Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1251: This is suicide

City Lord Brad had just arrived at the door, before his feet stepped into the door, he immediately felt a **** breath rushing towards his face

Brad was born in the royal family, and he was the lord of the city

Seriously speaking, there is a good father who is famous~

Looking at the Caribbean, there is no one more noble than his birthplace, and he is noble among the nobles.

As far as the status of the arena is concerned, it is not inferior to my Ming Dynasty princes of Fanzhen, and it is still like Ming Chengzu Zhu Dadi’s classmate, who is happy when holding heavy soldiers in hand, or is impatient, and can play and rebel against this. Promising game

Although his old man does not have the ambitions of Zhu Dadi, as a royal noble, he naturally enjoys the treatment of the fan king in his life.

Therefore, Brad has always been pampered, living and sitting while having a large group of servants waiting for him, even if he shit, he must have someone responsible for wiping his old ass~

But having said that, although the Lord Brad is a royal family, and as the leader of Caribbean City, he manages every day and works late at night, but he never has any pretensions.

His elders are always busy, taking time to go to the masses, to go among the masses, and to have a deep understanding of the production and life of the masses.

For example, when I’m fine, I visit the unclothed people in the slum area and care about whether the toilets in their homes are comfortable and suitable for use.

Or maybe give condolences to the hungry country children and ask them why they don’t eat meat or something since they don’t have any food at home...

However, although he often visits the countryside to give condolences and has seen many fresh affairs, this is the first time he has come to the scene of a murder case.

Don't mention, he, like Lord Luo, is strictly controlled by the family and has never set foot in this very pornographic and violent entertainment and leisure business place.

So, when he came, he was very excited.

But as soon as I entered the door, this **** smell hit his face, and the Lord Brad, who was smoked immediately, stayed for a while and stopped at the door.

I vaguely heard a'crack' sound from somewhere, like the kind of fantasy in my heart,'Everywhere is whitewashed, beautiful women without clothes dancing enchantingly and charmingly can **** human souls away. The beautiful scene of the "devil dance of the dead" suddenly shattered into ten thousand pieces

He hesitated for two seconds before he took out his handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose, frowned and walked slowly into the room

This is like all high-end brothels

The interior decoration is magnificent, golden, and full of the copper smell of nouveau riche.

The furnishings in the room are all high-priced goods, crystal chandeliers, gold-painted murals and Da Vinci’s furniture... etc., it can completely shock those who have never seen the world before.

However, in the eyes of Lord Brad, these are not high-grade substitutes in one word-vulgar


Compared with the real items of the nobles, it is like the difference between diamond and gilding

And besides the **** smell, there is also a kind of...erh no, many kinds of perfume smells, cheap, high-priced, delicate and rich...all kinds of smells are mixed...

If you are an ordinary person, maybe you are interested in this strange smell

However, the tasteful City Lord Brad is extremely disgusted by this, because the taste reminds him of a year when he went to the countryside to inspect, accidentally took the wrong path, and passed through an untreated pigsty. the taste of

Therefore, the first impression of the Lord Brad on this place was very bad, and he secretly said angrily: "I thought the brothel was a very fun place~

It turned out to be nothing more than that..."

But since he reached the door, it was not appropriate to want to go again, so he had to bite the bullet and walked into the door slowly

As soon as I walked into the hall, I first noticed the old bustard in the brothel

Among other things, just half a catty of white powder rubbed on her face, and the scarlet scarlet rubbed on her mouth, it was like she had just eaten a dead person.

With just this face, you can scare the timid to death if you go out in the middle of the night

At this moment, the old bustard was pointing his orchid finger up, holding a crimson handkerchief to wipe his tears, while crying and wailing: "The big devil is here, my can this business be done...ah, ah~"

The last sigh was twists and turns, high and low, melodious and tactful, like the famous female singer Aunt Susan singing an aria

Hearing that City Lord Brad took three breaths following her tone, he said with emotion: "Sure enough, the master is among the people."

