Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1239: IPO

The news of Feiying Railway's public issuance of new shares followed the "Nai'an Daily" and instantly spread throughout the city of Nydal, and radiated to the entire continent via the telegraph line. www.)

Before the sun rises from the east again, the major media across the continent have basically received this shocking news. The Flying Eagle Railway Company, which has a single share price of nearly 16 gold coins, will once again release 5 million shares to the market.

Although the news was extremely shocking, the most ingenious thing was not the news itself, but the time when the news was released.

It was after the stock market was closed, at nine o'clock that night, after a collective democratic discussion by the board of directors of the Flying Eagle Railway Group, it submitted a formal application to the Naian Securities Regulatory Commission.

Then through closed-door consultations with the main members of the Nyan Securities Regulatory Commission, strict review and approval were passed, and finally Nyan Goldman Sachs International Securities Co., Ltd. was authorized as the main stock issuance contractor. When the Naian Stock Exchange opened the next day, the official Public offering.

In other words, at nine o'clock that night, the main members of the board of directors of the Flying Eagle Railway Group, Lord Luo, Catherine, and Silmelia... Leo and the others were eating fruits before bed. Lord Luo Jue said casually: The fat sheep are almost ready, we can start cheating money.

Then, Catherine, one of the main members of the Nyan Securities Regulatory Commission, said: "It's time to clean them up."

Another committee member, Sylmelia said patiently: "This little mess, don't bother me."-The child in her arms makes her a little angry because she doesn't sleep.

Committee member Adele snuggled up beside Ferguson and said coquettishly: "Husband, remember to go shopping with me tomorrow~~"


Leo and Xiaobai rushed for the fruit, while vaguely shouted: "I see. I see."

In this way, the family sat in the hall, saying each person, and then the Feiying Railway Group's additional issuance plan was successfully approved by the Naian Securities Regulatory Commission.

Then Leo turned and said to the attendant beside him: "Wait a minute, you go tell who and who. Yes, it was the little brother who walked my father's way and gave me gifts a few days ago. What is Marcus's name.

I remember that. At that time, depending on the face of the old man, he gave him an official of the general manager of the investment company. Uh, yes, it's called Goldman Sachs.

Don't let that guy take money for nothing.

Let them issue five million new railway shares tomorrow as planned. "

In this way, in the absence of even the entrance hall, Feiying Railway's new share issuance plan successfully completed the basic process.

This made Lord Luo sigh very much about the benefits of collusion between officials and businessmen: green, efficient, and energy-saving. Environmental protection.

If you change to another place, another time and space, will there be such a high efficiency?

Not to mention that it will take months, even years, for various units to buck and buckle each other. I am afraid that several woods will have to be cut down just for the report paper. When that happens, serious soil erosion will be caused, and the ecological environment will be greatly polluted. Not only will the flowers and plants be damaged. And it will prevent the innocent and lovely children from growing up healthily.

Moreover, although the entire process of listing and increasing menstruation was extremely concise, Sir Alex Ferguson also dared to pat his chest to make sure. The whole process is in full compliance with all necessary legal procedures for the issuance of new shares of listed companies, and there will never be a slight omission.

The most stringent judicial inspection has passed~!

After the test of time~!

Because the entire plan was made that evening, five million shares were issued on the market, and calculated at the current price, that is, 80 million gold coins. This is a rather violent punch.

And it will be implemented the next day.

This also means that this is not only a blow to the market brokers, but also a sudden lightning blow.

Because there is only a short half-day as a buffer, those brokerages will not be able to respond even if they know the news is too late to respond~!


Ragnar got up early in the morning from the bed in the luxury suite of red dancing shoes, surrounded by several women. Had a good breakfast.

After that, Ragner, who was full of energy, called a carriage and headed to the stock exchange in the city.

Just entering the city through the congested gate of Nydel, Ragnar immediately noticed that the atmosphere on the street today was a bit unusual.

