Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1139: Thunder Killing

~-~The first thousand and thirty-nine chapters thunder killer (six thousand, ask for monthly pass)

"Then I'll leave it to you." From the tone of the man in black, he was also obviously relieved.

As an advance team that came to support from the homeland, these dark wizards were no better than the liches.

They are indifferent, regardless of their grains, and have been accustomed to serving them all their lives. They have never thought about the concept of living environment.

At this point, the dark wizards suddenly discovered that this place is so bad, as described for the barbarians in all legendary novels, there is really nothing.

There was not even a piece of paper or a pen in the poor ravine, and the barbarians did not need these things. Not to mention high-end goods like tea, toilet paper, etc.

This caused great inconvenience and even pain to the dark wizard who had just arrived.

For example, they had to defecate and couldn't find toilet paper, so they had to follow the example of barbarians, risking the risk of scratching their **** and getting sepsis, using bricks or tiles to solve the problem. And because he was too unskilled, he would touch his hands if he couldn't move.

For example, when they drink water, they have to use those dirty black, black, rough wooden bowls and cups of the original color.

For example, when they eat, they don't need knives and forks made of gold and silver, and they can't eat delicious food. Instead, he had to enjoy the terrible cooking of those savages—big chunks with dripping blood, or pieces of meat that were roasted to charcoal.

Although these people devote themselves to magic and don't care about the problems of diet and daily life, no matter how good they are, they can't stand such a fierce food. They don't eat bad stomachs and keep diarrhea. It’s just that I’ve eaten my stomach and my stool is dry...

So after Huck suggested that he was willing to go out and buy these things, the dark wizards immediately agreed and issued a long list of necessities.

It is precisely because of this that this matter can be so smoothly approved by the owner of Oldheim.

The man in black pulled the list back from the goblin's hand and looked at him with disgust, then carefully twisted his two fingers, shaking the paper as if it was stained with dust.

Even though the goblin Yinguang saw it, he could only curse secretly in his heart, with a submissive expression on his face.

"I will go with you," the man in black stared at the goblin's eyes, and said in a stern tone: "If any of you dare to play any tricks and leak the news about Oldheim, you will be killed. I understand. Yet?"

For the undead tribe, before they launch an offensive, the existence of Oldheim must be kept strictly confidential, so that Rumans cannot hear any wind.

The silver goblin's waist has been bent like a shrimp. This will nod again, and the forehead is almost knocked to the ground. With the characteristic flattering voice of the goblins, he said: "Yes, sir, I will do my best to serve you. ."

The Dark Mage glanced at Huck disdainfully, and reprimanded: "The same with you."

Huck was a little reluctant: these new dark wizards were all obedient to the masters of the Oo’s Sea. Therefore, in the simple heart of the barbarian Huck, he always believed that, speaking of the status of the arena, these people should be with themselves. same level.

But they acted like a master, calling him like a slave, which made his Majesty Huck, who pretended to be the veteran of Odheim and the Emperor of the New Empire, very unhappy. After all, the psychological gap here is really too big.

However, he still had to bend down and said respectfully: "Yes, my lord, I understand."

"Very well, you guys quickly prepare, we set off tomorrow." The dark mage nodded in satisfaction, then turned and left the dirty and humble warehouse of the goblin.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared in the temple that Huck straightened up, with a disgusting expression on his face, vomited heavily, and cursed with his mouth sideways: "What the hell~!"

Turning around, I saw the gentle and submissive look of the goblin, and immediately felt that he couldn't get out of anger. He raised his foot and kicked the goblin somersault, and said bitterly: "Dog stuff, I am your master."

"Of course, my respected Master Huck." Yin Guang screamed in pain, but then with the professional qualities trained by goblins who have been oppressed for a long time, he held back the anger in his heart and made a gentle expression.

Huck sat down on the chair again, posing like a rich man, and commanding the goblin: "How much money do I have now?"

Yinguang didn't even think about it, so he opened his mouth and replied: "With your support and through my management, the property under your name is four hundred catties of gold and one hundred and sixty gems of various sizes."

"So much~!" Huck shook suddenly and jumped from his chair in astonishment. He himself was taken aback by this number, and stared at the goblin in amazement: "You earned it all? Use those unpalatable dried meat?"

The goblin smiled triumphantly and said, "We goblin have a proverb, everything is a price."

