Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1255: The power of the pen

Seeing that the reporters went straight past the creditors and surrounded themselves, Lord De Rossi felt hated for a while.

Don’t ask, these reporters were sent by Lorraine to find ugly ones for themselves

After staying in Maple Leaf Danlin for a few months, Lord De Rossi has experienced the so-called civilized society and clearly knows what a ‘reporter’ is.

At the beginning, when he heard that the reporter had been made the "Uncrowned King", Lord De Rossi was shocked: Isn't it a kind of mage who has such an awesome title?

Later, after a lot of things, coupled with reading the newspaper every day, I realized that the so-called reporters are just a bunch of pens that take money to work for others.

They run around, doing interviews, editing, and writing articles in newspapers

Although the reporters all advertised very well, they said that the report is fair and objective, with a neutral attitude, based on facts, and based on morality...

It is said that Lord Lorraine, who founded the newspaper and journalist industry, proclaimed the glorious title of the "Untitled King".

And after the reporters wore the halo of this attribute on their heads, they actually regarded themselves as kings, dragging them like two to five to eighty thousand, as if they were a group of white angels.

In a word, apart from the great God of Light, they have the cleanest ass.

But Lord De Rossi is not a fool

He clearly knew that these reporters were actually a group of bird people

As the saying goes, "If you have milk, you are a mother"

No matter how pure the reporters are, there is one thing they can't avoid, that is, they are not gods, and they have to live with their wages.

Whoever gets the salary will naturally have to listen

In fact, they are just a bunch of dog-legged guards who use pens as weapons.

It’s just that their battle is not on the battlefield. Instead, the newspaper creates various public opinions to brush their reputation and attack the other’s reputation, ultimately achieving the goal of destroying the enemy.

What's more, Lord De Rossi had to admit that as a tool of public opinion, the power of the newspaper does not need to be low.

Reporters kill people more efficiently than samurai

He had seen several high-ranking officials in Fengye Danlin. The day before, he was still well-dressed and high-ranking nobles.

But the next day when the newspaper reported some of their scandals, they immediately got disgraced and was cast aside like **** by everyone.

After going out, even the aunt who sells vegetables didn't bother to answer the question. She suffered a lot of psychological and physical oppression. In the end, she could only bring the **** scratches of the reporters and get out of the Maple Leaf Danlin.

Moreover, as a nobleman, he also has reason to believe that after those hot scandals broke out, those high-ranking officials and nobles could no longer gain a foothold in the aristocratic circle of their own country. They could only live in isolation for this whole life.

For a nobleman, there is no more severe punishment than this

The so-called referents are nothing more than that

This shows how powerful these puppies are~

Especially in this era, newspapers are still in the hands of a small number of people, not as Sir Lord Lorraine is familiar with later generations, dozens of hundreds of newspapers are divided into different camps to spray each other, resulting in too many statements and attract readers. I’m confused and don’t know who to trust

Under the current situation, because of the complete asymmetry of information, the boss sees who is not pleasing to the eye, then whoever is the bad guy is pleasing to the eye, then who is the good guy

For example, classmate Saville, who has done so many bad things, and that the taste is so heavy, there are already four hundred and fifty victims, and they have done so for more than ten years.

The results of it?

It was only a year and a half after his death that the news broke

This is claimed to be the most just

And the German Minister of Defense had to lose office because of the plagiarism of his doctoral dissertation, such a small mistake.

Say hello, whether you are good or not

It’s neither good nor good

This is the power of the media

Therefore, when he saw those so-called reporters passing through the crowd, Lord De Rossi knew that he was going to be famous soon, even though he was already famous enough before then.

"Nian'an Economic Observer" magazine, you know that it is Lorraine's subordinate when you hear the name

Fengye Danlin's official newspaper "Red Maple Leaf", is this still necessary?

Must be pro-Lorraine

There is still an unfamiliar local newspaper "Banner Bearer", don’t ask, it’s definitely invited by his creditor

As soon as several newspapers and magazines reported that his debts were not exchanged, the name De Rossi would be stinking.

Not to mention, in order to increase circulation, newspapers and periodicals in other countries will definitely rush to reprint, and at the same time, those penniless puppies will definitely have to add more oil and vinegar, and they may have to pour more dirty water on him.

This time, his son De Rossi just wanted to be stinky for thousands of years.

Moreover, he can't refuse in person

Because once you do that, you refuse to defend yourself

Those puppies will bite like crazy dogs

Just write a sentence in the newspaper: "Attention, when our reporter interviewed Prince De Rossi, he seemed to be stabbed in the painful spot, suddenly became hysterical, and then frantically attacked us as a neutral, impartial, and objective reporter. I don’t know what the reason is."

Then the readers can use their terrible imagination to put various charges on Young Master De Rossi, "madman, rabies patient, alien impersonating, person infected with Hualiu disease..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel anguish in his heart. At this time, Lord De Rossi realized the difficulty of opposing Lorraine.

