Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1184: This is how the eagle plays


"Eagle...Eagle...Eagle~!!!" The goblin could not help but stared at Lorraine in surprise.

I was surprised secretly, and said to my heart: Which one is this singing? What eagle is this uncle going to play?

But the goblin Yinguang was very sure in his heart that Lord Lorraine was not aimless. There must be a deep meaning in this.

Flint next to him is also confused, very inexplicable. I wonder that human beings are not only bad and mean, but now even hobbies are so weird. How does this eagle play?

Lorraine smiled with a sense of superiority, and then explained: "Brother Yinguang, you know, rich people are all abnormal. Whatever means money, they like to play.

Cars, horses, female stars, master oirans, etc. are all out of fashion now.

They are all tired of playing, and it is still something that has been exchanged for hundreds of years. The nobles think the grade is too low.

Do you know what is popular among the rich now? "

The goblin and Flint looked at each other, and then shook their heads together. One is a goblin from the bottom of the society, and the other is a mage who painstakingly study and climbs up the hierarchical pyramid. They basically I don't know how the rich people play.

Flint beside him was bold enough, followed Lorraine's tone and guessed it, and then cautiously tentatively said: "Eagle?"

Lorraine slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, play with the eagle~!"

He paused, then continued: "Nowadays, all the wealthy people are popular in playing eagles. This is a high-end game from the East.

Especially those puppies who occupy gold mines in the desert, dominate business roads and just collect money, rich and oily puppies, from kings to chiefs, all day long, they put an eagle on their arms and show up everywhere.

The strength of that cow 13. It's nothing more than driving a BMW and carrying an internationally famous female star on his arm.

As long as the eagle is mentioned, the eyes of those people are green.

Now a good eagle can top the price of ten thoroughbred Andalusian horses. There is still a price but no market. Those grandsons are looking for purchases all over the world. "

Listening to Lorraine's rhetoric, the goblin and Flint couldn't help but look at each other again, hearing such a novel story for the first time.

The luxury of the nobles in the Far East Desert has been extolled by everyone for a long time.

Lorraine paused, seeing Yin Guang still not being conscious, his face could not help showing a hatred of iron and steel, and then said: "I said brother Yin Guang. I have said this for a long time, don't you understand this? Business opportunity?"

Yinguang twitched the corner of his mouth. With a bitter expression: "I said, brother, don't betray you, just talk about it?"

Lorraine sighed, and then said: "Well, who made us have a good relationship. I can tell you first. This is a big deal~!"

He paused, then continued: "Aren't you on the barbarian side? I heard that there are many eagles in the mountain.

The quality of the alpine eagle there is absolutely excellent. The Thunder Eagles of the Elven Kingdom are both top breeds.

Especially there is the most famous mountain eagle that can grab and pierce the iron sheet with one claw and hunt down the gray wolf Harpe.

Known as the King of Eagles, they have reached sky-high prices in the market.

Just catch an eagle like that and sell it to those desert silly rich men, at least three to five million gold coins, no counter-offer. "

Yinguang and Flint took a breath of cold air at the same time.

Although they listened to Lorraine for a long time, they were psychologically prepared for it. But an eagle can sell for three to five million gold coins.

Such a price still penetrated their psychological endurance limit in an instant.

The bottom line in Flint's heart is ten or twenty thousand gold coins, which is so much for the sky.

You must know that they used three hundred strong barbarians this time, each carrying hundreds of catties of luggage, and worked hard for more than ten days to travel long distances from the mountains. The goods shipped here are only a few million gold coins.

This has already swept over half of the most valuable things in the barbarian district. There will not be so much output in the next ten years.

And a mountain eagle of that or something can top up a quarter of their cargo.

The price is really too outrageous.

Flint remembered the goshawk that hovered in the sky above Oldheim. Then I automatically replaced them all with gold coins in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel pain.

Eagles can be seen everywhere in the mountains, and Flint himself has seen no fewer than a few hundred.

If you get a few of them, you can eat less and save much trouble~!

I also worked hard to select goods, find someone, and recite the transaction.

Lorraine saw Flint's face change color, and knew that he had started to be bait, couldn't help but smile secretly.

Wealth touches people's hearts, even dark wizards can't avoid them. More money means more materials, better equipment, and stronger mana.

Lorraine continued, "If you can get a few Harpe gold-headed mountain eagles next time... Uh, no, as long as you get one mountain eagle, one is enough. This top luxury, Too much will smash the signboard.

As long as there is one, I will not only buy it with 300,000 gold coins, but also give you another 10% cheaper when selling the goods.

Actually, I just mentioned this matter casually, and didn't want it too much, that is, a friend of mine in the Imperial City wanted to play with it. I helped him by the way.

