Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1250: All over the city

"Wonder~" Although City Lord Brad was unwilling, he could only curse helplessly.

Seeing Gramlich pulling out his weapon, City Lord Brad thought that this time he encountered a hard stubble that was not afraid of death, and he was ready to fight with himself to break his mood, just like when he was in love at the beginning of the year. He was very excited. a bit

Who knows that beyond everyone's expectations, this Gramlich commander shrank, and he shrank shitly~

He dropped his weapon and surrendered directly

City Lord Brad couldn't help but feel sorry, and scolded bitterly: "This bunch of puppies can't even compare to women."

The Lord of the City looked forward to Gramlich's bravery. He could show the bravery and unyielding like they used to brag at home with the door closed at 13 o'clock. The demeanor of the iron-blooded soldier directly copied the guy up and killed his own people.

In this way, City Lord Brad has an excuse to kill them all and show the nouveau riche hiding in Akadelin’s property and status.

The garrison entered the city without order and attacked the city lord himself. No matter where he went, it was a real mutiny and rebellion.

Regardless of the era, rulers have never softened to this situation

This is a red line that must not be touched~

No matter how many ‘Aow Aow’ brick houses are called beasts, he can’t wash this place~

Even if it was the puppies who reversed the case for Qin Hui and Ximenqing, they did not dare to argue in this situation.

In this matter, the Lord Brad was completely standing on the commanding heights of justice and public opinion, and the undead high priest did not dare to say to his face that he had done something wrong.

In fact, Lord Brad has already made a pretty detailed plan, even including the following process, he has already thought about it

Grasping the rebellion of the Fourth Division, making a fuss with Akadrin, and biting a bite on the ruling group of mud-legged young men

‘The imperial government is not strict, and the ignorance of the people is not clear, which leads to the mutiny of the army and the soldiers, which harms the country and the people...’

With this charge alone, Prime Minister Madolins has to be scared to pee

Even if he can't kill him with a single bite, he must be broken. Take advantage of the opportunity to severely cut off the right arms of several prime ministers, the leaders of the coup.

With this big case, the imperial power can easily turn the passive situation back in half.

Then push the bill to investigate the violations of the law and discipline in the various legions

Those puppies are all crazy and poor. Once you become an officer, you will definitely make a lot of money. They will never be clean on their ass.

And they don’t have as much bureaucratic experience as members of the royal family. They are absolutely ugly in eating and there are any problems that can be easily investigated.

Even if the investigation fails, everyone can plant a lot of money on them. It is not corruption or bribery, or messing up the relationship between men and women.

If we say that some people are so cunning that they can't find out...

If I can’t find it, it means there is a problem~

Mom, you are a hard-working military officer. You don’t want to eat, you don’t drink, and you don’t want to be a woman. You are clean and self-conscious all day long. What do you want to do?


What do you want to do? ? ~

Either there is a psychological problem or it must be a spy sent by the human race~

What, neither?


Everyone who looks at Conan knows it

That must be your ambitious, holding back the famous outstanding figures in the history of Faziology "Wang Xiaomang, Cao Dacao", "Sima Zhao" or something, wanting to rebel~

It must be like this, yes~

No matter who he is, even if he is iron-fought, he will be penetrated by the Royal Investigator’s rigorous questioning, he will be broken into psychological defenses, collapsed and cry, limp, even under shame, secretly commit suicide.

Anyway, the royal family did not do these things once or twice. Everyone has accumulated a wealth of experience, and the psychological endurance is extremely strong.

After obtaining a lot of evidence, I then began to purge the major formations, the young and strong officers who were born with mud legs...Bah, baah, and all the black sheep were transferred to the desert to eat potatoes.

Then transfer a large number of excellent officers from the royal family into the army, and smoothly control the entire army

In this way, one ring after another, a beautiful combination of punches was smashed down, and the situation was successfully reversed without waiting for Prime Minister Madolins to react.

But, but...

This guy actually peeed~

Lord Brad hates

In vain, I planned a meticulous plan of action, and Gramlich, who is the main actor, didn’t cooperate, and the acting couldn’t go on. There was no way for me as a director.

It is really embarrassing, like the feeling that the wicked lady at home killed the wicked lady at home as soon as the beauty here took off the clothes button, which made the Lord Brad feel uncomfortable and wanted to squirt blood.

Although now he only needs an order from the Lord Brad to kill the **** of the fourth division on the opposite side.

But then he should be passive

This group of people surrendered on their own, and the Lord Brad could not kill him.

The Fourth Division did not do anything, at most they were charged with leaving the barracks without permission and intruding into the city lord’s mansion.

Their excuses are still very full, the City Lord’s Mansion is rioting, they are here to help

Speaking publicly, this excuse also makes sense

The Lord Brad can imagine that Madolins used this excuse to exonerate these puppies with red mouth and white teeth at the meeting of the elders.

This makes Lord Brad itch his teeth

It’s the second time that Lord Brad is so angry since the **** of Lorraine snatched away his precious girl without a word.

