Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1254: Justified

The high priest walked out of the hall slowly, Cameron hung his head and followed him closely.

Silent all the way.

In front of the small courtyard, the high priest suddenly stopped, looked up at the blue sky, and said quietly, "Cameron. My apprentice."

"Yes, teacher." Cameron hurriedly responded.

The high priest said slowly: "This matter... you did it wrong."

"Teacher." Cameron was taken aback, and his heart suddenly became nervous.

He explained in a hurry, "I..."

The high priest raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and said softly, "It's too urgent, Cameron, you're too urgent."

Cameron took a deep breath, pressed patiently nervously, and then said in a deep voice: "Teacher, your aspirations are great, and what you plan is my eternal life.

Seeing that victory is about to come, they must not be blocked by their selfish, short-sighted nobles. "

The high priest shook his head and said, "Cameron, you are wrong. But you are also a little right."

He turned around, looked into the eyes of his most beloved disciple, and said: "We are immortals and have unlimited lives.

Therefore, we can be slower and steady.

For the survival of our immortal spells, I can wait for a thousand years, but wait another three or five years.


The Lich Cameron's eyes flickered a few times, and finally lowered his head slowly, and said respectfully: "Yes."

"You have been in the world for too long, and human thinking has affected you." The high priest knew that he was unwilling, but he didn't care, but continued to say indifferently: "This is my fault, I shouldn't let you do it. These things."

Cameron hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, this is my voluntary."

The high priest turned to look at him and said, "I accept you as an apprentice because you have a talent for undead spells, not because you understand politics...

The sinister heart. It is more terrifying than the most evil dark spell. "

Having said that, he paused for a while, looking into the distance, as if thinking of something far away.

After a while, he reacted, then smiled a little bitterly, shook his head, and continued: "We have endless lives. As we wait, this is our greatest advantage.

Even if this expedition fails again, what does it matter?

We can save another thousand years~! "

Lich Cameron looked at the high priest in surprise. He didn't expect that the high priest didn't seem to care much about what was about to start.

The high priest said: "For us immortals, the greatest weapon is not a peerless forbidden curse, nor is it an ultimate curse, but...time~!

Time, this is the most powerful force in the universe.

The vicissitudes of life, the stars change.

No matter what. In the face of time, all are extremely small.

Although we claim to be immortal. But in the face of time, it is not always immortal. "

"The immortal is not always immortal." Cameron couldn't help but frightened.

As the heir to the high priest, he has also been studying the issue of immortality, faintly, doubting his'immortality' in his heart, but out of his inner fear, he did not dare to think about it.

At this time, I heard the introduction of the high priest. Confirmed the idea in his mind. Not only was he unhappy, but he was more afraid of the fear of death.

The high priest found that he seemed to scare him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It seems to be a kid who successfully made a prank.

"But..." He changed his tone, then continued: "However, it's like eternal time relative to our undead. Compared to ordinary mortals, we are eternal existence.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about competing with them. Time is on our side.

If you fail, accumulate your strength and do it again. If you fail again, accumulate your strength and come back again. No big deal.


But as long as we can succeed once, necromantic spells will rule the entire world.

I don't care whether this process is a thousand years, two thousand years, or three thousand years. My goal is to win. And we will definitely win in the end~! "

Cameron suddenly realized that their liches have unlimited life, even if they fight and fail repeatedly?

As long as you stay alive, you can get up again and fight again...

Persevere, there will always be a successful day.

And their enemy only has a ridiculously short life span of decades, no matter how amazing a person is, he will eventually be unable to stop the magic of the years.

Are the Three Saints of a thousand years ago powerful?

It's very powerful.

When the three people join forces, even the undead high priest must retreat.

In the end, they won the war and drove the undead out of the human continent.

But the result?

A thousand years later, those great powerhouses have all turned into dust, and the shadow of the high priest still hangs over the horizon of the human continent.

Their descendants are all trembling, waiting to meet the second war waged by the same person.

