Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1185: Dispute in front of the fireplace


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Lorraine sat in front of the fireplace and pressed his tired legs comfortably.

The fire in front of him was burning, and the orange-red flames filled the whole hearth, heating the living room, forming two different worlds from the cold and snowy weather outside.

Leo lay lazily on the sofa, kicked off his boots, and pointed his stinky feet to the fireplace. There was a familiar, college dormitory smell that was missed by Lord Luo Jue.

And Xiaobai crouched in front of the fire, humming constantly, not wanting to move a step.

Leo held a delicate tea cup in both hands, blew the heat, and couldn't wait to take a sip of hot tea.

As soon as the tea entered his mouth, his face changed. Then Leo spit out the tea with a "poof", and then complained: "What the **** tea, it is so bitter.

The chairman of the board of directors ran outside for a whole day, and the cold **** was about to fall off, so they gave me this.

*, the quartermaster of the northern army seems to have not eaten the rebate less, he has to tell his uncle when he looks back and ask him to check the **** well. "

Lorraine couldn't help but grinned, and in his heart was a minute of silence for the poor quartermaster who was "lying down and shot".

He turned his head to look at the snow flakes still flying outside the window, rubbed his stiff thigh, and sighed softly. Sure enough, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to inspection.

Used to a comfortable life, either a war fortress or a luxurious official car.

After a day in the carriage without shock absorption and cold wind everywhere, Lord Lorraine also felt that he was about to fall apart.

He murmured in his heart: If you don't come to the north, you will never understand what cold is.

Thinking of this, Lorraine suddenly laughed and said, "If you were in Ruman. Can you think it was still so cold at the end of February?"

Leo thought about it seriously, then shaken his head and said: "How is it possible, every February, my elder sister starts buying spring clothes frantically, but the people who pee here are frozen before they leave."

Xiaobai nodded frantically beside him.

Since coming here, Xiaobai has been cautious every time he peeed. In addition, according to the second master Lei’s explanation, he prepared a small Zhongzi next to him. This way, in case it freezes when urinating. You can also knock it with the urine, saving the little elephant to freeze it.

Lorraine sneered. Then he said: "So, it is a **** to formulate a battle plan by the headquarters and hand it over to the frontline troops for execution.

The bureaucrats sitting in the office slapped their heads, how could they keep up with the volatile weather on the front lines. They don't even know how cold it is here. "

Leo nodded and said, "That's the truth."

Talking. Looking out the window, he let out a breath of mist.

This is still the traditional territory of the Ruman Empire, but it starts to be frozen every October, and the snow will melt away in April.

In winter, the frozen soil is harder than rock, but from April to April, the thawed road is muddy like a swamp in a tropical rain forest. Step on the mud water until you reach your knees.

Let alone marching. Walking is a problem.

Large-scale military operations can only be carried out after the road is dry.

No wonder the battle here has been fought so badly.

The people who sit in the office of Ruman City and make plans with their eyes closed can never understand the plight of the Northern Army. Their first enemy is the bad weather and rugged terrain, and then the secretive barbarians.

Therefore, the summer offensive combat plan formulated by the high-level military staff painstakingly. In Lorraine's eyes, it was a mess of waste paper.

Only the Prime Minister Russell, such a mess, would take it seriously wishfully.

There was a loud and excited voice at the door. Exclaimed loudly: "Earl, what you said is extremely correct."

Colleagues Lorraine and Leo poked their heads out, and saw the Marquis of Marleyton opened the door and strode in. Snowflakes and cold wind whizzed into the room behind him.

The Marquis of Marleyton was only wearing a formal military uniform, apparently in a hurry, but the buttons were meticulous.

Although the expression on his face was very excited, it was hard to hide his exhaustion.

It seems that these days to overthrow the original combat plan and re-formulate a new plan has consumed a lot of energy of the commander of the northern front.

