Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1262: Brilliant story

As soon as I heard that there was money in the box, and all of them were Nian's latest financial instruments, Archbishop Stanislaus immediately became energetic. m

Nian was originally just a barren land. But after Lord Luo's management, it has now become a magical place, a hot spot of gold everywhere.

As long as new things appear there, they will be madly sought after by people.

Therefore, looking at the box, he couldn't bear it for a long time, and he couldn't wait to open it. After listening to De Rossi's invitation, he stepped forward and opened the lid of the box without delay. Then he bent down and looked down at the inside of the box.

King Inholt was also curious, so he couldn't help but leaned forward to see what this small box could be worth millions of.

Everyone looked intently and saw that most of the boxes of white paper were neatly stacked in the boxes.

The paper is smooth and flat, white as snow, and exudes a light fragrance. At first glance, this is the paper produced by Nian'an Feiying Paper, which is not only of high quality. In addition, the paper with special fragrance can prevent insects and be easy to store.

It is the perfect paper for making contracts.

"Is that this?" Stanislaus murmured, greedy light in his eyes.

This is about tens of millions of stocks and bonds, right?

Although the paper is thin, each sheet represents thousands of gold.

Despite being bored all day long in the small place of the Kingdom of Leiria, Archbishop Stanislaus is not ignorant of stocks as a tool to trap money.

On the contrary, Archbishop Stanislaus himself knew very well about financial instruments such as ‘stocks’, ‘futures’ and ‘bonds’.

Vatican has always used the purchased original shares as a benefit and distributed it to the archbishops of the diocese, and Stanislaus certainly has it.

The headquarters of the Holy See, Vatican and Nyan are a strategic partnership, and the relationship between Pope Silmelia and Governor Nyan Lorraine is very good. Vantino shed a lot of cash on the Nian Stock Exchange.

Some of these were purchased with public funds, as well as those purchased by bishops in private.

Because of their close relationship with Governor Lorraine and Chairman Leo, they can always buy original stocks with huge appreciation prospects. So profitable.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one will quarrel about the birth of a son by His Majesty the Pope... well, the adoption of a son.

If we say that before, everyone turned a blind eye to those rumors. Now, they all hate those rumors and express their righteous and strong condemnation.

After everyone had eaten their food, they always voluntarily took the puppies of the Inquisition to patrol the streets. Seeing who dares to spread rumors and cause trouble, he was sent to prison immediately. Defend the glory and purity of the Pope with practical actions.

Even under the encouragement of various red envelope bonuses, a few shameless people who like to flatter themselves have repeatedly sent petitions to the Holy See, urging His Majesty the Pope to establish the Reserve now. The child who was just over a year old was referred to as the next pope.

Although this proposal was severely rejected by His Majesty the Pope, and the few puppies touched the dust of their noses, but this did not prevent everyone from knowing such a thing clearly-those puppies back then All of the red envelopes for the year-end bonus were thick, and each person also issued a Lamborghini luxury carriage.

Let everyone see, all kinds of envy and hatred.

Under such a big environment of "wealth, let's make it together," all the hierarchs naturally understand the benefits of following in the footsteps of His Majesty the Pope and Nian.

Stanislaus is the bishop of the Kingdom of Leiria, although he is not a direct line of His Majesty the Pope. But the distance is not far. Otherwise, it would have been replaced by the Pope. After several political struggles, the Pope has matured a lot. And everyone knows it all. Once a woman is aggressive, it is more terrifying than a lion.

Bishop Stanislaus is also well aware of the inside story of stock manipulation. Vantino has warned them long ago that, except for the original shares designated by the headquarters, whoever goes to the stock market will win or lose.

In the original words of a boss from the headquarters: "We don't stop. Love to death~!"

Archbishop Stanislaus, who knew the language of politics, understood the meaning of Vatican in the first time.

Therefore, Archbishop Stanislaus was very upset when he knew that his mistress had embezzled her own money, loaned De Rossi to stocks, and lost everything.

Back then, De Rossi had also borrowed money from the archbishop. He also promised a 10% high profit, but in the end it was rejected by the sober archbishop.

But he was heartbroken for a long time.

Now that I saw stocks and bonds worth tens of millions in front of me, Archbishop Stanislaus couldn't help regretting in his heart. He secretly said: I knew this kid could make money, so I should borrow him more.

