Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1140: Double agent

The first thousand and forty chapters double spies

The goblin silver light left the ground to death and reborn. After he said his declaration boldly, he closed his eyes and waited for death.

The barbarians around him suddenly heard such a secret, and were taken aback.

This gang of despicable and shameless human races is as sinister and cunning as the legend, who would have thought that they could send a goblin to act as a spy.

Huck was also surprised that his mouth couldn't close, his face was frightened and stupid, he stared straight at the silver light of the goblin, his eyes were bright and he didn't know what he was turning around.

Yin Guang has never been like this. It feels that the time is so long. Although it only takes two or three seconds, Yin Guang has almost recalled her life.

Hearing the long sword tearing through the air and making a sharp scream, Yin Guang found desperately that he was really dead.

At this critical juncture, the dark mage's indifferent voice sounded.


The goblin Yinguang suddenly discovered that the voice of the Dark Mage was so beautiful, it was like a fairy music.

His tight heart also fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

Yin Guang carefully opened his eyes a slit, the cold and sharp sword tip swayed back and forth on his eyes, and the light reflected from the sharp blade stabbed his eyes with pain.

And the barbarian holding the sword looked unwilling, staring at the goblin fiercely, and twitched his mouth.

The dark mage stared at the goblin coldly, with a face of indifference, unconsciously holding the staff back and forth in his hand, thinking alone.

After waking up from the shock, the barbarians next to them all glared at the goblins with hatred expressions, and their eyes were as if they could spit out flames, wishing to tear them up and eat them immediately.

"My lord, you can't keep him. He is the spy of the old dog Russell and must be killed."

"Kill this Russell lackey."

"I want to peel his skin, drink his blood, divide his corpse~!"

"Kill him and avenge our people."

"Kill him~!"

"Kill him..."


The barbarians were passionate and shouted at the same time that they would kill the goblin Silverlight. A hundred barbarians all looked forward to cannibalism, looking savage and cold and surrounded Silverlight.

The goblin's face was even paler when he was frightened, and it seemed that he couldn't even die now.

Who do barbarians hate most?

The first is their neighbor, because they have been fighting with their neighbors all their lives. When there is no food, go to rob their neighbors, or guard against being robbed by their neighbors.

The territory of a barbarian will never run people from another tribe through, so their opponents are only their neighbors.

The second hatred is the Ruman Empire, especially the Prime Minister Russell Cardinal.

The barbarians would sing a song of nostalgia for the great forest since they were young. The long and sad song tells them that the vast and fertile plains are their original home. All the barbarians live there.

Every day everyone drank and danced, ate barbecue, drank mead, killed other barbarians, robbed their wives and girls, and lived a simple, simple and happy life.

Until one day, the evil and despicable Ruman suddenly appeared from the horizon.

They used their terrible magic, sharp swords, shameless tricks, and numerous soldiers like the morning stars in the sky to drive the industrious, kind, and heroic barbarians into the desolate and cold mountains...

Whenever someone portrays the Ruman people’s wealthy and happy life, or hears the Ruman people eat three meals a day and can eat noodles every day, the barbarians will hate their eyes green, scream and swear. Take back their ancestral home.

It is a pity that the dream of returning has been kept for hundreds of years, but the barbarians are forced to flee to the north. They also confessed their fate and Dashan is their home.

But in the last two decades, they couldn't even survive the days they barely survived.

Russell’s active warfare made the barbarians’ lives increasingly sad,

The continuous blockade, the embargo on all supplies, and the large-scale raids by the Ruman Army that are indispensable every year.

Barbarians can find less and less food, but more and more enemies

Many tribes with a long history and heroic warfare have completely disappeared in the battle.

The population of each tribe is always declining. Due to lack of food and poor living conditions, half of the newborns die right after they are born, and more than half of the rest cannot survive to adulthood.

All the savages believed that it was the Ruman that caused their suffering, and among the Ruman, the one they hated most was the evil old dog of Russell.

The war between the Ruman and the barbarians is extremely cruel, and neither side has the habit of keeping the captives. The captured captives are often killed in the cruelest way.

As long as it is a soldier of the Ruman Empire, even a child who can just walk will throw stones at him.

Hearing that this goblin was actually under the evil Russell, the barbarian’s anger instantly burned through his head, grabbed his sleeves, lifted the stone, and prepared to personally smash the goblin to death.

The Dark Mage raised his head and glanced at the angry barbarians, snorted dissatisfiedly, and the staff halted, and a green light spread around.

The night sky was instantly illuminated, and the barbarians were taken aback, and all stopped in horror. They were afraid of the powerful dark wizard from the bottom of their hearts.

The dark mage gave the barbarian a cold look and ordered: "Pull him into my tent."

The goblin Yinguang took a heavy breath and collapsed to the ground feebly, feeling bitter in his heart, secretly saying: Today is too exciting.

Then the goblin Yinguang used his brain, thinking hard, what should he do to save his life?

Yin Guang knew that the crisis was only temporarily lifted, and the Dark Mage could kill him at any time.

The dark knight bound the weak goblin sturdy, and picked him up directly on the ground, the silvery dog ​​chewing on the mud, dizzy.