Opposite the old bustard sat a thirty-year-old, serious sheriff who was taking notes for her. Hearing the artistic cry of the old bustard, he couldn't help frowning.

The old bust eagerly grabbed the sheriff with a pair of well-maintained smooth white hands, and said in a panic: "My lord, my lord, you have to call the shots for me. I don't know that the **** who kills a thousand swords will die here. It really has nothing to do with me

We have an old relationship. You all know the girls here. You know me. I always abide by the law, and there is no shortage of monthly filial piety..."

The sheriff had already seen the lord of the city come in, so he pretended to be serious and wanted to leave a good impression on the boss, but he didn’t expect that the old bustard suddenly said something like this.

His frightened soul flew away, and he slapped the table angrily and said: "Shut up, Hu...what nonsense, who has an old relationship with you, who knows your girl, who accepts your filial piety?

Stop talking nonsense, be careful, I will slander you a government official

Our Caribbean officials are all law-abiding and conscientious~"

At the same time, he secretly prayed to the Almighty Great Demon God in his heart, hoping that these words would not be heard by the city lord

If the uncle is a little more serious, he, the sheriff, won’t be able to eat.

Although there are no laws and regulations that specifically prohibit officials from going to a brothel, the leaders don’t like a subordinate who goes to a brothel all day.

Especially when the superior leader’s kidney is not very good, he doesn’t have a little secret, but you run to the brothel every day. This is obviously to give him eye drops.

If you encounter such a pup, under normal circumstances, the bosses will have to kill him to relieve their hatred.

The old bustard was frightened by the sheriff's hideous appearance. He even forgot to cried and retracted into the chair. With a dull expression, he looked at the opposite sheriff stupidly, secretly wondering: What's the matter today? Your kid is the bastard, and he was fine just now. How can you change your face when you change your face?

Come to my old lady to eat and drink for free, play with the girl for free, and I have to give you some more after the game

Now that something happened, when it was time to use you, did you* actually bite the old lady like a dog?

It's the other way around~

Those who are able to gain a foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry in the Caribbean are all quaint women, and they don’t have to be inferior to men.

The Moulin Rouge is well-known far and wide, and the people who are run by it are very impressive. The old bustard is not a simple character. He is about to take out a woman's secret trick of "one splash, two troubles and three hangs". G

But seeing that the sheriff jumped up quickly, he straightened his chest and said loudly: "Hello, Lord of the City~"

"My lord?" The old bustard's frightened legs softened and became unstable, and almost slipped off the chair.

She struggled with her arms and legs, acting like a tortoise that had been turned over by someone. She easily grasped the arm of the chair, and sat up, and then jumped up quickly. She was really humbled, she didn't dare to stand up straight and bow her head. Dare not say a word

In front of the lord, she is a brothel owner who is not even qualified to speak

The lower nines at the bottom and the powerful at the top are the difference between heaven and earth

Even the sheriff’s voice just yelled was already arrogant. There were several high-ranking officials in front of him, and a small bureaucrat in front of the city lord did not speak, but if he did not stop the old bust from continuing to speak, he would be unlucky. That's why he was bold enough and called

Lord Brad saw a human comedy with his own eyes and couldn't help but smile

Especially the funny look of the old bustard just now made the lord of the city happy

The Lord Brad, who originally didn’t like them very much, is because they worked so hard to be funny. Naturally, it was also Long Yan Dayue, who decided not to care about these little people.

As for the people below to collect some money and squeeze small merchants and hawkers, the Lord Brad also knows that this situation is very common, and officials have their own way of making money.

In the eyes of the city lord, it’s not a big deal, and he is also less true. The civil servants work for him, so they just don’t want to get angry and complain.

It’s really too much. Protests and demonstrations are made and the government gate is blocked. Naturally, the lord of the city will not be polite. Just push the offenders and kill them to calm the anger of the people.

In his opinion, those people are actually the most innocent and best deceived

Therefore, Lord Brad waved his hand indifferently, and then asked: "Are you the boss here?"

