Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1221: What is eternity

"Payment in installments?" Princess Lulu muttered this novel vocabulary, rather puzzled. M

Today, this day was taken by Leo that little hooligan, and in this mess in this city, I encountered too many new things and saw too many new things.

Although this princess is also Bingxue smart, no matter how smart she is, she is just an elite of a traditional feudal landlord-style agricultural society.

If she spends more time in Naian and has more contact, maybe she can sort out the clues.

But at this time, I suddenly came into contact with Nian's advanced industrial civilization, but like a college student who had just walked out of school, I could only feel strange and at a loss for the series of new things that appeared in front of me.

However, Lorraine, a cheap cousin, is here for consultation at any time. Therefore, she was too lazy to guess what this meant, but asked bluntly: "What does this mean?"

"It's literally," Lorraine smiled like an insurance salesman, showing four clean teeth, and said: "My dear cousin, you can tell your father or your king's grandfather.

If you are willing to participate, then the Red Maple International Investment Company, a subsidiary of the Flying Eagle Group, invested in the first railway from Nian'an to Constantinople of the Flying Eagle Railway Group..."

When Lorraine said this, she suddenly felt something wrong. When she looked up, she saw a strange look on Princess Lulu's face. There was a trace of vigilance in those bright eyes, as if she was the old lady of the neighborhood committee looking at a woman who has never changed. Like MLM staff.

Lorraine couldn't help but stagnate, and then slapped the table angrily, shouting angrily: "Hey, hello, what do you mean by that look? What do you mean? Ah?

I am not a lie.

The reason why it is so complicated is just for reasonable tax avoidance. It's really just a reasonable tax avoidance.

It's not used to scam money..."

Speaking of later, Lord Luo Jue's original loud voice lowered unconsciously.

Comparing your heart to your heart, if someone makes things so complicated. Then the future prospects were blown up, and then he pulled Sir Alex to invest in it. Sir Alex would treat that man as a **** liar and beat him up first. Beat as a pig, and then call the police.

Under the gaze of Princess Lulu's bright and beautiful eyes, Lord Luo could not help but laugh a few times with a guilty conscience, and rolled his eyes, wanting to think of something more.

At this moment, Princess Lulu gave a cold snort and turned away from her eyes. Then he said with disdain: "The business is so big, forgive you for not daring to fool people~!"

Lorraine suddenly felt relieved - after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't find an excuse, but he didn't expect that he would find it for him.

While Princess Lulu was not paying attention, he quietly wiped the cold sweat on his head, and then continued: "This... our Red Maple International Investment Company under the Flying Eagle Group is in the Flying Eagle Railway Group..."

Having said that, he couldn't help but be vague-making things so complicated, no wonder others would treat himself as a liar.

Thinking of this, he paused. Then he said straightforwardly: "Specifically, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you know, we allow the Elf Kingdom to pay the large sum of money originally used to buy shares. Divide it into ten months.

One-tenth of the monthly payment is enough.

This is the installment payment. "

"So that's it." Princess Lulu is smart, she can see through it, and immediately realizes the great benefits of it-this can greatly reduce financial pressure~!

At this time, Lorraine continued to explain: "In fact, the Holy See also uses installment payments.

The railway company was just established, and it didn't use that much money for a while.

So, gradually invest money as the company expands. "

Princess Lulu nodded to express her understanding. The Holy See is notorious for its wealth and wealth. The industry spreads all over the continent. There is no business, but only by collecting rent and tax. Always make a steady profit without losing money.

However, it is also difficult for the Holy See to spend 30 million at a time. It is not the pope who has the final say to spend such a large amount of money.

The Holy See, whose power covers the mainland, is so, not to mention their Elf Kingdom. Taking out ten million at a time is like getting a slap in the face. The Elven Kingdom has to hesitate for a long time.

But one million is spent in a month and divided into ten months. Although the pressure is not small, it is not unacceptably large.

The same is 10 million, but the feeling of paying in installments is different, as if this is not a huge sum of money, even the crown prince can raise it himself.

