Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1249: misunderstanding?

In a small room, a sturdy man in military uniform was pacing back and forth with a calm face. He had to look up at the sky outside when he took a few steps, and he became impatient from time to time and beat with a horse whip in his hand. Wearing leather boots

On his shoulders, the gold star representing the rank of major general shines

He is the division commander of the Fourth Division, General Gramlich

The furnishings of this room are extremely crude

Four earthen walls, thick thatch and narrow windows on the top, and narrow doors make the room extremely dark and gloomy.

But this is already the best house you can find in this village

Outside the room, it’s a completely different scene

The sun is high in the sky

The sky is clear and bright, blue as washing

In the distance is the endless blue sea, with waves undulating and rolling, forming white waves on the sky

With the sound of waves, the cool sea breeze swept over the fishing village

At this time of year, the Caribbean Sea is full of calm waves without violent hurricanes. Without continuous autumn rains, it is most suitable for rich people to stay here for leisure, recreation and diving vacations.

And this time is also the busiest time for fishermen

The man repairs the ship and goes to sea, the woman fills the net and pickles the fish, and exchanges hard work for the whole family

But at this time, this small village that should have been busy was silent

The half-repaired boat is casually buckled upside down on the beach, with a row of tools placed next to it or there are a lot of wood debris.

The nets that have not been patched are hung on the poles. As the sea breeze swayed, the small fishing village seemed to be asleep.

Even the noisy children are gone

Only occasionally can I hear the neigh of a war horse coming from somewhere, but then it disappears, making it impossible to distinguish and find

The backbone of the Fourth Division led by the head of the Gramlich Division is hidden here

From this distance, you can just see the majestic figure of the Caribbean city in the distance, and the buildings built against the mountains under the bright sun are also looming.

He chose here because it only takes a quarter of an hour to fly from here to Caribbean City~

Before dawn, Gramlich and the officers of the Fourth Division came quietly to this small fishing village

Under the strict orders of the commander of the Gramlich Division, the officers and soldiers blocked the entire village very quickly, blocking every road leading to the outside world.

Completely blocked the traffic inside and outside

Immediately, they rushed in from house to house very efficiently and quickly, and arrested all the villagers and concentrated them in a room in the village under strict supervision.

In this way, Gramlich and his subordinates all entered the small village and successfully concealed in the residents’ homes.

They are lurking under the noses of Caribbean City. As long as the agreed signal of the incident in the city is together, they can kill in the shortest time. Before the city guards can react, they rush into the city to seize control of Caribbean City.

Unfortunately, these brave soldiers began to wait early in the morning, like a silly dog ​​waiting for a sheep’s egg to fall from the sky, staring with his mouth wide open, waiting until noon, but seeing the Caribbean city still Everything is normal and nothing happens at all

Gramlich's heart became more and more anxious, his mouth tightly strained, and his face increasingly gloomy.

After more than 20 years of rolling in the hierarchical officialdom of the Semitic, Gramlich knew clearly in his heart: Wealth only seeks from danger

The greater the risk, the greater the gain

He is neither born of a famous family nor a rich father

Also, because I didn’t have much money at home when I was young, I couldn’t receive education in time

This kind of education is quite common to the elites of the nobility, making it easy for them to lay a good foundation.

For the common people, this lack of education also caused their education level to lag far behind the nobles.

Although among the common people, there have occasionally been amazing talents, but they are basically all encountered once in a century, or even once in a thousand years.

Generally speaking, their talents are far inferior to the nobles.

Although General Gramlich had been a major general before he was fifty years old, he can also be called a prominent figure among civilians.

But he is not a genius, just an ordinary person,

He doesn't have any vulgar skills. He can climb to the position of general today. It depends on his eyesight, quick hands, sweet mouth, and will come.

During the Semitic mutiny, Lieutenant Colonel Gramlich took a gamble and decisively took refuge in the backbone of the coup d’état.

After the coup d'etat, Cameron promoted non-aristocratic generals in a big way. As a general who worked in the first place, he was naturally on the same footing and got on the express train.

