Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1252: No proof (Happy New Year everyone)

Calhouman's body was covered with sheets torn from the bed, and he was carried out from the gate of the brothel by the city guards with the murder weapon. www.)

Now that the big bosses in this area have said, this unlucky person who killed himself by prostitution is suicide.

Those city guards and sheriffs naturally have no obligation to continue the investigation.

Everyone lives on wages. There is no need to be troublesome and find yourself uncomfortable.

Therefore, everyone naturally closes the case in a hurry according to suicide.

Because of this tossing, it has long attracted the attention of the people.

This group of ordinary people, like ordinary people everywhere else, have excellent psychological qualities. Although I experienced the riots in the morning, I found that there was excitement to watch at this time, and immediately ran over.

These guys gathered around the door of the brothel, stretched their necks, stared, and kept talking.

Suddenly seeing a stretcher lifted out, everyone immediately let out a cry of exclamation.

"Look, look, that's it."

"It's really dead."

"I said her business will not last long, wait to close the door."

"I heard that the dead are the top card... These puppies are talking about them, worrying, caring, watching jokes, gloating, and passing soy sauce... In short, they have everything to say.

The soldiers carried the corpse onto a pallet, and the leading officer waved impatiently, motioning for the soldiers to drive away the onlookers.

An experienced sheriff nearby had already stepped forward, opened his hands, and yelled at the ordinary people.

"It's all gone, let's go. It's nothing good."

"Go, go."

"Fuck off, a bunch of spoilers."

"Believe it or not, Lord, I will arrest you and go back to prison for food... But although this move has dispersed some of the people, it has aroused more people's curiosity.

Some brave puppies do not retreat but advance. Instead, he leaned forward quietly, staring at the corpse covered in sheets.

If it weren't for the soldiers surrounding the guard, they might have taken a look.

"Soldier, who is the dead, the top card of the Moulin Rouge from time to time?"

"How you died, tell me about it."

"Yes, that's right. Just say a few words, look back, brother, I invite you to drink two glasses.

"Don't be so stingy. Ergouzi. Don't think that your kid is a errand, just pretend to be two to five or eighty thousand. Who can't ask for someone... The soldiers can't help but feel helpless. All the people watching are all the people in the city. , And they are also from the village folks.

To stay in the ordinary, these little soldiers might squat down and brag with them to show their supernatural powers.

But at this moment, Lord Santos can watch from behind. Therefore, the city guards and sheriffs had no choice but to deny their relatives and do business.

They have a straight face. At the same time, he wielded his weapons to drive away those who are doing good things. He kept cursing loudly: "Go away, don't get in the way."

The people onlookers cursed immediately.

Just when they were in trouble, the Lord Brad walked out of the brothel.

All the officers and soldiers suddenly became nervous, for fear that these people would cause the lord of the city to be unhappy.

But Lord Brad didn't care about it at all, just threw away the crumpled handkerchief. He took a breath of fresh air outside, boarded the carriage and left in a hurry.

Other officials followed the lord of the city, standing on the street respectfully giving the city lord’s carriage.

It wasn't until the convoy carrying City Lord Brad disappeared to the corner of the street that they straightened up, looked at each other, and then dispersed.

What happened today is so weird, they have to go back and make a good total. Avoiding a careless one, caught fire.

The old bustard in the brothel saw that the officials were gone, then patted his chest and muttered in a low voice, "My great devil, but I have sent away these gang of plague gods. Today is really bad luck."

After a murder case, this business can't be done, and the door cannot be opened for several days.

"You have to find someone who pleases the gods to jump." The old bustard whispered in his heart: "You are unlucky, it's not good to die, you have to die here."

Seeing that the officers and soldiers had withdrawn, the onlookers could no longer hold back their curiosity at the moment, and they gathered in front of them in a rush, screaming.

"Boss, who is dead?"

"Do you think that people are rich, making money and killing... The old bustard suddenly became furious.

With her hands on her hips, she cursed sturdily: "That **** talked nonsense, and the old lady tore your mouth. Do you know who came to investigate the case just now?

Lord Santo~! "

The people around the gate couldn't help but whispered.

They were all frightened. How could a high-ranking figure like Lord City Lord come to a civilian area like them?

Seeing this, the old bustard couldn't help being proud. This group of unseen buns really frightened them all when they mentioned the name of Lord Cheng Shou.

She rolled her eyes, and then realized that this was a rare opportunity to wash her red name.

The fox immediately stretched out his thick fingers www.7ket, nodded to the person opposite, and yelled: "You dog chewing tongues are listening carefully.

Lord City Lord said in person, that guy committed suicide. Did you hear clearly, it was suicide.

If you who are still in front of the old lady's door, you dare to say that I'm making money and killing my old lady, my old lady will sue you for a slander. Lock you up for a few days in prison. "

Everyone saw that she was so fierce, and she even pulled the Lord of the City as a banner, and immediately they all dared not speak out.

Seeing this, the old bustard snorted triumphantly, and then turned around and shouted: "Man, man, where's the **** dead~!

