Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1121: Queen and Duke

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-one chapters The Queen and the Grand Duke (6,000 words, ask for monthly pass)

Archduke Julian jumped into the carriage, and first gave the graceful and elegant Queen Isabella a bright smile, showing eight snow-white shiny teeth.

"Dear Isa..." Looking at Queen Isabella's beautiful and beautiful face, Grand Duke Julian rubbed his hands a little nervously like a hairy boy who had just loved his first love, and then he said hehe ......'S giggle.

Seeing his rookie appearance, the generals who watched the play behind were very anxious. If it weren't for the great power that Archduke Julian had accumulated for a long time, everyone could go up and kick him hard at this time. I hope to wake up this old guy so that he can fight for a little bit of anger, so that he won't behave so badly now.

*, isn't it just a woman?

Well, although the expression has become a little colder, the aura has become a little stronger, the temperament has become a little more elegant, and the younger brother around him has a little more...

For this kind of veritable iceberg queen, those who are younger brothers can't play well, but the grand prince is also a bird male... well, a hero.

Doesn't it happen to be the nemesis of this type of woman?

Isn't a woman like an iceberg still a woman in the end?

Not to mention, everyone, as senior rascals, looked at Queen Isabella’s cold face, and knew that she must be an endocrine disorder. I haven't been cared by men for a long time.

So, walked up straight, circled her twice, tempted and stimulated her with the male-specific masculine scent from her body, and then hugged her over and took a few bites to make her lost in the most intense heat In the middle of the kiss, she slumped into her broad and strong chest, panting.

Then there is the thunder and the fire, the firewood meets the flames, Prince Charming meets Cinderella, Simon Qing meets Pan Jinlian, Paris meets Helen, Clinton sees Lewinsky... Anyway, it is the history. The most famous adulterers in the world have done very pornographic, violent and seldom inappropriate things.

Although the whole process is straightforward and simple, it seems to be no different from a male dog meeting a female dog, but for these heroic soldiers, this is the true meaning of heroic life. Whatever the past and the moon, I am a petty bourgeoisie. It's all shit. This is how human beings have done it since their birth.

They will also firmly inherit this tradition and carry it forward.

Therefore, when everyone looked at the performance of the Grand Duke, they couldn't help but sighed.

Dagong was originally a very brave person, but then he had to learn what poems and poems were written by those dead and living, but now he has become such a literary and artistic youth... well, he looks like a middle-aged literary and artistic man. Everything you do is always looking forward and backward.

What a pity~!

What a pity~!

You know, just now, many people are still extremely wretched and serious thinking about a major philosophical question: Will there be an on-site car shock today?

Queen Isabella didn't notice the expressions of those nasty puppies at all, or perhaps noticed, but did not show it.

She just nodded slightly, and said flatly, "His Royal Highness."

Not hurrying, the tone is steady, showing the majesty and demeanor of a generation of queens.

Although Archduke Julian received a good royal education, and now he can write a few awkward poems, he can be regarded as a quasi-literary middle-aged man, but he has been in the army for a long time, and he has been in the army for a long time , The nerves are also extremely rough, so I did not pay attention to these details at all, and it is precisely these details that are the essence of the elegant nobles’ attitude.

When he saw Isabella talking to himself, he immediately showed an expression of excitement. Then he quickly moved his **** and moved towards Queen Isabella, saying: "I'm telling you, Isha... "

He looked like a child eager to offer treasures to his friends, and was impatiently preparing to tell the beauty of his wonderful experience.

Queen Isabella frowned, and reluctantly hid back, with an embarrassed expression on her face. Her eyes like water turned slightly, and she gestured to the Grand Duke-both sides of the road were full of welcome people. People.

Grand Duke Julian froze for a moment, then smiled sullily, and moved his **** back little by little.

Hundreds of thousands of Almohad people watched by the side of the road, warmly welcoming their triumphant victory. In such a solemn atmosphere of ceremony, Grand Duke Julian also knew that Queen Isabella could not be too intimate with him.

She must show the majesty of the emperor in front of her subjects, and she must also show it in front of them. Let them surrender to the ground forever and dare not give birth to the slightest rebellious heart.

However, this did not hinder the excitement of Archduke Julian, he began to tell Queen Isabella vividly about his encirclement and attack on Halligard.

Queen Isabella waved to the crowds on both sides of the road, while listening to the battle story that Archduke Julian thought was very exciting. Smile from time to time, or nod with a ‘um’.