Prince De Rossi admired the changing expressions of King Inholt and Archbishop Stanislaus, showing a triumphant smile.

now. Prince De Rossi feels like a director in control of everything. King Inholt, Prince Prince, and Archbishop are a few stupid third-rate actors who act out the stories he expects according to his script.

Archbishop Stanislaus couldn't help rubbing his hands first, licking his lips to prevent his saliva from flowing out, as if touching the statue of the **** of light, carefully stretched out his hand and squeezed a piece of white paper in the box. I'm afraid that more strength will tear the paper.

Stanislaus held the paper in both hands and held it in front of him, frowned, and asked in confusion: "White paper?"

The archbishop threw away this clean white paper, took another one from the box, and took a closer look.

Why is it still blank? ? ? ?

Archbishop Stanislaus simply took out a pile from the box and turned it over in his hand.

It's all blank... fake~! "Archbishop Stanislaus angrily threw the entire stack of hundreds of white paper back into the box, about to turn around, and questioned Young Master De Rossi.

Suddenly, I heard a soft sound of "stunned" in my ear, and my back felt cold.

Archbishop Stanislaus couldn't help but stunned, then slowly lowered his head, but was surprised to find that a bright point of the sword came out of his chest.

He stared at the tip of the sword blankly, as if he couldn't believe it was true. It wasn't until the pain came that he knew that he was stabbed from behind~! ! !

The intense pain instantly took away the strength of the archbishop, and the archbishop turned his head with difficulty, and saw Young Master De Rossi standing behind him. There was a cold smile on his face.

"You, you, help..." Archbishop Stanislaus opened his mouth, shaking and trying to shout.

A stern expression flashed across Young Master De Rossi's face. Clenching the hilt of the sword and twisting his wrist, the archbishop took a deep breath of pain, grabbed the body of the sword in front of his chest with both hands, and his legs slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing the **** scene, King Inholt jumped up from his chair.

He was frightened and frightened, pointing at De Rossi with a trembling arm, and exclaiming angrily: "You...what are you doing?"

Prince Matthias reacted quickly. He drew his long sword, stepped forward and pointed at Son De Rossi, and sternly shouted: "De Rossi, actually used his sword in front of the king. This is treason, guard, guard, guard~!"

In his shouting. The four personal guards guarding behind the king immediately drew their weapons and rushed up, separating them between King Inholt and De Rossi to prevent him from killing the king.

Lord De Rossi stepped on the fallen Archbishop Stanislaus' back. Lifting his arm forcefully, he pulled out the saber.

The blood spurted out immediately, splashing Young Master De Rossi's face.

But he didn't seem to realize it at all, and slowly wiped the blood from the sword on the white robe of Archbishop Stanislaus.

Finally, he turned and calmly faced the king and the prince, without any expression of excitement after the murder.

"I said, I will settle it within today and give everyone who asks for money an account." Young Master De Rossi took his sword and paced leisurely in front of King Inholt and his guards.

King Inholt stepped back and stood beside his son, with a shocked expression: "De Rossi. Are you crazy? Look at what you just did. You murdered the archbishop and used a box of white Paper deceives your king."

De Rossi bowed slightly to the king and smiled gracefully: "Your Majesty, this is my confession, I will kill the creditor. Isn't no one asking me for debt?

How about, is this a genius? "

Because the King Holt was trembling with anger, not long ago, he thought De Rossi was a shrewd figure, and he admired it. But I didn't expect De Rossi to be so shrewd to be so perverted.

He pointed to De Rossi's face and sternly shouted: "You frantic puppies, I wanted to keep you a dog.

It seems that it is not needed anymore. Guards, take him down and kill him if he resists. "

Amidst his shrill shouts, the four great masters screamed in a low voice, stepped forward to surround the De Rossi and his sons, straightening their weapons and preparing to attack.

Prince Matthias couldn't help but grinned.

The De Rossi father and son are seeking their own death. Just now, he was worried about where this kid really turned out millions and eliminated his sin.

Now it seems that worrying is superfluous. An idiot is an idiot. At this point, he still dares to kill and resist.

Matthias can finally kill the annoying Young Master De Rossi.

He knows clearly: De Rossi's swordsmanship is not high. Under the siege of four masters, he would only be a dead end.

He opened his eyes wide and looked expectantly at the scene where De Rossi was divided by the sword.

What made him strange was that Young Master De Rossi stood upright with the sword, not in a hurry. There was a terrible sneer on his face.