The Elven Kingdom, which is based on ocean trade, has a large amount of cash in its hands, and is distressed that it cannot be spent.

Princess Lulu held her chest with one hand, tapped her pointed chin with the other, bowed her head in thought.

Lorraine unscrupulously admired the beauty in front of him at close range.

Compared with the humans on the mainland, people in the Elf Kingdom are generally taller and thinner. This should be due to the wealthy life in the Elf Kingdom.

Princess Lulu inherited the advantages of a woman in the Elf Kingdom, tall, slender and weak, as if the wind could blow her away.

The skin is tight and fair, and the skin is red. Especially the pointed cheeks, like a perfect face from the hands of a classical artist, with a pair of bright eyes like stars.

The chest is not full, compared with Lorraine's girlfriend, it is average.

But Princess Lulu herself has always been stubborn about this, especially after she had a serious comparison with Vera in the bath, Princess Lulu began to enthusiastically look for breast enhancement secrets, home remedies and other things. And every day I gritted my teeth and drank a large glass of papaya stew milk.

From the crisp chest down, there is a slender waist that is gripped. Like all elves, Princess Lulu's waist is particularly soft and her skills are agile, which makes Adele full of praise.

A pair of straight and slender, ankles are as fine as jade, and the curves are moving. If you can change into tight stockings, I don't know how many young boys will be fooled.

After thinking for a long time, Princess Lulu made up her mind, nodded slightly, and said: "Well then, cousin, I will try my best to convince my father and grandpa."

Lorraine hurriedly retracted his eyes, shook his head, and said: "You have to hurry up, the railway company is officially established, there is not much time left.

The business is booming now, and every day people send gifts here in large packages. Inquire about news. It is better to start early than to start late.

If you miss the time, don't blame me for not letting me know. "

"I know this," Princess Lulu waved her hand impatiently. Dropped Lorraine and turned and ran.

Because the Elf Kingdom was far away at sea, the cable telegraph of Flying Eagle Company could not be reached at all. Therefore, if you want to send the message, you can only contact the ambassador of the Elf Kingdom in Fengye Danlin, and then send it back.

Not to mention the trouble, it is very time-consuming, so she must hurry up.

In fact, she is already thinking about it. Do you want to spread the message through magic at all costs.

Princess Lulu eagerly opened the door, pinched the wide skirt with one hand, and moved lightly. Just as she was about to go out, she suddenly seemed to remember something, then turned and ran back, standing pretty in Lorraine. before. A pair of big bright eyes stared at Lorraine blinking and blinking.

Lorraine looked at her suspiciously and said, "Is there anything else?"

Princess Lulu smiled silently, but shook her head. Suddenly he stood on his toes, pursed his ruddy lips, and kissed Lorraine on the cheek.

Lorraine instantly felt as if she had been electrocuted, staring at Princess Lulu in a daze.

"Thank you, cousin," Princess Lulu whispered in Lorraine's ear: "Although I know you bad guy has ulterior motives."

After that, she squeezed her pink fist and punched Lorraine's stomach. After the sneak attack succeeded, Princess Lulu swiftly jumped away and ran out of the room briskly, leaving only a string of silver bells behind her. Laughter and a faint fragrance.

Lorraine rubbed his stomach with a frown.

Princess Lulu looked thin. But this punch is not light, especially Lorraine has no defense. Although she is soft and weak in appearance, this cousin is not a charming lady without the strength of a chicken.

This force value is at least seventy, and he is proficient in fighting swordsmanship.

Lorraine clutched her belly, and said inwardly: So she knew it a long time ago.

It was of course a purpose to let Leo accompany her to visit Nidal City early in the morning.

In order to use these things to seduce her to the bait. Be regarded as another kind of radical method.

Princess Lulu clearly saw it too. She saw through Lorraine for the purpose of drawing her money, and she had to take the initiative to bring it forward, so that she and the Elven Kingdom would be at a disadvantage.