Lorraine then remembered that the words of the Marquis of Marleyton were fundamentally opposed to Prime Minister Russell's plan.

It can be seen from the fact that the Marquis of Marleyton immediately re-planned after receiving the news, that he was also very uncomfortable with the summer combat plan developed by Russell's men. But without a proper reason, I can only endure it temporarily, and as soon as he gets the chance, he will immediately overthrow Russell's summer offensive plan.

As a frontline general, the most annoying thing is the gesticulation of the guys from the rear.

However, the Marquis of Marleyton also has the capital to not lose Russell. The family has gone up for several generations, and the allegiance to the generations is the Emperor Ruman. It can be said that the root is Zhengmiaohong, which is often said in the script.

Trusted by the emperor, a prime minister has nothing to do with him. This is also one of the reasons why he was transferred to Nyan. With this old guy getting in the way here, the Prime Minister was extremely uncomfortable.

The Marquis of Marleyton said hello to Lorraine and Leo, and then he was also polite, pulled a chair, and sat down opposite Lorraine.

He stroked his decently trimmed beard, and then complained to Lord Lorraine with a sense of confidant: "The group of bureaucrats in the headquarters who are slurred in their heads, they want to command the battle here thousands of miles away. This truth?

Look at the **** battle plan they made, even the date is dead. If the war is so easy, why do we need frontline generals? "

Lorraine nodded in sympathy. Ferguson also hated the bureaucracy of the various ministries in Ruman City, and echoed: "The bureaucrats of the military department have nothing to do with playing cards and drinking. I really don't want them to do business. But that group. The **** sticks his nose everywhere, which is really annoying~!"

"Haha, that's right, that's right." The Marquis of Marleyton slapped his thigh and laughed happily.

Every time I go to Ruman City to do errands, I am so angry that I want to beat them up. But I don't have the courage of you, Earl Lorraine. "

The Marquis of Marleyton actually wanted to say ‘two hundred and five’, but fortunately he quickly stopped.

Of course, the more important thing is that the Lorraine family has a good girlfriend, who has a hard backstage, and before entering the imperial government system, he has already made great achievements and reputation.

He smashed the Ministry of Military Affairs for nothing, and those who were slapped in pain had to pinch their noses to recognize it.

Otherwise, with the two-shot temper of this guy, in case he wants to seek refuge in another country. Not to mention the loss to the country of losing this talented general. It's not easy to explain it to Her Royal Highness Catherine.

If grandma's life is not good. The emperor and the grand duke also had a bad time, and both of them had a bad time. It is estimated that no one in the entire empire can live well.

The empire is not doing well, and everyone's hatred is OT, falling on the puppies of the military department.

When the time comes, those puppies will be waiting to be unlucky~!

The Marquis of Marleyton turned around and asked: "This time the earl called me over. Any updates?"

Lorraine pondered for a moment and slowly said, "I received a terrible news. I feel it is necessary to let you know immediately. The Lich of Oldheim is turning the enslaved barbarians into undead soldiers."

The Marquis of Marleyton looked stern, with a solemn expression, and said solemnly: "Are you sure?"

"Although I can't tell you how this news came, it's absolutely certain," Lorraine said confidently.

The Marquis of Marleyton unconsciously tugged his hair and said distressed: "This is troublesome. It is no problem for my subordinates to let them beat the barbarians. One legion can drive tens of thousands of barbarians across the mountains, but undead soldiers, hell. , What is that stuff?"

Lorraine explained: "A skeleton soldier or a zombie soldier controlled by a dark wizard. There are powerful dark knights and plagues in the middle. Toxins...No one knows how many insidious methods they have."

"Damn~!" The Marquis of Marleyton cursed fiercely, and said: "My soldiers have never been trained how to fight the undead. How many are they there?"

Lorraine said solemnly: "It will not be less than one hundred thousand."