The blow from Nian is all-round

The more De Rossi thought about it, the more he hated him, and he secretly said: It is estimated that the whereabouts have been leaked, it is also the Lorraine who made a ghost

He has been cautious and careful all the way, not going by sea, and trying to keep silent on the road. There is no family crest on the car, the servants don’t wear livery, and the disguise is the same as ordinary people.

But it was still close to the border and was accurately caught by the creditors

Just when his convoy was crossing the road, the creditors suddenly rushed out from both sides, surrounded the convoy without any bright signs, and then accurately called the name of Lord De Rossi.

In fact, he really didn’t guess wrong. After running thousands of miles, De Rossi put out smoke several times. Only venture capital companies can accurately track his whereabouts.

It was the venture capital company that notified the reporters, and the reporters notified De Rossi’s creditors to wait here

"Lorraine, wait, I'm never ending with you~" Young Master De Rossi scolded bitterly in his heart

When Schwarz heard the reporter's name, he was very excited, and enthusiastically took the hand of a reporter next to him, and said excitedly: "You are reporters, great."

Lord De Rossi watched coldly and cursed in his heart: You old man, act, continue acting, I see what play you can perform today

Lord De Rossi can guarantee that the old-fashioned Schwarz must have never heard of the term reporter before today.

The female reporter of "Nian'an Economic Observer" took the lead and said: "It is our reporter. If you hear about it, come and have a look. Don't worry, we will take a fair and equitable, completely neutral position and objectively report in the magazine. Report today

Gentlemen, why do you block this gentleman here? Did you know that restricting personal freedom is wrong"

Schwartz seemed to cry out with a touch of his arm and his eyes, and said, "Reporter, you have to call the shots for us~

We swear to the God of Light that we have no bad intentions, but have some debt disputes with this Young Master De Rossi, please make it clear."

"Debt dispute?" The female reporter nodded, and said: "Our Economic Observer magazine specializes in reporting financial news. Can you elaborate?"

"This De Rossi, two months ago, he said he was in urgent need. He borrowed a few of us over two million in cash. That is all of us.

We are here to ask for the account." Schwartz said pitifully, "Sir De Rossi, we could have said that you only borrowed for one month, but now it has been more than two months."

De Rossi curled his lips and said, "I..."

The female reporter interrupted him and asked directly: "Is there an IOU?"

Schwartz hurriedly nodded and said: "There are some~"

Speaking of taking out a cloth bag from his arms, the layers of the parcels were layered on top of each other, and Schwartz slowly unwrapped layer by layer, as if the inside would be broken with a little effort.

Finally, an ordinary note was revealed, filled with words, and the female reporter leaned forward and read it out: "Unpacking Trang, Mr. Schwartz has a cash of 400,000 gold coins for a period of one month, with an interest of 10%. , Signature, Willy Bald, Kress"

Young Master De Rossi shrugged gracefully and said, "Kress made the IOU. What's the use of blocking me?"

"That's right," the female reporter said, "It is clearly written on the IOU, and it has nothing to do with Young Master De Rossi."

Schwartz said with a mournful face: "Klers is the steward of Lord De Rossi, and he told me at the time that it is what Lord Lord wants to borrow."

The female reporter said: "Where is this Mr. Kress now?"

De Rossi said casually: "Oh, he resigned to me two months ago and returned to his hometown. I don't know about this IOU. You should have been cheated."

Schwartz's face changed, his face flushed instantly, and he screamed miserably, "My son, we don't know people to talk secretly. Everyone knows that you borrowed the money. Don't do that. I don't want the interest. , Just ask you to return the principal to me"

"All said, I, no, know, Dao~" De Rossi turned his head to ignore them, and said with a contemptuous expression.

In front of hundreds of people, Schwartz suddenly wailed and said: "You can't do this, we have an old relationship. Thousands of people like me are waiting for this money to be paid for their lives. You can't even pay for the tenant farmers. All black"

Sure enough, the listener was moved, the listener was sad, and angrily yelled at De Rossi for being too bad.

Asking my butler to sign the IOU is obviously for black people

The female reporter comforted Schwartz and said, “Don’t worry, four hundred thousand is not a small amount. You can find out who spent it by checking with the money carrier.”

De Rossi was so angry that his nose was crooked, and the reporter was clearly advising them

Four hundred thousand gold coins are not a small amount. It is not easy to transport them to Nian'an over thousands of miles. Once you trace it, you can find out who got the money.

A person next to him suddenly took out a note and said with a sneer: "De Rossi, you can deny that one, you can't deny this one~"

This IOU clearly reads the name of Lord De Rossi and the seal of his family crest

De Rossi glanced at him and nodded helplessly: "Yes, I borrowed this pen, I admit."

"Where to pay the money"

De Rossi spread his hands and said: "I am traveling a long distance, how can I bring cash, it is useless for you to trap me here, I don't go home where I can give you money"

"That won't work," Schwartz shook his head. "Let you go back, maybe you will run away."

Duke De Rossi has already ran away, disappearing without a trace, making the creditors in the Kingdom of Leiria so angry that they want to kill

Young Master De Rossi smiled bitterly: "How can I give you the money if I don't go back?"