"Leo, this kid, doesn't perform well in any play, so he will be deducted from his salary." Lorraine curled his lips, feeling that the punch was worthless for himself.

Although Sir Alex Ferguson often corrupts and accepts bribes and takes advantage of others, he is not a material person. However, as a politician in matters of the country, he has always believed in one sentence-there is no eternal friend, nor eternal. The enemy has only eternal interests.

This sentence applies not only to himself, but also to his enemies. It applies to everyone.

Only by tying everyone together with interest in various ways can they truly unite. Otherwise, the so-called union, no matter how good it is, it is not as good as a piece of rubbing paper~!

Lorraine stood up while thinking, and walked towards the door.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he felt a soft and plump body suddenly hit in his arms.

"Oh~!" The beauty in her arms exclaimed, rubbing her bumped chest with a bitter face, and slammed Lorraine with a punch, saying: "I just saw Lulu running down blushing, like It was a big bad wolf who chased after him, and I thought to run over and take a look.

So you didn't get it~! "

It was Deipoll who chuckled Lorraine and twisted it on Lorraine's chest.

Lorraine shrugged and said: "I told her a serious thing."

Deipule showed an expression of "I understand", flicked Lorraine's cheek with his finger, and said with a smile: "After talking about serious things, it's time to talk about nonsense."

Lorraine knew that he must not answer at this time, otherwise it would become a public trial meeting for himself at night.

Deipole gave a victory sign and shook in front of Lorraine's eyes, saying: "I'm not here to catch the rape, let's go, there is business, Belem has just returned."

Deipoll pulled Lorraine through the underpass and went straight to the meeting room of the next-door venture capital company. Belen and the goblin Shajin are already waiting here.

Although the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming, it is a good time to be picturesque, but the curtains in the room are all closed and the light in the room is dim.

Not only now, but in the headquarters of venture capital companies, this is the case throughout the year.

Lorraine looked around at the three people in the room. This was the most gathering day for the leaders of venture capital companies in the past year.

Although only more than two years have passed, Belém is obviously older than before. The hair on the temples has begun to turn gray, but it has become more handsome, showing the mature charm of a successful man.

The goblin Shajin is fatter than before, and the whole person eats roundly. At first glance, it looked like a huge green meatball shrinking on the sofa.

Belen and Sha Jin nodded to Lorraine, and took out a thick stack of documents from their bags.

"I'll be straightforward," Belen said, leaving the file on the table, "Although the direct contact with the White Beard and the Pink Panther organization has been interrupted, fortunately, the intelligence information network is still open. We conclude from the collected intelligence. . War is impossible to avoid~!"

Lorraine nodded silently. The venture capital company, as the front line of the Semitic intelligence work, obtained first-hand information, saying that the conclusions reached could not be wrong.

"Then throw away your illusions and prepare for war." Lorraine said.

Belen nodded slightly. It was obvious that no one liked this news. After a moment of silence, he said: "However, the specific time of the enemy's war. It is still unpredictable."

"Unpredictable?" Lorraine asked in surprise: "How come?"

"Since the reorganization and the killing of the Prime Minister and several ministers, the preparations of the Semis have been greatly advanced." Belen explained: "The high-level Semis exchanged blood. All vital departments have been replaced by the High Priest of the Undead. people.

The original royal family was pushed aside.

This group of people has only ambition. But they didn't have the ability. They only knew that they obeyed the instructions of the undead high priest and his disciple Cameron stubbornly. They put aside other tasks and prepared for combat, which made our original data invalid.

Now, we can't grasp which step they have achieved. "

Lorraine rubbed his chin in a daze, and the sudden outbreak of the Semitic coup did surpass everyone's expectations. It disrupted the plans of both parties and wanted exact news. Can only wait for the spy who penetrated into the Necromancer, but he has not been active yet.

"However, according to the information sent by the intelligence agent, the other party is already gathering troops in several port areas. It is estimated that the size is no less than 600,000 people." Belem said calmly: "The Netherlite Navy is also exploring sea routes, I believe it will not be necessary. Too long."