Gramlich was rewarded generously as the commander of the Caribbean Fourth Division

As the son of a commoner, becoming an admiral would be a position he would never have imagined before the coup.

At the same time, this also greatly stimulated Gramlich’s ambitions and strengthened his confidence in fighting for wealth.

Therefore, when Karl Homann approached him, Gramlich agreed without hesitation.

He knew in his heart that if things were revealed, the consequences of provoking the seven royal nobles would be serious, especially the Iskander family, which was in the middle of the ranks.

The revenge of the royal family and nobles is harsh and cruel

But Gramlich can’t refuse the temptation to reap the benefits once things are done.

He has talked with Cal Homan and shared the terms of victory

Gramlich can take half of the millions of gold coins stored in the Caribbean Harbor and the City Lord’s Mansion

Only with money can gifts be given, and gifts can be promoted

Today, it’s no longer the time for a coup d’etat. If you fight for a relationship, you can get an official hat.

Now, in order to deal with the seven royal families, the Prime Minister is naturally desperately mixing various sands into the government.

But these official hats are also quite valuable, and they are not given for nothing.

At the time of the coup d'etat, Uncle Fair took the risk of beheading. Now when these puppies come and say a few words of effect, they want to take the official hat away?

There is no door~

In addition, the constant flow of people who climb relatives, intercede, and give gold coins to beautiful women, makes Uncle Fair very annoying.

Everyone has a good relationship in the middle, and no one can be denied face.

Therefore, Uncle Fair slapped his head and carried forward the precious wealth of Lord Luo stayed in the Semitic-the public auction.

Be the one who can pay, go to the side who can’t pay

Open, fair and just

Absolutely transparent

Whoever loves who is whoever I love, I can’t blame anyone~

After a series of bidding in this way, the entire bureaucratic auction has completely formed a set of market-oriented operations.

Various official positions are basically clearly marked prices

City lord 300,000, governor 1 million, division leader 150,000, admiral 500,000

In Akaderin, the hot spot will sell for three million and the unpopular ones will start at one million.

In addition to senior officials, middle-level officials also have a price

Gramlich himself sells a colonel for a starting price of 50,000 yuan, and for logistics such as fat and deficiencies, he sells for one hundred and eighty thousand.

The captain's squad leader also costs about 10,000

The Semitic government clearly marked the official position and paid for the official position and appointed the official position. It is childish and fair. The efficiency of justice has never been higher.

Gramlich is now anxiously waiting for the money. He has spent decades of his savings for this commander and owes a foreign debt.

Fight to get two or three million in the Caribbean, Gramlich also wants to buy an admiral to do it

The commander is not big or small, it's really boring

Through this action, he might still be able to enter the prime minister’s eyes and reach the sky in one step. At that time, it is not impossible for a minister to be a minister.

In this way, his Gramlich was soaring...

Just as Gramlich was thinking about getting into trouble, a young officer ran into the room quickly, panting for breath, and said loudly: "Reporting Master~"

"Say," Gramlich said without looking back.

"Everything at the gate of the city is normal, the gate is open, and there is no sign of additional defense."

Gramlich breathed a sigh of relief. No news is good news. He nodded approvingly and said, "Continue to monitor."


The little officer ran out hurriedly again. The adjutant next to him hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and whispered: "My lord, shouldn't it be time for dinner? Brothers have not eaten yet"

It's about noon soon, so it won't cause trouble in the morning like this

"Oh, yes~" Gramlich suddenly woke up and said: "You can eat and work when you are full."

"Okay," the adjutant agreed cheerfully, he was already hungry.

Suddenly there was a sound of flying dogs jumping in the quiet small fishing village

"Give it to me~" There was a sudden shout from the partition wall

A childish voice cried: "Don't **** my old hen, our family will point to it to lay eggs in exchange for money"

"Untouchables, I don't know what to do, I don't even pay for eating out in the city"

A child’s scream followed, and there was a burst of laughter

Gramlich snorted and cursed secretly: "Small people, the Caribbean is full of spoilers"

I decided to wait for him to become the admiral of the Caribbean region, so that he should correct the stubbornness of the dead.

