Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1120: People who borrow money are always forgetful

The first thousand one hundred and twenty chapters, people who borrow money are always forgetful (6,000 words, ask for monthly pass)


"The war is over~!"


The cheers resounded across the sky and spread to every corner of the majestic Abdwad Imperial City.

Every Abdwad yelled from the heart, laughed happily, danced happily on the street, and expressed his happiness without reservation.

This civil war that lasted for a whole year was finally victorious, and the people of Abdwad found that they finally no longer need to live in the shadow of war. The unclear cloud that hung over the people's minds instantly disappeared.

Ordinary people don't need to be afraid of walking on the road tomorrow, they will be arrested by officials with a rope and sent to the front to die.

Shop owners no longer have to worry about those officials who use the name of the war to make various agreements and donations, go to them to extort them, and force them to apportion.

Those little landlords and nobles don’t have to worry about being forced to enlist in the army. They bid farewell to their wives and children, and go to the front to meet the legend. They have three heads, six horns, fire in their eyes and sulfuric acid in their mouths. General Du fights.

The family members of the soldiers no longer need to worry about their relatives. When the war is over, their husbands (children) will go home safely, and the family will be reunited. Maybe their pockets are filled with Huang Chengcheng's gold coins.

The people living in this city can all find a reason to celebrate their victory, and then rush to the streets and carnival.

The entire city has become a sea of ​​joy, and the joyful sound has formed a huge noise that resounds over the entire city.

The joyous voice spread far away, reaching the palace.

Although the imperial city is isolated from the outside world, the joyous voice still crossed the towering city walls, through the glass doors and windows, through the hall porches, and finally reached the person sitting on a gorgeous velvet seat. Woman's ears.

She looked only about twenty years old, like blooming flowers, she was the most beautiful age for a woman.

The skin is delicate and smooth, like the most delicate suet. Slender jade neck, beautiful white face, plump and bright red lips, tall nose.

Especially those pale gray eyes are as bright as the stars in the night sky, and even a little dazzling, emitting a wise brilliance, which seems to penetrate people's hearts at a glance.

A beautiful long head was simply pulled behind his head and tied into a towering bun, which was extremely capable, noble and elegant.

It is the supreme queen of the Almohad Empire-Queen Isabella.

At this moment, she did not deal with the pile of documents on the table in front of her, even though it was marked with urgent, top secret, etc. prominently.

Instead, he leaned slightly on the back of the chair, squinted his eyes, and put his right hand gently on the armrest of the chair, while the slender fingers of the left hand were gently playing with a pair of gold glasses, which looked a little bit Absent-minded.

Just by looking at the Gucci on the frame, you know that this pair of eyes is absolutely valuable.

In the middle of the table, there is a separate message.

It was the news of victory.

This was delivered through the military system, but because it used the same line, it was only less than ten minutes earlier than the ordinary people.

There is no need to conceal the news of the victory, and the peacekeeping forces naturally sent it along with the military and civilians.

However, the advantage of military use is that this telegram was personally drafted by the commander of the new army, General Hassell, and the description of the battle situation in it is extremely detailed. Just sending this telegram requires constant time.

In particular, General Russell did not hesitate to lengthen his words, telling her Majesty the Queen that the new army is united and united.

Faced with the desperate resistance of a powerful enemy, when everyone thought of the majesty's glorious image and the eyes full of eager expectations, they immediately felt full of energy and energy, not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, and bravely taking the lead. The enemy launched a **** fight, and finally defeated the enemy.

But it’s a pity that it took countless hard work of the clerical staff to produce it with great care, and its literary talent is quite amazing. It can be called a model of the official documents of the empire. People can't help but spit out the document the day before yesterday’s breakfast. Its proper function.

Isabel only saw the lines in front of the head, knowing that the war had been won, Khaligard had been conquered, and Hardu had died.

I immediately lost what I read anymore—I didn’t need to read Queen Isabella to know what was written below.

Queen Isabella threw the telegram away, just leaned back in her chair lazily, motionless, didn't want to do anything, didn't think about anything, didn't even bother to blink her eyes.

Since she came to power, these days, she has been exhausted. Never dared to relax for a day.

As the actual controller of this difficult empire, she not only has to deal with a large amount of government affairs every day, but also racks her brains and finds ways to provide supplies to the army.

At the same time, as much as possible to appease the surrendered nobles in the south, receive foreign guests from various countries, and formulate various policies and regulations...

Balance your personnel, check and balance your officials, and fight against your opponents.

The whole person is busy spinning around, time has never been used.

After five o'clock in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, you have to start dealing with all kinds of official duties. After twelve o'clock in the night, you can go to bed slightly.

Even so, I still worry about the battle ahead.