Lorraine sighed. Said: "This is really not good news."

Belen shrugged and said with a smile: "Boss, we are born with bad news."

"I have good news here." The goblin Shajin pulled the collar of his suit, revealing the sparkling gold chain inside, and said: "Silver is back, and of course his friends."

Lorraine suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise: "When?"

"Just now," Sha Jin said: "To be exact, it was yesterday. There were more than 30 people who came back with him, all dark wizards. The lich that the boss asked us to pay attention did not notice. He may be hiding."

Lorraine smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Don't worry, a lich is hiding his heart, you can't find him."

Sha Jin nodded and said, "I want to ask the boss, what should I do next? Is it to let Yinguang stay in the north?"

"What's your opinion?" Lorraine always respects the views of professionals on professional issues.

Shajin smiled like a goblin, cunning, proud, and sneaky, and he knew that they were drinking water in their stomachs.

Sha Jin twisted his body on the sofa and said, "My opinion is to get Yin Guang into Ruman City. The enemy will pay more attention to him, and he can also play a greater role."

Lorraine, Belém, and Deipule were all shocked by Shakin's bold idea, directing the enemy into the heart of the Ruman Empire.

"You are really crazy," Lorraine looked at the goblin and shook his head, and said: "But I like it. Are you sure?"

Sha Jin nodded affirmatively and said: "Of course, Ruman City knows Yinguang even fewer people. And only Russell knows his identity."

Even Belen gave the thumbs up to Shakin's bold plan. The whimsical plan, if not terrible, is a miracle.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any goblin." Lorraine said secretly in his heart when it was time to get out of the venture capital company.

It is said that the goblin empire that dominated the world tens of thousands of years ago was because the ruler went mad and played himself to death. From this it seems likely to be true. The goblin is really a group of crazy intelligent creatures.

Now that the war was inevitable, Lorraine knew that all he needed to do was prepare for the battle.

Immediately after Lorraine, all the military and political officials of Nai An Province were summoned.

The large conference room in the Governor's Mansion has not been used for a long time.

Since Lorraine was busy maintaining world peace and implementing the truth of love and justice, Nian had no governor in charge for a long time. Government affairs were remotely controlled by Catherine and Lorraine, and military affairs were under the guidance of Grand Duke Julian.

Nian's military and political system headed by Angus finally came down with bumps all the way.

During this period, many people had coveted the position of Governor Nian.

In the past, the governor was a chore that no one wanted to do, but now it is the sweet pastry that is growing daily, and the farms and workshops in the territory are just lightly scraped and fat.

How many people can't wait to rush up to take a bite, make a lot of money and then pat their buttocks and leave, the family's more than ten generations of expenses will be there.

Fortunately, Ruderen is not confused. The Flying Eagle Group has his shares, and he also has the duties of a royal spy and armed forces. If it is handed over to the corrupt Naian has a great future. It was ruined.

Besides, once Lorraine ceased to be the governor, in order to protect his assets, the Flying Eagle Group might immediately relocate and evacuate to Fengye Danlin. Then he, the emperor, would become the laughingstock of all ages and ruin the cause for small profits.

Rudren clings to the position of Governor Nyan, leaving it to Lorraine and Leo, not Russell's terms. With the support of the emperor and Grand Duke Ruman, the military and political officials of Neidel also had the confidence to block the demand from the upper echelons of the empire.

Nian's development has been smooth sailing, and because of this, the hair on the top of Angus's hard head has fallen out.

I haven't seen each other for more than a year. When I first met Lorraine, I was surprised to find that his diligent administrative officer had no hair on the top of his forehead.

General Larry was full of energy and his face was red.

There were thirty or forty people from tax officials, legal officials, public works officials, to the head of the patent office, city owners from all over the world, and so on. All of them looked good, with rosy faces and straight waists.

The huge conference room has once again become lively. (To be continued) RQ

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