He couldn't help but stunned. At this moment, the door of the room suddenly made a loud "bang", and the heavy wooden planks were broken into hundreds of pieces, shooting into the house like raindrops.

The sudden change made the guards hesitate: According to the script's requirements, this should be because the guards waiting outside heard the news and killed them.

"But they don't need to smash the door, right?" A question arose in someone's heart.

Out of instinct, everyone turned around and looked around.

In the next moment, four strange black figures walked slowly from outside the gate.

Prince Matthias looked at them in surprise and blurted out: "Who are you? Where is the Guard? Where is my Guard?"

One of the black-robed people said casually: "Which humans do you mean? They turned into blue smoke and disappeared."

After all, the people in black laughed.

Lord De Rossi raised the sword a little bit of the Inholt Kingdom and the Crown Prince, and smiled and said, "Then, it will be your turn next."

The Guards did not appear, but four mysterious people appeared. Because the Holt Kingdom couldn't help but startled, a terrible thought suddenly popped up in his heart: *, is it hard for Rossi to rebel? ~! !

He forced himself to calm down. Said: "You...Who are you?"

The black-robed man ignored King Inholt, walked to the archbishop's corpse, raised his toes and turned the protagonist's corpse over.

Archbishop Stanislaus did not squint, his eyes were hollow. His chest was stained with blood.

The black-robed man patted Young Master De Rossi on the shoulder, and applauded: "Good job."

Young Master De Rossi leaned slightly to greet him, and said, "I handed in my certificate, and now it's up to you to fulfill your promise."

"Don't worry," the black robe man said with a loose sleeve, "The promise of the immortal is more important than life."

"Eternal... immortal?" King Inholt's eyes widened in horror.

He looked at the man in black and trembled: "You... are you Necromancers? Kill them. Kill them for me. Guards, where are the guards dead~!"

The four Ouchi guards looked at each other, and at the same time they danced their swords to stab the four Necromancers, making quick moves and cooperating with each other.

The Necromancer stood motionless, watching the sharp sword thrust into his body with mocking eyes.

The feeling of piercing came, and the four Ouchi guards were happy, and the secret path succeeded.

The mages are more powerful remotely. Once they were close to the body, they were soft-footed shrimps. The four necromancers seemed to listen to them, but they had no combat experience.

But what frightened them was that the pierced necromancer had no expression on his face. It seemed that it was not them who had been pierced.

The guards drew out the long swords in panic, gritted their teeth and plunged into the body of Heikeren. Then pull and **** again.

But what made them desperate was that the necromancer didn't seem to feel anything and didn't fall down at all, and there was a mocking look in his eyes, like watching a naughty child fighting an adult.

The leading necromancer screamed, then raised his hand and grabbed the guard who kept stabbing him.

The guard felt a suction coming and pulled him into the hand of the necromancer.

The guard struggled back with all his strength. His face was so powerful that he was pale, but he was still drawn into the Necromancer inch by inch.

"No, no, save me, come and save me." The guard shouted sternly, but the others were overwhelmed at this time.

The king turned pale and kept backing away. Until it is posted on the wall.

The prince prince was stunned, and stood there, staring blankly at what was happening in front of him.

The Necromancer's grin looked at the guard, his five fingers spread, and his fingers hooked inward.

"Ah..." The attendant screamed and slammed his head into the hands of the Necromancer.

The Necromancer held the guard's front door with his hand and raised his arm to lift the strong guard in the air.

The guard struggled frantically, clasping the necromancer's wrist with his hands, and his legs swaying in the air like a sprint.

His body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a deflated ball.

In just a few seconds, the guard's hands and feet dropped weakly, and his limbs were only black and skinny.

The Necromancer threw the dead attendant on the ground, closed his eyes and took a comfortable deep breath, muttering: "The power of life, praise the darkness."

The body of the guard on the ground had turned into a mummy-like mummy, his mouth opened to an incredible width, and his eyes were left with empty eye sockets, looking terrible.

Duke De Rossi sat on the ground in shock, and even the brave Prince De Rossi couldn't help but pull the collar.

The original yellow and shriveled skin of the Necromancer suddenly glowed. He shook his shoulders and said in a contemptuous tone: "Don't confuse us with the humble wizard. We are the true immortals, the noble lich."

"Lich~!" King Holt cried out in panic.

They all knew how terrible the Lich was. It was not long after the destruction of Ai Ting Island by the Lich, and the whole world of Lorraine hunting and killing the Lich also caused a sensation in the world.