Nian's rapid development of industry and commerce has created countless jobs and provided generous compensation. At the same time, the pace of life of Nian's people has been much faster than before.

There are few idle passers-by on the street. There are hurried laborers everywhere, and it is difficult for the outsiders who have just arrived in Nian'an to adapt.

The flow of people on the street is always surging.

But today, passers-by who should have been walking fast are crowded in groups on the street newsstands, vying for newspapers as if they are rushing to buy short-selling goods, while shouting loudly: "Give me a copy, give me a copy. "

The nimble Ragnar immediately realized that something big must have happened.

Ragnar patted the carriage, and before waiting for the carriage to stop, the carriage door jumped out, strode into the crowd, trying to grab a newspaper.

But there are too many people surrounding the newsstand, and it is almost impossible for people behind to squeeze in.

Before Ragnar rushed in, he was squeezed out again by the outsiders.

The crowd was also very tired of him who had to jump in the line later, and secretly gave him a few cubits with a bad temper.

After trying several times, Ragnar finally gave up, rubbing his aching chest, and yelled with anger: "A bunch of bad people."

"I'm worth a few million, but I can't compare to your group of dead people." Ragnar cursed inwardly, then modeled his pockets, and pointed to a man standing next to him who was reading a newspaper on the street, and said domineeringly: " you are you."

The passer-by who read the newspaper glanced at Ragnar suspiciously, and said: Insane, right?

Ragnar picked up a gold coin and shook it before his eyes, and said, "Give me your newspaper, and I will give you a gold coin."

The passerby didn't even hesitate, and immediately stuffed the newspaper into Ragnar's arms, grabbed the gold coin in his hand and ran away, fearing that Ragnar would repent, and shouted: "This is your voluntary."

Ragnar snorted and said with a sneer: "Poor ghost."

Then spread out the "Nai'an Daily" which still exudes the smell of ink.

The moment when he saw the eye-catching headline, Ragnar's heart suddenly fell cold, and his heartbeat stopped in shock.

The June sun above his head didn't seem to have any temperature, and Ragnar instantly felt like he was in an ice cellar.

"It's over..." Ragner stared straight ahead blankly, and the newspaper slipped weakly from Ragner's hands. Sprinkle on the hand.

"It's all over~!" Ragnar wailed in his heart. As a person who had studied the stock market in depth, Ragnar naturally understood what it meant to be issued.

He bought Feiying Railway stocks and said the cost was millions of gold coins, and he was about to fly away immediately.

And once this money is lost...

Ragnar shuddered sharply. He couldn't even think about the consequences of this.

The money was all raised by Duke De Rossi, and he was a Duke of a middle-class country, and he couldn't afford five or six million if he died.

There must be a big problem with the source of this money.

If he loses, his little Ragnar's life is far from enough to fill it.

Ragnar thought about Son De Rossi's cruel and venomous methods, and couldn't help shaking with horror, I was afraid that he could not die if he wanted to.

Just when he was in a daze, a person next to him patted him. Said: "Friend, friend, do you want your newspaper?"

Ragnar, who was in panic, jumped up in shock, and yelled, "Don't~!"

"Then I will borrow it and have a look." The person next to him happily picked up the newspaper he was handing over.

After a stunned three or five seconds, Ragnar woke up and saw the person picking up the bargain ahead, Ragnar's unspeakable disgust, suddenly raised his leg and kicked that person.

The newspaper picker was defenseless. Immediately fell on the hand.

An evil fire burst out of Ragnar's heart, and he rushed up to kick the man who fell on the ground with a ferocious expression. Frightened the passers-by.

The man was kicked holding his head and screamed.

After a while, a passerby finally shouted: "I hit someone, I hit someone."

"Soldiers, where are the soldiers?"

Not far away came the police whistle of the city guard soldiers, and Ragnar stopped his hand and looked up blankly, seeing everyone around him looking at himself like a monster, standing far away from him.

Ragnar immediately hid his face and walked away, ran back to his carriage as if running for his life with his face in his hands, and jumped in panic. Loudly: "Hurry up~!"