There is not much market for such things in our north. You don't have to worry too much. By the way, by the way. Haha, hahahaha..."

After speaking, there was another burst of bold laughter.

Flint saw through his mind in an instant: This **** profiteer, he is definitely selling dog meat. For fear that the request is too urgent, the price is raised here. That's why he said that~!

It can be seen that the price of the eagle is definitely more than three to five million gold coins, it may even be millions.

When I get it back, and when I do business again, I will definitely cut this profiteer with a sharp knife~!

Flint had heard that the nobles in the desert never used gold for their transactions. They directly used baskets of gems. The poor only had money left. They threw millions for an eagle. There is nothing abnormal.

At this time, Lorraine seemed to find that he had lost much of his language. Immediately laughed twice, and hurriedly said: "Okay, let's talk again next time. I'm leaving. Haha, hahahaha..."

He said, waved his hand, and then strode out.

Only Flint and the goblin were left in the room.

Flint looked at the goblin, then looked at the direction where Lorraine's back disappeared, and shouted angrily: "This **** profiteer...Hey~~"

A sharp cry resounded across the sky.

The sound of which has a strong penetrating power, instantly spread throughout the valley.

In the azure blue sky, a goshawk spread out its wide wings. Hovering constantly in the sky.

There was only one creature in the entire sky, and no other animal dared to fight.

The goshawk is like a king high above. Looking down at the rolling hills and earth below.

The sharp eyes can clearly capture every detail on the earth.

Precipitous mountains, dark green forests, gurgling streams, little rabbits jumping for food in the grass...

Especially conspicuous is the towering tall city in the valley~!

And looked from the ground. The figure of the eagle is just a little fuzzy. But its arrogant figure is enough to show the identity of the air overlord.

In this sky, it is the only ruler.

in the sun. The goblin Yinguang stood on the clearing ground, draped the pergola with his hands, squinted, fixedly looking at the goshawk in the sky, his eyes tightly grasping its figure.

After a while, he couldn't help but sighed softly, then sighed again.

Yin Guang felt extremely depressed.

It has been two weeks since the Ruman Empire returned to Ordheim.

Living in this scarce city. He couldn't find even a roll of toilet paper. Thinking about the bustling and bustling human world, the drunken fanatic, made him feel very nostalgic.

I miss the wine and food there. I miss the soft and comfortable bed there and the large bathtub there. Miss the human female secretary with a slender waist and big butt...I miss the soft toilet paper in the toilet even more.

Then Yinguang scolded Sha Jin for five minutes in his heart.

In this city where the savages piled up blood and sweat, the goblin had only passed two weeks, but it seemed as long as two years had passed.

If it were not for the unceasingly hovering goshawk in the sky, he would even suspect that he had been forgotten by the human world in this remote corner.

Beside him, there are rows of wooden shelves like drying racks, on which dozens of rabbit carcasses are about to dry.

These are all used to lure goshawks in the sky down to prey.

On the other side, a few net bags and lassos were randomly placed.

These tools are intended by the goblin to catch eagles.

The few eagle feathers on the ground that danced with the wind were the best achievements of Yin Guang these days.

They swayed in the wind as if they were laughing at goblins.

Of course, if compared with a few blood stains on his face, anyone would know who won and who lost the PK between the Jing and the Eagles in this venue.

Fortunately, those eagles didn't fight to the end with the goblins, otherwise the sharp old face of Silver Light would have long been broken.

Others sneered at Yinguang's overpowering behavior, when he was a ridiculous joke, mocking this stupid goblin for being stunned by gold coins.

However, Yinguang didn't care much about it.

Because this eagle is actually a means used by the CIA to deliver news. The eagle is only used to cover up and disguise.

The goblin looked at the eagle in the sky, guessing in his mind that this goshawk was the traffic man sent to pass by the CIA, or the slander who ran to steal food yesterday.

Yesterday Yin Guang had a big fight with it. Yin Guang only lay down a few bird feathers at the cost of two more blood stains on his face, which made Yin Guang hate.

But after watching for a long time, his eyes were blurred by the sun's tears, but he still didn't see one reason.

He reached out and touched his arms: Well, it's hard, it's still there.

That was the potion that the CIA handed over to him when he came.

According to the explanation, this colorless potion was applied to the animal. Although nothing was visible on the surface, an extremely obvious sign appeared in the trained eagle eye.

If there is a need to transmit information, the information is stuffed into the body of the dead rabbit, and then a layer of potion is applied to it.

When the eagle in the sky sees the sign, it will pounce from the sky and take the marked rabbit away.

Thus. Even if the people in the city saw it, they would think this was another unsuccessful capture operation by the goblin. This kind of thing has happened every day recently.

There is no doubt that the espionage the goblin is doing.

And the eagle will fly over the heavy mountain with the rabbit in its mouth and pass it to another place.