"One hundred thousand~!" The Marquis of Marleyton yelled, as if burning his buttocks, he jumped up from the chair, stared at Lorraine with a horrified expression, and said anxiously: "Count, you never Tell me they have so many?"

Lorraine also sighed and said, "Neither did I expect that the Dark Mage would turn all the barbarians in Alderheim into necromantic soldiers."

"You mean all?" The Marquis of Marleyton looked incredulous.

"Yes, all." Lorraine said, "I couldn't believe it at first. But I just confirmed it. The 100,000 barbarians in Oldheim will all be transformed into undead soldiers by liches."

The Marquis of Marleyton couldn't say a word in shock. He looked at Lorraine so stupidly, and for a long time he suddenly collapsed on the chair, grabbed the teacup beside him and took a few sips.

I was choked again because I was too anxious. I slapped my chest vigorously while coughing. It took a while to calm down and muttered, "How dare they do this?"

Although the Ruman Legion killed the savages to the death and death, Marleyton fought the savages in the north for ten years, and had a deep hatred for them, but it never thought of killing more than 100,000 savages at once.

The final solution formulated by the Rumans was only to conquer and then force them to naturalize. They never thought of exterminating the barbarians.

"Because they are liches." Lorraine explained flatly: "They are dead alive, and those people think differently from ours."

The Marquis of Marleyton was in a daze, chanting "one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand" repeatedly.

Compared with the 500,000 and 100 regular troops of the Ruman Empire preparing to launch a summer offensive, the number of 100,000 is really small, but the Marquis of Maraton knows that if used properly, 100,000 troops are enough to change the outcome of a war. , Or destroy the entire north of the empire.

In the history of mankind, there have been cases where 3,000 cavalry defeated 200,000 troops.

No commander would underestimate the sudden appearance of these 100,000 troops, let alone undead soldiers.

Lorraine added: "This is just the most conservative estimate.

The fighting method of the undead has always been to fight and raise the battle. After each battle, the corpse of the enemy will be turned into an undead soldier. They can expand their army like a snowball.

Currently in Daxue Mountain, no barbarians can stop them. They will inevitably attack other tribes to obtain more corpses.

When they get out of the mountains, we will face more than 100,000 undead soldiers. Maybe it's twenty or three hundred thousand. "

The Marquis of Marleyton categorically said: "They cannot be allowed to grow up. They must be wiped out as quickly as possible when they are at their weakest."

Lorraine helplessly spread his hands and said: "How to eliminate? My people need food, clothes, and horses need forage beancake. Undead soldiers don't need these things, as long as they have the mana support of the necromancer, before being chopped into pieces, They can keep fighting."

The Marquis of Marleyton suddenly stagnated. Secretly said: Yes, how to eliminate it?

The ice and snow in the mountains have not melted. The army could not go out at all, even if the soldiers could barely go in, their supplies could not go in.

The Marquis of Marleyton realized that although he had a large number of soldiers and hundreds of thousands, he did not have any military power to attack Oldheim.

And deal with the undead and the dark wizard. The most effective, of course, the priests of the Holy See, the Marquis of Marleyton's eyes light up thinking of here. Staring at Lorraine with straight eyes, he said: "You can mobilize the priests of the Holy See, right?"

Lorraine smiled modestly and waved his hand: "How is it possible, they and us are not the same system."

The Marquis of Marleyton gave a meaningful smile, squeezed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't you have a good relationship with the Pope?"

Lorraine hurriedly corrected: "Our relationship is pure friendship."

"I understand and I understand." The Marquis of Marleyton nodded quickly: "A pure friendship. You borrow some soldiers from His Majesty the Pope. If you want to come, His Majesty will not refuse."

"That's hard to say," Lorraine continued to pretend to be pure, scratching his head and said, "But I can try it."

Mareton smiled and nodded. He cursed inwardly and said in secret: It seems that the rumors must be true.

Then he said: "Your relationship with Fengye Danlin is also very good. Everyone is responsible for destroying the undead. You go to Master Lester, and they will definitely not refuse."