They went down to collect food and non-staple food, and the dead people actually asked them for money. There is such a rule in the world~

It is the duty of the common people to provide for the brave Semitic army

"It's a nobleman, I really don't know how to manage the place" Gramlich laughed at Brad, Iskander's current political level

This was a sudden clamor from outside, and an attendant Fei rushed in and said in surprise: "My lord, signal, signal~"

Gramlich's eyes lit up, he strode out, and looked up to see the top of Caribbean City. A cloud of smoke was blowing in the wind. The location should be the City Lord’s Mansion.

"He*, he's finally here" Gramlich flexed his hands and waved his hands loudly: "Don't **** eat, follow me into the city, and we will have a celebration banquet in the city lord mansion in the evening."

The officers yelled in excitement, dropped the unfinished lunch, hurriedly jumped on the horse, spurs wildly, and ran towards the Caribbean city.

A group of thousands of people rushed out of the village in the blink of an eye and dashed towards the gates of the Caribbean

The roads are crowded with ordinary people entering and leaving the city to ask for life, some are driving cars and some are burdened

Gramlixi did not hesitate to let the city guards in the city react too late, and directly ran into the main road.

"Go away~"

"Don't get in the way"

Seeing them hit, the pedestrians on the road hurriedly evaded, and even threw down the goods they carried on their shoulders. The groceries were spilled all the way.

The rumbling horseshoe stepped on, everything turned into ooze, and the people were so angry that they pointed at them and shouted

"Looking back to clean up you" Gramlich saw the gate of the city in sight, the gate was still open, swung his whip and slammed a few times to strengthen the rush.

When the soldiers guarding the city gate saw a group of unidentified cavalry kill them, they were all shocked and they forgot to close the city gate.

There are dense crowds in the city gate, and you can’t close it even if you want to close it.

Entering the city is equivalent to 70% success. Gramlich laughed wildly and rushed straight into the city gate regardless of whether he knocked down a passerby or not.

The iron hooves of thousands of war horses shook the ground and rushed to the castle mansion on the mountain

Only then did the guards on the city gate know that the alarm was ringing, but it was too late

Gramlich led him like a dashing switch and quickly rushed to the square in front of the city’s main palace.

I saw a mess here, with clothes and sticks scattered on the ground, as well as blood stains.

A thick smoke and flames jumped up in the city lord’s mansion, apparently a building was burning

There was a noisy shout from the city lord's mansion

But there is still a team of soldiers guarding the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion, wearing heavy armor and waiting

Seeing that a group of cavalry arrived, they quickly retreated into the door to arm them, shouting loudly and asking, "Who is coming?"

Gramlixi Yang said: "The Fourth Division heard about the riots in the city and came to maintain order and reinforce the lord of the city."

"Don't bother you, the matter has been resolved, please go back"

"Solved?" Gramlich frowned, and said in his heart: Did the action go wrong?

Gramlich raised his head and heard the clamor of the wind blowing with a clear scream, and said in his heart: Obviously there has been a fight inside.

Time does not wait for me~

Gramlich raised his whip and shouted: "Rush in and find the city lord"

"Up~" The officer on horseback roared, flicking the rein and rushed towards the gate of the city lord mansion

The soldier guarding the gate said anxiously: "Stop, stop~"

More than a dozen infantrymen could not stop the charge of a group of cavalry, and the guards at the door crawled and hurriedly avoided

The troops of the Fourth Division rushed directly into the gate and ran along the road leading to the mansion

Gramlich secretly said with joy: It's done

As if seeing the gold piled up in the underground treasury of the city lord mansion beckoning him

But in the blink of an eye, the officer who was galloping in front of him suddenly took his reins and dropped suddenly.

