Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1253: Cross-examination

In July, the assassination incident in Caribbean Harbor did not disappear gradually over time. Instead, under the impetus of the caring people, it continued to ferment in the gleaming political world, and it was blown up like a balloon.

And the scary thing is that no one knows when this balloon will not be able to bear it, and suddenly explodes

The situation in the imperial city of Akadrin is unprecedentedly tense

The struggle between the royal family and the government that came to power in the mutiny has entered a white-hot stage-they have almost torn off all the disguise, if it were not for the last trace of reason, they would even tore off the last thin layer of veil covering the vital points. The civil war started

Even ordinary people can feel the tense and suffocating atmosphere over the city of Akaderin

There are more and more dead bodies in the streets every morning.

In the beginning, only small carts were used to transport the dead bodies in the road ditch. Later, they were replaced with large carts, then carriages, and then large carriages...

The puppies of this corpse collection team are crazy

Because of this, they will be able to equip a bmw heavy-duty four-wheeled carriage imported by the Terran race each person, and enjoy the civil service benefits of one-carriage one hundred and eighty years in advance.

Although the struggle between the two sides is fierce, they are still in a stage of confrontation.

So far, the nobles still don’t have any definite evidence that they can identify the prime minister Madolins and his associates who planned the assassination of the Caribbean city lord-Brad, Iskander.

But for the nobles, whether there is evidence or not is not important at all

No evidence is needed for this kind of thing

Motivated and able to mobilize the strength of the Fourth Division of the Caribbean Region, only the coup faction

that's enough

Madolins must have done it and didn’t run

For the royal family...

This, yes, yes, war~

The enemy has raised the short sword and launched a deadly attack on them

If the coup d’état is not completely defeated and the crisis is lifted from the root, after the Caribbean, there may be Aruba, Tesserat... etc.

Surrounded by young and strong officers like coyotes, these important towns under the control of the royal family will definitely launch the same or similar mutiny in the future.

And those conspirators will definitely learn from their lessons. They are well-arranged, planned deeply, and act fiercely.

As the saying goes, an open gun is easy to hide, but a hidden arrow is hard to guard

Although the royal nobles claim to have the best royal blood and are the best elites in the world, none of them dare to pat their chests to guarantee that they can escape the poisonous arrows shot from the dark.

Therefore, the royal family and nobles put aside their prejudices and joined hands to prepare for the crisis.

Although the seven nobles of Lingshan often fight constantly, they will stand firmly together when facing foreign enemies.

In the consciousness of the royal family, the flash is the flash of their royal family, not the flash of the cats and dogs.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the pressure on Prime Minister Madolins has not eased, but has become heavier.


The Great Demon Temple in Akadrien

Prime Minister Madolins lowered his head and walked slowly inside the magnificent Demon Temple

Although the footsteps are very light, but in this silent place, every step taken makes people think that the footsteps are as heavy as a drum.

Great Demon Temple

The most sacred place in the minds of the Semites

This is a palace complex with a history of two thousand years. The halls are solemn, the pavilions are magnificent, the halls are beautiful, the pavilions are exquisite...

Every place is filled with countless craftsmen of the Semitic, who have been carefully built by the whole country

It only took four hundred years to build it back and forth

It took seven large-scale expansions and refurbishments to form today’s scale

The current Great Demon Temple occupies the original palace, so its scale has increased

This is where the necromancer, the dark wizard, is led by the necromancer

Despite being here many times, Madolins is still very uncomfortable with the environment here

The gloomy, deserted, bare courtyard, the empty hall, and the closed doors all around, full of old and rotten smells

If it is not necessary, Madolins always try to avoid being here

But at this moment, the tense situation forced him to come over

Madolins followed a dark mage around a few bends in the dark corridor, and did not know how long he walked, and finally came to a hall in the center.

The Dark Mage stopped at the door and motioned for the Prime Minister to go in by himself

Madorinston gave it a moment, then pulled the collar, looked down to see if there were any messy clothes on her body, and then slowly walked into the hall.

The light from the gate shining through everything in the hall was hazy, and the prime minister walked into the depths of the room along a faintly discernible road

A little spark suddenly lit up in the darkness, lit a lamp, followed by the lights on the four walls, illuminating the room

A man covered in a black robe sat at the desk with his face buried in the shadow of his hood. Behind him was a bookshelf that reached the dome, full of books.

Madolins bowed slightly and said: "Master Cameron, hello"

Just like the supreme ruler of the Semitic is the undead high priest, Cameron is the overlord of the current Shining government

Cameron sitting behind the desk didn’t seem to hear Madolins at all, but continued to bury his head in the documents on the desk.

Madolins grinned secretly, this hand deliberately neglected his tricks, he did not do anything but now, but now, it is unhappy with the retribution, fulfilled on his own body

However, he did not dare to speak out, so he stood quietly and solemnly.

