Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1240: Crash

In mid-June, the weather is getting hotter and hotter

Even in the morning, I don’t dare to do a lot of exercise, because just a little movement will make you sweat.

Especially in Nyan, it seems that every winter is always very long

Every time at this hour, everyone should have their own ingenuity to compete for cooling and relieving heat

In the stock trading hall of Nidal, although all the windows were opened, allowing the weak sea breeze in the distance to flow directly, it was still as hot as a steamer, but...

But this did not reduce the enthusiasm of investors

Not only the people in the hall are standing next to each other, but the fronts are against the backs of others, and even the hall doors are crowded with people waiting to go out.

A stockholder only needs to walk into the gate, and the clothes will be soaked in sweat within a few minutes, especially the ones squeezed in front. In a while, the clothes will be soaked, and it looks like they have just been caught from the water. Come out the same

Thousands of investors, together, kept whispering about the convergence of the sound, forming a deep, humming huge echo under the tall dome of the hall

Director Higgins stands in front of the front door of the hall, watching the crowd in the trading hall

Behind him is the employee channel

Since it is not time to get off work, the staff are walking out of the door one after another, preparing to go to their respective jobs, the end of a busy day of work

As soon as they went out, they suddenly saw Director Higgins standing upright in front of the door. They were all shocked as they greeted him with greetings, and they were secretly surprised.

Since the beginning of summer, this big man has always been aloof, hiding in the enviable and enviable office with huge ice cubes and has never come forward.

It is said that in order to enjoy the shade, he takes advantage of the public house. He doesn’t even go home and sleeps in the office in the morning.

But... but how will you come to the front line in person tomorrow?

Although everyone's hearts are strange, but seeing Higgins's deadly face, no one dared to ask more, just a vague guess, what serious things will happen soon~

Everyone's hearts immediately sank involuntarily

So many things have happened in the stock market these days

The stock price goes up and down, just like a turbulent wave, which can drown people at any time

The severity of it is no less than a fierce battlefield

Every rise and fall represents tens of thousands of gold coins. Every rise and fall, some people become rich or destitute.

But even so, they have never seen Higgins appear in front of the hall

This further clarifies that what will happen in the stock market tomorrow is extraordinary~

When everyone was shocked, they ran to their position in silence, working hard at the end, and at least made hard work.

As the saying goes, "If you don’t work hard or be lazy, you won’t have long eyes."

Higgins is now on the front line. At this time, it is natural to perform well even if he cannot perform the best, but he cannot perform the worst at the least, otherwise once he falls into his eyes, maybe he will be tomorrow. Have to be laid off

But at this time, Director Higgins’s attention was not on them at all. His long, narrow gray eyes kept staring at the hall in front of him in a daze, as if thinking about something.

At this time, the hand of the huge flying eagle clock in the trading house pointed to 8.58 minutes and only two minutes were left before the city.

A group of staff members looked at each other and they all had prepared ink, pen and paper, and delivery agreement in their position...

Now just waiting for the market to open

A deputy walked quietly from a corner and passed the stock price list in his hand to Director Higgins for review

Director Higgins nodded, waved his hand, and said, "Just follow this, at the end~"

The deputy also glanced at the large number of investors, shook his head and sighed with a regretful expression, then walked back and handed the stock price to the staff.

This surprised the ordinary staff in front of him, and said in his heart: What will happen to these two tomorrow? Mystery

The accurate flying eagle clock hand points to nine o'clock

Then, three gongs sounded and the stock exchange officially opened

The stock market suddenly became noisy

At this time, the eye-catching Feiying Railway stock price went up, and the stockholders were stunned to see the timely silent dividend in this digital hall.

After a while, there was a loud sigh

The price of Feiying Railway just closed, the price plummeted from 14.1 to 13, which is a gold lower than yesterday. Apparently someone is selling stocks in large sums.

In the past, the stock price would still be entangled, but tomorrow I don’t know why, and even the fighting effort is saved, and the people on the tray seem to disappear

Ragnar and the others gathered in their boxes, all bowed their heads in regret, staring blankly at the floor, as if it was the end of the world.

The most common words are "how to do" "how to do, how to do"

They are like broken phonographs, repeating this sentence with a hoarse and dry sound.

But... no one knows what to do

At the time when the shares were issued, they had to buy in a large amount to prevent the stock price from falling and shrinking the stock in their hands.

With this alone, they invested 20 million gold coins one after another, which barely maintained the balance

In the subsequent confrontations, they folded back and forth nearly a thousand gold coins, so that all counted up, they once lost nearly 30 million gold coins

Thirty million~

That's a pure gold coin

Except for established imperialist countries like Ruman, most countries on the mainland do not spend such a figure in one year.

Suppose at the end, they are still trying to make money. Later, they are struggling like crazy gamblers who have lost anxiously.

But now, let alone them, even the bosses behind them, the kings and dukes, have all scavenged the property, and they can’t put out 10,000 gold coins to invest in this tragic financial war.

This also means that this golden game...