Get out of my mother~! "

In her screaming roar, the waiter in the store rushed forward and hurried over.

The old bust said: "A bunch of slackers, hurry up and find some grass dust, and spread a little more at the door to drive away this evil spirit. I have to do business when I look back, my mother~!"

After speaking, the old bust flicked his handkerchief and twisted his python waist. Walked back to the brothel without looking back.

The conspiracy that happened in Caribbean City, which was supposed to break the ground, disappeared almost silently.

Although Lord Brad hadn't closed his eyes for forty hours, he was still full of energy.

The people who participated in the operation died, caught and caught, and they all went to Caribbean City.

Only the city lord himself won the victory, not only destroying the enemy's conspiracy, but also seizing the opportunity to occupy the Caribbean Fourth Division. There is also sufficient evidence.

On the way back. City Lord Brad has been brewing in his heart, how to make good use of the resources in his hands to give Madolins a good look.

Rushing back to the City Lord's Mansion, City Lord Brad couldn't take a break, and wrote a report that he was going to face a face, and told his men at the same time. Intensified interrogation of the assassins caught.

The assassin headed by Fritz is a veteran at first glance. There should be a lot of life in his hand, and he digs deep. There may be unexpected gains.

The report from Caribbean City was sent to the imperial city of Akaderin as quickly as possible, and even faster than the report was a secret letter from Lord Brad to his own family.

The city of Akadrien has just gone through a mutiny. The old and new factions are full of contradictions, and they are already in a state of tension. It is like a dense forest that has been dry by fire for several years.

This secret letter from Lord Brad was like sparks, and immediately ignited the political fire in the Imperial City of Akadrin.

The nobles immediately publicized the rebellion plot that took place in Caribbean City.

In the eyes of the nobles. The assassination of the city lord and the garrison attacking the city lord’s mansion are acts of naked rebellion.

Those nobles, just like the New Year, keep in tandem and unite to force the prime minister.

This political turmoil not only swept across Akaderin, but also became wider and wider, and it was spreading across the country.

Because the evidence is solid, the city lord of the royal family and nobles, the prime minister, although supported by the Lich Camerin, dare not ignore it. To this end, a special coordination meeting was held.

But everyone was holding their anger, and it would be nice if they didn't draw their knives directly. How could it be possible to coordinate just by meeting.

Therefore, although two consecutive coordination meetings were held, they all ended in quarrels.

Prime Minister Madolins did nothing except drool on his face. Every time I mentioned it, I got a headache.

However, at the strong request of the nobles, the third coordination meeting will be held immediately on June 12.

This morning, Prime Minister Madolins walked quickly to the venue.

He has been in the army for decades, and he is a soldier with capable temperament and has always been proud of it. Although there are only a few sparse hair and wrinkles on his forehead, he can still see his youthful demeanor.

Like all generals who launched a military coup and came to power, Madolins is a strong man with firm beliefs, bright minds, and full of personal charm.

But at this moment he looked very tired and his eye circles were dark.

A pudgy middle-aged man next to him nodded and bowed, chasing behind the prime minister, holding his handkerchief and constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead.

This man is the head of the already notorious military order in the Semi, General Fair.

Madolins glanced at Fair in disgust and said, "Are you sure they don't know?"

Fair was shivering nervously now, sweat dripping down his forehead, anxiously: "Yes, my lord.

All actions are personal actions and have nothing to do with us.

I'm sure I cut off contact with him. They can't trace us anyway. "

Madolins suddenly stopped, gave Fair a fierce look, and cursed: "You'd better be right this time."

Fair nodded hurriedly and said, "I'm sure."

Madolins snorted, then opened the door and walked in.

The conference room is not big, with two long tables in the middle, dividing the people in the room into two distinct groups.

On one side were the nobles in luxurious clothes. They didn't sit down, all of them folded their hands on their chests and raised their eyes.

The other half are soldiers in military uniforms. Sitting at the long table bored one by one, they also said nothing.

Seeing the Prime Minister come in, the nobles snorted together.

The others all stood up with a scream and saluted Madolins.

Madolins waved his hand, sat down straight, and said, "I have something to do, just talk about it.

Is there any new situation? "

"No." An official next to him shook his head.

Madolins seemed to be helpless, but he let out a sigh of relief and said: "Gentlemen, I still proposed yesterday. Set up a joint investigation team and go to Caribbean City to investigate in detail."

"Hold on," a gorgeously dressed nobleman on the other side raised his hand to stop the Prime Minister from speaking, watching Madolins with a playful expression, and said, "I have some latest news here."

Madolins shook his heart, looking at the other's expressions, they knew that they had good cards in their hands.

The nobleman said slowly: "The news from the Caribbean has identified the mastermind.

The mastermind was named Cal Horman. Hogan Court. At the age of sixteen he entered the Westbourne Military Academy, and at the age of nineteen he entered the Ninth Army of the Akaderin Region as a trainee ensign.

After being promoted to major, he suddenly left the army for unknown reasons. "

Madolins responded calmly and said, "Your Excellency Janes, you already know all this. The mastermind is a deserter."

