Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1222: 3rd line construction plan

In the Great Nyan Conference Room, the main military and political officials of Nyan are gathered together

After more than a year, the military and political convention led by Governor Lorraine was held here again.

Whether it's Angus, the chief steward of a province, Gretan, the head of the tax bureau, or Alva, Nian's first patent chief, almost everyone looks very excited, and all of them are beaming, looking at the central theme. Governor Lorraine

I say almost because Ignats, the sheriff sitting in the corner, is hiding in the corner, with his head down and silent, extremely low-key.

This is not surprising. Due to the influx of large numbers of migrants, Nian’s population has exploded geometrically. In this process, since it is impossible to conduct strict background checks, a large number of ordinary people will come along. Of the villains, the law and order situation has naturally deteriorated

Although Ignatz was also very strong in thunder and carried out several strikes

And all the ruffians caught were sent to the "Auschwitz Sunshine Leisure Weight Loss Training Quarry", but the effect received was not great.

Those gangsters are like leeks in the spring field. One crop has just been cut, and the next crop grows up impatiently.

Let Ignatz get angry

Sir Alex Ferguson is also quite tolerant of this situation-he clearly knows that no one can do well in this situation

As long as no particularly serious and vicious cases occur, Ignarts will work well.

However, Ignatz is still very interesting. No matter what, it is not a glorious thing. At this time, he is better to keep a low profile.

Besides him, there is another person who is also unhappy

That is Leo, Chairman Lei Da

He was sitting next to Lorraine, with his hands on his bulging stomach and his head down, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Except for the two of them with their own minds, everyone present was full of enthusiasm, and their eyes were full of respect when they looked at Lorraine.

They did not lower their respect for the young governor because of the rumors circulating in Fengye Danlin.

Nyan’s brilliant achievements in just three years all depended on the governor’s leadership, and this was achieved~

The puppies of the United Nations of Maple Leaf Danlin actually forced their governor away, which only shows that their brains are abnormal.

"Dare to provoke this man, you are looking for bad luck~" Angus silently sentenced the UN representatives to a probation, then touched the bright forehead, and sighed regretfully-since the hair disappeared one by one, this Has become his habitual action

In addition to him, there are also a few guys who don’t know the overall situation. The reason for being secretly happy about Sir Alex Ferguson’s return is very simple. When Sir Alex Ferguson comes back, he can take everyone to grab money... Uh, no, you can take everyone to change Make money

What I save is that I don’t stay at home all year round, and I have to post money outside. How much more money can I make~

Lorraine inspected the surroundings and saw that everyone had arrived. He immediately knocked on the table and said, "Since everyone is here, then start."

"Yes, my lord" Angus stood up first

He yawned to Lorraine and opened the file in his hand. Although he had read it many times, Angus's heart still couldn't help but tremble every time he saw the golden numbers on it.

This data is really exciting~

Angus took a breath, calmed his excitement, and said, "My lord, according to the statistics just completed, our economic growth rate last year was 180%.

Among them, agriculture and farms increased by 50%, and factories and industry increased by 200%."

Although many of the people present already knew this data, but at this time, they couldn’t help but a commotion. They couldn’t help but whispered to each other.

Two hundred percent, this is an amazing number

You know, last year, Nian's steel output was already a quarter of that of the entire continent and doubled again. What is that concept?

In other words, in the future, for every two iron nails used on the mainland, one of them is Nian’s

All of you sitting here have been educated by the elites of feudal landlords and nobles, and you know exactly what it means

In the future, no one will dare to challenge Nian An, just using steel can kill him three times~

"Is this the data reported to Ruman City?" Lorraine ignored everyone, and asked Angus, "Actually?"

Just looking at the scale of the expansion of Nydel City in the past year, Lorraine knows that the growth of the factory is definitely more than twice.

There is no place to build a shed in and around the city. The workshops built have expanded to a few dozen miles away from the city.

"Actually," Angus glanced at Gretan, the tax officer sitting not far away, and said with a smile on the face of a politician who had succeeded in the conspiracy; "At least three times. The detailed data is too fast to be counted because it changes too fast."

Chairman Leo, who had been glum, finally showed a pleased smile and said, "Is this normal? We didn't pay Russell more taxes?"

The tax officer Gretan shrugged, then spread his hands and said: "The annual aid allocation of one million is deducted, which is the same as in previous years."

Chairman Leo Bianbian, complained dissatisfied: "I still paid one million more"

Before Lorraine took office, Ruderen felt that he had pointed out the poorest place in the country to Catherine’s boyfriend, and was overwhelmed. So he gave Lorraine a special grant of one million each year.

The increased tax payment is now offset

Since the economic growth rate has tripled, taxes will surely double accordingly, and the tax paid to Ruman City will also increase dramatically.