Yin Guang raised his head, and could only see the dark mage's feet pacing back and forth in front of him.

"Only by making the other party feel that it is more cost-effective to keep yourself than to kill yourself, can you save your own life." Yin Guang immediately grasped the key point of the matter from a business perspective with the nature of a goblin.

The Dark Mage suddenly stopped, squatting in front of the goblin, holding the wood chip taken out of the bottle in his hand, and said: "What is written on it?"

The wood chip is long with a finger and less than an inch wide. It is engraved with the symbols of the cross and the kong on the front and back. It can be seen that it is a secret language.

Yin Guang said with a straight face, and said honestly: "I was caught, extremely dangerous, come to rescue me quickly."

The Dark Mage asked: "That's it?"

"Of course," Yin Guang said irritably, "On this board, how many words do you think you can write."

The dark mage sneered, a green flame flashed from his fingertips, and then bounced on the goblin.

"Ah..." The silver light screamed like a hot soldering iron, rolling all over the floor.

The dark mage used the staff to hold down the silver light, and said coldly: "We have a mage that can make the caster watch his body turn into pus and not die. If you don't want to try it, just talk to me and listen. Has it arrived yet."

Yin Guang fought a cold war in horror, nodded quickly, panting heavily, and trembled: "I...I...I heard it."

Looking at the gloomy face of the goblin, the Dark Mage smiled with satisfaction and said: "It seems you are very acquainted."

Yin Guang took a few breaths of air in pain, barking his teeth, and said weakly, "Goblins...Goblins are smart people, sir."

"Very well," the dark mage nodded, and said condescendingly: "If you are obedient, I can not kill you for the time being. Now, I want your code table."

Yinguang nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, sir, I have it all in my mind."

The Dark Mage swiped his finger to untie the silver rope, then patted a piece of paper in front of him, and ordered: "Write~!"

Yin Guang was lying on the ground, pouting his butt, and tremblingly writing out his familiar password table while she was in a cold sweat.

After the completion, the Dark Mage grabbed it and compared it to the translation of the silver light carved wood chips. The content really was similar to what Yin Guang said.

The Dark Mage smiled and nodded, approvingly said: "Okay, you filthy goblin, you have earned yourself an hour of life. Whether you can survive or not depends on your performance. How many bottles have you thrown? ?"

Yinguang immediately said: "Counting today, there are eleven in total."

"That's all?" The Dark Mage questioned.

Yin Guang smiled bitterly, and said, "My lord, I just want to throw it away. Barbarians can't find so many bottles."

"Uh..." The Dark Mage stagnated, then nodded in sympathy.

The Dark Mage immediately asked, "How do you work for Russell?"

Yin Guang sighed and said, "I really worked for Earl Hawke, but I was caught when I left the customs. Humans are always prejudiced by goblins. I was stared at. I just crossed the line of defense. Was caught back.

I was arrested by Russell’s confidant in the Northern Army and his intelligence chief, Baron Gore. I set two paths in front of me, either to be hanged or to be his spy, inquiring about the barbarians. Do I have another choice? "

"Do the Ruman know the existence of Oldheim?" The Dark Mage asked.

Yin Guang shook his head and said confidently: "Of course not. My mission is to detect barbarians. I never expected that I would encounter death here... Noble Master."

"Why didn't you tell them in the intelligence?" The Dark Mage asked, looking straight into the goblin's eyes.

Yinguang said frankly: "What are you kidding me? If I tell them, they won't be able to send someone to rescue me. Only if I hold top-secret information alone can I be valuable to them."

The Dark Mage was stunned for a moment, thinking about the truth, he smiled, and said, "You are smart."

Yin Guang showed a flattering smile and said, "Goblins are all born in this regard.

The Dark Mage said: "What benefits do they promise you?"

Yin Guang sighed and said: "After I go back, I can keep 30% of the money I earn. But according to my analysis, Baron Gore actually wants to steal Earl Hawke's business and monopolize the trade with barbarians. I was only pushed to the forefront of the huge profits of millions of years."

The Dark Mage sneered, and said disdainfully: "The virtue of a politician, this kind of thing is indeed done."

After that, the Dark Mage looked at the goblin with cold eyes, and said, "I also give you two choices now. You are I and I will draw out your soul and make it a ghost now."

The goblin roused Lingling into a cold war, showing an expression of horror uncontrollably, shaking his head desperately.

"Secondly, you work for me." The Dark Mage slowly said: "I want you to continue to play the role of your spy, but to obtain information from the Ruman for me."

The expression on the goblin's silver light face was fluctuating, obviously hesitating in his heart.

The dark mage's face was cold, and said: "It seems. You don't want to."

Yinguang shook his head frantically and said anxiously: "No, no, I am willing."

The Dark Mage smiled and said: "You promised so quickly, obviously you are not loyal enough, I can't believe you~! I still have to kill you."

Yinguang waved his hand again and again, and said anxiously: "You know, goblins are not loyal. Sir, we are just following the trend."

The dark mage obviously thought of the nature of the goblins, and he licked his lips in disdain.

