Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1263: Good luck

The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and the rustling rain rang into one piece, isolating all nearby sounds. From a distance, all the scenery is hazy, like a thick layer of glass.

There was no figure in the noisy street at this time, and it was already silent.

However, a carriage slowly drove over from the city gate and drove **** the muddy streets.

Although the horse is nailed with iron palms, it still slips from time to time while walking on the street that has been in disrepair. It can only be staggered forward.

At this time, the carriage also swayed, and the passengers sitting in the carriage were suffering.

The male reporter of Fengye Danlin's "Red Maple Leaf" and the female reporter of Nyan's "Economic Observer" had to hold onto the car window tightly to avoid hitting the car. Then he hurriedly retracted his body to avoid the rain that seeped in from the cracks in the carriage.

However, due to the poor condition of the car, more and more rainwater seeped in, which gradually wetted the clothes of the two people.

If it weren't for the last trace of sanity, the female reporter could hardly resist going outside to shelter from the rain.

"This **** weather and roads are back to the capital city." The female reporter brushed the rain from her clothes vigorously, looked at her wet shoulder, and couldn't help complaining: "These guys can't repair the streets. Is it better?"

Although she couldn't help complaining, the male reporter next to her was secretly thanking the great God of Light.

The pup had been peeking at the female reporter's chest wet by the rain. Through the thin layer of clothes, one could clearly see the white and pink fleshy color below.

So that he can fully appreciate the beauty of the beauty of the mountains and mountains on the chest of the beautiful reporter.

The female reporter looked out the window without paying attention to the satyr beside her. She waited for a while and found that the other party still did not answer. She felt a little strange and said, "Hey, what did I say. Did you hear that?"

While speaking, he turned his head.

The male reporter couldn't help but turned his eyes away, and he happened to meet the female reporter's eyes.

Looking at the beautiful and bright eyes of the other party, he couldn't help coughing a few times, and then he concealed himself, then smiled and said: "This is neither the Maple Leaf Danlin nor the sister-in-law Nian you are familiar with. Take it up. Such a small place is like this. The conditions are difficult and the transportation is inconvenient.

By the way, do you know how much it costs to build a road? "

The female reporter shook her head honestly, her plump chest also jumped playfully, pouting her small mouth and guessing: "Probably not much. In our Nian'an, the road hardening project will be completed soon."

The male reporter smiled and shook his head, and said, "At least hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

For a small country like Leiria, one poor and two poor, the money must be spent on the army. It is more useful to use money to build roads than to use money to expand the army and scare the people.

Not to mention the worse the road. The better for them. "


The male reporter laughed and said: "The road is bad, and the traffic ability is also poor. It is naturally not so convenient for the troops of other countries to fight over.

"Uh..." The female reporter was stunned for a moment, then laughed blankly, shook her head, and said, "This is true."

"If you walk a lot on the mainland, you will know that this is actually the normal state of the mainland." The male reporter said with a smile: "On the contrary, Nian, who is familiar with the younger sister, is a unique exception. Local rules and younger sisters Nian's rules are quite different.

Not everyone is as enlightened as Lord Lorraine.

Scarlet Dragon Cavalry, this is not something anyone can be anybody.

Behind this brilliant name. There are not only martial arts that are difficult for others to match, but also a far-sighted vision, care for the people, and noble morality. "

The female reporter was silent for a moment, probably thinking of her experience on the mainland along the way. Can't help feeling that the male reporter's words are correct.

They didn't know that Lord Luo Jue made great efforts to build roads only because of a slogan in his time: "If you want to be rich, build roads first. Give birth to more children and trees."

And because the road construction is all contracted by various engineering teams under the Flying Eagle Company. Therefore, regardless of the slogan ‘If you want to get rich, build roads first’, it’s right or wrong to the common people. But for Sir Alex Ferguson, the pockets of his old man were really bulging.

Although Sir Alex Ferguson didn't make any ghosts here because he was building roads for himself, the popular phrase ‘Golden Bridge and Silver Road Grass Building’ in the construction industry is not for nothing.

And thanks to Sir Alex Ferguson’s technological knowledge beyond the times, even if it’s just casually repaired, the quality of the road is completely sufficient. After all, the biggest load-carrying tool in this era is just a carriage, not strong enough to run. At the point of a heavy coal-pulling truck with a load of 100 tons.

The two were silent for a while. The female reporter suddenly thought of something, and then asked, "Brother, the subject of our interview...reliable?"

"Oh, he," the male reporter patted the car door and laughed and introduced: "He is also our alumni. He is a graduate of Fengye Danlin, one term lower than me. He has a good relationship in school. It is said that he has a good mix in China. ."

Having said that, he thought of something, he was stunned for a while, and then he let out a sigh: That guy was not as good as his own at the beginning, and he was not as strong as himself in fights, and he was not as handsome as he was long. When I was in the academy, I was completely a receiver.

But after leaving the academy, I spent so many years working on myself, and now I am a journalist, just enough for food and clothing.

But because of having a good father, that guy entered the government of the kingdom all at once. After so many years, it is now full of turmoil, very proud.