Schwartz and several creditors looked at each other and thought of this question too.

A reporter from the financial edition of "Red Maple Leaf" said quietly behind the crowd: "You can send someone back to get it."

"Yeah~" Schwartz slapped his thigh and said; "Prince De Rossi, you can send someone, a guard, and a housekeeper to get it back. We are here waiting for it and we will let you go."

De Rosssonsen threatened: "You are kidnapping aristocrats~

Want to go to the gallows? "

Schwartz took a step back in shock, and looked at the reporter next to him in shock.

The reporter of the "Standard Bearer" chuckled and said: "This is not in Leiria. They can sue officials and see if anyone is in charge."

Everyone immediately became bold and thought: Yes, this is not De Rossi’s territory, so you don’t need to be afraid of him threatening.

In fact, the local nobles of the chief are not in the mood. They wipe the **** for De Rossi as long as he doesn’t die on his own territory.

Obviously these creditors will not kill their debtors, otherwise they will ask who wants the money.

Otherwise, when hundreds of armed men gather together, the officers and soldiers will not show their heads. Other times, they would have sent troops to suppress them.

The female reporter followed up and asked: "Sir De Rossi, are you able to repay this debt?"

"He?" Schwartz glanced at him and cursed: "He paid a fart and borrowed ten million, which means he sold all his territory for nothing."

De Rossi gave Schwartz a contemptuous look, and said: "Don't understand, don't talk nonsense, I just borrow money but I can't turn it around. Soon I will have tens of millions in money in my hands. It is a trivial matter to owe you."

The reporter of "Red Maple Leaf" said gloomily behind his back: "You better hurry up. If other creditors also get news, don't think about it..."

Schwartz and the others were immediately alert. There were only two million. Maybe De Rossi could still afford it. If other creditors came to get the news, they would definitely not get the money.

One person waved his hand, and the warriors from behind huffed around and pointed their swords at De Rossi.

Then the humanity said: "Master, you are offended. If you don't pay the money, we will not be able to live. If we die, we will die together.

For your sake, you should send someone back to raise money as soon as possible. As for you, just feel wronged for a few days and talk to the lower-level people like us."

When the samurai behind De Rossi saw the other master, he did not hesitate to rush up, surrounded De Rossi, guarding behind him, and raised his weapon to threaten the opponent loudly.

The two sides demonstrated to each other a few feet apart

"Go away~"

"Try it, I will kill you"

"Your mother, I will kill you first"

"If you don't pay back the money you owe, you will be offended."

"This little white face is pretty handsome, and it's already very popular to sell ducks in brothels."


The two sides yelled and yelled at each other

And those reporters have already hid under the shade of the trees to watch the excitement.

Lord De Rossi hesitated for a long time. It seems that he cannot escape safely without making a statement today.

Thinking of this, I hate Lorrain more and more, and secretly said: If not for him, he might have ran back to his hometown.

After measuring for a long time, Young Master De Rossi finally shouted, "Don't make any noise~"

The samurai who were facing each other backed away

Young Master De Rossi took a few deep breaths, and said indifferently: "Isn't it two million?

That who, donate"

A well-dressed butler ran out of the convoy and said, "Yes, master"

Prince De Rossi took a ring from his finger, put it into the servant’s hand in front of everyone, and exhorted: "You are the most clever among these people. Hold my seal and go back to the Duke for two million. Come and go back"

At the same time, she squeezed her hand heavily

Fushi took the ring solemnly, bowed and said loudly: "It's the master"

"Take a few together" De Rossi said: "There is a caregiver on the road"

Then looked at Schwartz and them, and said: "So you are satisfied? Now, let yours go away, don't affect my mood, I will be annoyed when I see them"

Seeing that he was going to pay back the money, Schwartz said nonchalantly: "I don't want to, son-in-law, everyone spread out, all dispersed, son-in-law is ready to pay back the money."

The crowd surrounding the De Rossi team suddenly burst into cheers. They are all wage earners under the shopkeeper, waiting for the money to live their lives.

The crowd immediately backed away, far away from De Rossi and the others, looking for a cool place and squatting still surrounding them from all sides

Under the shade of the tree, the reporter of "Red Maple Leaf" quietly pulled the reporter of "Nian's Economic Observer" and whispered: "You said, how can he still get the money?"

The female reporter snorted and snorted: "How could it be possible that the kingdom of Leiria was cleaned up and hoped for a bankrupt poor duke? I think this guy is playing tricks."

The reporter of "Red Maple Leaf" asked in confusion, "You don't care about it?"

"What's my business? I'm here for the interview." The female reporter smiled and said: "After the interview, I should go back and post the article. As for other things, someone will do it."

After the reporters got enough material, they left the scene with their hands. The conditions in this place are difficult and no one wants to stay longer.

In the second half of the night, most people could not bear the power of the Sandman and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Even the watchman can't help but doze off

Suddenly a loud yell sounded in the night sky: "That **** De Rossi ran away~"

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