From this point of view, in the face of the endless life span of the Liches, all human victories are only temporary.

There is no one who can compare with the Three Saints on the Holy Light Continent now.

Once the war restarts, who can stop our powerful undead army? Who can stop the footsteps of the undead high priest?

He seemed to see a dense army of undead, covering the earth and covering the entire sky. Turn the day into darkness. Human cities have collapsed one by one and turned into a burning sea of ​​fire...

For a while, Cameron's cold chest seemed to be filled with blood.

He couldn't help but whispered: "My clan~!"

When the undead high priest saw that he was only giving a few pointers, Cameron understood at once, and immediately glanced at him with admiration, and said: "Long live my clan~!"

Then he continued: "So, my dear disciple. Don't use the short life of human beings to look at problems with limited eyesight.

Don't be blinded by the flattery of those mortals, and don't be confused by their politics.

We are an immortal family, so we should focus on a hundred years, a thousand years..."

Cameron bowed to the ground happily and said, "Yes, teacher, I understand."

The high priest nodded and said: "Your mood. I can understand. However, don't act too hastily. Deal with the nobles of the Semites.

They should not be allowed to go crazy, nor can they be forced to rebound.

We immortals have never been qualified politicians and soldiers.

It is impossible to be a city lord, a governor, or an admiral to lead the battle.

Compared with the pursuit of the ultimate mystery of magic, worldly power can only be an obstacle.

We rule the Semites. To rule the world, they must ultimately rely on their mortals. "

After the high priest's suggestion, Cameron was already at ease.

Originally, he had been anxious about the destruction of Lorraine by the high priest, and turned a blind eye to the aristocracy's passive sabotage.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that all of this was in the hands of the high priest.

However, there is a trace of doubt hidden deep in Cameron's heart: although he is full of confidence in the future war.

However, this time their enemies have also changed, and they are no longer just elemental mages and light priests.

In the human continent, a force has emerged. Rapidly growing, changing the world of casters that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

That is the alchemy of the human race~!

That was originally just a small branch of magic. A tiny piece of grass in the magical world.

In the past, everyone would be extremely disdainful when talking about who is a goldsmith, and looked down from a condescending angle of sixty degrees.

But no one thought that it would burst out such a powerful force.

In just a few years, it expanded to a considerable scale.

Many low-level mages who have limited talents, who should have been doing nothing all their lives, have turned to alchemy this kind of sidetrack...Bah, baah. Among the crooked ways.

Those dogs don't do their jobs all day long, they try to develop some weird things.

It's fine if it's just that. However, some of the crystallization of alchemy is very effective.

This caused them to vomit blood from the orthodox magicians who had been immersed in their studies and practiced all day.

Especially the artillery as the most outstanding representative of alchemy.

The power of every blow. Both are equivalent to a full blow of an intermediate mage.

And you can change the attack method at will. Some are used to siege the city, and some are used to kill.

More importantly, the artillery can be fired continuously with only ammunition, and no matter how powerful the mage is, he has to rest after he runs out of mana, and cannot move for several days.

What makes all spellcasters even more depressed is that artillery can be manufactured infinitely, tens of thousands, tens of thousands is not impossible.

However, there are only so many dark wizards above the intermediate level, and there are only more than 20,000 people including the Lich.

Compared with the artillery, the shortcomings of the mage in the war are very obvious.

In Cameron's view, how could human wizards allow man-made such evil weapons to challenge their absolute dominance over power?

It was a suicidal act.

This is absolutely not allowed in the Semitic continent.

At this point, it can be seen that the human elemental wizards have slackened.

But this question Cameron can only be temporarily buried in his heart.

Cameron knew that only if he thoroughly studied the problem himself and put forward his own ideas, the high priest would answer their questions.

The high priest waved his hand and said, "Go back and let the two factions fight on their own. You only need to tap the unbalanced balance at the right time."

Cameron understood the future course of action in his heart, and suddenly felt a lot easier, saying: "Yes, thank you teacher."