Almost every day I have to wake up from the same nightmare-in the dream, the hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated by the scheming Hadu, and then millions of southern troops and the undead were mixed together, and they were killed like a tsunami. Come here.

The entire emperor ignited a huge fire, drowning in blood...

And she was engulfed by blood along with the flame.

Now, when the news came, she suddenly felt relieved of her great burden, instantly like a feather, and suddenly relaxed a lot.

After the feeling of relaxation, a sense of fatigue came, and the whole thing was almost collapsed. I can only wilt lazily in the chair, my mind is blank, I don't want to move, letting time slip away slowly.

While she was enjoying this rare peace, she heard faint footsteps in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, with a soft bang, a gorgeous door opened not far away.

A gray-haired nobleman walked straight in.

He looked at Her Majesty the Queen, who was curled up on a chair, motionless like a girl who was sad in autumn and hurt in spring, a trace of astonishment flashed across his face.

In his eyes, Her Majesty the Queen was always diligent in politics and worried about state affairs, and basically never saw her rest.

Privately, I admire her for her energy, but why didn't she work at this time? You must know that after the victory, there is still a big mess that needs her to decide quickly.

At this time, the queen opened her eyes slightly, and said in a tired voice: "Ha, Marquis Vishand, what do you want?"

Wei Shang hesitated for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty, I think you have received the news that we are victorious, and the great empire is reborn under your leadership."

The queen smiled slightly, Jiao Yan was brilliant like a flower, and said plainly: "Yes, dear Marquis, we have won."

Wei Shang glanced at her sideways, then cautiously said: "Then should we prepare for the next thing?"

Isabella couldn't help but condenses her brows, her brows frowned instantly.

Weishan watched her expression carefully, he was a little worried, hesitated, and then tentatively said slowly: "Let's... do it as we discussed before...?"

Isabella was aware of the uncertainty in Veshang’s tone, she couldn’t help but frowned, glanced at him, and then flatly said: "Yes. But...this matter will be put aside for now. At this time, it’s better Let me rest. I'm so tired these days, really tired..."

After speaking, I couldn't help but sighed faintly.

Wei Shang lowered his head humbly and said, "Your Majesty, as you wish."

He lowered his head, so even the queen who had always been observant couldn't see the weird look in his eyes—sympathy, admiration, and a trace of fear.

At this moment, the queen stood up and walked to the other door beside her. As she walked, she said: "This afternoon, I will take a good rest, sleep in, and water the flowers and weeding in the greenhouse. , Or some afternoon tea or something, if there is no major event of the sky falling, it is better not to find me."

Wei Shang looked at her slender and moving back, and agreed softly.

After she left, the Prime Minister sighed softly, shook his head for some reason, and turned around, and walked out from the door of the room just now.

As they left, this famous golden room was already empty. At this time, the cheers outside became louder and louder, but the sound accentuated the silence in the center of the Almohad Empire. .

But at this time, the news of the victory followed the radio waves and continued to run tirelessly along the communication lines.

Across the grassland, across the fields, through the river, over the mountains, through the every corner that can be paved by the Dian Xun network.

Wherever he went, the telegrapher who had just translated the message would rush out of the room excitedly, waving the telegram and shouting to everyone he met.

When it passed across the ocean to the Ruman Empire.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

The veterans who had participated in the last war all had tears in their eyes, or sang indulgedly, or silently stroking the weapon in their hands, or raising the wine glass in their hands, toward the battlefield that was once **** battle. Those sacrificed companions pay tribute, and the honor belongs to them and to themselves.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

Guarding in the cemetery of the war dead, the gray-haired guard couldn't help crying, putting flowers in front of every tombstone.

The war of their generation is finally over, and those souls who have been on the battlefield for twenty years can rest in peace.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

The nobles and lords everywhere cheered, and then they ordered to move out the wine that has been in the cellar for many years, and drank and celebrated with the people under them. The end of the war means that the huge cost of the war is also over. Relatives and friends of the war they participated in can go home with honors and medals.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

Those shop owners took the opportunity to put forth exciting patriotic slogans and launched various discount promotions.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

In the Ruman Imperial Palace, His Majesty Emperor Julund was also excited, standing in the garden with his hands on his back, looking south, unable to calm for a long time.

In the entire world, Queen Rudrun is the happiest person for the victory of this war.

During his time in power, the humiliation that Hardu brought to him was brought back by Queen Rudrun. Regardless of the time or descendants, Ruderen can no longer be said to be an invincible emperor, and the Ruman Empire remains the same.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

The Red Prime Minister Russell, with red eyes, issued three orders to the Northern Front Company, asking them to obtain the corresponding results in the shortest time.