"It's Master Lester, the curse magister," Lorraine corrected clearly one word at a time: "You must say that when you meet, otherwise the master will be unhappy.

Maple Leaf Danlin? Give them more labor fees, which can bring in many helpers. "

The Marquis of Maraton said seriously: "There should be many war forts under the name of the peacekeeping force. It is said that forty were built in the first half of last year, and it should be larger than this number now."

Lorraine nodded, saying that he was indeed a veteran, and the Marquis of Marleyton was very accurate.

The Marquis of Marleyton said: "Put all these forces together and go straight to Oldheim. It should be possible to destroy it."

Lorraine shook his head and said, "This is not necessarily true. There are at least six liches and hundreds of dark wizards in Oldheim.

It is very difficult to destroy the enemy at one time only with the projecting power of the current war fort. "

The Marquis of Marleyton resolutely said: "Then do it a few more times to destroy the enemy with continuous attacks."

Lorraine still shook his head and said: "It is estimated that the casualties will be very high. As a strategic force in the current war fortress, we cannot afford to lose."

The Marquis of Marleyton was very disapproving. He looked at Lord Lorraine in surprise, as if he had discovered that Lorraine was a rookie, and said: "There are no undead in war."

"Yes," Lorraine said, "but these forces are the key to resisting the undead high priest in the future, and we cannot afford to lose."

The Marquis of Marleyton shook his head with a dark face, and said: "According to Sir Sir, if you leave it alone, it will be a disaster in three months.

The offensive throughout the summer will suffer. ""Actually," Lorraine pondered for a moment, and said, "I don't think so. What is the purpose of the summer offensive? "

The Marquis of Marleyton said without hesitation: "Exterminate the barbarians completely."

Lorraine spread his hands and said, "The undead are not doing this kind of work."

The Marquis of Marleyton was stunned for a moment, suddenly raised his head to look at Lorraine, and said: "You are using a big trouble to cover up a small trouble."

"Drive the tiger to eat the wolf," Lorraine smiled and said, "I know."

Then patiently persuaded the Marquess of Marleyton, saying: "Our strength lies in the home court advantage. We are all around us.

But if we attack Oldheim now, we will lose our home court advantage, jump into the enemy's territory, and go head-to-head with the enemy on their territory.

This is to use our shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths. We have a lot of strength and can only play a part, but the enemy can play twelve points of strength. This is unwise. "

The Marquis of Maraton resolutely said: "But after waiting two months, the enemy will be more difficult to eliminate. The opportunity is fleeting, and we must seize it."

Lorraine pressed his temple in anguish. This old guy was too stubborn and said: "The enemy's development has not been out of our monitoring. In the future, we can gather more powerful forces and then completely eliminate them. It's better than just defeating the enemy."

The Marquis of Marleyton said loudly: "It is the best time to attack if the enemy is not out of control. I insist on my opinion."

Lorraine and Marquess of Marleyton stared at each other and confronted each other.

Leo jumped up and stood between the two, stretched out his palm to signal the two to stop arguing, and said: "Uncle Marleyton said very well, and what the boss said is also very reasonable.

What you are arguing for is just a different solution to one thing. In that case, why not leave it to my uncle the emperor to decide. "

The Marquis of Marleyton thinks about it. Only Emperor Rudrun has the final decision on this kind of thing. He stood up and said: "His Royal Highness said that I will state my opinion to His Majesty. Goodbye!"

Having said that, he grabbed his hat and ran out hurriedly, leaving nothing for a moment.

Lorraine looked at the back of the Marquis of Marleyton and sighed, "I will tell you if this is the emperor's opinion."

Leo chuckled, and said: "My uncle wants to kill people again, and doesn't want to bear the infamy. Let's do the dirty work, let's do it, and the black pot still wants us to fight?

Hey, that would make him so comfortable. "


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