Just as the Julian Grand Duke was telling the story of his own battle, the peacekeeping troops lined up neatly and stepped into the imperial city of Abdwad amid the cheers of the Almohad people on both sides of the road.

The majestic Almohad imperial city was renovated.

There are colorful pennants on both sides of the avenue, and brightly colored pennants extend neatly to the end of the road.

On every house on both sides of the road, a military flag with a complicated pattern of peacekeeping forces and a golden lion flag of Almohad were hung.

The flags on that side fluttered with the breeze hunting. It is extremely gorgeous and full of festive atmosphere.

The streets in the city are crowded with more pedestrians. Even the balconies of the houses on both sides, wherever people can stand, are crowded with people preparing to welcome the peacekeepers.

You know, General Hadu, who is almost like a **** of war in the hearts of Almohad people, is the emperor who can only mess with his back and was granted imperial power by the **** of light. Compared with him, he is several blocks away. go with.

And it was such a general who was defeated by them, and he was forced to commit suicide.

They all want to see with their own eyes, the warriors of these peacekeeping forces. See if they are as legendary, with copper heads and iron arms, blue fangs, eight feet tall, and eight feet waist...

A team of cavalry of the Royal Guard of Almohad opened the way for the lead, followed by an open carriage with the Archduke Julian and Queen Isabella.

As soon as he entered the city gate, the citizens of Abdwad who had been waiting for a long time erupted into excitement at the same time.

"Long live the Queen~!"

"Long live His Royal Highness Julian~!"

"Long live the empire!"

"Long live the new army~!"

"Long live the peacekeeping forces~!"

"Long live the Queen~!"


The neat shouts were wave after wave, obviously rehearsed.

And if you listen carefully, you will find that among the cheers, the one who shouts most is "Long live the Queen," and "Long live the Grand Duke Julian" and "Long live the peacekeeping force" are obviously lower than the others. It is even much lower than the "Long live the new army".

If converted into money, "Long live Her Majesty the Queen" is worth a gold coin, then "Long Live Julian" is worth a copper plate at most.

In the cheers, Queen Isabella smiled brightly and waved at the cheering crowd. At this time, people's cheers became louder and louder.

On the way, although Grand Duke Julian didn't realize that he was being cheated, he was still a little depressed.

He was originally in high spirits, taking advantage of the great victory, hurriedly hurried all the way, in order to show courtesy to the beauties and coax Isabella's favor.

In the original plan of the Grand Duke, Queen Isabella should be as excited and excited as herself, because the Almohad Empire was reunited, and like all the adventure fairy tales of Dragon Quest, after the princess was saved by the brave, When moved, they promised each other, and then the two lived happily together.

He even considered that Queen Isabella, as the supreme empire, might not be convenient to be with herself in public.

In this case, as a qualified man, the father-in-law gave up some men's boring self-esteem, and it is not impossible to be the first person here.

The only trouble is, after knowing this news, Catherine will be furious, and then directly launch the third Rah war and capture herself back.

But he has counted everything, and he hasn't calculated what to do in this situation.

Archduke Julian found that Queen Isabella seemed a bit widowed and lacklustre along the way.

In desperation, in order to laugh at the beauties, Grand Duke Julian used his eloquence to the fullest, making the story as ups and downs as possible, and his voice was dry.

But Queen Isabella just listened to the story of Archduke Julian peacefully, even when it came to the part of the story, she just raised the corner of her mouth and smiled.

Then he returned to his calm face, even frowning slightly, and he looked a little worried.

Grand Duke Julian waved to the crowds on both sides in cheers, then looked at Queen Isabella, and said with concern: "Dear Isha, are you having any trouble?"

Queen Isabella was taken aback, then smiled and shook her head, and said, "Thank you for your concern, Almohad has never been better than now."

The words were extremely elegant, and full of official accents that rejected others.

"I'm asking you, Issa." Grand Duke Julian didn't understand the hint at all. He looked up and down at Queen Isabella, and said: "You seem to be a little unconscious. Are you sick?"

Having said that, when I got bold, I would stretch my hand to probe Isabella’s smooth forehead, but looking at the other person’s bright and clear eyes staring straight at me, as if I could see the darkest corner of my heart, The courage that had been gathered up immediately vented away.

In the end, he could only withdraw his hand in embarrassment.

Queen Isabella pretended not to see it, then gently shook her head and said, "No, I'm fine too, Your Highness. I just feel a little tired."

Grand Duke Julian nodded and said with concern: "Then Isha, you must rest well, it just happens that things are over."