Huck rubbed his hands in excitement, and murmured: "No wonder people say that goblins are natural profiteers, that's right."

Then he laughed happily and said: "Bring these things, you must bring them all when you leave tomorrow, you know?"

"Yes, I respect Lord Huck." The goblin bowed to the ground.

Huck hummed the vulgar tune of the barbarian and went out happily.

Until he was sure he had left, the goblin Yinguang carefully closed the door and put on the latch, then leaned against the door and took a long breath.

He whispered to himself: "It's done~! I'll just say, my uncle Yinguang is out, there is nothing we can't fix."

Yin Guang looked at the dark roof, grinning, and let out a silent laugh.

Early the next morning, Yin Guang followed a large team and walked out of Oldheim's gate.

Because of the lack of mules and horses, a large number of gold, silver and gems can only be transported by humans, with guards, and the entire team has as many as three or four hundred people.

As the leader, the goblin Yinguang was extremely lucky to get back his donkey.

These days, lack of care, the donkey has been hungry and skinny, if it hadn't been rescued by the goblin in time, it would have been out of the soup pot.

Although looking at the appearance of the donkey, it seemed difficult to move things, but fortunately, the goblins were hungry and skinny these days. For that donkey, it is not heavy.

With a donkey traveling, the goblin Yinguang finally didn't have to endure the hardship of trekking. And Huck and the dark mage sat on a chair carried by four people like big men.

Seeing the city gate of Oldheim closed behind him, Yin Guang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He once thought that he would never get out of this gate anymore, and the final outcome would be like a tired barbarian.

For this reason, Yin Guang once joked about himself. If he died, he would be the first person buried in Oldheim, because the Dark Mage probably wouldn't be interested in the goblin's body. And since the meat of the goblin is not delicious, it certainly won't interest those hungry barbarians.

Because the selections were all the strongest barbarians, the transport team moved very fast, going southward over the mountains and ridges all the way.

During the journey for more than ten days, the goblin passed through the tribes he had passed through.

But now, these tribes have long been empty, leaving only traces of fierce battles.

Now foxes and wild wolves have become the masters here, and their shadows appear in the ruins.

Yinguang knew that these tribes had been conquered by the dark wizards of Aldheim. All the barbarians of the tribe were taken into captivity in Oldheim, and became a slave who worked till death and dedicated his life to the glory of the Dark Council.

As you go south, the mountain becomes more and more gentle. The peaks that rise straight into the clouds are slowly invisible. Walking in the valley, you can see sunny days without wind and snow from time to time and feel the warmth of the sun.

The snow on the ground is getting thinner and thinner, and from time to time you can see an unfrozen small river winding its way to the distance.

At dusk that day, the Dark Mage ordered the camp to be anchored on the bank of the river valley, and the barbarians who had been trekking along the way snored as soon as they fell.

In the early hours of the morning, the small eyes of silver light like soybeans suddenly opened, and he sat up quietly.

The barbarians in a tent were sleeping, snoring as if they were on the battlefield, but what surprised the goblin himself was that he could fall asleep every night when he came along.

Yin Guang carefully observed everyone in the tent, pricked his ears to listen to the outside sound, there was no abnormal sound.

"Very good~!" Yin Guang said inwardly, pulling away the fur on his body, slowly standing up, stepping cautiously, stepping past the barbarians and walking out of the tent.

"Who is it?" Not far away came a rough and harsh voice from the barbarian, and the samurai on duty immediately spotted the goblin.

"Don't do it, it's me, it's my goblin." The sharp silver voice said hurriedly.

A tall dark knight walked out of the darkness, with the long sword in his hand clearly visible even under the stars. He glanced at the goblin up and down, and asked dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing?"

"Inner anxiety, can you manage it?" Yin Guang choked on him anger, turned and walked towards the river.

The Dark Knight snorted and turned back to the darkness.

Yin Guang glanced at him as he walked, and slowly let out a breath when he saw his figure disappear.

Then he touched the stone under his feet, limply walked to the river, pulled away the thick layers of clothing, and squatted down.

Two rough pots slid down his chest and fell into the hands of the goblin.

Yin Guang turned her head to confirm again, then threw the vase into the river, and folded her hands together, like a devout believer, praying in her heart: "Lovely fishermen, I know that you sons have no assholes. Are secretly using, so...

This time, you think it is to accumulate yin virtue for your son who has no asshole, but sure, sure, you must get the bottle~!