It is equivalent to saying that the entire empire will enjoy the benefits of Nianfei's development. For the Nian's people, of course they are not willing

When the Naian people were poor and wanted to be pants, I didn’t see anyone caring about them. Why should they be given points to others if they are rich now?

Even if it’s public money, none of Nian’s officials wants the money to fall into other people’s pockets.

The tax officer appointed directly by Ruman City is to monitor this situation

However, the tax officer Gretan is a sensible person. His immediate supervisor is Baron Rokund, the undersecretary of the treasurer, and Baron Rokund is the father of Rowina, the cheap father-in-law of Governor Lorraine.

A large part of Nian’s industry belongs to the Flying Eagle Group of Lorraine and Leo, including the shares of Emperor Ruderen.

Gretan didn't dare to check the taxes of the current emperor and the future emperor even if he couldn't figure it out. He still wanted to keep his job and retire safely.

Therefore, the reported tax is also the official data of Angus statistics.

"What was the tax revenue last year?" Lorraine asked with concern

Angus chuckled and said, "He turned in Ruman City's tax of 315 and actually collected it last year..."

Angaston gave a moment, then said quietly: "Eight million~"

"There are so many~" Chairman Leo jumped up from the chair in surprise and shouted loudly.

The local government of Nian An withheld 5 million in private. If Russell knew this, the old guy would have to vomit blood.

However, Chairman Leo was very happy and praised Angus for his thumbs up.

Angus looked at the Director of Patent Alva sitting at the end of the conference table, and said: "You have to thank the Governor Alva for your promulgation of the "Patent Protection Law", for you."

"Yes," Director Alva stood up nervously, like a primary school student reciting a text, and said loudly: "Last year, 1032 patents were accepted and 870 patents were frequently listed for trading. There are more than 5,000 patent workshops, which will create nearly 100 million wealth each year."

This number makes Lorraine stunned. Lorraine also knows that patents are a guarantee to stimulate the healthy development of the industry. Only by protecting patented products can they attract small and medium landlords to hide moldy gold coins in the cellars and put them into factory production.

Otherwise, they can't beat the privileged nobles without patent protection, people such as Lorraine, and others covet his industry, not to mention the natives from the countryside.

Nian is not that there are no rich people, but that many people are rich and dare not spend

The Patent Office has only been established for just two years, and it has achieved current achievements, but it has completely exceeded Lorraine’s expectations.

Angus waved his hand, motioned Director Alva to sit down, and said, "Not only are we Nian, people from all over the country are investing and constructing factories in Nian'an, and there are even Parthians.

At present, there are thousands of factories producing various types of screws and screws, and many of them are for the Flying Eagle Group."

Handing small and simple parts to local small and medium-sized factories for production is the business strategy of the Flying Eagle Group, which is beneficial to both parties.

After hearing the news that the Nian'an plant can make money, the rich people all over the continent are like bees smelling the fragrance of flowers, moving by the wind, especially the large number of small and medium landlords. As long as they are profitable, their adventure ambitions are as big as the dead. priest

On the mainland, Nai An has long been advertised as a paradise for adventurers, a golden paradise everywhere, and the legend of seizing the opportunity to become rich overnight is repeated.

Many people even turned their property into sellers because they couldn’t stand the aristocracy’s troubles and exploits, dragging their families to Nian’an to find opportunities.

These hard-working, capable, brave and intelligent immigrants wrote a magnificent history of immigration development

After Angus, officials from different departments reported on their own work. In short, the situation is very good, not a small one, but a great one.

It’s all good news. Even the last group of barbarians who hid in the depths of the southern grasslands and refused to give up, envied the food and clothing of their compatriots. They came out and surrendered, and there were fewer and fewer people left behind.

Lorraine and Leo were very addicted. If they can maintain this growth rate, I am afraid that in less than 20 years, Nyan will pass Ruman City and become the number one in the world.

The continuous collection of good news makes Lorraine confident about the plan in his heart

After everyone had reported their work, Lorraine looked at them seriously and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You are creating an unprecedented history.

There is an old saying that has been said thousands of times, the future is bright, the road is tortuous, and our battle with the undead is inevitable~"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's expressions changed, saying that it is impossible not to be afraid. The war that burned across the mainland a thousand years ago left too many terrifying stories.

"The scale, cruelty, and duration of this war will be beyond everyone's imagination" Lorraine said slowly, leaving them time to think.

"Therefore, we will build Nyan's into a safe rear area" Lorraine vowed: "To provide support for the entire human war."

Angus and the others looked at each other. They were shocked by Lorraine's amazing behavior, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thanked them.

The meaning of being a big rear is of course not to be a battlefield. This is undoubtedly great news for the Naian people.

No one wants their homeland to be ravaged by war, and see their family on the battlefield, never go back

At the same time, Angus also had a question in his heart, are they enough to provide support for the entire human war?

Just a Ruman Empire’s domestic market, Naian can’t cover it, let alone a continent.