He even issued a ruthless remark that if he defeated again, Lord Sai would have to chop off a few heads to sacrifice the flag.

"Hadu is dead, we won~!"

His Majesty, the emperor of the Parthian Empire, who had just ascended the throne for a few months, threw three expensive glasses in angrily, and then ordered his men to strengthen the defense of Samarkand again and increase the tax this year by one more. point.

Whether it was willing or reluctant, with the death of Hadu, the peacekeeping coalition successfully completed its mission. This gang of rogue thugs who look like tigers will move back soon.

The political structure of this continent is bound to change again.


After a few days of rest in Khaligard, the peacekeeping force immediately began to withdraw.

Although there are still problems everywhere in the south, the rest of Hadu is still in chaos, and the whereabouts of Hadu's top think tank, Elelda, is unknown.

The orthodox prince Tuckerd and the second prince Gondórez of the Almohad Empire did not know where they were.

From Khaligard south to the Great Rainforest is still the territory of the Confederate Army, yet to be recovered.

But for the peacekeeping forces, all this has nothing to do with them.

The purpose of the peacekeeping force is very clear, which is to grab money and things to kill Hadu. Both goals have now been achieved.

As for the rest of the mess, it is up to the Almohad to sort it out.

Queen Isabella has already picked up a big deal, and the peacekeeping forces will not put this bad guy to the end. Help them wipe their ass.

The largest war in the past hundreds of years was fought from the beginning of summer to the end of winter. The two sides mobilized 800,000 troops.

Among them, the coalition of peacekeeping forces and Almohad’s new army total more than 600,000. At its peak, the southern coalition formed by Hardu and his allies had more than 200,000 people.

The military expenditures and war materials consumed by the peacekeeping forces in the war are worth tens of millions. Among them, the Ruman Empire and the Vatican took most of it.

The entire Ruman Empire devoted all the power to this war with great enthusiasm, and every Ruman made a contribution to this.

Now, this costly war has finally come to an end. Even in terms of saving money, the peacekeeping forces must withdraw as soon as possible.

Not to mention, they also robbed a lot of things, and returned home with the honor of the winner. A veritable homecoming.

After the Grand Duke Julian gave the order to withdraw the troops, whether it was the Ruman Legion or the papal knights of the Holy See, immediately plunged into the retreat with great enthusiasm.

They put a lot of gold coins in the innermost pocket of their clothes, packed their bags, packed the trophies they had searched in them, removed their camps and loaded them into carts, then lined up and sang songs from their hometown. , Happily headed all the way north.

From the vulgar slang yellow tune of the Sarin miners to the navian pirate song of the rough and heroic.

The entire southern road is full of troops under military flags. They are like locusts, sweeping away all the meat and wine along the way, drinking and reveling every night. Greatly boosted the GDP and consumer index of the land.

They have enough reasons to do this. The war is over. They are the victors. They defeated the prestigious Hadu. The most important thing is that they are alive and well, and their pockets are full of beautiful gold coins.

Although it was still a bitterly cold winter, on the way north, the Almohad Southerners had been actively removing traces of war, clearing the ruins destroyed in the war, rebuilding their homes, and preparing for the spring planting.

For them, it doesn't matter who collects their taxes, what matters is whether they can get enough.

The peacekeeping troops are all homesick, and the Almohad Empire is also afraid that these puppies will suddenly change their minds, stay here and do not leave, playing hooligans. Therefore, local officials also cooperated very hard.

Coupled with the fact that there is no enemy's interception, the peacekeepers will move northward at a much faster speed than when they go south.

In mid-December, the main force of the peacekeeping force came to the imperial city of Almohad, Abdwad.

Under the order of Grand Duke Julian, the peacekeepers washed their coats two days in advance, polished the leather boots on their feet, and shaved the beards on their faces.

Because Queen Isabella at the gate of the city, held the most grand triumphal ceremony for the peacekeeping forces.

The welcome line from Abdwad City had already lined up fifty miles outside the city.

Grand Duke Julian wore a beautiful uniform, a helmet with tall pheasant feathers, and a scarlet cloak. He packed himself up like the famous epic hero of the Three Kingdoms, the world’s number one heartthrob-Lu Dabu, Sitting on the horse with his chest up and his head up.

Behind the grand prince, the soldiers of the peacekeeping force took strides and arrogantly walked on the road leading to Abdwad.

Everyone knows that this is the most critical time for their boss to pick up girls. Those of them who are little brothers must show enough spirit to support this scene for the boss.

Archduke Julian was like a prince in a fairy tale. When the evil witch bullied the kind and weak princess, he wore a golden armor and stepped on the colorful clouds.