There are lurking intelligence agents who are responsible for receiving them.

He would cut open the rabbit’s body, get the information hidden inside, and then relay the information to the CIA’s northern branch station by station, and finally through the telegraph network that has spread throughout the major human cities. Passed to Lorraine's hands.

This plan is simple and practical.

When the local master knows it. I couldn't help but sighed: I really don't know how Ferguson's mind grew, but he could think of such a whimsical method.

It was extremely difficult. The extremely dangerous information transmission has become so simple.

During the entire information transmission process, the goblin didn't have to do anything, just sit there basking in the sun. The eagle took care of everything else.

And the best part is the whole plan. Sir Alex said it in front of Flint's proud dark mage.

Not only was the idiot unaware of it, but after he came back. He vigorously encouraged himself and urged himself to carry out this eagle-catching plan.

Completely play those dark wizards between the palms. Sell ​​them, and let them help count the money.

As he watched the goshawk fly away with his own information in his mouth, Flint regretted not holding it again this time.

Whenever the goblin thought of this, he almost couldn’t help but wake up from his dream... When the goblin looked at the goshawk in the sky, in the main hall of Oldheim, the Lich Herod Standing in front of the door. Looking at the goshawk in the sky.

His black robe was wide and slightly torn, his entire face was hidden deep in his hood, and his pale and dry right hand held a staff tightly.

A gust of mountain breeze came, and his robe fluttered, looking from a distance. Just like death.

Behind him, stood two rows of dark mages who also wore black robes. They stood respectfully and solemnly. Quietly waiting for Herod's order.


Another sharp eagle howl came from the air. A wave of echoes formed between the mountains, and then it slowly disappeared like a wave going away.

Herod pursed the corners of his cold mouth, then pointed forward, and whispered, "Let's get started~!"

The dark wizards all whispered immediately, then turned into black smoke, screaming and rising from the ground. Towards all directions in the city, scattered around.

They flew to the sky above every corner of the city, and then waved the staff in their hands. The top of the staff began to emit a terrible green light.

The light got brighter and brighter, and after reaching a certain level, they immediately let out a roar, and then pointed the staff in their hands towards the sky.

Dozens of rays of light traversed a beautiful arc, gathered together high in the sky, and then exploded.

Countless gleaming green light spots slowly fell from the sky, like a misty drizzle.

The savages working in the city couldn't help but stop one after another, raised their heads and stared at the scene in amazement.

Unconsciously, someone reached out curiously, reached out and took a few spots of light, and put them in front of them, wanting to see clearly.

But then it was discovered that the light spot was slightly scattered, and then disappeared, as if it had melted into the skin.

They couldn't help but lose their color, but then they lowered their heads and checked their bodies, but they didn't find anything unusual.

At this time, the supervisors also reacted.

They were also exposed to the green light and rain, and their hearts were a little worried. I was afraid that it was a deadly spell, but after seeing that my body was nothing unusual, he let go of his heart.

Then the savage nature of being a running dog woke up again, yelling, waving the whip in his hand, and unceremoniously drew it towards the fellow savages around him, and screamed the savages.

Under their strong pressure, within just a few breaths, the barbarian slaves worked hard again.

Immediately night fell, and after a day of intensive labor, the barbarian slaves returned to the camp indifferently like walking dead, and then fell asleep.

And when the sun rises the next morning. The barbarians woke up from their nightmares.

Many people are surprised to find that their bodies, faces, and hands are all inexplicably covered with red dots.

Moreover, many people started coughing.

At this time, the overseers' whips sounded again.

Under the urging of the barbarians, they had to get out of the rudimentary camp. What made them feel a little relieved was that many of the overseers had red spots on their bodies.

These savages lined up slowly toward the construction site while coughing amidst the scolding of the supervisors.

Along the way, more and more people began to cough. And from time to time, someone coughs, falls down, and then can’t get up again.

The corpse collection team who had been waiting a long time ago walked and carried their bodies onto the carriage. Among the corpse collection teams, many people kept coughing, and many of them fell down. Finally, their companions also carried their bodies into the carriage.

That strange disease spread rapidly in the city at a flying speed.

Only the goblin Silverlight and the barbarian Huck, about less than three hundred people, were not infected because of the warning from the dark wizards and the potions they provided.

The goblin woke up and found that the whole Oldheim was dying, and he was shocked.

At the same time, he also realized that the situation was not right, and when the incident was about to be written into a report, he stuffed it into a rabbit, then applied potion and threw it outside the house.

After a while, a goshawk swooped down like lightning, struck the rabbit, and then flew into the air like an arrow.

In a short period of more than ten seconds, it has disappeared in the sky... Ask for a monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription, if any, vote for one, thank you. RQ


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