The high priest said "um" and walked straight back to his cabin.

It wasn't until the high priest disappeared behind the dark door that Cameron straightened up and turned away.

When the high priest walked into the room, there was already a person sitting at the simple table. Like the Lich, he was wrapped in a black robe and looked mysterious.

The high priest seemed to have known his arrival a long time ago, nodded slightly, and said, "Mr. Hadu, hello."

Hadu, wrapped in a black robe, raised his head and revealed a thin, gray face. He smiled and said: "Humans have been for a long time. They always unconsciously want to sit down when they see a chair. Adapt to this body."

The high priest smiled slightly, and said: "It always takes a period of transition. Mr. has done very well."

Hadu raised his hand and looked at his skinny palm as a bird's claw, and said: "Obviously there is no life, but it can be the same as usual. Undead spells are really exquisite."

The high priest said leisurely: "In fact, necromantic spells originate from people's pursuit of eternal life.

The husband came to me today, not to discuss spells, right? "

Hadu shook his head and said: "I just heard a news that we are having some trouble buried in human nails."

The high priest finally showed a moved expression and said: "What's the matter?"

Hardu spread his hands and said, "It seems that he went to fight Lorraine, but was fooled by Lorraine."

"It's Lorraine again!" The high priest frowned and said, "He seems to be everywhere. Didn't it mean that Lorraine has been expelled successfully?

How could he be defeated by him again? "

Hardu chuckled. Said: "Lorraine set up a game in his own territory, but they jumped in with their own righteousness."

The high priest snorted angrily and said, "Greedy humans."

Hadu sighed and said, "Our nails seem to be unbearable, we are about to start them in advance."

The high priest was stunned for a moment, his face changed slightly, and said: "Stop him, this idiot will disrupt our overall plan."

Hadu shook his head and said: "According to the time the news came, I'm afraid it is already late..."


The sun is shining brightly. Clear sky.

The sun is scorching the earth relentlessly, and the temperature has risen to its limit.

The slate was hot from the sun. A drop of water will be evaporated as soon as it falls.

Except for the noisy noises, everything seems weak. Such a hot noon is not suitable for people to come out for activities.

But there are exceptions.

A long motorcade stopped by the road, forming a defensive circle.

There is a circle of heavily armed samurai around the convoy, holding swords in hand and watching the opposite side cautiously.

Opposite them, only a dozen steps apart. A large group of people grouped the three and three outside of the convoy.

Most of the people surrounding the convoy were civilians, but some samurai with knives and swords wandered among the crowd. Each eye is closely watching the motorcade in the center of the circle.

The windows of a beautiful luxury motorhome are closed tightly, and thick curtains cover the windows, which is extremely abnormal in this season.

At this time, people can't wait to throw the car away and bring in the flowing wind to cool them down. Close the doors and windows tightly will only make the compartment hot like a steamer.

Probably only unmanned cars will do this.

But the curtain behind the window moved suddenly and opened a small slit, one eye looked out through the slit, and then he cursed fiercely, saying: "Asshole~!"

In his sight, a large group of people surrounded him, some holding signs and some waving their arms, yelling at him angrily.

The crowd was standing under the scorching sun, ignoring the hot weather, surrounded the convoy in groups, gnashing their teeth, as if they wanted to rush in at any time.

The samurai of the **** convoy all stood in front, showing their swords, watching them intently.

Although there is a distance and a layer of glass, noisy shouts from the outside can still be heard in the compartment, and all the voices are yelling in unison, "Repay the money~!"

"De Rossi, pay the money~!"

"If you don't pay back the money, you can use Xi'er to repay the debt." (It sounds strange.)


It was Prince De Rossi hiding behind the curtain.

The inside of the carriage was sultry and unbearable. Just staying inside, the sweat would swell out like spring water.

The always chic Young Master De Rossi could only be naked, with large drops of sweat dripping onto the ground cracklingly.