"Yes," the old bustard bowed his head and respectfully agreed.

Lord Brad said: "How did you find out?"

The old bustard said tremblingly: "Today... at noon today, I see that my children have not gotten up when they have dinner."

"Your daughter?" City Lord Brad wondered, how could parents let their daughter sell it out?

The old bust said anxiously: "Daughter, goddaughter"

Lord Brad smiled and shook his head

The old bustard said: "I see the goddaughter and the guest. Before noon, I will knock on the door. Even if there is one more day after noon, I have to add money.

As a result, I smashed it for a long time and no one answered the door. I was afraid that the little white face abducted my daughter...

I walked around to the back window again, don’t open the window to take a look, I drop that day~"

The old bustard has a rich expression and wonderful body language. He said in horror: "That little white face, with a bright knife stuck in his stomach, blood bleeds all over the bed.

Seeing that there were people killed, I immediately reported to the officials."

City Lord Brad frowned and said: "Who do you think killed him?"

The old bustard showed a bitter look and wailed: "My lord, I really don't know. He saw a few people last night and was very proud after seeing him. Then he went back to the house to sleep."

"Is there no suspicious person in the middle?"

"My lord, really no, I'm right at the door of the back house, and everyone who walks back has to pass in front of me," the old bustard said with a vow.

City Lord Brad thought for a moment, and said, "Will someone break in in the middle of the night?"

The sheriff responded immediately: "It shouldn't be, sir, we rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the report. At that time, the door was still locked from the inside. There were no suspicious signs of damage to the doors and windows during on-site inspections.

In the evening, there were six people on duty at the Moulin Rouge all night. In addition, we visited the neighbors around and no one said there was an unusual noise last night."

Brad murmured: "This is weird, let's go in and take a look"

The soldiers in front of him immediately stepped out of the way, and the Lord Brad tightly closed his nose and mouth and carefully walked into the inner room.

The smell of blood here is heavy

On the wide dark red bed, a large-shaped human body is spread out, and a dazzling short sword is inserted in the middle of the chest. It can be seen that this sword is not a common product.

The upper body of the deceased was stained red with blood. The bed sheet under the body was also soaked with blood, but it was not very bright on the rose red bed sheet.

The color of the corpse was pale and awe-inspiring, and the strong smell of blood stimulated the stomach of Lord Brad

The face of the deceased was twisted and hideous, and Lord Brad did not dare to look at it

But more eye-catching than the dead, it was a line of dazzling blood books on the wall, on which it was stained with blood in large fonts that read: "I am still staring here with one eye."

This sentence has no beginning or end, and everyone present can't figure out what it means. Why do you leave this sentence?

Combined with the whole thing, it is a cloud of fog

City Lord Brad was shocked, staring straight at the writing on the wall in a daze, and said in his heart: "It's really him..."

I don’t know whether I should be worried or happy

As long as the man in black who claimed to be the kgb drove his guard back, the Lord Brad had doubts in his heart, who is this friend who is not a friend?

Lord Brad thought of many people, including Lord Lorraine, whose son-in-law brought the Semitic upset.

Although the **** grandfather snatched away her precious daughter, but according to her daughter, she is doing very well now and very happy

He, a cheap old man, has also received many precious gifts from the human continent, and this grievance has gradually disappeared.

However, after a long time of weighing, the Lord Brad still excluded his son-in-law

He is far away in the human continent. I heard that he still holds several positions, and he is busy with his feet. How can he remotely command the hidden agents of the Semi

If he really has this ability, he would be too awesome~

But after thinking about it, Lord Brad is still the most suspicious of Lorraine. His help will not be unknown and he will not be contacted.

Only Lord Lorraine’s people do good deeds without leaving a name, and keep secrets.

But Lord Brad has always been reluctant to believe

Now that I see the words on the wall, there is no doubt that they belong to Lord Lord Lorraine.