When Angus saw the ambitious Governor Lorraine's heart brightened, he secretly said: Since Governor Lorraine said yes, then he must be able to~

The people of Naian have long been accustomed to this miracle created by the governor

Leo was also very excited about this ambitious plan, the arms business is the most profitable

What is it that serves as a rear support war support?


If it succeeds, it will be a big business that will make a profit for the whole continent.

Profits are already secondary. After success, the Ruman Empire and the Flying Eagle Group will pinch the eggs of the nations of the continent and make them want to die.

Lorraine is in high spirits. This big plan is the most appetizing of Sir Alex Ferguson-we either don't play, we play a big one if we want to.

Lorraine also put a lot of energy into this

He made a gesture and explained to everyone: "Nyan will become a safe haven and become the primary goal of all countries facing the threat of war to transfer funds to absorb investment from the whole continent to develop Nyan's industrial production."

In fact, this is the road to the fortune of the Great Citi Empire. Capitalists and wealthy people facing the threat of war fled with their wealth to a safe Citi Empire away from war, to build factories or invest.

Citi uses these manufactured products and sells them to warring countries, scraping them from the inside out.

Even if the war is over, old Europe still cannot get up because of the lack of hematopoietic ability. They work hard and have accumulated 50 years of wealth before returning to the original point.

Angus showed pleasant smiles on their faces. This wonderful prospect is fascinating just thinking about it.

These officials have already experienced the charm of industry, knowing that large-scale production in industrial workshops, telegraphs, and trains are the future of mankind.

The premise of all this is funding

"My dear Angus," Lorraine looked at the administrative officer at hand and said, "How much money do we have in the account?"

Angus's red round face, which was originally happy, collapsed in an instant, his eyebrows drooped, his hands were spread on the table, his face was crying, and he said: "There is no money and no money anymore."

"How come?" Lorraine was pouring cold water

Chairman Leo didn’t rub the sand in his eyes. He slapped the table and jumped up, saying, “I just said that I collected 8 million in taxes and only gave Ruman City 3 million. What about the remaining 5 million? Didn't your civil servants secretly give out benefits?"

The underground officials stared in surprise, their hearts shook, and secretly said: All this knows, it seems that this master is not easy to be fooled when he becomes the emperor.

Angus gave a wry smile, and said: "Sure enough, he is a business prodigy, the little grandpa has bright eyes.

Nian’s military and political personnel have really increased their benefits

"This..." Angus groaned for a moment and explained, "Your Excellency, Chairman Rong Jin, all the remaining taxes are invested in infrastructure construction, and civil servants in the province have only increased by 30%. The wages of the year-end take-out will be paid out one more month’s wages, and the total increase is less than 300,000"

Leo opened his palm, stretched out his five fingers, and gestured: "Five million, are all spent?"

Angus nodded solemnly, held his fingers together, and counted one item at a time: "The expansion of five ports, including Nydel and Bambrun, cost two million yuan to rebuild the official road and 1.3 million yuan.

Building the city, adding customs and anti-smuggling fleets, enriching local government departments, spent a million

Land expropriation and demolition, expansion of Naidel, leveling of industrial land, another 400,000

In addition, there are personnel training, law enforcement inspections, etc."

Angus scratched his head in distress and said, "How far is five million?

The expansion of the Port of Nydal has just completed the third phase of the project. According to the current growth rate, the fourth phase will have to be launched this month, and the fifth phase will start planning

If according to the Governor’s plan, attract investment from all over the continent to Nian, you must now build a satellite city of Nydel, or build several cities on the south bank of the Beni River to accommodate the soaring population.

Build an official road connecting the whole province, build a post and telegraph system, and expand functional departments again"

Lorraine raised his hand and said, "I also want to build a bridge over the Beni River for trains."

Angus curled his lips and said, "Okay, if you add a bridge, it all involves one word, money~

Another five million is not enough, even if you give me thirty million, I can spend it immediately."

Lorraine slapped his and said: "These plans should be done immediately and we have run out of time."

Angus grinned and exclaimed, "But where does the money come from?"

"In the future, there will be a sum of ten million in cash, which will be paid in ten months." Lorrain patted Angus on the shoulder, and said, "You use it first but you have to pay it back."

Angus took a deep breath, wondering if this master is really like the legend, he is the illegitimate son of the God of Light, that is 10 million~

"Boss," Leo grabbed Lorraine's sleeve and said nervously, "That's the one used to build railways and can't build railways. Will you pay for it yourself?"

Although Lorraine, Leo and their girlfriends are worth several million each, they are shares of the Flying Eagle Group. They have long been invested in expansion and reproduction, and they receive dividends every year. There is really not much cash available for smuggling to the Semi Money is broken again

The capital chain of the Flying Eagle Group cannot be broken anyway. Lorraine and Leo have nowhere to find millions of dollars.

Lorraine rubbed his nose and said: "It seems that only the railway company can be listed." To be continued)rq

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