After a while, Cameron slowly raised his head, looked at the Prime Minister of the Semitic, snorted coldly, and said displeasedly: "Madolins, you let me down."

Prime Minister Madolins was suddenly nervous and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, master"

Cameron stood up, walked slowly to the Prime Minister, and said: "The chaos in front of us has affected the preparation work, and the teacher is very dissatisfied with it."

Madolins said anxiously: "Master, listen to my explanation, this is really not what I meant to me..."

Cameron waved his hand and said, "Aren't you here just to explain?"

Madolins stopped for a moment, looked at Cameron's impatient appearance, and sighed in his heart, knowing that in the eyes of the other party, this incident was entirely his own responsibility, the so-called explanation, but it was just to cover up his incompetence.

Moreover, if you insist on continuing to argue, it will only make the other party unhappy.

Therefore, he had to swallow a mouthful, then slowly lowered his head and said, "Yes, Master."

Then he said: "The solution...the solution, I have already thought of it, but..."

"Huh?" Cameron snorted, "But what?"

Madolins said cautiously: "However, I implore the high priest to come forward in person."

Cameron waved his hand impatiently and said, "Teacher, he is very busy."

"But" Madolins pressed his knees with his hands restlessly, and said, "Only the high priest can stabilize the current situation."

Lich Cameron was taken aback

Madolins saw the opportunity and continued to add fire, and said: "If the trouble continues, the government will be paralyzed. Now the local government has begun to be disobedient."

Cameron sneered and said fiercely: "They dare~

It’s a big deal, I’ll send some people to serve as a prison guard.”

Madolins was taken aback and hurriedly waved his hand: " least not yet."

Cameron snorted

He walked a few steps back and forth in the room, and finally waved his hand reluctantly: "Forget it, follow me."

Madolins was overjoyed and nodded again and again: "It's an adult"

Cameron led Madolins through the silent palace and went straight to a small courtyard behind the main hall

There are no high-walled buildings and no beautiful scenery here. Compared with the surrounding palaces, it looks like a place where low-class servants live.

In the small courtyard, there is only one ordinary small house with stone walls and wooden roof, and the structure is very simple

However, the small courtyard was clean and spotlessly cleaned

No one can think of it, this is the residence of the famous undead high priest

Known as a strong man who chases close to the gods under the stars, he actually lives in such a hut

When he came to the door, Cameron turned his head and gave an order to Prime Minister Madolins, saying: "You are waiting here."

Leave Madolins waiting outside the courtyard and walk into the courtyard by himself

He had just walked to the door, when the door of the cabin suddenly opened, and a man in black dressed exactly like Cameron came out of it.

He nodded to Cameron and said in a dry voice: "Hello"

Cameron politely replied, "Master Edwood, are you discussing the problem with the teacher again?"

Edwood snorted triumphantly and said, "I'll ask the high priest a few questions."

After all, wave your hand and walk away

Cameron glanced back at Edwood, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, then turned and walked into the cabin.

Madolins stood respectfully outside the courtyard, ten minutes later, there was no movement in the cabin, and he could not help secretly anxious.

In terms of political background, ruling team, ruling ability and experience, the government of Prime Minister Madolins is much worse than the government dominated by royal nobles

In this crisis, he immediately became frantic, and Madolins was struggling to cope with the double-teams of the nobility.

If he can't move out of the undead high priest's rescue field, he, the prime minister, will not be long before he will have to bow down because of the Caribbean incident and become the prime minister with the shortest term in Semitic history.

After another quarter of an hour, when Madolins began to despair, the door of the hut slowly opened, and the undead high priest in a gray robe came out of it.

Cameron followed closely behind the high priest

Madolins hurriedly lowered his head and waited for the high priest's inquiry.

But the high priest did not speak, but walked past him

Madolins couldn't help but wonder what's going on? Isn't the high priest willing to take care of this matter?

He immediately felt despair in his heart: It seems that he can only step down...

At this moment, I heard the voice of the high priest: "Call them all to the temple"

Madolins bowed in surprise and said loudly: "Yes~"

Soon, the royal nobles, including Janes, were ordered to go to the Great Demon Temple, and the Undead High Priest invited

The nobles also hurriedly threw down their work and rushed to the great temple in the city as quickly as possible.

A dozen people gathered in the cold hall in the past

The undead high priest stands in the middle, and Cameron stands solemnly behind the high priest

On the left hand side of the high priest are the parents of several royal patriarchs

There is only the Prime Minister on the right

The nobles were respectful when facing the high priest, turning their heads to look at Madolins but glaring

Seeing that everyone was almost there, the high priest slowly said, "I heard that there has been a conflict in your case. Now, talk about your opinions and I will uphold justice for you."