Moreover, he didn't even eat a transforming mushroom, waved his hand, and killed the evil Kuba dragon and saved the beautiful princess.

Then according to the classic fairy tale love novels that have been passed down since ancient times, the next section should be a very yellow, violent, and rarely unsuitable three-vulgar section-the prince and the princess are not ashamed or ashamed... No, it is a happy life together. .

Simply put, when the work is over, it's time to enjoy the pay.

At the forefront of the welcome line, Queen Isabella is also dressed in white and gorgeous costumes, like a blooming rose, holding a golden scepter in her hand, standing there alone with a kind of kingly spirit. , Fenghua peerless.

A group of Almohad's princes and ministers all respectfully surround her.

However, in the eyes of the soldiers in Lao He's army, the well-dressed queen, her majesty, looked like an innocent and ignorant girl who was about to be led into the hourly room by the strange uncle. Many puppies even made private bets on which hotel the Grand Duke would open with her.

Grand Duke Julian jumped off his horse, looked at Queen Isabella, who had become more and more noble, and sighed.

I haven't seen it for a few months, and the kingly temperament of Queen Isabella is even stronger. She is now the emperor of an old feudal empire.

The Grand Duke found that he suddenly missed the Queen Isabella who was in absolute adversity and gritted her teeth.

And the queen in front of him made the Grand Duke feel like an ice-carved rose. Although it was very beautiful, it was too cold and arrogant and inaccessible.

In his heart, Da Gongyi compares the queen when he first saw it and at this time, but in the eyes of his subordinates, Da Gong looked at Queen Isabella with infatuation.

The personal guard behind him quietly stabbed the prince, and said in a low voice, "Boss, come on~! We support you."

Grand Duke Julian glanced back. The generals of the peacekeeping force looked wretched, but at the same time they nodded firmly at the Duke, and pointed at the Duke with his thumb.

Someone also lip-synched and said: "Get her~!"

Seeing the joy of his subordinates, Grand Duke Julian also nodded decisively and shook his thumb behind his back. Then he adjusted his collar and strode towards Queen Isabella.

Queen Isabella raised the corner of her skirt, bowed slightly to Grand Duke Julian, and said with a serious face: "Welcome to the triumphant return of your Highness. I represent all the Almohad people and are selfless to your Highness for our Almohad. Thank you for your help."

Archduke Julian also had to repay the courtesy in an official manner, saying: "To eradicate evil and maintain peace for all mankind is the purpose of the establishment of the United Nations. Fortunately, the mission has been fulfilled. The peacekeeping force has successfully completed its mission. I also thank Her Majesty the Queen for her support in peacekeeping operations."

Queen Isabella raised her mouth, showing a formulaic smile, and said: "Father God can witness that Almohad and the Ruman Empire will have a blood-to-blood friendship that will last forever for generations."

Grand Duke Julian smiled slightly. The Rumans weren't really mind-blowing. They were helping in the spirit of international feudalism. They had their own goals.

People who borrow money are always forgetful. For example, the Frenchman sent troops and the fleet, and borrowed money to help Amei's dummies beat the British.

But all the history books of later generations only said that this was all done by a person from Washington and had nothing to do with the French.

The Frenchman miserably didn't even mix up an appendix. You know, at that time, Louis XVI, the French bearer, brother 16 owed a large sum of money for helping the American devils in war, and finally got his head.

As an outstanding military strategist and veteran politician, Grand Duke Julian also knew that people are always ungrateful, and the Almohad may not be able to appreciate Ruman's love.

However, it is impossible to say nothing about the scene, and Grand Duke Julian also nodded and said: "Let God the Father testify that Rah will be like brothers, sharing good and bad luck."

Queen Isabella smiled reservedly and said: "We have prepared our most solemn welcome ceremony for the warriors of the peacekeeping Highness please."

"Your Majesty please."

Queen Isabella first walked to the open carriage next to her. When she lifted her long skirt to board the carriage, Grand Duke Julian graciously stretched out her arm, doing a gentleman's noble courtesy.

Queen Isabella glanced at the Grand Duke's hand, stretched out her hand and touched the Grand Duke Julian's arm like a dragonfly, and then quickly jumped into the carriage.

Archduke Julian picked up the corners of his mouth, patted the dust on his sleeves, and jumped into the carriage and sat beside the queen.

The Almohad guard of honor immediately rang in unison with drums, and played a vigorous and majestic music, leading the peacekeeping forces into the Imperial City of Abdwad.

From here on, the avenue was cleaned and leveled, and both sides of the road were crowded with the people of Almohad.

Some even held banners with big characters, and the content was nothing more than Rah friendship for generations to come.

When the drum music sounded, the people of Almohad on both sides of the road began to cheer loudly.

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