The noble smiled and said, "Higgy, Haringer. I think your Prime Minister should be familiar with this name."

Madolins thought for a while and said, "Is Hiki? I used to have a close friend named Hiki. Is there any problem?"

"The Higgy I'm talking about is the Higgy. He is the uncle of the mastermind Calhouman." Janes glared at Prime Minister Madolins with a triumphant smile on his face.

The news was shocking. All the people in the meeting room were shocked instantly.

Although Lord Brad doesn't show off the mountains and shows no water, he is also an experienced and wise man who knows how to make things happen.

The relevant news is released bit by bit, and the most explosive is left at the end, as a killer tool.

Even the eyes of the prime minister's men looking at the big man changed.

Although the soldiers followed the Prime Minister to launch a mutiny, there were many naive people among them. They really thought that everyone was trying to make the Semites more prosperous, rather than robbing women for their own money and things.

Therefore, the situation of fighting in the nest is not very agreeable.

Janes looked directly at the Prime Minister and asked: "The uncle of the mastermind is your personal follower. How do you explain this to the Prime Minister?"

Madolins' expression has not changed, even without moving his eyebrows, he calmly said: "I don't know, Higgy has been away from me for more than ten years, and he has been moving with the troops."

The Prime Minister pushed cleanly, Janes snorted angrily, and said, "Dare to say he has no contact with you?"

Madolins sneered, and he became more certain that the other party did not have strong evidence in his hand, and said: "Maybe he will receive his New Year's card during the festive season. Do you want me to show it."

Janes was choked by these words, and the indirect relationship between the prime minister and the mastermind Karl Hormann could not prove anything.

Even if everyone knew that it was the prime minister, but there was no strong evidence, and the high priest was behind him, no one could defeat him.

Madolins smiled sarcastically and said, "Okay, so let's do it. Various departments will transfer a few people to prepare to investigate in the Caribbean."

After speaking, Madolins pressed the table and stood up, and walked out smilingly.

Janes suddenly laughed and stood up, and said, "Okay, then investigate. Don't regret it then."

Madolins suddenly stopped and looked back at the nobles. They didn't look frustrated, but seemed to be ready to watch their own good show.

"Do they really have a handle in their hands?" This idea flashed through Madolins's mind, but then it was denied: If they really had a handle in their hands, they would have taken it out long ago!

Back at the office, Madolins threw the file in his hand angrily, pointed at Fel who followed in, and shouted: "Asshole, you don't mean to be foolproof, they will find Higgy."

Fair's pig-headed round face flushed red, and he squeaked: "I didn't expect it, my lord, Higgy hasn't been back to Akadrin in more than ten years. I don't think anyone knows him..."

"You think, you think," Madolins roared at Fair, "You really don't know how passive I am~!"

Fair bowed his head and dared not say a word, letting Madolins scold him.

Madolins was under tremendous pressure for this period of time, and the nobles of Akadrien made contributions to him.

Local princes also came to the table and demanded severe punishment for the murderer.

Facing the turbulent domestic sentiments, even the high priest himself said helplessly that he could not intervene.

As a god-like figure, in order to maintain his prestige, the high priest could not be against the nobles.

Madolins even saw the crisis of losing his horse.

When he is useless, Cameron will kick him away without hesitation and switch to another person.

After he scolded Fair happily, Madolins felt more comfortable in his heart, and kicked Fair's butt, and said: "I suspect that the other party still holds something in his hand. I don't care. Check it out for me by what means you use."

Fair nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, yes."

Madolins slumped back on the chair, loosened his neckline and took a breath. Seeing Fair still standing in front of him, he said in disgust: "You don't want to go."

Fair's eyes rolled and said, "My lord, what should Higi do?"

"What do you do?" Madolins frowned.

Fair looked at the prime minister's face and said: "Since the other party has found him, do you want to..."

Madolins instantly understood that Fair meant to sacrifice Hiki.

The Prime Minister shook his head and said, "Higgy has been with me for so many years..."

Fair said cautiously: "My lord, you can't let them investigate further. You should have the courage to make a decisive decision if necessary. I am willing to sacrifice for the adults to Hiji himself.

Madolins lowered his head and groaned. If all the responsibility were to be placed on Higgy and Calhouman, the panic would naturally come to an end.

Fair added a and said: "This is for our great cause."

Madolins waved his hand and said, "Go."

As soon as Fair bowed, his face was silent, and his heart was full of joy. Although Madolins hadn't said clearly, he had agreed.

Putting out a scapegoat, he himself is safe.

Fair strode out.

Madolins was silent with his hands on his forehead, and suddenly a man in black pushed open the door of the Prime Minister's room and walked in, whispering a few words in the Prime Minister's ear.

Madolins was taken aback and stood up and walked to the window, where Chief of Military Order Fair was walking through the courtyard.

"The master asked me to tell the adults, when you break it, you break it." The black-clothed urn said angrily.

Looking at Fair’s back, Madolins showed a cruel color in his eyes, muttering: "This is for our great cause~!" RQ

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