In the eyes of the world, goblins have no faith, no morality, in their eyes only price, and no one wants to hire a goblin.

Yin Guang said: "Who is the boss in the current trend? Since you are the boss, of course I will work for you sincerely."

The Dark Mage hesitated, he couldn't believe the nonsense of a goblin, the goblin's profession is to deceive people. But out of the pride of a dark wizard, he didn't think he could not even control a goblin.

Once this goblin is manipulated to break into Ruman, steal the information of Ruman Empire, such as the deployment and mobilization of their troops.

It is an impossible help to next year's offense, and it will even play a decisive role.

He is also an ambitious person, otherwise he would not join the advance team and venture to the human continent.

"Fair and Cloud Meeting, it's time to show my ambitions." The Dark Mage secretly said in his heart, making this great achievement is like getting ahead. The world of the Dark Mage is strictly hierarchical, if you slowly endure it, maybe three hundred years later, he will still be a follower.

The Dark Mage thought carefully about the trade-offs, while the goblin Silver Light waited nervously for him to decide his own destiny.

After a long time, the dark mage suddenly clenched his staff and looked at the goblin and said: "I will go to Ruman with you. If you dare to play tricks or say a wrong sentence, I will make life worse than death.

But if you prove your worth, I promise you will get more benefits than the Ruman promised you. "

What does it take to buy a goblin?


That's it.


Hearing Cameron's cold voice, the young man's face instantly turned pale, but then, in the next moment, his face was already flushed with excitement.

"Yes~!" He promised loudly, and then, with his feet together, he saluted a military salute ‘pop’, then turned around and strode down the stairs of the tower.

The army boots stepped heavily on the stone steps, making a loud sound, forming a series of strange and terrifying echoes in this huge space.

When the officer ran downstairs, he realized that at this time, the downpour was falling.

A vast white mist between the sky and the earth almost obstructed people's sight.

The officer hurriedly passed through the gate, came along the corridor to the edge of the square not far away, and then looked up.

I saw that the square was already densely packed with soldiers.

They all stood tall and looked ahead, motionless in the downpour, letting the cold rain soak their clothes soaked.

Even though the rumble of thunder continued to explode above their heads, those people did not even frown their brows.

The officer's heart couldn't help but feel agitated. These soldiers are worthy of being the best fighters in the Empire.

He also happened temporarily, braved the heavy rain, stepped on the muddy water, and came to the front of the soldiers, and then yelled and shouted: "My lord has orders, launch a mutiny. The code name is ‘mainstay’~!"

At this time, ‘Boom’ was another huge thunder blast above their heads.

But the soldiers shouted loudly: "Long live the empire!"

The shout was even louder than thunder.

"Long live the empire~!" The officer roared, drew out the long sword in his hand and pointed it straight at the sky.

Immediately afterwards, they had rushed out of the yard, stepped on the muddy muddy water, and rushed towards the distant imperial city.

Officer Fair rushed to the front of the team on his horse.

Despite the torrential rain above his head, it could not extinguish the raging flames that ignited in his heart, and...and the fanaticism in his eyes.

He looked back at the team behind him. Although the soldiers trudged through the mud a little bit hard, everyone's faces were pressed tightly with their lips, showing a look of determination.

He couldn't help but sighed slightly with satisfaction: After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for this day~!

For many years, the bureaucrats of the Semitic have corroded this great and powerful country like moths.

This once powerful empire used to frighten people and make dragons retreat.

The huge army once burned the flames of war across two-thirds of the human continent.

The once glorious glory is like the mid-sky scorching sun, which makes people afraid to look up. But over time, what is left of this empire now?

Corrupt officials of the fish and meat people, the overbearing aristocrats, the unscrupulous profiteers who are madly collecting money, and the wailing poor people...

All people of insight know clearly that this once powerful empire is already like a candle in the wind, and if it is not saved, it will soon be extinguished and collapsed.

Many heroes and heroes have also been heartbroken and even shed tears for it, but they have no way to face this boss empire.

And now, this opportunity has finally arrived.

Now with the support of the chief disciple of the High Priest ~ my own warriors who are loyal to the empire finally have the opportunity to display.

One thousand five hundred and sixty-three soldiers, under their own leadership, pierced the skin of the old empire like a sharp blade, then dug out the abscesses that had harmed the empire for many years, and ruthlessly killed those incompetent. , The bureaucrats of the corpse position vegetarian meal, upset the chaos anyway, let the empire rejuvenate with new vitality.

Let the empire stand up again, let its enemies re-shrouded in the shadow of the powerful empire, let them continue to tremble with fright, and finally groan in pain under the empire's bayonet and iron hoof.

Although some humanitarians may jump out and accuse them of being cruel to other races, but in order for the Semites to have a larger living space, this is also a measure that has to be taken.

Because, the Semites are the best and purest dominating races in the world, created by the Great Demon God with the mind, and are the most outstanding people both physically and mentally.

And other races, whether they are human races, goblins, or half-orcs, or even those elves, they are either low in intelligence, or impure, or morally corrupt, or they have all three. Only worthy to be slaves and vassals of the Semites...

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