Queen Isabella nodded, indicating that she agreed with Archduke Julian's opinion.

The peacekeepers marched straight ahead to the gate of the palace, Queen Isabella and Grand Duke Julian walked into the palace together, surrounded by high-level officials from both sides.

An unprecedented reception will be held here to thank the peacekeeping forces for their help to Almohad. All the high-level peacekeeping forces attended.

Archduke Julian was a well-deserved protagonist at the welcome party, and was surrounded by Almohad people to compliment him.

Queen Isabella hurriedly left the venue after hosting the welcome party.

Archduke Julian has been dealing with the siege of the crowd, and when he pays attention to Queen Isabella, he only catches her leaving behind.

The Prime Minister, Marquis de Verchamp, has been paying attention to the Grand Duke Julian and Queen Isabella. Julian Justice chased after him. The Marquis de Verchamp had sharp eyes and immediately stepped forward to entangle Grand Duke Julian.

Grand Duke Julian glared at him dissatisfiedly, and the Marquis de Vuchamp could not see it either.

"Isabella doesn't seem to have much energy?" After chatting about the international situation with the Marquis of Verchant, Grand Duke Julian couldn't help but sounded at the Marquis of Verchant.

The Marquis of Veshang sighed helplessly, and said in a sigh: "It is really the negligence of our courtiers. We can't share our worries for your Majesty. All the heavy burdens rest on the Queen.

In the past two years, Her Majesty the Queen has worked day and night without a day's rest. Now that the world is stable, Her Majesty the Queen can finally take off the burden and take a good rest. "

Archduke Julian pouted helplessly. Everyone said that the leader was tired. He would naturally not be ignorant to harass Queen Isabella. In the end, he couldn't hold back a group of people coaxing to drink, so he just let go of his bosom for a drink.

Early the next morning, when Archduke Julian went straight to Queen Isabella’s palace to see the queen, he was told by the Marquis of Verchant who was one step earlier than him that her Majesty the Queen was tired and ill because of too much hard work and could not see guests now.

Grand Duke Julian could only shake his hand in disappointment.

That afternoon, the citizens of Abdwad were still on the street, celebrating their victory with the peacekeeping forces.

Under the clear sky, the joyous crowd on the street was suddenly shrouded in a shadow.

When the people raised their heads, they saw a fortress building floating in the air, graceful figures steadily dart across their heads, straight to the imperial city, and finally disappeared behind the palace walls.

Archduke Julian has been waiting for the arrival of the war fortress. The little maid Lindy who was taken out of Halligard is now standing in front of the war fortress, staring at the magnificent artificial flying machine in front of her with wide eyes. Then throw a series of questions.

"It's so big, it's amazing, it can actually fly... How did it fly? Do I want to get on top of this..."

Go around the war fortress like a curious baby.

And Archduke Julian turned his head every few minutes, looked in the direction of the emperor, and then smacked his lips regretfully.

It wasn't until Queen Isabella's figure appeared in front of the courtyard that Grand Duke Julian grinned and strode forward to greet everyone.

When he reached his eyes, he suddenly discovered that Queen Isabella was not only wrapped in thick fur, but also with heavy gauze on her face, wrapping herself tightly from head to toe.

Archduke Julian looked up and down Queen Isabella, and said in confusion: "Isa, are you?"

Queen Isabella's voice was hoarse, and said: "It's not a big deal to catch the wind and cold, but your Highness still don't come over, lest you also follow the infection."

After speaking, he coughed twice in a low voice.

Archduke Julian was like a young man with unrequited love. He surrounded Queen Isabella and asked, "Is it serious?"

"It's really not a big deal. His Royal Highness cares." Queen Isabella shook her head and said: "Go, Your Highness, don't delay the trip."

As he said, with the help of the maid, he walked straight to the fortress of war.

Grand Duke Julian followed closely with someone, specially arranged Queen Isabella in an airtight room, and then retired with regret.

The war fortress rose from the ground, rose into the sky under the watch of Almohad officials, and disappeared into the northern sky.

The little maid Lindy got on the flying machine for the first time. After everyone went to rest, she finally couldn't help her curiosity and slipped out of the room to wander around in the war fortress.

Lindy has a cute and cute appearance. She has been working as a servant in Hardu's house from the time she remembered. She has a simple and simple personality-with the least money, the most scolding, and the most work. Even so, but still happy.

Moreover, they were brought by the Grand Duke Julian.

Not to mention, almost everyone now knows her glorious deeds.