The nobles first spoke about the attempted assassination incident in the Caribbean, and at the same time named the identity of the person involved, and the fourth division’s unauthorized resignation.

Madolins insisted that this matter had nothing to do with him. He neither knew nor directed

It is his former guard who is suspected of being the mastermind. Madolins has sent someone to capture this man, and a public trial will be held when he is caught.

Janes snorted coldly. This method is what they left behind. He immediately mocked: "The mastermind in your mouth, Higgy, Haringer, don't you have committed suicide in fear of sin?"

Even if he could catch the Higgy, Harlinger would take all the responsibilities on his own, hoping that this would not hurt Prime Minister Madolins.

The undead high priest looked at Madolins dissatisfiedly. He had lived for two thousand years. He had seen enough of the struggle for power in the world. What was going on here, the high priest didn’t have to think about it.

The high priest didn’t hate Madolins. He also didn’t like the Semitic nobles, but he had to rely on them.

The high priest was dissatisfied that Madolins had failed and failed.

But now is a critical period. Although Madolins is not good enough, he is not better than him. Putting power in the hands of nobles will only disrupt his plan.

Madolins was frightened by this look, all in a cold sweat, lowered his head and dared not say

The high priest was silent for a moment and said: "Suspect cannot be a reason for conviction. I support the handling of the guilty person, provided that there is evidence to prove his guilt."

What this sentence says is quite satisfactory, which is the consistent neutral style of the high priest

But everyone present knew in their hearts that this was actually in favor of Prime Minister Madolins.

This kind of thing, it is impossible to get real evidence

Madolins's hanging heart finally fell to the bottom, it seems that the high priest still supports him

Although Janes and the nobles are reluctant in their hearts, the high priest’s statement is justified and valid.

They can't give reasons for objection

Madolins glanced at the other side with triumphant eyes. Janes was also sneering at him, and suddenly said loudly: "There is one more thing that needs to be explained by the Prime Minister."

Madolins calmly said: "Your Excellency, just speak up."

Janes smiled triumphantly and said: "According to the confession of the assassins we caught, they are related to the four murders of Akadelin."

"Assassin?" Madolins frowned, questioningly said: "Did the Caribbean report that no livelihood was caught?"

Janes said slowly: "There are a few injured, and they rescued them and confessed something very interesting."

The high priest glared at Madolins and said solemnly: "Just tell me, I will be the master for you"

Janes said: "The leader of the assassin was named Fritz. He was a professional assassin. According to his account, he was directly related to the deaths of two officers and two citizens in Akaderin. Moreover, he was People instruct to hire..."

The high priest said directly: "According to the results of the trial, we will arrest people directly, no matter who it is will never tolerate."

"The person who instructed him was the Minister of Military Order, Fair, and the Minister of Intelligence, Heberman" Janes said, staring directly at Madolins.

These two men are prime minister Madolins’ right-hand man and powerful thug

The high priest said coldly: "Is the evidence conclusive?"

Janes nodded and said, "According to their confession, we have found the murder weapon and the evidence is conclusive."

The high priest glanced at Madolins

Madolins did not panic, saying: "The Minister of Military Order Fair and the Minister of Intelligence Heberman, I have ordered them to be arrested because of the huge amount of corruption and official sales."

"What~" Janes and the nobles yelled in surprise, and then looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that he was tricked by this old fox, and he had known that the nobles had control of Fair.

Some of them became traitors or got into the undercover of the enemy

For the first time, the high priest showed his approving eyes and nodded and said: "You have done a good job. Our Semites want to rule the country according to law and will never tolerate criminals."

Madolins bowed to the high priest, looked at Janes and the others, and said: "You submit evidence, and I can handle the case together. If they are proved guilty, I will sentence them to death according to law."

Janez jumped up angrily, about to yell at this hypocritical old thing

An old nobleman next to him stretched his hand to hold him, shook his head at him, and then said loudly, "We are very satisfied with the Prime Minister's handling of this."

Janes got angry, UU read www. uukā sat down with his hands on his chest, pursing his mouth and staring at the Prime Minister coldly

The high priest said: "This is very good, things can only be resolved after opening

All of you are the pillars of my Semitic. The enemy is now, so remember to unite sincerely."

After speaking, the undead high priest turned and left directly, Cameron followed him without a word

After their master and apprentice left, Janes stood up and pointed at Madolins and said, "Okay, very good, very good, let's see."

Shake his hand and walked straight out of the hall

The nobles didn’t even look at Madolins, stood up and left. The old noble who spoke just now caught up with Janes and said, “Since he invited the high priest, this is the best result. Took his two hands"

Janes snorted angrily

"That's fine," the old nobleman's eyes flashed, and said: "Dispel young people's illusions and let everyone see who is on the Semitic side."

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