Not to mention the cool off in this place, he can't even get off the car.

It was very disturbing to be blocked by people to force debts, and the sulking air made Son De Rossi's mood even worse, and he wanted to catch a person and give him a severe beating.

Before he left the Maple Leaf Danlin, I heard that he had lost a lot of people in the stock market, and the debtors had caught up with Maple Leaf Danlin.

Don't think he is the only son of the duke's family, but it is only natural to pay debts.

What's more, the creditors who De Rossi borrowed money are not fuel-efficient lamps. Most of them are the nobles of the Kingdom of Leiria, wealthy merchants, big landlords, and even some nobles from neighboring countries.

In order to raise large sums of cash in a short period of time, so as to invest in the stock market to make money with money, Lord De Rossi paid extremely high interest when borrowing money.

After hearing that he had paid nothing, the creditors who were waiting to collect the money at home couldn't sit still.

They were also greedy for high profits and almost threw their wealth in. They didn't have a penny for compensation. They all blistered in a hurry and got angry.

There were also a few older people with high blood lipids that were taken away at that time. Fortunately, those who were not angry to death also suffered from hemiplegia.

The kingdom of Leiria, which was originally peaceful and quiet, suddenly set off a turbulence like an earthquake and a tsunami.

The first thing the creditors thought of was asking Duke De Rossi to pay back the money. Duke De Rossi immediately caught him blind, and immediately ran away with his lover.

There is still a part of the treasury tax in this money, and Young Master De Rossi also knows that it's important, so he hurriedly returned from Fengye Danlin to stabilize the situation and think.

But before he entered the Kingdom of Leiria, he was surrounded by creditors who had been waiting for a long time.

For this reason, Lord De Rossi deliberately did not take the sea route, but took a detour by land.

Unexpectedly, his strategy had no effect at all, and he was caught upright when he arrived in a neighboring country.

A few people walked out of the crowd surrounding the convoy, cautiously came to the middle, and said loudly: "Sir De Rossi, we know you are inside, and everyone has a good relationship on weekdays. Come out and say something."

Lord De Rossi hesitated for a moment, looking at Andre's panicked expression and the pale face of Marquis Gore, he could only sigh helplessly, and said, "I'll go down and take a look."

The Marquis of Gore held onto Young Master De Rossi tightly, and said: "No, we don't have any money to give them, depending on their appearance, it is very possible to do it directly."

De Rossi hated him and said, "If you don't go, they will really do it."

The samurai in the opposite crowd had already stepped out and gathered together to prepare to attack.

"I'll go down and drag them for a while, let's wait until it gets dark." Young Master De Rossi confessed, putting on a dress and walking off the carriage.

Seeing that the long-awaited son De Rossi finally showed up, the creditors who surrounded him breathed a sigh of relief.

A few negotiators bowed to De Rossi and greeted with a flattering smile: "My son, hello."

"Hello there."


De Rossi gave a flat hmm, pretending to be unaware, "Schwarz, what do you mean by surrounding me here?"

The creditor Schwartz smiled on his face, but he cursed with hatred in his secretly said: Your grandson doesn’t know what it means, that’s all, it’s the uncle who owes money now, as long as he can get his capital back I'm a grandson.

Then he said: "Master, we don't mean anything else, it's just that the account between us should be settled."


Prince De Rossi was about to talk, when suddenly a few young people in fashionable clothes popped up beside him, both male and female.

They walked openly through the crowd and went straight to De Rossi and Schwartz.

Just as De Rossi looked at them with puzzled eyes, one of the young ones said: "Hello gentlemen, we are reporters from the "Nyan Economic Observer" magazine. I heard that there is news here, can you interview you? ?"

"We are reporters from the Finance and Economics Department of "Red Maple Leaf"," another man said loudly.

"I am a reporter for the local "Standard Bearer" newspaper."

Young Master De Rossi was shocked suddenly, his teeth snapped with anger, and he cursed in his heart: Lorraine, ~!

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