They once lost~

And I lost it completely~

Someone was still unwilling, and stepped forward to grab Ragnar and shook him, desperately shouting: "Ragnar, you think of a way to think of a way..."

But in the past, with a lot of wisdom, Ragnar would only shook his head vaguely without saying a word.

Now, what can he do?

A few days ago, they were celebrating with a toast, and now they have become bereaved dogs. The ups and downs in life are really exciting.

At this moment, what Ragnar thinks most is how to... how to escape~

Assuming that the stock market makes money, it is natural to say that Duke De Rossi might reward him heavily when he is happy.

But once there is a surplus, Duke De Rossi and his sinister son will never let him go.

Not to mention the huge surplus now~

They will be relatively furious, and then cramp him, leaving him to pieces~

"To escape, you must escape," Ragnar said secretly in his heart, and at the same time he raised his eyes and looked around. The person who was constantly watching was not here at all. This time he should still be hiding in a box with ice.

This made him see a trace of life~

At the same time, I am also secretly grateful to Lord Luo, he used ice cubes to adjust the temperature of the box, and also made the sofa and wine. It was too comfortable to make people want to separate.

"Go to the brothel first, I still have some things there," Ragnar secretly calculated in his heart

As a wise man, knowing the truth about the dangers of the rivers and lakes, Ragnar is like a cunning rabbit. He has already prepared a way out and hid a cash in the brothel.

"Lord Dunkel, where is Lord Dunkel?" Suddenly someone thought of Lord Dunkel as the organizer

One person behind the crowd laughed and said, "He won't come again. That guy was cutting the flesh and running away a few days ago. He deceived us. It's ridiculous that we still believe him~"

"How can it?"

"Damn, he betrayed us"

"The nobles don't have a good thing"

"Now the catastrophe is imminent, we all fly separately" someone yelled, and walked out with a hand shake, apparently preparing to cut the meat with pain.

There was another sound like a ghost, faintly said: "The sooner you throw, the less you lose."

Everyone suddenly awakened, and immediately rushed out, trying to throw away the stocks in their hands, and even crowded at the door. In the past, these polite gentlemen would not hesitate to take action and push the left and right to get ahead.

Ragnar saw that everyone was frightened and didn't notice him. He quietly moved the path window and glanced down. It was not high from the ground, and there was still a lush grass on the ground.

Ragnar turned over and jumped out of the window, rushing along the grass to the street outside the stock market

A few minutes later, Ragnar’s assistant had not seen him return for a long time. He searched all the way and probed into the room, only to see that there was no one in this private room.

The assistant suddenly changed his expression and shouted, "He ran away~"

In the stock market, panic selling inevitably happened

In order to cash out as quickly as possible, the stock price of Feiying Railway plummeted, and it only took a few minutes to break through the 13 price point.

Higgins stared at the stock price card without blinking, and silently recalled Chairman Leo’s confession that he must not allow these troubled financial crocodiles to retreat. This time, they will be completely killed. Let their losses be pants

It’s not that easy to cut the meat, you have to remove dozens of catties of bones from them if you don’t die.

Higgins controlled the stock price to automatically fall again according to instructions, blocking the way for speculators to escape

The stock price of Feiying Railway is like a crash, falling from twelve to ten in the morning and from ten to eight in the afternoon, fluctuating around eight o’clock before the market closes.

The speculators who hold a large number of Feiying Railway stocks can only watch the declining numbers on the stock price board without tears.

Every minute and every second, their wealth is disappearing in units of ten thousand.

Retail investors did not even dare to make a move. Nian's stockholders, who had just been exposed to stocks for a short time, were also frightened by the downward trend.

Some retail investors who originally planned to make a move when the stock price fell below ten dismissed the idea, joking, who knows where the stock price will fall in the next second

Now that the Flying Eagle Railway can fall below the issue price, they will also believe

The retail investors who saw that stocks can plummet like this, finally understood the meaning of which line of gilt fonts hung on the door, "the stock market is risky, and you need to be careful when entering the market."

This taught them the most important lesson, that is, don’t expect to get rich in the stock market

After the market was closed, most stockholders seemed to have lost their souls and walked out of the stock trading hall with dementia.

When the sea breeze in the evening blew, these retail investors suddenly sobered up. What happened in the past tomorrow is enough for them to engrave for a lifetime.

They could see with their own eyes that several of the so-called big businessmen who were jealous and envied in the past have lost their faces, as if zombies walked out of the trading hall in general, just like the one in front of them.

Looking at people as if they were dead, their expressions were white, their eyes were empty and they were walking stiff, as if their joints were rusted to death, and they were walking with their legs, as if they were still talking to themselves.

Don’t ask, this is to cover all the costs on the Flying Eagle Railway

"Fortunately, I am not him" passers-by on both sides are gloating

As retail investors, they hate these stock-manipulating predators

It is that they have fetched the high price of Feiying Railway well, and they are selling and attracting. They pitted the stocks in the hands of their retail investors and want to make a fortune, and the losses are the interests of their retail investors.