The knight behind hurriedly avoided, still unavoidably collided with them, and instantly people turned their backs.

Gramlich, who was caught in the crowd, stood upright from the horse in a panic, looked forward, and said nervously, "What's the matter?"

"Someone ahead"

I saw a group of well-equipped soldiers, lined up in a dense formation, blocking the front of the Fourth Division.

On both sides of the houses and walls, one next to each other, was full of soldiers holding bows and crossbows, and gleaming arrows aimed at them.

Gramlich's heart sank, and he secretly said badly, he was in the game~

There was also chaotic footsteps behind them, and a large group of soldiers rushed out from behind, blocking their retreating gate.

The people of the Fourth Division shrank in fright and gathered around them.

Gramlich rolled his eyes, thought about it, and shouted violently behind the crowd: "Asshole, what do you mean~"

The soldiers in front were silent, but aimed their weapons up and down the Fourth Division

The scene fell silent for a while

Gramlich waited for a few minutes and didn't come out to say a word. He could only bite the bullet and said: "We are from the Fourth Division, our own people, what do you want to do? What are you doing~"

I waited for a long time and no one spoke

Gramlich's heart is getting colder and colder. It is obvious that Carl Horman's plan has been defeated. They have also been seen through by the Caribbean City Lord, but he still has one last hope, that is, the Caribbean City Lord has died.

"Asshole, we are here to reinforce, let you sirs come out" Gramli screamed inwardly.

After a while, a cold voice said: "My lord, I didn't say that."

The Caribbean city lord Brad appeared on the balcony on the second floor, overlooking Gramlich and them condescendingly, and said slowly

Several soldiers next to him were escorting a five-flowered man, who was Fritz in charge of the operation.

Fritz's mouth was still bleeding, his face was black and he seemed to have been beaten badly.

Gramlich's expression eased, and he smiled and said, "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, sir, listen to me..."

Brad smiled contemptuously and said, "I didn't misunderstand at all."

Gramlixi said anxiously: "We are really here to support you, my lord"

City Lord Brad smiled sarcastically, and said in his heart: I dare to do it, but no one can think of you speculators.

Then he said, "Is the camp that leads your defense zone in the fourth division?

According to national law, no one is allowed to mobilize divisions without military orders

Your Excellency, take out your military order and let me see."

Gramlich smiled graciously and said angrily: "Isn't this an emergency?"

City Lord Brad snorted coldly and said: "My Caribbean affairs don't bother you, Gramlich, you mobilize the army without authorization to rebel, now, lay down your weapons, obediently bind, and await trial."

Gramlich gritted his teeth and said, "You can't control me."

"Really?" City Lord Brad smiled triumphantly, then his face was cold, raised his arm, and shouted: "The Fourth Division is rebelling, it doesn't matter if you kill it."

"Roar~" The Caribbean soldiers who surrounded them shouted, preparing to attack

"Wait, wait~" Gramlich raised his arm and shouted hurriedly: "Sir, you don't have to push people too much. Everyone takes a step back, and it will be easy to see each other in the future."

"You?" City Lord Brad glanced at him and said contemptuously: "Not worthy

Give you one last lay down your weapons and surrender~"

The soldiers surrounding the 4th Division took a neat step forward, staring with murderous eyes.

"Three, two..." City Lord Bullard counted down with his fingers

There was a sore "creak" sound. It was the sound of the bowstring tightening. The bow and arrow pulled away the bow in his hand and aimed at the person surrounded by it.

Gramlich pulled out his weapon with a "stunned" sound

Lord Brad sneered, and secretly said: Is this grandson still a little courageous?

The officers of the Fourth Division were pale in fright, and the Chinese website broke in fright.

I saw Gramlich threw the long sword in his hand to the ground, raised his hands, and said, "Don't fight, I surrendered."

The Lord Brad is preparing to order the charge. Hearing that he was squeezed in his throat with an "attack", he choked, coughed a few times, and yelled out of anger: "Boss" to be continued if you like this Works, you are welcome to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation)

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