Humans are full of fear for the lich who can slaughter a city by one person.

The prince Matthias suddenly woke up at this moment, and the situation began to turn against him. The prince opened his eyes and stared at De Rossi angrily, cursing: "You are in collusion with the undead, you are a mean and mean You will become a public enemy of the mainland, and you will die without a corpse."

In the end, the four guards were all sucked into corpses by the Lich, and the Lich surrounded Young Master De Rossi.

Lord De Rossi held his head up. With a victorious gesture, he said: "You are too worried, my dear brother. No one will know."

Matthias snorted and said: "You can't hide from the people."

De Rossi gave a joking smile. Said: "I will tell a tragic story. The protagonist of the story is your eldest brother, Prince Matthias.

In the first half of the story, the prince was always dissatisfied with his princess and wanted to marry Miss Sophie. Of course, the uncle would not agree, that woman is fine. Just because your background is too low, you can just play around, don’t be so serious. "

Prince Matthias didn't know what Moral Lord Rossi was going to do, crossed the sword on his chest, and said nervously, "How do you know?"

De Rossi sneered and said: "The whole country knows that, and then one day, for example today. The accumulated contradictions broke out.

Crown Prince, my dear brother insisted on marrying Miss Sophie, and had a fierce quarrel with the uncle. Then where..."

Prince De Rossi pointed to the prince and the king. He smacked his lips and said regretfully: "The prince eldest brother, you have lost your mind. If you blatantly killed the uncle, you just used the sword in your hand. You didn't throw it away."

Prince Matthias threw the sword in his hand hastily.

Young Master De Rossi shrugged and said: "You killed the archbishop who persuaded you again. When you wake up, your eldest brother is in grief, and you finally drew your sword and committed suicide, that's it."

Young Master De Rossi spread his hands and said, "Do you think this story I created is wonderful?"

King Inholt gritted his teeth, looking crazy, and said viciously: "You won't succeed~!"

The king suddenly pushed the prince in front of him, watching him rush towards De Rossi, and he took a step forward. Wanting to escape from the window, at the same time shouting loudly: "Help, come and escort, escort~!"

The Lich raised his arm to separate the King Inholt and the Crown Prince, and a spell accurately hit them.

The two fell to the ground one after another, lying motionless on the ground, only their eyes could move flexibly.

Prince De Rossi stepped forward, picked up the long sword thrown by the prince, and dragged it on the ground slowly towards the prince.

Seeing the spiteful and hateful eyes of the crown prince, Prince De Rossi smiled and raised his sword, and said: "Actually, I have always hated you, and I know you have always hated me, but in the end, I am the winner."

With his arms pressed down hard, the long sword pierced into the crown prince’s heart. Prince De Rossi was uneasy and twisted it. He watched the crown prince slowly lose its spirit and became hollow and empty. Draw out the long sword.

Spouting blood splashed on his face and body.

Then De Rossi walked to King Inholt and knelt down and looked into the King's eyes.

The king shook his head slightly and his eyes were weak, begging De Rossi not to move his hands.

De Rossi sighed and said, "You can go with ease, Leiria will carry forward in my hands, and I will be the overlord of the new world."

Lifting the long sword and stabbing several swords on King Inholt, he watched the king take his last breath.

De Rossi took a strong breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Just looking at Inholt's eyes, De Rossi almost wanted to escape.

"Hahahaha~!" Duke De Rossi's laughter came from behind him.

Duke De Rossi walked up quickly, patted his son's shoulder approvingly, and said, "Good job~!"

Then I can’t wait to pick up the crown that was rolling on the, wiped the dust on it, held it on his head with both hands high, posing like King Inholt’s usual hand on his hips, happy. To his son: "How do I look? This country is ours now."

Prince De Rossi smiled and nodded, and said, "Father, you look like a king. Oh, by the way, I haven't finished the story I just started."

Duke De Rossi was turning around to see if his clothes were worthy of the crown, and said casually: "What else?"

Prince De Rossi smiled and raised his sword at the Duke, pushed the hilt hard, and stabbed his father's chest without mercy, saying: "You also died in the accident."

The Duke grew up looking at his son in disbelief. He never dreamed that his precious son would kill him himself.

Lord De Rossi released the hilt of his sword, took off the crown from his father's head, and let the Duke fall to the ground.

He looked at the crown in his hand, and De Rossi threw it on the ground, muttering, "It's not good enough for me." RQ

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