"Deserve it~" someone scolded viciously behind him

The person who was scolded turned his head and glanced at the crowd, his eyes were empty and terrifying passers-by took a step forward

Then he made an unexpected move and suddenly rushed into the busy and very busy street.

On the street, there was a rush of people leaning on their horses, the neighing of horses, and the howling of people rang into one

The street is the peak time for get off work, and the road is full of horse-drawn carriages

The man was knocked down by a galloping carriage, and then crushed by the wheels

The crowd gathered around, looking down at a bloody, motionless person lying on the ground

The coachman said anxiously: "I saw it all, he rushed down suddenly"

"Dead..." A stranger who had just walked out of the stock market touched his neck, stood up and shook his head regretfully: "He just got everything in the stock market."

At the same hour, Ragnar was hesitating in front of Nedel's gate, blankly looking down at the last red glow in the sky, not knowing where to go.

After escaping from the stock market, he rushed to the red shoes outside the city with the fastest speed.

Ragnar left an eye on him. Instead of getting off the car at the entrance of the Red Dance Shoes, he got off the car two blocks away and walked along the curved alley, carefully touching the Red Dance Shoes.

But Ragnar found at the door what he didn’t want to see the most. Two people who followed him were guarding the door, carefully watching the owner who entered.

Ragnar hurried back into the alley, circled a big circle, rushed all the way to the back door of the red dancing shoes, but there is also a strong man squatting idly by the back door, very suspicious

Although not necessarily guarding himself, Ragnar did not dare to take the risk and could only turn around and flee.

He had nowhere to go, as long as he returned to the city of Nydel, squatting in the corner of a house by the city gate, thinking about what to do in the future?

The hotel is relatively impossible to go back, someone must be watching

Now he has reached the point where he is poor, and he has no money left.

Leiria can't go back in the future

"The world is so big, where is there a place for me" Ragnar said sadly in his heart

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration, Ragnar remembered Lord Dunkel, the old fox deceived everyone, there may be hope for him.

Ragnar jumped up and patted the dust on his clothes, turned his head and walked out of the city. Lord Dunkel lived in an upscale hotel outside the city.

When he arrived at the door, Ragnar hid on the corner of the street for a long time and walked out after making sure that there were no suspicious people around.

However, at the door, they were blocked by a few family members in livery. The family members were full of flesh, staring at Ragnar cruelly, and reproached unceremoniously: "Go away, go away."

Ragnar took a step forward, all dressed up with a smile on his face, bowed and said: "Brother, please inform me, Ragnar asks to see Lord Lord"

Jia Ding kept him up and down carefully for a while, seeing that he was not dressed like an ordinary person, and finally nodded reluctantly, saying: "You wait"

Turned and walked out

Ragnar waited anxiously for a quarter of an hour outside, before Jiading walked out slowly, looked at him with his head up, and laughed: "Our master said, don’t think what Ragnar is, get out."

Ragnar was dumbfounded for an instant, and said blankly: "How can I? I...I,"

Two days ago, Lord Dunkel gave him top-quality cigars, patted him on the shoulder and praised him for his way out, and suddenly he didn’t think he was a man.

Ragnar rolled his eyes, wandering back and forth in front of the door, suddenly jumped up and rushed into the door

Although the family members responded by one step, they were agile and stopped Ragnar on the steps.

Several Jiading cursed: "Do you want to die?"

While struggling, Ragnar shouted loudly, "Lord Dunkel, Lord Dunkel, I am Ragnar~"

"Hit me~" Jiading yelled angrily, and slammed his fist in Ragnar's eye socket.

Ragnar uttered an ouch, and fell down, and all the family members surrounded him, punching and kicking him.

It wasn't until Ragnar held his head curled up and motionless like a prawn, the family members stopped.

The four people grabbed his hands and feet, lifted Ragnar from the ground, walked a few steps and threw it on the street, then clapped his hands and laughed back.

After a while, Ragnar got up from the trembling ground, stared at Lord Dunkel’s hotel with blood red eyes, spit out a **** saliva, and limped down the street towards the city. Go

A sudden shout came from the opposite side on the way: "He is't let him run away~"

Ragnar was suddenly startled when he heard the familiar sound. He raised his head and saw that his assistant was rushing towards him with several people, and the expression on his face wanted to eat Ragnar raw.

Ragnar turned his head and ran, his legs no longer hurt, his waist was not soft anymore, he rushed through the dark street like a whirlwind, and plunged into the side alley.

Ragnar knew very well in his heart that if they caught up, he would be dead, so he used the strength of feeding and rushed through several streets.

Gradually unable to hear the sound of chasing soldiers, Ragnar glanced back, and the person in front of him was finally gone.

Just released a sigh of relief, suddenly a black shadow flew past the corner of his eyes, and a wind sounded.

"Not good~" Ragnar screamed in his heart and hit his head heavily, and knew nothing when his eyes were dark.

The person who stunned him dropped the stick and panted, saying: "This kid really can run, I almost didn't catch up, cross him back to see the boss" RQ

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