The crime of leaving without authorization can be big or small, the big one can chop off the head of the leader, and the small superior can be punished if he yells "not as an example"

It is estimated that this time, a few people will be held accountable in the end, but at most it is to fire a few temporary workers. For those who are really behind the scenes, and these thugs can't even hurt their roots, don't say anything.

And on this side, if the Lord Brad really does something, he will give the enemy an excuse to rectify himself-‘initiate civil strife and intend to treason’

If this charge is deducted, even if he is not dead, he really can only defect one way.

After all, his daughter really followed a human race kid and said that he was a "collusion with foreigners".

In fact, someone once held him accountable for this matter at the time. The seven imperial clans were all in touch with each other, and it took a lot of effort for everyone to put the matter down.

Thinking of this, Brad had only a long sigh, settled, and then thought: The only situation in front of us is to take them first, and then go to lawsuit with Akadrien~

At this time, the officers of the 4th Division were staring at the Lord Brad above their heads, their lives and deaths were between a word.

What can't the powerful nobles do?

Killing a few small people is as easy for them as squeezing a few ants.

Even if I cut off this old thing afterwards, my head can't grow back.

Therefore, the people of the Fourth Division simply threw their weapons on the ground to show that they are not malicious now.

City Lord Brad hesitated again and again, and after weighing it again and again, he finally waved his hand helplessly: "Keep them locked up for me first, and then deal with them after I report to Akadeline."

Seeing that they were alive, some people couldn't help but cried out happily: "Okay"

Their officials also spent money to buy them, and they died before the capital came back. Wouldn’t they have lost all their money?

Gramlich glanced at the one who couldn't help but screamed, and inwardly cursed in annoyance: "You kid is looking for bad luck, wait until I leave here to see how I can deal with you"

At the same time, I couldn’t help but hate Cal Horman, and said secretly: It’s all this kid, I said that I have thoughtful plans, and I got stuck in it too. If I knew it, I shouldn’t have believed this hairless kid.

Let me catch I must kill this kid

Gramlich began to worry about his future defeat in this defeat, and he was completely ashamed, and he became a laughingstock for others.

Not to mention that the position of the admiral has already flown. It is unknown that even his commander cannot be kept.

It’s okay to say that if it fails, his leader will probably be pushed out by the big shots of Akadrin and sacrificed as a scapegoat.

Gramlich knew too much about the viciousness of those people because he was one of them.

"That's not good," Gramlich was anxious, and he carried a debt for this leader. If he didn't get the money back, he would be beaten to death by the creditors.

Besides, he has been through it for decades. Is it easy to be a leader?

"You must think of a way to save yourself..." Gramlich told himself in his heart: "I still hold a lot of Phil's handles in my hand, and I can use it at critical moments."

The soldiers of the city guards raised their weapons vigilantly and yelled to the members of the Fourth Division: "Line up."

"Come here one by one"

"Whoever dares to move will kill whoever~"

The dazzling sword was close, and the fourth division was very obedient. He raised his hands obediently and was escorted away by the city guards.

The Caribs in the city lord’s mansion felt quite weird. This crisis started with chaos and ended with a farce.

I don’t know if I should say that the lord of the city is wise and martial, or that the opponent is stupid and ignorant

Seeing the Fourth Division holding their heads down and frustrated, as well as Fritz with a blue nose and a swollen face, and a group of assassins, the officers involved in the arrest said with emotion: "No wonder Lei Erye said, I am not afraid of opponents like gods. , Just afraid of teammates like pigs"

City Lord Brad walked back into the room and rubbed his dry eyes. He hadn't closed his eyes for at least 30 hours. He only felt pain in his forehead and his feet were floating.

City Lord Brad shook his head and murmured: "Old, old"

Fiona's mother, the wife of the city lord, walked up quickly with concern, brought a cup of hot milk, and said: "All resolved?"

City Lord Brad sighed and said: "It's all solved, and the rest is left to my family."

The wife of the city lord patted her chest, and her heart of fear fell down and said: "I can't live in a single day."

"My lord, I'm afraid there is still something unresolved" the butler reminded, bending over behind him

The wife of the city owner tensed again, and said anxiously, "What else? You can say it quickly."

The butler's tone was as calm as ever, saying: "The Fourth Division"

City Lord Brad frowned in confusion, and said in confusion, "What happened to the Fourth Division?"

The steward pointed out the window and said, "My lord, you have almost arrested all the officers of the Fourth Division. Now the fourth division has no leaders. In order to avoid chaos and stabilize the order, you should send someone to manage the fourth division."

After finishing talking, the seemingly loyal butler blinked and smiled

"Oh~" City Lord Brad patted his forehead suddenly, and said with a smile: "You are too right, Noak

Ten thousand fully equipped soldiers will have unimaginable consequences without anyone restraining them~

For the sake of the overall situation, we Caribbeans just...reluctantly do it."

Speaking of this, the Lord Brad’s face blushed. In terms of the degree of black belly, he is not as good as his own daughter, and he is a little embarrassed when he opens his eyes and tells lies.