"This kid, he stretched out his hands quite long." City Lord Brad cursed inwardly. He couldn't imagine that Lorraine was thousands of miles away, and his people could still detect and stop the crisis that he didn't even notice.

Although I know I should be thankful for my cheap son-in-law, Lord Brad is still a little uncomfortable

"What does this kid mean? Look down on my ability to do things? Still have to show that I am awesome?" City Lord Brad pouted and snorted coldly.

In fact, from this matter, the people of kgb are indeed better than the Caribs under the owner. Admitting this makes the owner of Brad reluctant and panicked.

"Give favors to myself? I won't accept your favors. We still have to settle the accounts we should settle. Don't think it will be even this time."

Lord Brad made a secret in his heart that he must not spare Lorraine. He abducted his precious girl without a gift, and the father would not be willing.

City Lord Brad waved to the attendants behind him and said, "Go and recognize everyone."

The waiter responded, walked to the bed, pinched his nose and looked down at the corpse lying on the bed. He checked it up and down three times. The waiter nodded affirmatively and said, "My lord, that's this kid"

Although the face of the dead has changed a lot compared to when he was alive, it can still be distinguished

The mastermind was finally killed by the KGB who was half his own, and the Lord Brad let out a long sigh of relief, and muttered in a low voice: "That's good, that's good"

At this time, Lord Brad had time to look inside the room, and he could see that there was an undressed young woman sitting next to her, as if she was frightened and silly, her eyes curled up on a chair.

There was a red blood stain on the neck, chest, and thighs. The old bustard was wiping tears in front of him, and said: "It's okay, girl, it's okay..."

The city guards and sheriffs coming in and out next to her always glanced at her naked body intentionally or unintentionally.

City Lord Brad asked the sheriff in charge of the investigation, "What do you think of this case?"

Several sheriffs looked at each other, bowed their heads and dared not speak. In private, you pushed me and I pushed you. In the end, the person in charge really had no choice.

Seeing that Lord City Lord’s expression became more and more unhappy, he could only bite the bullet and walked a step forward, squeaking: "Our preliminary judgment is, yes, yes, yes..."

City Lord Brad said unceremoniously: "What is it?"

"It's suicide~" The sheriff had no confidence in his heart, and glanced at Lord City Lord

Lord Brad chuckled out

Even the old bustard is stupid

The sheriff explained: "The room is locked from the inside, and there is no trace of damage to all the doors and windows. The boss destroyed the windows at noon today. Many people testified that the windows were broken open, and the fracture was still broken.

In addition, we did not find any traces of third parties indoors

Two people were free in this room at the time of the incident

The first wound was in the heart, penetrated the back and pierced the bed

Although this lady is suspicious, she is not strong enough to pierce a person and then pierce an inch thick wooden board.

So we concluded that it was suicide"

City Lord Brad gave the sheriff a blank look and said, "That is to say, the deceased pierced his heart first, then drew his short sword and pierced it into his chest."

The sheriff brazenly said: "Yes, so he didn't pierce with the second sword."

Lord Brad gave them a fierce look and said, "No wonder the murder rate in the Caribbean is so low since I took It turns out that all deaths are suicides"

It is almost an international practice to classify hard-to-solve dead cases as suicides. The indicators for solving crimes are pretty good, and it saves a lot of effort for the investigators.

Lord Brad has also worked at the grassroots level for two years. I don’t know the tricks

Just watching them fooling around, I can’t help but get a little angry

The sheriff's face paled after a brush, and he hurriedly explained: "My lord, it is inevitable that there were omissions in the initial investigation. We will continue to investigate and continue to investigate, and there may be discoveries."

Lord Brad snorted heavily and said: "No, he just committed suicide."

"Huh?" Including the old bustard, all raised their heads and looked at Lord City Lord in surprise

"Write a detailed report to me" City Lord Brad turned and walked outside, saying, "I'll leave it to Akaderin."

Madolins received a report of suicide, his expression must be very exciting to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation)

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