This is the hope of my life. "

"What sound?" The Dark Knight asked severely behind the goblin.

Yin Guang shuddered in shock, and almost didn't lie on the ground.

But then he turned his head calmly and said, "Fish sometimes jump out of the water, don't you know?"

The Dark Knight frowned, and was about to continue to question, when he suddenly asked with an unbearable smell, he glared at the goblin with disgust, turned and walked away quickly.

After waiting for a long time, thinking that the bottle was already floating away, Yin Guang touched the frozen wood butt, and staggered away from the river bank with his numb legs, and lay back in his own strange bed. .

Throwing the drift bottle, this is the only way the goblin Silverlight can think of.

The small rivers in the valley will eventually merge into a big river. This big river flows from north to south into the Ruman Empire. If you are lucky, the bottle thrown by the goblin will be caught by a fisherman.

As long as the fisherman opens them curiously, the contents inside can definitely induce them to send the bottle to the Flying Eagle Group.

There, someone can understand the significance of this drift bottle.

In the next section of the journey, as long as they camp overnight by the river, the goblins will quietly drop two bottles, praying that they can safely flow into the river.

When another night, when the goblin finished all this, clapped his hands and prepared to stand up and leave, a cloud of green light suddenly rose behind him, illuminating the river bank near the goblin.

"Oops, I was found." Yin Guang's heart was blank for a moment, and his frightened thought trembled and stagnated.

Yin Guang's neck was similar to rust, and turned his head a little bit. Not far behind him, the Dark Mage led dozens of people to block all the goblins' retreat.

The Dark Mage lifted off and volleyed up the bottle that the goblin had dropped from the water conservancy.

A dark knight sneered as he walked past the goblin, kicked the goblin over, and stepped heavily on Silver Light's back. Silver Light felt uncomfortably that his stomach was squeezed out of his throat.

The Dark Knight laughed triumphantly, looked at Yin Guang contemptuously, and said: "Grandson, staring at you for a long time, as long as you are by the river, your kid will come and **** in the middle of the night. How can there be such a coincidence. Go to hell. ."

Speaking, the dark knight raised his long sword and pointed the tip of the sword at the goblin's head.

"It's over..." The goblin Yinguang wailed, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

"Wait~!" Huck called out suddenly and eagerly.

The goblin opened his eyes and saw that the tip of the sword fell between his eyebrows, and within a tenth of a second, his life was dealt with.

Everyone looked at the born Huck.

But even Huck was stunned. He didn't know why he said this suddenly. Seeing the dark mage staring at him with unsentimental eyes, Huck shrank his neck in shock. It felt like being caught The poisonous king cobra stared at the same.

Huck hesitated for a moment, looked at the gray-faced goblin, and summoned the courage to say: "My lord, this **** is still useful to us, so I can't kill him for the time being."

The dark mage hesitated for a moment, the goblin Yinguang felt that he had never been so nervous before, and the seconds were like years, nervously waiting for him to pronounce his destiny.

Eventually the Dark Mage shook his head.

The dark knight who stepped the goblin on the soles of his feet gave a cold smile and raised his sword again.

Hakla pleaded with the Dark Mage: "Sir, think about it again. Without him, we would have gone for nothing."

The goblin's silver light's brain was spinning at the speed of light. Just as the sword was about to fall, silver light's brain suddenly flashed and shouted: "I am Prime Minister Russell's spy. Kill me, Ruman Empire. Will avenge me, long live the Ruman Empire~!"

The goblin Yinguang shouted a slogan in his throat, then closed his eyes with a generous expression on his face.

"Stop~!" The dark mage's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said loudly.


In the afternoon, there was a sudden wind.

The squally wind roared, countless dark clouds rushed from the sky like waves, and the black dark clouds continued to gather and pile up above the Akkadrin Imperial City.

In a short while, the dark clouds have completely blocked the sun. The ground became pitch black, and it was almost impossible to reach out.

The dark clouds are getting denser and denser. Like a huge rock in the sky, hanging above the heads of everyone. It also weighed on everyone's hearts, making them almost out of breath.

Immediately, a dull thunder sounded in the depths of the dark clouds.

All the people who noticed this couldn't help being shocked: the winter has not passed yet, but thunder has sounded, which makes people feel weird.

Those who were still away involuntarily stepped up and ran towards home.