The encounters between people are really incomparable~!

The so-called good luck tricks people, but so.

He couldn't help but laughed at himself. After a while, the female reporter next to him showed a look of concern, and then he came back to his senses. Continued: "This time the mission out of Leiria, I have this relationship and the editor-in-chief agreed to come.

In the future, you should also pay attention to our alumni all over the world, this is a precious resource. It can be very useful at critical moments. "

The female reporter was humbly taught and nodded again and again, saying, "Thank you, brother, for your guidance."

"But for you, you don't actually need to care too much." The male reporter suddenly remembered something and said: "Your Feiying Group's power is also all over the mainland, so it is much more convenient to use than alumni.

At least you don’t have to worry about accommodation and finding someone. "

The female reporter of The Economic Observer only relies on one press card. The Leiria office of the Flying Eagle Group immediately arranged food and lodging, helped deliver letters and contact local people, saving a lot of trouble.

This kind of treatment makes the reporters of "Red Maple Leaf" very greedy. When they go out to run the news, their eyes are darkened, they are unfamiliar with their lives, and they suffer from hardship.

Sometimes I am unfamiliar with the terrain and even sleep in the wilderness, mostly when I run for a month or two without getting anything.

It's like a news organization of Nian's department. The local branch of the Feiying Group directly serves as a local snake.

No wonder some people say that the branches of the Flying Eagle Group are actually intelligence agencies, and their tentacles are too wide.

The horse-drawn carriage drove into a forest, and walked along the forest road to a courtyard gate.

The coachman shouted outside: "Sir, we are here."

Two people pushed the car door and jumped out, and thousands knocked on the door.

Soon a servant in livery opened the door and said respectfully: "Hello sir, our master is not at home."

The reporter of "Red Maple Leaf" laughed and said, "We have made an appointment, and we will say that the deceased of Fengye Danlin Twelve House is visiting."

When I heard it was from Fengye Danlin, the servant did not dare to neglect. Said: "Please wait a moment."

Turn around and report to the inside.

After a few minutes, the door creaked open. The servant pointed to the house behind and said, "Master, please come in."

Two people walked into the courtyard quickly under the rain, and a man in his thirties walked up to greet him quickly and exclaimed: "Brother Ernst, why are you here?"

He stepped forward and hugged the note of "Red Maple Leaf" and patted it, and the joy was beyond words.

Ernst reporter said: "Although it is a public faction, but taking advantage of the opportunity. Just come to see you."

Then she pointed to the female reporter next to her and said, "Julie, the head of Nyan's "Economic Observer" magazine. But Lord Lorraine's capable generals, we are Fengye Danlin's primary school girl."

Pointing to the master again, he introduced to Julie: "Baron Montzenberg, the predecessor of the eighteenth session, was also a man of the year."

Count Montzenberg affectionately grabbed Julie's little hand and kissed it, and smiled: "Welcome, come on, coming to me is like coming home."

Julie also has a hearty personality, immediately smiled generously and said, "Thank you, senior."

Ernst held Count Montzenberg's shoulder intimately, and said, "I said, what's the matter, your servant above actually said that you are not at home."

Count Montzenberg sighed helplessly and said: "No matter who you go to see these days, you can't say you're home.

Recently, the wind has tightened, and we little fish and shrimps have all been scared to hide. "

"Oh," Ernst nodded thoughtfully, and thought for a while: "Is it related to De Rossi and his son?"

Count Montzenberg pursed his lips and said angrily: "This old man has pitted Leiria recently.

Fortunately, I am a poor ghost, and I have no money to lend him, otherwise I have to eat chaffy vegetables now.

I heard that the king is determined to deal with him. No, we have to hide.

There are so many things in the Wang family that we can't afford to participate in it.

Julie clapped her hands excitedly and said: "We are here for this. Is the news confirmed?"

Count Montzenberg was dumbfounded, looking at the active Miss Julie, and said: "You are for De Rossi?"

Ernst explained: "Who told this guy to keep his eyes open and offend Lord Lorraine? We are here to fight the dog."

Count Montzenberg smiled and shook his head, and said: "This time it’s true. That old boy lost more than two million in taxes. We have to drink Northwest Wind for the next six months. The Prince has been connected for a long time. De Rossi and his son were completely defeated."

"What valuable news?" Ernst stepped forward and said quietly.

Count Montzenberg whispered, "Don't you say it was me."

"Don't worry," Ernst patted his chest vigorously, and said affirmatively: "You don't know me, the newspaper will only say that you want to shut down people."

Montzenberg glanced at Julie and saw that she was listening intently with two crystal ears one day, and said: "The news inside the palace is said to be for life to ban De Rossi and his son, and sell their wealth back. Creditors, however, the family property of the De Rossi and his sons has been stolen by the prince and there is nothing left. Although it is said to be'repaying the money'. According to my estimation, it is only a verbal deal at most.

However, it is estimated that the father and son will not be able to live long, maybe they fell ill and died that day. "

This was heavyweight insider information. The surprised Miss Julie covered her mouth, and then hurriedly took down the notes.