The coachman flicked the reins, and the carriage started quickly, squeezing into the dense traffic.

Ragnar's heart was beating wildly with "boom boom boom", and the blood vessels on his forehead jumped with it. He pressed his tight chest and saw through the car window that no one was chasing him. Leaning heavily on the back of the chair, his eyes turned around, thinking quickly in his brain.

Ragnar suddenly brightened his eyes, grabbed the window with his hands and sat up, muttering: "No, I haven't lost yet, I still have a chance, I still have a chance~!"

Ragnar's spirit shook suddenly, and his whole body showed strong fighting spirit. He kicked the carriage heavily and shouted: "Hurry up, I will give you double the fare."

The coachman yelled and accelerated again with his whip.

Ten minutes later, the carriage stopped at the door of the stock exchange. When Ragnar jumped out of the carriage, he threw a gold coin and rushed all the way up the steps at his fastest speed. Shengsheng squeezed a jump and ran into the stock exchange.

The number of people inside and outside the hall nearly doubled compared to yesterday. Obviously they all knew the news of the additional issuance of the Flying Eagle Railway, and came to look for opportunities to make money.

The stockholders in the lobby were excited and gathered together to chat and laugh loudly. For these retail investors, the public issuance of Feiying Railway is great news, which means that they can buy shares of Eagle Railway again. .

You don't have to stare at the stock price that has been speculated by professional speculators at sky-high prices. Knowing that you can't make money if you have money, you can only watch the financial predators getting fatter and fatter.

The laughter of retail investors turned into ridicule in Ragner's eyes, and hundreds of thousands of people laughed at his ignorance, stupidity and unlucky.

And the day before, he was still laughing at these poor people who could not even afford a share.

This feeling of upside-down and dislocation made Ragner gritted his teeth, spit on the ground, rushed up the steps, went straight to Lord Dunkel’s private room, and pushed the door directly. Go in.

Not surprisingly, there were a dozen people sitting or standing here, the room was filled with smoke, and there was a choking smell of smoke, and everyone was clamoring.

Lord Dunkel had a sullen face, with a cigar in one hand and one on his knee. The eyes are fixed on the ground.

Redberg shook his hands like epilepsy, spinning around the room in a panic, and kept whispering in his mouth: "What to do and what to do..."

"Shut up~!" Lord Dunkel snapped the table and shouted sharply. As fierce as a bulldog, he waited for Redberg, and said: "What's the use of panic? The market will open soon. Now the first thing to consider is what to do?

Just so, Ragnar, do you have any ideas? "

Ragnar took a breath. Said: "It seems that we are underestimating the Naian people. No wonder the stocks are soaring and no one cares. They have already set up a set and are waiting for us."

The people around nodded at the same time, and Ren Sui couldn't think of it. They speculated on the stock price and created a wonderful opportunity for Lorraine to issue additional shares. Now that their money set is in, Lorraine can jump out to make money.

Just think about it, they all want to vomit blood.

Lord Dunkel shook his head. Suddenly a few years old, he said with a worried expression: "What else is there now? We threw tens of millions in it and can't escape. Everyone has to hang themselves."

There are not only their own money, but also the money they borrowed, and the funds raised by others. If they lose money, they can't wait to kill them to fill the whole street.

Ragnar said anxiously: "But we are not without opportunities."

Everyone lifted their spirits and urged anxiously: "Quickly, talk about it."

Ragnar looked serious, and said: "There is only one way. We will eat as much as the Flying Eagle Railway releases. We must do everything possible to keep the stock price above our purchase price, and at the same time create momentum and attract people to take over. Keep the stock price from falling sharply, or if there is a panic selling, it will be all over."

Lord Dunkel looked at each other. At the same time thinking about this method in their hearts, they quickly figured out that it is impossible to make money now, as long as they don't lose money.

If you want not to lose money, you can only continue to eat and keep the stock price above their purchase price.

But this requires money, a large sum of money.

