicable sense of fear spread quickly in the crowd, and many people even left their seats involuntarily.

Although the vast majority of people came for high wages, they were more willing to believe that this was a terrible magic, and even a kind of ghost lived in the face of this technology that they could not understand at all. So this information is transmitted so fast.

Therefore, instinct is a little afraid of it, let alone seeing it so abnormal.

At this moment, the supervisor walked in.

He looked at everyone and couldn't help but angrily said: "What's the matter? Give me silence."

"Maybe...maybe this machine is going to explode?" Someone in the crowd whispered.

The supervisor angrily scolded: "Fart. I trained at the headquarters and I have never seen anything. Why have I never seen an explosion?"

Everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

The supervisor glanced at the row of machines and found very keenly that although the machines were abnormally loud, it seemed that there was no problem. Then he sternly said: "What are you panicking? Sit down for me and record them according to those signals. I want to see what is going on?"

Several receivers looked at each other and reluctantly sat down again, then took out their pencils and quickly recorded the signal on the notebook.

The supervisor looked at the telegrams and couldn't help but frown: Due to the different time of reception, although the telegrams were a bit misplaced before and after, he still clearly discovered that the contents of the telegrams were basically the same.

The supervisor couldn't help but sink in his heart: This is definitely something serious~! Otherwise, these messages will never be so similar. Only in order to avoid interruption of major information transmission, will they be used to transmit at the same time by each node.

The rest of the people looked at his livid expression and couldn't help but look at each other.

As soon as the supervisor changed hands, he handed the message to the translator next to him, saying: "You guys, translate it together. See what happened."

Because of the anxiety in his heart, at this time, his tone also eased a lot.

The translators took the message, sat down, and carefully translated each word.

After a while, one of the translators finished the translation first.

He stared at the series of letters that came out in front of him and read it in a hurry, but under tension, it seemed that there was no way to form those letters into words.

At this moment, a translator next to him had suddenly got up, read the text in his hand, and said: "Duke... three hours and forty minutes ago, in the maple garden in the city of Harigard, Hadu commanded The Ministry solemnly announced: Hardu is dead. The peacekeeping coalition successfully completed the mission. We have won."

The whole room was quiet.

Someone whispered suspiciously: "Really, fake, don't translate it wrong..."

At this moment, another translator suddenly got up and said hurriedly: "The Grand Duke announced that Hadu is dead. The peacekeeping coalition successfully completed the mission. We won~!"

At this time, the third translator also stood up and said: "The Grand Duke announced that Hardu is dead. Our army won a great victory."

Everyone looked at each other: This news is definitely true~!

Suddenly there was joy in the room.

Many people let go of their throats, pulled their throats, and cheered loudly.

"I won, I won~!"

"Long live the empire!"

"Long live the Queen~!"

"Long live the new imperial army~!"

"Long live the coalition..."


Everyone in the hall heard the cheers coming from behind, and they were all inexplicable for a while. And because no one came to receive the text for such a long time, many people who were anxious to pay for the report were a little angry, even angry.

But then I saw someone rushing out from behind, raising their arms, and shouting to everyone present: "We won, we won..."

While shouting, he rushed into the street outside.

Everyone saw it, and it was even more strange: What won? Is that crazy yelling? Even if you want to run naked, you have to take off your clothes, right?

At this moment, another group of people hurried out from behind to report the room.

They also ran and cheered loudly: We won, we won...

Then all the rumblings ran out.

" guys are crazy~!" Before everyone had time to sigh, they saw that the one who ran at the end had turned his head back.

He looked at the crowd and exclaimed in excitement, "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't you know we won?"

Everyone shuddered involuntarily, and backed a few steps: Does this guy still spread the madness to himself?

At this time, the man already shouted: "Our army has captured Khaligard, and Hadu is dead. We have won!"

Everyone looked at each other, then cheered loudly. Even if this matter is not rare, but seeing the city guard who is walking over not far away, he immediately cheered extremely enthusiastically.

They rushed out of the hall, and then ran toward the street.

Immediately, the cheers spread through the city of Abdwad like stones thrown into a pond.

In just a few breaths, the tide of cheers has resounded throughout Abdwad. (To be continued)

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