Just sending it back to headquarters is enough blockbuster news to be on the cover.

This year's Golden Penholder Award depends on this follow-up report.

"Senior, you can tell me about De Rossi and his son's usual performance, whether they have any anecdotes." Julie moved her **** to be next to Count Montzenberg, and said affectionately.

She was going to dig deeper into the character of De Rossi and his son. Make a final report to explore the mental journey of De Rossi and his son on the evil road.

"This," Count Montzenberg shook his head with a wry smile, "I can't finish talking for three days and three nights. In short, this father and son are not good people..."

At this time, the three people in the room suddenly heard Ruoyoruowu's bell, and looked out the window in surprise.

The servant hurriedly slammed open the door and ran in. As he ran, he shouted: "Master, it is the alarm bell of the palace, the alarm bell."

Count Montzenberg was shocked. Suddenly stood up.

The sound of "Dangdang" floated in from the opened door.

Ernst and Julie said in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Montzenberg grabbed his coat casually and said nervously: "There is an accident in the palace. This is the bell for urgently summoning courtiers. I have to go take a look."

Munzenberg put his coat on him casually, walked to the door in a hurry, and shouted: "Get the car."

Ernst asked suspiciously: "What happened?"

Montzenberg took the cane handed over by the servant, arranged his clothes in the mirror, and said, "Maybe it's a good thing, and De Rossi and his son are dead. The king will announce it.

You have nowhere to go, just now I live here for a few days, let's relive the past. wait me back. "

Seeing Count Montzenberg's carriage leaving the courtyard in the rain, Julie squeezed the notebook and lay on the table and began to write a report, muttering: "This time I finally caught a big news."

A few hours passed, and it was getting late, and the two people waited at Count Montzenberg’s house until dinner time, but Count Montzenberg still did not come back.

This made the two reporters feel unbearable. It was obvious that something big had happened, but they could only sit here and wait for news, which was undoubtedly a torment.

The sky darkened, but there were waves of dense footsteps on the street outside, much like the sound of a military formation passing by.

Ernst was waiting anxiously, pacing back and forth in the room, hearing the sound, his heart jumped suddenly, feeling a little frightened, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

The Ernst reporter couldn't help but walked out of the door, came to the front door and quietly opened a slit to peep out.

In the last dim light of the evening, a group of heavily armed soldiers walked across the street under the rain.

The soldiers moved quickly, walked with their heads buried, silent, and hurrying, revealing a faint smell of unknown.

"What's wrong with brother?" Julie's surprised voice suddenly came from behind, Ernst almost jumped up in shock, hurriedly slammed the door shut.

Turning around to see Julie, Ernst patted his chest and gasped and said: "It's you, who frightened me. There are soldiers on the street. Things don't seem to be right."

Julie opened the door and took a peek again, and said, "Didn't you say you are catching De Rossi and his son?"

Ernst frowned and thought for a moment, and finally shook his head, saying: "Catch De Rossi, you can't use such a big battle, it must be something wrong~!"

Julie was frightened by Ernst's serious expression. She squeezed her hands tightly on her chest and said, "What will happen?"

"For the better, King Leiria is taking precautions," Ernst thought: "For the worst, De Rossi is also willing to be bound, and it is possible to launch a military coup. That would be terrible. ."


She is just a reporter for an economic magazine. She should appear in high-class social occasions such as aristocrats, officials, and entrepreneurs, and listen to them astonishing the situation and discussing the world.

Not a war correspondent who risked his sword.

Julie grabbed Ernst's sleeve tightly, and asked in a panic, "What should we do if we fight?"

Ernst couldn't help it. Munzenberg hasn't come back until now, and his mind is blank. He can only helplessly shook his head and said: "Wait, let's talk about it. It's safe to see the current situation."

The two went back to the room and waited, and soon it was completely dark.

Count Montzenberg’s servant brought dinner at the right time, but neither of them had any appetites, and just took a few bites and went back to the living room to wait.

Gradually, there was the sound of horses hooves from a brigade of cavalry galloping past, and it was unknown that the two of them dared not even go out.

Just as they were at a loss, suddenly a drenched rainman rushed into the living room.

Julie and Ernst looked up and found that this man was the old butler of Montzenberg.

The housekeeper was dripping with water, soaked with expensive carpets, his clothes stuck to his body, his hair was messy, and he looked very embarrassed.

The housekeeper walked over quickly, pulled up the two people sitting on the sofa, and walked outside without any explanation, and said anxiously: "Quick, come with me."

Ernst couldn't figure it out, and asked puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

The butler wiped the rain on his face, and said very quickly: "It's too late to explain, Lord De Rossi has just ascended the throne and became a king."

The shocking news made both of them stupid. That is to say, they will not be as surprised as they are now in the coup de Rossi. It is completely beyond the imagination of the two.

"He, became a king?" Julie muttered without a sense of vision: "How is it possible?"

The butler dragged the two people out of the room and pushed them into a simple carriage parked at the door, saying: "It's too late to explain. The master just ran out to confess to me, and ordered me to send them out of the city immediately. It's too late. I'm afraid you are in danger."

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