Lord Dunkel scanned the crowd gloomily and said, "How much cash do you have?"

Ragnar first said: "I still have two million."

"Four hundred thousand."

"one million."

"Six hundred and two hundred thousand."


Lord Dunkel nodded and said: "Sir Rooney and I still have four million. Just follow Ragnar's plan. At this time, we must first unite sincerely. Only unity can have the hope of victory.

If anyone betrays everyone at a critical moment, don't blame me for being cruel. "

Lord Dunkel's words were murderous, and the scared Redberg and the others were pale and nodded in fear.

At this time, there was the sound of the open gong, Lord Dunkel looked up in the direction of the hall and said: "What are you still doing?

Everyone ran out in a panic.

When everyone left the box, Lord Dunkel took a fierce cigarette and turned to his opponent and said, "Be prepared to clear the stock at any time and keep it confidential."

He bowed and said in a low voice: "Yes, I understand."

As soon as the stock market opened, the additional Feiying Railway stocks were listed for 15 gold coins.

But it didn't cause stock investors to **** wildly, most of them are still waiting and watching.

The wisdom of the common people is infinite, and retail investors understand in their hearts that the financial predators who are more anxious than them at this time will directly impact them.

Sure enough, right after the start, some people had thrown a large sum of shares in the Flying Eagle Railway, and wanted to cash out.

The stock price dropped accordingly, but in the face of 14 gold and tens of thousands of shares, no one stepped forward to take the order.

Reluctantly, the stock price has dropped again, and more and more large stockholders are investing in panic selling. They are no longer seeking profit this time, and thank God as long as they are not covered.

But the market's reaction is still very cold.

Various experts call the beast desperately to cry, and it will fall, and you need to spot it before you shoot.

As a result, the stock price has fallen by more than eleven, which is straight down to everyone's psychological price, ten gold coins.

Retail investors have already decided to make a move immediately after the stock price returns to single digits, but the stock rebounded strongly that day, rising by two points in a row.

At the same time, more stock market experts and investment consultants jumped out and announced loudly that the stock would return to the high of 20. This is the best time to start.

Blind investors have entered the market.

Ragnar and the others had not had time to take a breath. Just as the rebound was in full swing, an unknown force suddenly entered the market and sold stocks for cash, which once again depressed the stock price.

Ragnar and the others, who had already planned their actions and prepared to raise the stock price to cash out, were immediately blocked at the price of twelve or thirteen, and had to spill gold coins to re-absorb the stock to prevent a large-scale sell-off.

The average cost of Ragnar and the others for absorbing stocks is around fifteen gold, and it is a pure loss if it is less than fifteen.

The two million in cash in his hand was extremely depleted. Not only him, but Lord Dunkel and Rydberg complained again and again, gritted their teeth.

The stock of Feiying Railway was caught in a tug of war, rising and falling around the 14 gold mark.

They were looking forward to it every time in Ragnar, and they were immediately pulled down after seeing the skip fourteen. This feeling made Ragnar and Lord Dunkel desperate for their lives.

Seeing that the cash in the purse is getting less and less, Lord Dunkel and the others also know that there is only a dead end, but because they are stuck too deep, they can only struggle.

It is impossible for them to get out of this quagmire One week after the additional issuance, Director Higgins held his head high and strode into the office of Chairman Leo.

At the beginning, I saw Chairman Leo playing chess with Uncle Xiaobai.

One person and one chess are equally powerful, and it is difficult to separate the battle.

Chairman Leo didn't raise his head, waved his hand, and said, "Just speak."

Higgins opened the folder and said loudly: "So far, nearly half of the additional shares have been sold, and a total of 26 million in cash has been raised."

"Almost all right, the opponent should also be sucked dry. You can't be too greedy." Leo held up a chess piece, stared at the board intently, and then gently put the chess piece down, sighed, and said to Xiaobai: "General.

Clear the venue. "

"Yes," Director Higgins nodded in response, secretly wondering: When did the rules change, and even playing Gobang can be a general?

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