On a high tower outside the Akkadrin Imperial City, a thin figure was standing in front of the window, with his hands on his back, watching the dark clouds rolling outside and the spectacular scenery of Wan Maqi dark.

Not far from his back, there is a large table on which some documents are stacked in a mess.

With the pale magic light on the side of the table, you can clearly see the ‘Top Secret’ seal on the headers of those documents. The bright red font is shocking.

Most of the document on the top of the table has been opened. If anyone leaned forward curiously and took a closer look, they would clearly see the writing on it.

"...Due to the limited property and material resources of the empire. In addition, most of the resources of the empire are tilted towards the undead. Last year alone, various materials worth up to 59 million gold coins have been sent to the undead. This alone has already taken up three-fifths of the empire’s national resources.

Due to the unreasonable increase in output, copper mines and coal mines had to increase their labor intensity, causing frequent riots in slaves and prisoners, resulting in a sharp drop in output...

Long-term lack of maintenance of roads everywhere...

Soldiers’ equipment cannot be effectively supplemented...

The performance of the warships of the shipyards is backward, far from being able to compete with the Galen warships of the human race...

The Academy of Magical Sciences is still unable to master and replicate human artillery technology...

In summary……

It is impossible for the empire to mobilize enough troops to launch an expedition across the sea in July next year, that is, before the monsoon season.

After the Senate’s careful and urgent closed-door business, the joint name is here to make an important proposal to the Dark Council: In order to focus on the overall situation of the future, in order to destroy the rule of the evil human race in one fell swoop, let the great demon once again rule the world, complete my countless The ancestors threw their heads and spread the wish of blood. Therefore, is it possible to postpone the invasion time by one year so that our people have sufficient time to prepare.

Joint celebrities, prime ministers, Makarin, Sasqi. Minister of Finance Yuri Ivanov, Minister of Agriculture...

There is a large crowd of names behind.

Those names, no matter which one is thrown out, just fart, the entire imperial city will tremble.

But at this time, the documents with the signatures of these big people are just piled up here indiscriminately, just a little bit higher than the toilet paper used to wipe buttocks, and the main reason for this is that they are too hard.

This can't help but be a little strange. People can't help but guess the identity of the owner here.

But unfortunately, the man kept looking out the window and didn't look back. Therefore, there is no way to know where this sacred is.

At this time, the wind became stronger and stronger. The wind passed over the treetops, making a sharp whistle.

And the silence in the entire Akadrin Imperial City at this time, the entire city seemed to be dead.

At this moment, I heard a rush of footsteps.

Then, the door was gently pushed open.

A young man in uniform walked in silently.

Seeing that the man by the window was meditating, he did not make a sound, but stood by the table with his hands tied, silently waiting.

And the person standing at the window remained silent, and there was silence in the entire room.

I don’t know how long it took, but the person standing at the window seemed to have made up his mind. He suddenly turned his head and asked softly, "Are you all ready?"

Through the pale magic light, you can clearly see that man's face is Cameron, the chief disciple under the seat of the high priest.

Seeing the other party's cold eyes, the young man couldn't help but feel chills, and suddenly couldn't say what he had prepared. In the end, he reluctantly nodded.

Cameron was silent for a while, hesitating in his heart, but then his eyes fell on the document placed in the middle of the table, and there was another burst of fire.

These **** bureaucrats~!

They corrupt and accept bribes, corrupt the law, and do no evil. The Dark Council does not know it, but thinks that they are their own dogs, so as long as they don't do too much, they keep turning a blind eye. but now……

But now these dogs dare to push back and block the orders of the high priest, and all the responsibilities have been transferred to the great undead.

You know, the high priest's invasion plan has been prepared for five hundred years, and it absolutely cannot be changed.

Moreover, Cameron had a clear understanding of the bureaucratic habit of passing by through his contacts with Semitic officials during this period.

As long as they nod their heads slightly and agree to postpone the plan until next year, then next year, they will find various reasons to postpone the plan until the next year. Then it was postponed endlessly year after year.

And at the same time, they will secretly laugh at their ignorance and incompetence behind their backs...

Thinking of this, his cold heart became even more cruel, and he spit out a few words softly: "So, let's start..."

As his voice fell, suddenly there was a loud bang. Immediately afterwards, a red light flashed among the dark clouds, dyeing the whole world into a red, and then disappeared in an instant.


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