The butler sincerely praised: "Adults are wise"

From the commander down to the team leader, the Fourth Division was a guest in the dungeon of his City Lord’s Mansion, and now he is taking the good opportunity of the Fourth Division in an upright manner.

Once the position is occupied, it is not easy for the military to drive them away.

The rule of the officialdom is that you can go up or down, even if you are transferred, you must be given a parity official position.

This is a good time to arrange for the promotion of one's cronies. If you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime.

City Lord Brad smiled triumphantly, and apologized to his wife, and said: "My dear, it seems I have to be busy for a while."

The wife of the city owner is considerate and immediately approved: "Go"

Lord Brad then convened an emergency meeting and called all his cronies in the Caribbean city to a meeting and quickly gave instructions. The officers' ranks were temporarily increased by one level to take over the fourth division and preside over daily training affairs.

I caught the division commander of the Fourth Division, and there is actually this beautiful thing about a sudden promotion. The officers in Caribbean City are happy.

The garrison troops in places like theirs, each carrot has a hole, and one hole is a lifetime

Promotion is always the most difficult. If you want to be promoted, you can only wait until your superiors retire or hang up suddenly.

If the chief never dies, just wait to be the captain of the ten thousand year team

Such things are too common in city guards

Many people have been prepared to squat in the Caribbean for a lifetime, and suddenly the pie fell in the sky

The morale of the officers is high, even if they have not been promoted on the spot, they are beaming. After they are promoted, their colleagues will naturally vacate their positions, and they will soon be promoted to the next level.

After being promoted to the lead, he kept on jumping on a fast horse and rushed out of the Caribbean

The Caribbean people today are very strange. A group of people rushed in at noon, and then another group of people hurried out. What happened?

It's all over the city for a while

The Lord Brad was especially proud. He was happy when he thought that he had not only won a beautiful battle, but also won the Fourth Division of Prime Minister Madolins.

It was like the first time he received a letter from his daughter from the human continent

I even drank a few more glasses with lunch, but the lady of the city lord did not stop him

After a late lunch, Lord Brad raised his spirits and was about to write a sternly worded letter of complaint, which would be sent to Akadrin as soon as possible.

Of course, you have to inform your own family in advance, and after everyone is ready, work together to punish the old Madolins once.

Just as the Lord Brad was sitting comfortably behind his desk, holding the pen holder to brew, how could he write this official document without showing any traces, and it was very ridiculous to Madolins’ face

There was a sudden rush of knocks on the door, and Brad’s thoughtful punch line was interrupted.

Lord City Lord said angrily: "Didn't you tell you not to disturb me?"

A voice came from outside the door, saying: "My lord, something is urgent, the Calhouman you let us stare at, there is news."

Lord Brad pushed his chair and jumped up. He had already figured out that Cal Horman was the mastermind of the whole thing.

My own people have lost the people, the Lord of the city is still angry

"Come in, come in~" City Lord Brad couldn't wait to shout repeatedly: "Come in quickly."

The attendant pushed open the door and walked in

"What's the news?" City Lord Brad asked in a deep voice. He was most worried that this guy would run away. This gloomy enemy is as annoying as a poisonous snake, and it's best to be completely wiped out.

The attendant's expression was quite weird, as if he was also very strange in his heart, and said: "He is dead. He was found dead on the bed at noon today. The site survey said that he was...suicide."

"Self-killed?" The answer was obviously beyond the expectations of Lord Lord. Lord Brad also had a surprised expression. If he ran away, Lord Brad would not be so surprised.

"Where did he die?" City Lord Brad asked

The attendant scratched his head and said in confusion: "Moulin Rouge"

"Moulin Rouge, what is that place?" City Lord Brad thought the name was strange, and told the City Lord directly that it was not a good word

The attendant hesitated: "A family, a prostitute, a brothel"

"Eh?" City Lord Brad couldn't help but yelled in surprise, and murmured: "Brothel? Take me to see the scene."

More important than writing a complaint letter is to figure out the identity of the mastermind and see if he has any other associates

The lord of the city left his job, and under the protection of heavy guards, he galloped all the way to the Moulin Rouge nightclub with red lanterns.

The place was already surrounded by the city guards, and the curious people looked inward through the human wall, while talking

City Lord Brad walked directly into the Moulin people in it have also been controlled by the city guards.

The clients and prostitutes were all detained in the lobby and interrogated by the officials responsible for public security

It can be seen that many people were pulled off the bed by the city guards in a hurry, wearing only a coat and embarrassed.

City Lord Brad was surprised to see a few familiar faces in the crowd, all of them were celebrities who entered and left the City Lord’s banquet.

There is a guy who is notoriously a miser. He drinks half a glass of water for half a glass of wine, drinks half and then mixes with half a glass of water, drinks half and then mixes with half a glass, and so on.

"So this old boy spends all the money here" City Lord Brad smiled slightly, and said in his heart: I will see how I make fun of you at the next party

These few saw the Lord of the City suddenly drive in and hid their faces in shame

Lord Brad did not see them, and walked into the inner hall without squinting, and followed the attendants to the innermost suite.

As soon as I arrived at the door, the smell of blood came over my face

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