Although everyone knows that this is mainly because she is stupid, but these upright Ruman people admire her very much. A person who can be so loyal is worth the respect of all of them.

The busy wizards in the war fortress also let her visit, and even a few young people took her to explain enthusiastically.

After a night of non-stop flying, when the sky was shining, the war fortress flew over the Maple Leaf Danlin where the United Nations headquarters is located.

The little maid Lindy didn’t sleep all night of excitement. After visiting the war fortress, she lay down at the window and looked down at the vast ground under her feet. At night, she looked up at the starry sky and listened to the little mage explaining how to observe the stars with different instruments. Determine your location and direction.

When the war fortress slowed down over the Maple Leaf Danlin, the little maid Lindy saw a scene that she would never forget.

The lights on the ground below your feet are shining brighter than the Milky Way.

The light revealed three towering minarets, standing upright like guards of the earth.

A piece of light on the ground criss-crossed neatly like ridges, dividing the ground into regular squares. In the middle of each square, there is a beautiful war fortress stepping up construction.

The magnificent construction project of this scale, not only the little maid Lindy, but even the little mage next to the maple leaf Danlin was so intoxicated, murmured: "Although I have watched it many times, but every time I see it, I feel it from the bottom of my heart. Shocked."

The little maid nodded again and again, she was already shocked to speak, in her mind, Hardu's huge mansion was the whole world.

Under the night sky, shrouded in lights, the grand scene of construction of 16 war fortresses at the same time was far beyond the limit of her imagination.

Even her little maid with poor knowledge knows that the manpower, material and financial resources to be used here is an astronomical number that she can't count.

The little mage next to her had just told her about the value of a war fortress, and the materials and time needed to build this war fortress.

The little maid Lindy stuck out her tongue and said in her heart: In this world, I don't know who has such a powerful power.

Compared with this, she used to think that the invincible South is simply not worth mentioning.

With a proud expression on his face, the little mage beside him straightened his chest, pointed to the brightly lit construction site below, and said: "We are the only Maple Leaf Danlin with this ability and courage."

The little maid bit her finger and murmured: "Is Fengye Danlin? That's amazing~!"

The pimples on the young mage's happy face lit up.

An older mage passed by, sneered, reached out and rubbed his head on the little mage, scratched his hair like a chicken coop, and laughed: "Don't mislead the little girl, get down to the ground carefully. The above words were heard by representatives of Vantino and the Flying Eagle Group. They will come to shoot you black bricks."

The little mage snorted and patted his hair, and then said to the little maid: "Of course, the Holy See and Vatican also provided some help, but the main construction work is still our Maple Leaf Danlin. They pay, we contribute. ."

The little maid Lindy covered her mouth and gave a smirk.

The war fortress slowly landed on the landing field painted with a huge shutdown symbol. Under the lights of the landing field, a large group of people had been waiting here.

Queen Isabella walked down from the fortress of the war. Before Grand Duke Julian came to show her courtesy, she greeted Grand Duke Julian and was surrounded by Almohad's representatives to the United Nations in a carriage and drove to the office.

Grand Duke Julian could only reluctantly retract his gaze, waved to his own person, and said, "Let's go. When will the UN General Assembly begin?"

The representative of Ruman Empire in Maple Leaf Danlin replied respectfully: "Tomorrow morning, Your Highness. But the representatives of various countries and organizations are already in place. Many people want to see Your Highness in advance."

"What annoyance, no see~!" Grand Duke Julian said simply.

The representative responded respectfully.

Then Grand Duke Julian asked, "Where are that boy Lorraine and Leo?"

"When we received the last telegram from the deputy commander-in-chief the deputy commander-in-chief said that he and the little grandpa were coming over."

Grand Duke Julian gave a hum, and turned his head to see the little maid Lindy who was looking around curiously with her neck stretched out. The Grand Duke smiled slightly and said, "Take you off for two days, go out and get better."

This simple little maid was the only one who witnessed the death of Hadu, and she was very important to the Ruman. But how to arrange her Grand Duke Julian has not yet thought about it.

"Me?" The little maid pointed her finger and blinked in confusion.

"Of course," Julian said justly, "Let's go out and see, the outside world is wonderful."

During this period of time, the little maid had been doing her original job by Julian Grand Duke. The Grand Duke quickly understood that this conscientious little maid was a bird that grew up in a cage and never left the cage for a single step. To the point where people are worried about her future.

The hatred between Ruman and Hadu has nothing to do with her.

Little maid Lindy jumped up excitedly and exclaimed cheerfully, "Thank you, Your Highness."

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